
  • Off The Cuff... Hamas, Israel and the "United" States Universities
    Apr 24 2024
    Off The Cuff... Hamas, Israel and the "United" States Universities

    Today I received a comment in response to a video I posted regarding a family that was murdered on October 7th.

    Rather than go back and forth with this guy on it... I decided to simply take it to the microphone.

    God Bless you all!


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    ** My Telegram handle / @endtimesnowwithbry
    ** Email me / endtimesnowwithbry@protonmail.com

    Download and listen on Spreaker = https://www.spreaker.com/show/end-times-now-with-bry

    “Discernment during the devils’ deceptions, distractions and divisions."

    Más Menos
    27 m
  • End Times, Antichrist, Dajall and Revelation
    Apr 19 2024
    End Times, Antichrist, Dajall and Revelation

    Imagine this... our world is our world is at such a turbulent time that none other has seen it in our history of mankind.

    A man "arrives" looking like a savior but he is NOT. Would you know what to look for?

    Join me in this 2nd part to this series as I sift through all of the rhetoric concerning this fellow as well as a "not so popular idea" that might actually just "makes sense".


    ** Follow me on X (Twitter)
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    ** Email me / endtimesnowwithbry@protonmail.com
    ** My Telegram handle / @endtimesnowwithbry

    Download and listen on Spreaker = https://www.spreaker.com/show/end-times-now-with-bry

    “Discernment during the devils’ deceptions, distractions and divisions."


    https://www.openculture.com/ https://www.youtube.com/@CIRAInternational “Islamic Antichrist” by Joel Richardson https://www.danielbibleprophecy.org/ten_divisions_of_rome.html https://joelstrumpet.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/04/The-Location-of-Magog-Meshech-and-Tubal-1.pdf https://www.oxfordbiblechurch.co.uk/index.php/books/the-imminent-invasion-of-israel/542-appendix-6-where-is-meshech-and-tubal?tmpl=component https://www.myjewishlearning.com/article/the-jewish-denominations/ frost themselves.

    Más Menos
    2 h y 4 m
  • An Escape From Death's Grip
    Apr 4 2024
    An Escape From Death's Grip ... with Zack

    This episode is the first of many that I'd like to call "Face to Face". It's in THESE episodes that we will be allowed into the personal lives of others and in this one in particule will give us a glimpse of what it's like to be a living miracle.

    We'll take a trip into the slow fade that put Zack Nieman in the darkest place of his life. While in the hands of death, Zack remained in a full state of consciousness without the ability to speak or move and somehow walked out of the hospital.

    I feel honored that he shared his story here...

    If you're in the Indiana area, and you need assistance with substance abuse. Contact

    Indiana Center For Recovery
    South Bend, IN

    If you're struggling with thoughts of suicide, there is help!


    ** Follow me on X (Twitter)
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    ** Email me / endtimesnowwithbry@protonmail.com
    ** My Telegram handle / @endtimesnowwithbry

    Download and listen on Spreaker = https://www.spreaker.com/show/end-times-now-with-bry

    “Discernment during the devils’ deceptions, distractions and divisions."


    Más Menos
    1 h y 50 m
  • End Times, New World Order, Antichrist and Revelation
    Apr 3 2024
    End Times, New World Order, Antichrist and Revelation

    We are living in the End of Days and we're told that there is one who is the most evil of all and will indwell a man known as "The Antichrist".

    While there have been many, there is ONE that will come in the End of Days to bring about the end as we know it. So, what do we know about the one they call the "man of lawlessness"?

    This is technically the 1st part in a series where this episode, looks into this guy... who he is, what his character is, some physical traits and where he comes from.

    We will pick apart a parallel between a certain tribe and the United States. AND, I've set the stage for a dive into the 'OTHER' side of the coin when we take a look at what other religions believe regarding this nefarious character.

    1 Thes 5:1-11 The day of the Lord… concerning the times and the seasons

    https://x.com/AnnaChristianMs?s=20 Anna Christian’s link on Twitter


    He’s called the Beast in Rev 11:7 The Idol / Worthless Shepherd Zech 11:16-17 King with a fierce countenance / Kind of many kings Lawless one 2 Thes 2:8-9, Dan 7:25 Little Horn Daniel 7:8, 24 and 8:9 Man of sin 2Thes 2:3 Prince that shall come Dan 9:26 Prince of Tyre Spoiler, extortioner Isaiah 16:1-5 Vile person Daniel 11:21 Willful King Daniel 11:36 Profane and wicked prince of Israel (other verses pointing to Jewish ancestry are Daniel 11:37, Ezek 28:10, Gen 49: 16-18)

    Some of his actions and characteristics are: He will be accepted by men / 2Thes 2:11 Boastful speech Daniel / 7:25 Come to do his own will / Daniel 11:36 Comes up from the bottomless pit / Rev 11:7 Comes with signs and lying wonders 2 Thes 2:9 Creates a covenant with Israel / Daniel 9:27 Defiles the Temple / Daniel 9:27 Public work limited to 3.5 years / Rev 13:5 Mortally wounded / Rev 13:3 Object of Worship / Rev 13:4 Revealed at an appointed time / 2Thes 2:6 Satan gives authority and power / Rev 13:2

    The word “sealed” as a past tense, done deal: John 3:33 and 6:27 2Cor 1:22 Eph 1:13 and 4:30


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    ** Email me / endtimesnowwithbry@protonmail.com
    ** My Telegram handle / @endtimesnowwithbry

    Download and listen on Spreaker = https://www.spreaker.com/show/end-times-now-with-bry

    “Discernment during the devils’ deceptions, distractions and divisions."


    Más Menos
    1 h y 29 m
  • End Times Signs, Rapture, and Antichrist Pt -2
    Mar 18 2024
    End Times Signs, Rapture, and Antichrist Pt -2

    We are in the End of Days.

    A war is being fought in a realm that is unseen to our eyes. Only a few know what this war entails.

    We are told of a sequence of events that foretell of a great tribulation and the judgment of the world to come.

    There will be great calamity, wars and rumors of wars, fear, hatred, anger, and immorality of all sorts will multiply on earth... just as in the days of Noah.

    We are told to look up when the signs begin to appear for it is THEN that our Redemption draws near.

    There are signs happening now more frequently then ever. What are they?

    There is a great evil coming and he will indwell one who shows great care to deceive the whole world... do you know what to look for?

    What are the signs we need to know?

    Who are the players involved?

    How much longer are we playing?

    It won't be long friends... as we will ALL be marked, one way or another. Who's mark will you fall under? For this will be a kin to the decision that dictates where you spend "forever".



    A Concise Overview of the Seven Feasts of Israel (hebrew4christians.com)
    https://youtu.be/QRImvLSW3Ho?si=cThvMODhqt2dCLay 7 Feasts video… this is good :0)
    http://www.cgsf.org/dbeattie/calendar/?roman=5bc ancient Hebrew calendar


    ** Follow me on X (Twitter)
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    ** Email me / endtimesnowwithbry@protonmail.com
    ** My Telegram handle / @endtimesnowwithbry

    Download and listen on Spreaker = https://www.spreaker.com/show/end-times-now-with-bry

    “Discernment during the devils’ deceptions, distractions and divisions."
    Más Menos
    1 h y 21 m
  • End Times Signs, Rapture, and Antichrist Pt - 1
    Mar 16 2024
    End Times Signs, Rapture, and Antichrist

    We are in the End of Days.

    A war is being fought in a realm that is unseen to our eyes. Only a few know what this war entails.

    We are told of a sequence of events that foretell of a great tribulation and the judgment of the world to come.

    There will be great calamity, wars and rumors of wars, fear, hatred, anger, and immorality of all sorts will multiply on earth... just as in the days of Noah.

    We are told to look up when the signs begin to appear for it is THEN that our Redemption draws near.

    There are signs happening now more frequently then ever. What are they?

    There is a great evil coming and he will indwell one who shows great care to deceive the whole world... do you know what to look for?

    What are the signs we need to know?

    Who are the players involved?

    How much longer are we playing?

    It won't be long friends... as we will ALL be marked, one way or another. Who's mark will you fall under? For this will be a kin to the decision that dictates where you spend "forever".



    A Concise Overview of the Seven Feasts of Israel (hebrew4christians.com)
    https://youtu.be/QRImvLSW3Ho?si=cThvMODhqt2dCLay 7 Feasts video… this is good :0)
    http://www.cgsf.org/dbeattie/calendar/?roman=5bc ancient Hebrew calendar


    ** Follow me on X (Twitter)
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    ** Email me / endtimesnowwithbry@protonmail.com
    ** My Telegram handle / @endtimesnowwithbry

    Download and listen on Spreaker = https://www.spreaker.com/show/end-times-now-with-bry

    “Discernment during the devils’ deceptions, distractions and divisions."
    Más Menos
    59 m
  • End Times, Murder, Mayhem and Ai - Part 2
    Mar 7 2024
    End Times, Murder, Mayhem and Ai - Part 2

    We are living in the End of Days. Specifically, the Age of Deception.

    This is the 2nd episode in a two part series in which we're looking at the current events and trends regarding murder, mayhem and even Ai and we're peeling back the layers to get a real look at what lies beneath it all.

    What REALLY motivates a person to do evil?

    In ONE WORD, we will find many victims that fall prey to it yet, we don't REALLY know what it TRULY means.

    In these last days, we are seeing how this ONE WORD means MORE than... a LIE.

    Sadly, many of us are victims of it, and don't even know it.

    Join me in a deep dive to unmask what's really going on out there and learn how YOU can protect yourself from one of satan's finest tactics... DECEPTION!

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bTFznsGfnlU / Optimus gen 2

    https://youtu.be/Q10A8Zkfd_M?si=DvQ11Q3P9Yf0eTF1 - Geordie Rose's General Purpose Robot

    https://youtu.be/taYs-l81jCg?si=XdZeh04gcbtOBw4x‍ - Geordie Rose Speech

    Light Field Lab

    Human brain cells hooked up to a chip can do speech recognition

    MIT Technology Review Human cerebral organoids and consciousness: a double-edged sword PMC (nih.gov)


    https://youtu.be/VmV3m0QqNOY?si=j3EgFp0GVvYIiI67 LIQUID ROBOTS! It's SO INSANE!


    ** Follow me on X (Twitter)
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    ** Email me / endtimesnowwithbry@protonmail.com
    ** My Telegram handle / @endtimesnowwithbry

    Download and listen on Spreaker = https://www.spreaker.com/show/end-times-now-with-bry

    “Discernment during the devils’ deceptions, distractions and divisions."
    Más Menos
    1 h y 19 m
  • End Times - Murder, Mayhem, Ai - Part 1
    Mar 2 2024
    End Times - Murder, Mayhem, Ai - Part 1

    We are living in the End of Days. Specifically, the Age of Deception.

    In this 2 part episode, we're looking at the current events and trends regarding murder, mayhem and even Ai and we're peeling back the layers to get a real look at what lies beneath it.

    What REALLY motivates a person to do evil?

    In ONE WORD, we will find many victims that fall prey to it yet, we don't REALLY know what it TRULY means.

    In these last days, we are seeing how this ONE WORD means MORE than... a LIE.

    Sadly, many of us are victims of it, and don't even know it.

    Join me in a deep dive to unmask what's really going on out there and learn how YOU can protect yourself from one of satan's finest tactics... DECEPTION!

    Follow me on X (Twitter)
    Follow me on FB
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    Email me / endtimesnowwithbry@protonmail.com
    My Telegram handle / @endtimesnowwithbry

    Download and listen on Spreaker = https://www.spreaker.com/show/end-times-now-with-bry

    “Discernment during the devils’ deceptions, distractions and divisions."
    Más Menos
    1 h y 59 m