
  • Episode 76: 18Jun2024 | End Time Eagle Hour
    Jun 18 2024

    End Time Eagle Hour is back echoing the restoration message, where the Glory of the Lord has been restored. The full Word has been restored and it is an exciting time for people that recognize their day and its message. We are here to wake you up, for you that is supposed to be recognizing your day and its message. It is a story that will live to be told into eternity, supernatural things being fulfilled in our midst, as promised by our Lord Jesus Christ, through our vindicated prophet in our day, Brother William Branham. This is now being made manifest again in our day. How else can End Time Eagle Hour keep this vindicated Word promised in our day to ourselves if the woman at well recognized the supernatural and ran to the city to testify what she had found?

    We are convinced and that is why we are concerned about you. Wake up! See the promised Word that our prophet, Brother William Branham spoke fulfilling. A desperate mother’s cry, spoken prophecies and the fulfillment of these promises in our day. End Time Eagle Hour reaching souls longing to hear what this message of our day is fulfilling since our Prophet spoke these promises before he left the scene. God’s move is alive and is waking up the Bride for rapturing faith. We’ve found God’s way to Canaan land. If the churches don’t go, it won’t hinder the Bride. Praise the Lord, the Bride has found God’s way to Canaan land. She is going all the way! Stay in tune, then run and tell it….

    End Time Eagle Hour Podcast - A podcast made by message believers

    Más Menos
    1 h y 35 m
  • Episode 75: 11Jun2024 | End Time Eagle Hour
    Jun 11 2024

    End Time Eagle hour is back, echoing the message of the Prophet of God for this hour. If you are really convinced what this message brought you, then you will be concerned.

    Convinced means your mind must be changed, your heart must be changed. Are you fully sold out to this message of the hour? Trials, hardships will come. Are you convinced above all these challenges that you can fly above them towards the greater purpose that this message has brought to you? Are you in desperation for Thus Saith The Lord in this day? Could it be passing by you, and you don’t see it? God once again in simplicity, vindicating and proving Himself in this day to a few that have caught it. Are you in expectation of what this message of the hour is supposed to be fulfilling in your day? If you are that predestinated seed, then grab it and run to tell others. Stay in tune……….

    End Time Eagle Hour Podcast - A podcast made by message believers

    Más Menos
    1 h y 44 m
  • Episode 74: 4Jun2024 | End Time Eagle Hour
    Jun 4 2024

    Only Eagles will fly high. The other birds will just disintegrate in the air. Just like Paul testified to the king of that Jesus that he met in a pillar of fire, End Time Eagle hour is here to testify what God is doing now, what God is vindicating now; a new man, a new creation, a new unit, a new thinking, a new beginning that this message has brought.

    Who is on the Lord’s side? You cannot be in the same path with all kinds of people. The children of Israel as they journeyed from Egypt through the Red Sea, they were all family. Moses, Aaron, Miriam were blood family. Miriam mocked Moses for marrying an Ethiopian woman and God told Moses to separate from her. Aaron was among those who built and worshipped the golden calf and God told Moses to separate from them. The Jehovah of the Old Testament is Jesus Christ of the New. God’s Word calls for Total Separation from unbelief. It’s not right for the Bride to mix with unbelievers. They may be blood family but unbelievers; they will take you to hell. God is calling for a Holy Convocation. God is calling for a Holy Bride, a separate people. That Holy Bride is the one that stays with the Word. You continue mixing with unbelievers, you continue compromising, and yet call yourself believer? Are you Lot’s wife? Believers, going back to the worldly nonsense? Stay in tune and fly higher Eagles…….

    End Time Eagle Hour Podcast - A podcast made by message believers

    Más Menos
    2 h y 11 m
  • Episode 73: 28MayJan2024 | End Time Eagle Hour
    May 28 2024

    It’s restoration time. It’s time for the sons and daughters of God to get out of here. If you’re not ready, get ready. If you are ready, get excited. End Time Eagle Hour is doing the Father’s business. What is the Father’s business? Remember there’s no more after the shuck, but the real grain. It’s the Rapture and the Bride coming forth from there, the Seed, the Word made manifest again. The Father's Spirit has come upon the Bride to do the same things that He did. It’s the reproducing again of the Grain! The Wheat is now crying back to the Grain. The Life of Seed in the Bride is now matured and vindicating all the Word prophesied of her in this day. The entirety of the Life producing Itself again on a Bride. That is the Father’s business!

    End Time Eagle hour is about the Father’s business; to vindicate the restoration message of the hour, to vindicate the Seven Seals message, to vindicate the Seven Thunders message, to vindicate the Rapturing Faith message. Open your wings Eagles and fly above every storm! Fly butterfly with the storm to higher heights! Watch the Nines! Stay in tune and fly away…

    End Time Eagle Hour Podcast - A podcast made by message believers

    Más Menos
    2 h
  • Episode 72: 21May2024 | End Time Eagle Hour
    May 21 2024

    The children of Israel were led by the Pillar of Fire. Our Prophet, Brother William Branham, said that the church today is being led by the Holy Spirit. So, the Pillar of Fire that was back then is the Holy Spirit here today. God is speaking but who will let Him work? The Holy Spirit is quickening the Word to the believers, but, to the unbelievers, they walk away from it.

    The first mark of a Christian is honesty. Life can only come from True Christians. It's not quoting the message that makes you a believer. There are different stages in becoming a Christian just like there are different stages in becoming a butterfly. Did you know that the butterfly has nine stages, and the moon has nine stages, too, and so does the church? We are in the hour when the Holy Spirit is teaching His people, the hour the Holy Spirit is directing what He wants His People to have.

    End Time Eagle Hour is echoing back the True Word of God, the Germ Life in this season to impregnate the True predestinated Seed of God. Stay in tune for this great day....

    End Time Eagle Hour Podcast - A podcast made by message believers

    Más Menos
    2 h
  • Episode 71: 14May2024 | End Time Eagle Hour
    May 14 2024

    The devil started in the garden of Eden, eating the faith, eating the fellowship. It became the ugly worm, ugly insect that changed to a beautiful butterfly, to fly away. “But I will restore to you all that the caterpillar has eaten, all that the cankerworm has eaten, all that the palmerworm has eaten. I will restore, saith the Lord!” So help me, I make this prophecy. Before the Coming of the Lord, the true apostolic Faith, the true apostolic Teaching, the true Bible Spirit, the true, It’s on Its road now, trying to eat its way up, grow out again.” This day this prophecy is fulfilled. And yes, restoration is on.

    Our prophet has come and gone. All the mysteries are revealed. All visions are fulfilled. The Seven Seals are revealed. It’s not what the world thinks. What are you fulfilling? Have you found your hiding place and where you should be? What time is it Sir? End Time Eagle Hour calling… God’s Predestinated one or the blind that have rejected the call? Which part are you fulfilling? Stay in tune….

    End Time Eagle Hour Podcast - A podcast made by message believers

    Más Menos
    1 h y 55 m
  • Episode 70: 07May2024 | End Time Eagle Hour
    May 7 2024

    Are you one of the Special sons and daughters of God that recognize and testify the adoption authority that has been passed on to you by God? Is He meeting you there under His Promises? Do you have eyes to see, ears to hear what the Spirit of God is saying? Are you still worrying with the world over what is going on in Israel, in the Vatican? Remember the Bible talks of the ten virgins: five foolish and five wise. They all were sleeping! The Voice in the midnight has come. Wake up, the Bridegroom cometh, go ye and meet Him! End time Eagle Hour is echoing back, “Wake up!”

    When the Son of man comes, shall He find Faith? Faith and love cannot be separated. Are you in the True Word? Have you recognized your day and its message? This Day this scripture is fulfilled before your eyes and the Restoration of the Bride Tree is right here. The Latter Rain and the Former Rain have been falling and God is doing great things right here before your eyes. Do you know those things? Have you received the Word? Are you a believer? Are you a part of the Word or is it just a routine? Wake up! Stay tuned…

    End Time Eagle Hour Podcast - A podcast made by message believers

    Más Menos
    2 h y 6 m
  • Episode 69: 30Apr2024 | End Time Eagle Hour
    Apr 30 2024

    Brother Branham spoke of a revival in New England. “And I believe it will start in New England. God’s willing to do it if we’re willing to carry it.” Watch the Nines! Watch the Third Pull! Misconstruing the Prophet’s message? Do you see what I see? Do not set as though nothing is happening! Eagle Time Eagle Hour is here carrying on the revival, reaching Eagles all over the world with God’s vindicated Testimonies in this day. Are you one of the Eagles? Stay tuned ….

    End Time Eagle Hour Podcast - A podcast made by message believers

    Más Menos
    1 h y 37 m