
  • Episode 122: All About Timing
    Sep 19 2022
    Having a great product or service isn’t enough to ensure success. You need to get your timing right. In this episode, Dan Sullivan discusses the factors that make it either a good time or a bad time to introduce something new. In this episode: Why economic depressions have led to innovative breakthroughs. What allows young […]
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    31 m
  • Episode 121: Mindset Matters
    Jul 24 2022
    Peter and Dan discuss having a Longevity Mindset and how that affects all aspects of life. How long you live is a function of many factors, including your mindset. You can actually “Will yourself to death—or will yourself to a longer healthspan.” How long do you think you will live? 80 years old? Maybe, 90? […]
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    24 m
  • Episode 120: Finding Your Passion
    Jun 26 2022
    Peter and Dan discuss the topic of finding your passion and purpose. As Mark Twain said, “The two most important days in your life are the day you are born and the day you find out why.” They talk about the relationship between Passion and Purpose, and how to distinguish between them. In this episode: […]
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    28 m
  • Episode 119: Profitability Maximizer
    Jun 12 2022
    Dan and Peter discuss a tool “Profitability Maximizer” that helps entrepreneurs evaluate new product ideas. As Peter likes to say, “without a target you’ll miss it every time”, this scorecard will help focus attention and get clear on the proposition. In this episode: Dan talks about his new tool “Profitability Maximizer” which uses 10 P’s […]
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    33 m
  • Episode 118: Individuals Changing the World
    May 16 2022
    Peter and Dan discuss individuals who are changing the world, spotlighting Dean Kamen, an inventor who has an amazing moonshot of regenerating human organs. Imagine having a supply of “spare organs”: hearts, livers, lungs, and kidneys available to you as you get older. In this episode: Dan talks about past Alexander Graham Bell and Thomas […]
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    33 m
  • Episode 117: Blockchain Changing Business Models
    May 1 2022
    Peter and Dan discuss the foundational new technology blockchain and how it will ultimately disrupt every industry: from finance and real estate, to sports and e-commerce. In this episode: Peter talks about the many possible uses of blockchain technology: from creating sovereign identities for refugees, to blockchain serving as a more reliable record of a […]
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    31 m
  • Episode 116: Long-Term Thinking
    Mar 27 2022
    Peter and Dan talk about the importance and power of long-term thinking when planning a new venture. For example, making a commitment to run Abundance360 for 25 years and the value created by this way of thinking. Imagine publicly making a 25-year commitment to something you’re passionate about. How would your mindset change? In this […]
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    32 m
  • Episode 115: Longevity Tips and Tricks
    Feb 28 2022
    Peter and Dan discuss their tips and tricks for a healthy lifestyle, including the importance of mindset, sleep, exercise, and diet. In this episode: Peter talks about two hacks that help keep his body temperature at an optimum level while sleeping, and how he gamifies getting eight hours every night.  Dan discusses his exercise routine […]
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    26 m