
  • Ep 48: Is the Phrase "Taxation is Theft" a Heresy?
    Jul 16 2024

    In this episode of the Faith Seeking Freedom Podcast, host Cody Cook explores a question from an anonymous Christian anarchist: "Was the Temple Tax a violation of 'Taxation is theft'?" Cody delves into the biblical context, explaining Israel's covenant with God and the distinction between divine commands and human interactions. He argues that while libertarian principles apply to human relationships, God's unique authority allows Him to command actions, such as the Temple Tax, without contradiction. Tune in to understand how libertarian views on taxation coexist with the biblical mandates given to ancient Israel.

    Audio Production by Podsworth Media - https://podsworth.com

    Más Menos
    4 m
  • Should Christians vote and hold political office or focus only on spreading the Gospel?
    Dec 9 2023

    Guest host Jacob Winograd addresses the question of whether Christians should vote or hold political office, or focus solely on spreading the gospel. Drawing from the book Faith Seeking Freedom, the discussion delves into the relationship between Christianity and politics, emphasizing that the gospel has real-world implications, making Christians inherently political to some extent. The episode explores the ethical considerations surrounding voting, delving into the concept of advocating for the "lesser of two evils" and the compatibility of voting with Christian principles. Various viewpoints on voting, including direct policy initiatives, protest voting, and considerations based on different levels of government, are discussed. Ultimately, the episode encourages listeners to prayerfully consider their stance on voting and to engage in discussions with grace and respect for differing perspectives. The host emphasizes the need for faith to be solely in Jesus Christ, regardless of individual decisions about voting. The episode concludes by pointing to a resource for further exploration on the topic.

    Más Menos
    11 m
  • Should Christians ever take up arms in the service to their country or should we be conscientious objectors?
    Dec 2 2023

    Guest host Jacob Winograd responds to a question submitted by a listener about whether Christians should take up arms in the service of their country or be conscientious objectors. He delves into the definition of conscientious objector and explains the military application process for those seeking to be released from combat duties. Referencing the Libertarian Christian Institute's book Faith Seeking Freedom, Jacob provides insight into the Christian perspective on military service, emphasizing the need for Christians to consider the moral implications of joining the military and the potential conflict with Christian values. He explores relevant biblical passages, including the Sermon on the Mount, to support the idea that Christians should be peacemakers. The episode concludes with an emphasis on the ongoing conversation about what it means to represent Christ in a world marked by conflict and the pursuit of peace.

    Más Menos
    15 m
  • How would property rights work under an anarchist society?
    May 25 2023

    Listener question: In a stateless society, who would protect property rights? It seems like it would need to be a might-makes-right system, wherein those who are not strong enough to protect their property would have it seized from them.

    Audio Production by Podsworth Media - https://podsworth.com

    Más Menos
    8 m
  • How do libertarians deal with Wildlife Conservation?
    May 17 2023

    Listener question: How does libertarianism deal with the issue of wildlife and wildland conservation? It seems to me, if it weren't for government regulations, a lot of our precious wildlife and wildlands would be gone. How would the "sell the federal land" shtick help conservation? How does the Biblical dominion mandate and stewardship of the planet tie in?

    Audio Production by Podsworth Media - https://podsworth.com

    Más Menos
    7 m
  • What parts of the Bible are applicable for us today?
    May 11 2023

    Listener question: How do we know which parts of the Bible are still applicable in modern times and which are outdated? Can we accept the Bible in part or should we accept it in full? If the former, who decides? Is it up to individuals? If so, doesn't that render Biblical truth irrelevant, as everyone can just pick the parts they want to adhere to and ignore others?

    Audio Production by Podsworth Media - https://podsworth.com

    Más Menos
    9 m
  • What is the purpose of central banking?
    Mar 27 2023

    The term "central banking" gets thrown around in libertarian circles so much that it's easy to lose sight of it's actual purpose. In this episode of the Faith Seeking Freedom podcast, Dr. Norman Horn offers a clear and succinct explanation of central banking, detailing its history, motives, and effects. Whether you're new to the Austrian business cycle theory or simply want a refresher, this episode is for you.

    Audio Production by Podsworth Media - https://podsworth.com

    Más Menos
    11 m
  • What is the Difference Between a Libertarian and a Liberal?
    Dec 13 2022

    What is the Difference Between a Libertarian and a Liberal?

    Audio Production by Podsworth Media - https://podsworth.com

    Más Menos
    6 m