
  • (#2#16) Practical English - Hotels and acommodation
    Sep 20 2024

    - Hostel - albergue
    - Hotel
    - Dormitories - residencia estudiantil
    - Bunk beds - literas
    - Youth hostels - albergue juvenil
    - Guest house - casa de invitados
    - ensuite - cuarto de baño pegado
    - B&B - dormitorio y desayuno
    - couch surfing - alquiler de sofá
    - boutique hotels

    Parts of a hotel
    - reception / foyer / lobby - recepción de un hotel
    - bell boy / porter - portero
    - check in - facturar
    - check out - pagar la cuenta antes de irse
    - to have vacancy or availability - tener disponibilidad, habitaciones libres
    - room service - servicio de habitaciones
    - to be charged to your room - cobrar a la habitación
    - facilities - instalaciones
    - laundry - lavandería
    - single bed - cama 90
    - double bed - cama 135
    - queen - cama de 150
    - king - cama de 180
    - super king - cama de 2 metros
    - pack - hacer la maleta
    - unpack - deshacer la maleta
    - hanger - percha
    - wardrobe space - espacio dentro del armario
    - à la carte - a la carta
    - full board - pensión completa
    - half board - media pensión
    - bed and breakfast - solo incluye desayuno
    - all inclusive - todo incluido
    - house keeping - servicio de limpieza
    - a suite - una suite
    - flat hotel - aparthotel
    - the safe - la caja fuerte
    - car park - parking de coches
    - parking space - una plaza de aparcamiento

    - Pot luck - cuestión de suerte

    Hope you enjoyed this episode!

    Please follow us on Instragram: engpodcastspeteandrebecca

    Más Menos
    38 m
  • (#2#15) Day and Night expressions
    Sep 20 2024

    Peter and Rebecca have gathered once again to talk about different expressions related to the words "day" and "night".

    Podcast notes:
    Idiom: To be like night and day (literal translation): Like chalk and cheese
    Parts of the day:
    - in the morning / afternoon / evening --- at night
    - at midnight vs at midday
    - breakfast time, lunch time, dinner time
    - good evening vs good night
    let's lay this one down - guardar/apartar
    morning: 00:00 - 12:00
    afternoon: 12:00 - 18:00
    evening - 18:00-21:00
    night - 21:00-00:00
    - noon = midday
    - sunrise / sunset
    - sunrise = dawn = daybreak
    - sunset = dusk = golden hour
    - broad delight - a plena luz del día
    - early bird - madrugador
    - dew - rocío
    - night owls - noctámbulo
    - twilight - crepúsculo
    - encourage - animar / motivar
    - nighfall - anochecer
    - starry night - noche estrellada
    - nightcap - la última copa de la noche
    - gig - evento, concierto, función
    - witching hour - la hora bruja
    - small hours of the day - altas horas de la madrugada
    - night-night - goodnight - (nanight / n'night*)

    - burning the midnight hour - trabajando hasta muy tarde (de noche)
    - day in, day out - día tras día
    - make hay while the sun shines - aprovechar la ocasión
    - early bird catches the worm - el que madruga dios le ayuda
    - crack of dawn - las primeras luces del día / a primera luz
    - red sky a night, shepherds delight - el cielo rojo por la noche es señal de buen tiempo
    - red sky in the morning, shepherds warning - aviso de mal tiempo
    - it's always darkest before the dawn - dios aprieta pero no ahorca
    - as clear as day - claro como el agua
    - once in a blue moon - de higos a brevas
    - working around the clock - trabajar noche y día

    That's a wrap - se acabó

    Hope you enjoyed it! :)

    Please follow us on Instragram: engpodcastspeteandrebecca

    Más Menos
    38 m
  • (#2#14) British English & American English
    Mar 1 2024

    Listen in to learn, revise and understand the differences between British English and American English. Vocabulary listed below.

    - slash (/) - barra

    Spelling differences: color (AmE) - colour (BrE) - honor (AmE) - honour (BrE)
    - CVC - travel - travelled (BrE) - traveled (AmE)
    - ise (BrE) /ize (AmE) - criticise (BrE) - criticize (AmE) - energise (BrE) - energize (AmE)
    - Mom & Pop (AmE) - Mum & Dad (BrE)
    - er (AmE) / re (BrE) - centre - center
    - burnt / spellt / learnt (BrE) - burned / spelled / learned (AmE)

    Vocabulary differences:
    British - American
    petrol station - gas station
    bathroom/toilet - restroom
    the bill - cheque
    holiday - vacation
    post - mail
    angry - mad
    biscuit - cookie
    boot - trunk
    café - coffee shop
    chemist's - pharmacy
    chips - fries
    cinema - movie theater
    cooker - oven
    crisps - potato chips
    CV - resumé
    do the washing - do the laundry (hacere la colada)
    film - movie
    football - soccer
    fridge - refrigerator
    handbag - purse
    ill - sick
    lift - elevator
    lorry - truck
    mark - grade
    Maths - Math
    mobile - cell
    motorway - highway
    pavement - sidewalk
    post code - zip code
    queue - line
    rubbish - trash / garbage
    shop - store
    sofa - couch
    torch - flashlight
    underground - subway
    zebra crossing - crosswalk

    - make someone's hair stand on end - poner los pelos de punta
    - in front of - delante de
    - opposite - en frente de

    Quote: "England and America are two countries separated by the same language." - George Bernard Shaw

    Please follow us on Instragram: engpodcastspeteandrebecca

    Más Menos
    35 m
  • (#S2#13) Driving with Pete in Spain!
    Mar 1 2024

    Once again Pete and Rebecca join forces to talk about Driving. Rebecca interviews Pete about his experience in driving and driving habits in general, also comparing with driving in the UK and in Spain.
    Hope you like it!

    Vocabulary provided below:

    - spiffing - estupendo
    - theory exam
    - on the road - conducir por carretera
    - full driving license - carné de conducir de pleno derecho
    - reverse - ir marcha atrás
    - 3 point turn - cambio de sentido
    - blind spot - ángulo muerto
    - own a car - poseer un coche
    - novelty - novedad
    - zebra crossing - paso de cebras
    - horn - claxon
    - to be in the wrong - estar equivocado
    - regardless of the fact - independientemente del hecho de que
    - claims - partes (seguro)
    - insurance - seguro (automóvil, casa, vida, salud, etc.)
    - no claims-bonus - bonificación de ausencia de siniestros
    - tax - impuesto
    - MOT - ITV
    - give someone a lift - llevar a alguien en coche/bici/moto (tu no conduces)
    - to be pulled over/to be stopped - parado por la policía/guardia civil
    - a fine - una multa
    - speeding fine - multa de velocidad
    - police check points - controles de policía
    - toll - peaje
    - cab (lorry) - cabina
    - change the oil - cambiar el aceite
    - change the cam belts - correa de distribución
    - puncture - un pinchazo
    - in the middle of nowhere - en medio de la nada
    - one-way street - sentido único
    - hazard lights - luces de emergencia

    Please follow us on Instragram: engpodcastspeteandrebecca

    Más Menos
    29 m
  • (#2#12) Practical English - Cars and Driving
    Jan 2 2024

    Peter and Rebecca join together in this Practical English episode to talk about Cars and Driving.
    Hope you like it!

    Naïve - inocente
    Shift car (AmE) - Manual drive (BrE)
    Trunk (AmE) - Boot (BrE) - maletero
    Gasoline - Gas - Petrol
    Gear stick - palanca de marcha
    Clutch - embrague

    Please follow us on Instragram: engpodcastspeteandrebecca

    Más Menos
    28 m
  • (#2#11) Films and series to help you learn more English!
    Jan 2 2024

    Peter and Rebecca discuss in this episode the advantages of watching films and series in order to help you progress with your English learning.

    Films = Movies
    Series = TV shows or sitcoms

    Mentioned films and series (these are all recommended for over 18s)

    - How I met your mother
    - Friends
    - Modern Family
    - The Crown
    - Game of Thrones
    - The Simpsons
    - Sherlock
    - The Big Bang Theory
    - The Office
    - Stranger Things

    Other films unmentioned in this episode: The King's Speech, Forest Gump, Toy Story, Zootopia, The Queen, Potter, Hunger Games, The Wizard of Oz, Notting Hill.

    Artists Peter includes: David Bowie, Beatles

    Please follow us on Instragram: engpodcastspeteandrebecca

    Más Menos
    28 m
  • (#2#10) Phrasal verbs Part 2
    Nov 14 2023

    Here we go again!!! Pete and Rebecca once again do their best to choose those important phrasal verbs which you need to pass your B1 and B2 exam.
    Hope you like it!

    Please follow us on Instragram: engpodcastspeteandrebecca

    Más Menos
    21 m
  • (#2#9) Phrasal verbs Part 1
    Nov 14 2023

    Pete and Rebecca dive in the deep end and try and explain and help their listeners understand, learn and remember some important phrasal verbs.

    Please follow us on Instragram: engpodcastspeteandrebecca

    Más Menos
    30 m