
  • 🎙️54. The Power of Radical Honesty: Building Trust & Success in Your Entrepreneurial Journey
    Jul 25 2024

    In this episode of Fearless Thinking, host Michael Devous dives deep into the transformative power of radical honesty in entrepreneurship and life. He shares personal anecdotes of facing adversity and the importance of staying true to oneself, even when it's uncomfortable. Michael emphasizes that authenticity is not a switch to be turned on and off but a way of being and a commitment to vulnerability. He explores how honesty can be a competitive advantage in business, building trust and fostering deeper connections with your audience. Through practical steps like sharing struggles, owning mistakes, and embracing transparency, Michael guides listeners on how to cultivate radical honesty in their personal and professional lives.

    Key Highlights:

    • The Leveling Lie: Michael discusses the common phrase "let me be honest with you" and how it often signals a lack of authenticity.
    • Authenticity as a Way of Being: He emphasizes the importance of showing up as your true self, even when it's uncomfortable, and the courage it takes to live your truth.
    • Honesty as a Competitive Advantage: Michael explores how honesty and transparency can differentiate you in the marketplace and build trust with your audience.
    • Three Steps to Building Trust Through Honesty:
      1. Share your struggles: Be vulnerable and open about your challenges to build relatability and connection.
      2. Own your mistakes: Acknowledge your errors, learn from them, and show your team how to do the same.
      3. Be transparent: Share both successes and failures to demonstrate authenticity and a commitment to improvement.
    • The Ascend Hub: Michael introduces The Ascend Hub as a community that values authenticity and encourages radical honesty, providing a safe space for entrepreneurs to connect and grow.

    Impactful Quotes:

    • "Authenticity is not a switch that you can simply turn on and off. It is a way of being, a way of living, a commitment to showing up as your true self, even when it's uncomfortable."
    • "I'll be damned if I'm going to live a lie. I'll be damned if I'm going to not live my truth."
    • "Honesty and transparency can differentiate you in the marketplace and build trust with your audience."
    • "Own your mistakes... show your team how to admit a mistake, explaining and role modeling how to share a trip-up... really opens the door for them to share theirs."

    Key Takeaways:

    • Authenticity is crucial for building trust and strong relationships in business and life.
    • Embracing vulnerability and sharing your struggles can make you more relatable and create deeper connections with your audience.
    • Owning your mistakes and being transparent about your journey can inspire others and foster a culture of growth.
    • The Ascend Hub provides a supportive community where entrepreneurs can practice radical honesty and build authentic connections.

    Important Links:

    • The Ascend Hub: https://theascendhub.com/
    • The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz (Reference to "don't take it personally"): https://a.co/d/18Keski
    • The Art of Saying No (Book recommendation): https://a.co/d/5Ih2VC1
    • YouTube: https://bit.ly/FearlessThinkingYTChannel
    • LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/michaeldevousjr/
    • My website: https://michaeldevousjr.com/
    Más Menos
    11 m
  • 🎙️53. Ignite Your Entrepreneurial Fire: Passion as a Catalyst for Success
    Jul 24 2024

    In this episode of Fearless Thinking, host Michael Devous delves into the power of passion in entrepreneurship, highlighting it as the key ingredient that separates successful businesses from the rest. Drawing from personal experiences and observations, Michael explores how passion fuels creativity, resilience, and innovation. He discusses the challenges of uncovering one's passion and offers practical steps for finding it, including self-reflection, exploration, and listening to your gut. He also emphasizes the importance of nurturing your passion through inspiring goals, connecting with others, and focusing on the impact you want to make.

    Key Highlights:

    • Passion as Rocket Fuel: Michael describes passion as the driving force behind entrepreneurial dreams, propelling individuals through challenges and setbacks.
    • The Passion Paradox: He acknowledges that while passion is crucial, it can also be challenging to maintain during the demanding launch phase of a business.
    • Uncovering Your Passion: Michael outlines three essential steps: self-reflection, exploring interests, and listening to your intuition.
    • Nurturing Your Passion: He suggests setting inspiring goals, surrounding yourself with inspiration, and celebrating even small wins to keep your passion alive.
    • The Ascend Hub: Michael introduces The Ascend Hub as a community-driven platform where entrepreneurs can connect, collaborate, and fuel their passion.

    Impactful Quotes:

    • "Passion is the fire that ignites you on your journey... the fuel that will propel you forward, even when the road gets rough or tough."
    • "When you're ready to bring that passion to life and you're ready to get behind it, you're going to be blown away by all the things that flood into your head."
    • "You won't know the problems to solve that you feel compelled to solve if you haven't experienced problems yourself and overcome them."
    • "If you're really passionate about it, it's contagious... And it can attract people to you. Customers, investors, team members, who are now inspired by their vision and their enthusiasm."
    • "The difference between ordinary and extraordinary is just that little extra... and that little extra is your passion." - Jimmy Johnson

    Key Takeaways:

    • Passion is a crucial ingredient for entrepreneurial success.
    • Discovering your passion takes time, self-reflection, and exploration.
    • Nurturing your passion is essential for maintaining motivation and achieving your goals.
    • Passionate entrepreneurs are more resilient, creative, and inspiring.
    • The Ascend Hub is a community that supports entrepreneurs in finding, igniting, and sustaining their passion.

    Important Links:
    Gina Bianchini's Book Purpose: https://a.co/d/5l8PQjQ
    YouTube: https://bit.ly/FearlessThinkingYTChannel

    Más Menos
    20 m
  • 🎙️52. The Power Of Saying No: The Power of Saying No: How to Focus Your Energy and Achieve Success
    Jul 23 2024

    In this episode of Fearless Thinking, host Michael Devous delves into the counterintuitive power of saying "no" in entrepreneurship. Drawing from his own experiences of overcommitment and burnout, Michael explores the pitfalls of saying yes to every opportunity and how it can hinder focus, drain energy, and sabotage success. He shares practical tips on setting boundaries, prioritizing goals, and embracing essentialism to make strategic decisions about where to invest your valuable time and energy. Michael also introduces The Ascend Hub, a community that empowers entrepreneurs to focus on their core values and achieve greater success by learning the art of saying no.

    Key Highlights:

    • The Pitfalls of Saying Yes: Michael discusses the negative consequences of overcommitment, including loss of focus, burnout, diluted efforts, and missed opportunities.
    • The Art of Saying No: He offers practical tips on how to politely decline requests and opportunities that don't align with your goals, emphasizing the importance of honesty, directness, and setting clear boundaries.
    • The Opportunity Cost: Michael explains the concept of opportunity cost and how every "yes" comes at the expense of another choice.
    • The Ascend Hub: He introduces The Ascend Hub as a community that provides resources and support for entrepreneurs to develop essentialism and make strategic decisions.
    • The Power of Focus: Michael emphasizes the importance of focusing on your niche and prioritizing the most impactful activities for your business.
    • Embracing Essentialism: He discusses the philosophy of essentialism – doing less, but better – and how it can lead to greater productivity, reduced stress, and increased impact.

    Impactful Quotes:

    • "Saying yes to everything is essentially saying no to our own opportunities."
    • "The art of saying no is about being strategic and intentional with your time and energy."
    • "Every 'yes' comes at the cost of another choice."
    • "The Ascend Hub will help you develop the skills and mindset you need to become an essentialist entrepreneur."
    • "Less is more."

    Key Takeaways:

    • Saying no is a crucial skill for entrepreneurial success.
    • Overcommitment can lead to burnout, overwhelm, and a lack of focus.
    • Prioritizing your goals and setting boundaries are essential for achieving success.
    • Embracing essentialism allows you to focus on what truly matters and make a greater impact.
    • The Ascend Hub provides resources and support for entrepreneurs to develop the art of saying no.

    Important Links:

    The Art of Saying No: https://a.co/d/af8BhPX
    YouTube: https://bit.ly/FearlessThinkingYTChannel

    Más Menos
    17 m
  • 🎙️51. From Idea to Impact: The Essential Roadmap for Aspiring Entrepreneurs
    Jul 22 2024

    In this episode of Fearless Thinking, host Michael Devous shares a comprehensive roadmap for aspiring entrepreneurs to turn their ideas into impactful businesses. He breaks down the entrepreneurial journey into manageable steps, starting with idea validation, building a strong foundation, and achieving go-to-market readiness. Michael emphasizes the importance of prioritizing ruthlessly, seeking feedback, and collaborating with others to overcome the common challenge of information overload. He also highlights the resources and support offered by The Ascend Hub, an online community designed to empower entrepreneurs throughout their journey.

    Key Highlights:

    • Idea Validation: The importance of testing your idea through market research, customer feedback, and surveys before investing time and money.
    • Building a Strong Foundation: Developing a solid business plan, securing funding, and establishing a legal structure are crucial for long-term success.
    • Go-to-Market Readiness: Crafting a compelling brand and marketing message is essential for reaching your target audience and making an impact.
    • Launching and Scaling: Michael emphasizes that launching is just the beginning, and the real journey lies in scaling and growing your business.
    • The Ascend Hub: He introduces The Ascend Hub as a valuable resource for entrepreneurs, offering curated content, expert mentorship, and a supportive community.
    • Overcoming Information Overload: Michael discusses the challenges of navigating the vast amount of information available and emphasizes the importance of prioritizing and focusing on what truly matters.


    • "You can get lost trying to find groups, trying to find relevant resources and like-minded and like-valued individuals that share your particular experience on your journey."
    • "The real grunt work of developing the concepts, the ideas, the branding, the marketing, the messaging, delivering on the assets, that's me."
    • "I will say that right now, as I go, as I'm in the process of promoting and reaching out to people, we've got a campaign that's on LinkedIn that I'm reaching out to a lot of CEOs, a lot of executives and entrepreneurs and stuff. And there are some out there that are like, I don't have a clue what you're talking about, don't understand what it is that you're offering and how it can help me."

    Key Takeaways:

    • Validate your idea before investing time and money.
    • Build a strong foundation for your business with a solid plan, funding, and legal structure.
    • Develop a clear brand and marketing message to reach your target audience.
    • Launching is just the beginning; the real journey is in scaling and growing your business.
    • The Ascend Hub offers resources and support to help entrepreneurs overcome information overload and achieve launch success.
    • Seek feedback from your target audience and use it to refine your messaging and offerings.

    Important Links:
    Alex Hormozi's website:
    YouTube: https://bit.ly/FearlessThinkingYTChannel

    Más Menos
    15 m
  • 🎙️50. The Art is in the Start: Igniting Your Entrepreneurial Passion
    Jul 5 2024

    The Art Is in the Start: Igniting Your Entrepreneurial Passion

    In this celebratory 50th episode of Fearless Thinking, host Michael Devous delves into the undeniable power of passion in entrepreneurship. Drawing inspiration from his own journey and his father's lifelong passion for his work, Michael explores what passion truly means, how to uncover it, and how to harness it for business success. He shares personal anecdotes, actionable tips (like the "Purpose 30" exercise), and insights on how passion can fuel creativity, resilience, and inspire others. Whether you're just starting or feeling a bit lost, this episode will reignite your entrepreneurial fire and remind you of the joy of doing what you love.

    Key Highlights:

    • Defining Passion: Michael discusses the deeper meaning of passion, going beyond mere excitement to a deep-seated love for what you do.
    • Uncovering Your Passion: He shares three key steps:
      1. Self-reflection: Identifying activities that bring joy and problems you're passionate about solving.
      2. Exploring interests: Trying new things, learning from others, and stepping outside your comfort zone.
      3. Connecting with values: Understanding what's truly important to you and the impact you want to make.
    • The "Purpose 30" Exercise: Michael introduces a practice from Gina Bianchini's book on finding your purpose.
    • Harnessing Passion for Success: He explains how passion can fuel creativity, resilience, and inspiration, leading to greater entrepreneurial success.
    • The Ascend Hub: Michael highlights how the Ascend Hub community can support you in discovering and igniting your passion.

    Impactful Quotes:

    • "Passion is more than just excitement or enthusiasm. It's a deep-seated love for what you do, a fire that burns deep inside of you, driving you every single day to create, to innovate, to make a difference, to make an impact."
    • "When you're ready to bring that passion to life and you're ready to get behind it, you're going to be blown away by all the things that flood into your head."
    • "The minute you announce to the universe that this is what you want to do, have, or be... the universe is going to put obstacles in your way to help you build resilience, to help you find new solutions, to help you create different kinds of impact."
    • "That's how you become a good seller and a promoter of what you are and what you do. Because you're passionate about it."

    Key Takeaways:

    • Passion is a driving force for entrepreneurial success.
    • Discovering your passion involves self-reflection, exploration, and connecting with your values.
    • You can harness your passion to fuel creativity, resilience, and inspiration.
    • The Ascend Hub is a community that supports entrepreneurs in discovering and igniting their passion.
    Más Menos
    13 m
  • 🎙️49. Humble Leadership: The Unexpected Key to Entrepreneurial Success
    Jul 4 2024

    Humble Leadership: The Unexpected Key to Entrepreneurial Success

    In this episode of Fearless Thinking, host Michael Devous dives into the often-overlooked leadership trait of humility and its surprising impact on entrepreneurial success. He explores the difference between humble leadership and being a pushover, emphasizing how recognizing the value of others and fostering collaboration can lead to stronger teams, better decision-making, and greater innovation. Michael shares personal anecdotes and insights on how to cultivate humble leadership through active listening, admitting mistakes, giving credit where it's due, and focusing on service. He also highlights how The Ascend Hub can help you develop your leadership skills and build a team that achieves meaningful success.

    Key Highlights:

    • Defining Humble Leadership: Michael explains what humble leadership is and isn't, emphasizing its focus on collaboration and empowering others.
    • The Benefits of Humble Leadership: He explores the positive impact of humble leadership on team dynamics, decision-making, innovation, and overall success.
    • Real-World Example: Michael shares a personal story of a humble leader he worked with and the positive impact they had on their team.
    • Practical Tips for Cultivating Humility: He provides actionable advice on how to practice active listening, admit mistakes, give credit, and prioritize service in your leadership style.
    • The Ascend Hub: Michael introduces The Ascend Hub as a resource for aspiring leaders to develop their skills and build high-performing teams.

    Impactful Quotes:

    • "As a leader, you're as good as your team."
    • "Humble leadership isn't about being a pushover. It's about recognizing the value of others and fostering collaboration."
    • "Active listening is a practice... it's not just about hearing what they say, but it is really about hearing what they have to say, but then also repeating it back to them, clarifying back to the individuals about what was said."
    • "Admitting your own mistakes in front of them, showing them how to admit a mistake, explaining and role modeling how to share a trip-up... really opens the door for them to share theirs."
    • "Focus on service... leading with a servant's heart, by prioritizing the needs of your team and others."

    Key Takeaways:

    • Humble leadership is about recognizing and valuing the contributions of others.
    • It fosters a culture of trust, respect, and collaboration.
    • Humble leaders create stronger, more resilient teams and drive innovation.
    • Active listening, admitting mistakes, giving credit, and prioritizing service are key components of humble leadership.
    • The Ascend Hub provides resources and support for aspiring leaders to develop their skills and build high-performing teams.
    Más Menos
    13 m
  • 🎙️48. Unleash Your Potential: Introducing The Ascend Hub for Aspiring Entrepreneurs
    Jul 3 2024

    Unleashing Your Potential: Introducing The Ascend Hub for Aspiring Entrepreneurs (Part 2)

    Episode Description:

    In this episode, host Michael Devous dives deeper into The Ascend Hub, a community designed to empower aspiring entrepreneurs on their journey to launch and success. Michael emphasizes the importance of community and collaboration, sharing his own experiences of feeling isolated as a solopreneur and how connecting with a tribe transformed his business. He highlights the key features of The Ascend Hub, including curated content, expert mentorship, collaborative opportunities, and exclusive events, all designed to help you unlock your full potential and achieve your entrepreneurial dreams.

    Key Highlights:

    • Overcoming the Overwhelm: Michael acknowledges the common feelings of overwhelm that aspiring entrepreneurs face and offers The Ascend Hub as a solution.
    • The Power of Community: He emphasizes the importance of connection and collaboration, sharing how finding his tribe changed his entrepreneurial journey.
    • Curated Content: Michael details how The Ascend Hub provides carefully selected resources to help entrepreneurs at every stage of their launch.
    • Expert Mentorship: He discusses the value of personalized guidance from seasoned entrepreneurs and coaches who can help you navigate challenges and build confidence.
    • Collaboration and Innovation: Michael highlights the power of collaboration to spark new ideas and solutions, emphasizing the collaborative environment fostered within The Ascend Hub.
    • Exclusive Events: He mentions the unique events, workshops, and live podcasts available to members, fostering learning and growth.
    • Beta Testing Opportunities: Michael invites listeners to become beta testers and help shape the community before its official launch.

    Impactful Quotes:

    • "What if there were a supportive community designed specifically to address these anxieties and help propel entrepreneurs towards a better and more successful launch?"
    • "The Ascend Hub is more than just a membership platform; it's a transformative journey where conquering our fear meets launching with confidence."
    • "No entrepreneur is an island unto himself or herself... The Ascend Hub connects you with experienced founding leaders."
    • "Collaboration is a key to a successful launch for anybody."
    • "Your ambition deserves a place to flourish. You don't have to do it alone, and you don't have to be overwhelmed. The Ascend Hub is going to be that place."

    Key Takeaways:

    • The Ascend Hub is a valuable resource for aspiring entrepreneurs seeking to overcome fear, build resilience, and launch their businesses with confidence.
    • Community and collaboration are essential ingredients for entrepreneurial success.
    • The Ascend Hub offers personalized guidance, curated content, and a supportive community to help entrepreneurs thrive.
    • Exclusive events, workshops, and live podcasts provide unique learning opportunities for members.
    • Beta testing opportunities are available for those who want to join early and shape the community.
    Más Menos
    12 m
  • 🎙️47. The Power of Community: Why Aspiring Entrepreneurs Need a Tribe
    Jul 2 2024

    The Power of Community: Why Aspiring Entrepreneurs Need Their Tribe

    In this episode, host Michael Devous dives into the vital role of community in the entrepreneurial journey. He shares his own experiences of feeling isolated as a solopreneur and how finding his "tribe" transformed his business and mindset. Michael explores the four key benefits of community for aspiring entrepreneurs: shared struggles, collaboration opportunities, accountability and motivation, and learning and growth. He introduces The Ascend Hub as a vibrant online community designed to empower entrepreneurs by connecting them with like-minded individuals, experienced mentors, and valuable resources. Tune in to discover how to find your tribe, overcome isolation, and accelerate your entrepreneurial success.

    Key Highlights:

    • Michael's Personal Journey: He shares his experiences with isolation as a solopreneur and how finding his tribe changed everything.
    • The 4 Benefits of Community:
      • Shared struggles: Finding people who understand your challenges and can offer support.
      • Collaboration opportunities: Connecting with potential partners, co-founders, or collaborators.
      • Accountability and motivation: Setting goals and staying on track with the support of a community.
      • Learning and growth: Expanding your knowledge and skills through shared experiences and resources.
    • The Ascend Hub: Michael introduces The Ascend Hub as a platform designed to foster community, collaboration, and growth for entrepreneurs.
    • Pre-Launch Specials: He mentions the upcoming pre-launch specials for The Ascend Hub, encouraging listeners to take advantage of this opportunity.
    • The Importance of Collaboration: Michael emphasizes how collaboration can lead to innovation and exponential growth.
    • Call to Action: He encourages listeners to find their tribe, join The Ascend Hub, and help others on their entrepreneurial journey.

    Impactful Quotes:

    • "If you want to go fast, go alone, but if you want to go far, you go together."
    • "It's about the journey. To me, if you're stepping out of that road, risking everything, you have to build your dream and bring it into the world...you're an entrepreneur."
    • "Two heads are better than one... a community that collaborates together is a great breeding ground for innovation, ideas, and partnerships."
    • "The Ascend Hub is more than just a membership site; it's a community designed specifically to connect, inspire, and empower you."
    • "The Ascend Hub can't be successful without you. We are better with you."

    Key Takeaways:

    • Community is essential for overcoming isolation and achieving entrepreneurial success.
    • The Ascend Hub provides a platform for aspiring entrepreneurs to connect, collaborate, and grow together.
    • Collaboration leads to innovation and helps entrepreneurs find solutions to their challenges.
    • Finding your tribe can provide invaluable support, accountability, and motivation.
    • The Ascend Hub offers pre-launch specials for those who want to join early and help shape the community.
    Más Menos
    16 m