
  • The Opening of the RAPTURE DOOR and the the POSSIBLE Closing DATE!
    Jul 15 2024
    In this message we talk about excellent possibility of the RAPTURE DOOR opening on the Feast of Trumpets(9/18), closing 10 days later on the Day of Atonement (9/27) (all Jewish temples close their doors right at the end of the Day of Atonement - Yom Kippur and the Rapture actually taking place on the last day of the Feast of Tabernacles on Oct. 9. Yahshua is the DOOR and He is the only way to the RAPTURE and the Father! This message will help us all get ready for the RAPTURE, by surrendering all to the FATHER and let Him work on us everyday! Joel 2 v 15-16, .John 10 v. 1-11, 22-30, 37-38, John 20 v. 1, 19, 24-27-29, Revel 3 v. 7-8, 10-11, 21, Revel. 4 v.1-2, Ex. 29 v. 42, Gen. 6 v. 16.
    Más Menos
    29 m
  • PART 2- RAPTURE and JUDGMENT on the the last day of TABERNACLES?
    Jul 6 2024
    This message continues to talk about the Possibility of the RAPTURE happening on the last day of the feast of TABERNACLES - the 8th DAY(the GREAT DAY!) I show how 7 planets and the moon and the sun are aligned on that day! We also talk about judgement and the start of the TRIBULATION happening on the same day as the RAPTURE, from the MISSILES that ZECHARIAH describes! Could judgment and destruction be coning on the U.S.A.? Dan 9 v. 2, Jer. 25 v. 12-13, Dan. 9 v. 24, Rev. 8 v. 1 Rev. 18 v. 8, 19, Joel 1 v. 14-15, Joel 2 v. 15-16, Luke 9 v. 28-29, Zec. 14 v. 12, 16-18, Zec. 5 v.1-11, Jer. 50 v. 3, 8-9, 13-15,23-26, 2943, 46, Rev. 18 v. 1-2, 4-5,9, 15-17,19, Lev. 23 v. 34-40, Rev. 7-v. 9, Ezekiel 33 v. 1-6.
    Más Menos
    29 m
  • RAPTURE on Last Day of TABERNACLES 10-9-24?
    Jun 30 2024
    This message talks about the Possibility of the RAPTURE happening on the last day of the feast of TABERNACLES - the 8th DAY(the GREAT DAY!) I show how 7 planets and the moon and the sun are aligned on that day! We also talk about judgement and the start of the TRIBULATION happening on the same day as the RAPTURE, from the MISSILES that ZECHARIAH describes! Dan 9 v. 2, Jer. 25 v. 12-13, Dan. 9 v. 24, Rev. 8 v. 1 Rev. 18 v. 8, 19, Joel 1 v. 14-15, Joel 2 v. 15-16, Luke 9 v. 28-29, Zec. 14 v. 12, 16-18, Zec. 5 v.1-11, Jer. 50 v. 3, 8-9, 13-15,23-26, 2943, 46, Rev. 18 v. 1-2, 4-5,9, 15-17,19, Lev. 23 v. 34-40, Rev. 7-v. 9, Ezekiel 33 v. 1-6.
    Más Menos
    29 m
  • Evil signs that the RAPTURE could be soon!
    Jun 25 2024
    This Message continues talking about some PRE-RAPTURE signs that are happening right now that will show that the RAPTURE could SOON be approaching and how current technology while doing some good things, is being set up for the end time world ruler. We need to protect our privacy as much as we can and watch and pray! Matt. 24 v. 21-22.
    Más Menos
    28 m
    Jun 19 2024
    This Message talks about the Calendar that the Father created on the first week of creation and it's value in these END TIMES on a daily basis . I also continue from the last podcast with more signs that we are in the END TIMES! Mt 24 v. 15, 1 Tim. 4 v. 1-4, 1 Tim. 3 v.1-5, 2 Tim. 4 v. 3-4, 1 Kings 13 v. 18, Gen. 3 v. 4, Mt. 24 v.4, 1 Cor. 6 v. 9, 1 Cor 15 v. 33.
    Más Menos
    29 m
  • Hints of the RAPTURE on Mt. Sinai and the CREATION CALENDAR!
    Jun 17 2024
    This message discover possible hints to the RAPTURE as we continue to study the overlay of the constellations that were visible on the 4/8 eclipse on the Red Sea and Mt. Sinai. Exodus 19 v.1, 11-17, Exodus 24 v. 12-18, Gen. v. 1-5, Gen 2 v. 1-3, Jn. 21 v. 10-12, Ex. 23 v. 1-17, Luke 4 v. 16, Acts 13 v. 40-44, Acts 16 v. 13-19, 25-31, Isaiah 66 v. 23.
    Más Menos
    29 m
  • RAPTURE on PENTECOST 6-11-6-12 ? BE READY!
    Jun 4 2024
    This MESSAGE talks about the excellent possibility of the RAPTURE on PENTECOST (Shavout) 6-11-6-12. We discuss the book of Jubilees found in Qumran with the Dead Sea Scrolls which brings the books of Genesis and Exodus into proper chronical order, showing the actual day that Moses got the Ten Commandments. We discuss also the importance of the 153 fish caught in John 21 and how it points to the POSSIBLE RAPTURE on PENTECOST and how the eclipse on 4/8 also points to the POSSIBLE RAPTURE being on Pentecost! Amos 8 v. 1-2, Exodus 19 v. 1-17, Exodus 24 v. 12-16, John 21 v. 4-12, 1 Cor. 15 v. 20-23, 51-58, Joel 2 v. 16, 30-32, Revel. 4 v. 1-2, 10, Revel. 5 v. 8, 14, Acts v. 8-11, Acts 2 v. 19-21.
    Más Menos
    29 m
  • Part 2-RAPTURE and other blessings at 3:00 P.M. ?(JERUSALEM TIME)
    May 31 2024
    This message continues talking about the BLESSINGS connected to 3:00 P.M. (JERUSALEM TIME) or the 9th hour of the day according to the word. However, the Greatest BLESSING that could happened at 3:00 P.M. is the RAPTURE! So many blessings started at 3;00 P.M. in the word. We study examples in the word to demonstrate this BLESSING HOUR! GET READY TO RECEIVE! Mt. 27 v. 50-53, Acts 3 v. 1-10,16, 19-21, 1 Kings 18 v. 17-19, 21-46, Acts 10 v. 1-5, 33, 44-48, Ezra 9 v. 1-5, Ezra 10 v. 10-12.
    Más Menos
    29 m