
  • Essential Tremor
    Dec 10 2023

    Essential tremor is a common neurological disorder characterized by involuntary rhythmic shaking, typically in the hands, although it can affect other parts of the body as well. This condition is often hereditary and may worsen with stress or intentional movements. While essential tremor is generally not associated with serious underlying health issues, it can significantly impact an individual's quality of life and may be managed with medication or other treatments to reduce the tremors.

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  • Bell's Palsy
    Dec 3 2023

    Bell's palsy is a sudden, often temporary, facial nerve disorder that causes muscle weakness or paralysis on one side of the face, resulting in facial drooping and difficulty with facial expressions, such as smiling or closing the eye. The exact cause is usually unknown, but it is often linked to viral infections. While most individuals recover fully over time, treatment may involve medications like corticosteroids to reduce inflammation and manage symptoms.

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  • Brain tumors
    Nov 19 2023

    Brain tumors are abnormal cell growths within the brain, which can be either benign or malignant. These tumors can lead to a range of neurological symptoms, including headaches, seizures, cognitive changes, and motor deficits. Diagnosis involves imaging and often requires a biopsy for accurate classification. Treatment options encompass surgery, radiation therapy, chemotherapy, and targeted therapies, with the choice depending on the tumor's characteristics. The prognosis varies widely, but early detection and a personalized treatment approach are essential in improving outcomes for individuals with brain tumors.

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  • Concussions
    Nov 12 2023

    A concussion is a mild traumatic brain injury typically caused by a blow to the head or a violent shaking of the head and body. It results in a temporary disruption of normal brain function, leading to various symptoms such as headache, dizziness, confusion, memory problems, and sometimes loss of consciousness. While most concussions resolve on their own with rest, repeated concussions or failing to manage them properly can lead to long-term cognitive and neurological issues, emphasizing the importance of prompt and appropriate medical evaluation and care for individuals who experience a concussion

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  • Migraine
    Nov 5 2023
    Migraines are very common. Migraine headaches can cause throbbing in one particular area that can vary in intensity. Nausea and sensitivity to light and sound are also common symptoms. More about me: https://linktr.ee/Drbillakotamd
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    11 m
  • "Brain Health"
    Sep 20 2023
    Amongst all the things advertised on social media, what actually is important for brain health? More about me: https://linktr.ee/Drbillakotamd
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  • "Aphasia"
    Sep 2 2023
    Aphasia is a disorder that affects communication- verbal, written, comprehension and repetition. What causes aphasia? More about me: https://linktr.ee/Drbillakotamd
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  • Cerebellum
    Aug 25 2023
    The cerebellum is primarily responsible for muscle control, including balance and movement. It also plays a role in other cognitive functions such as language processing and memory. More about me: https://linktr.ee/Drbillakotamd
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