
  • 282 | Bills & Your Budget: Common Mistakes To Avoid
    Jul 29 2024

    Snag Our Signature Budget Template!

    Hey there, budget besties! 🎙️ It's Shana and Vanessa here, and we know you sometimes feel like your bills are playing hide and seek with your bank account. Today, we're diving into the top 12 mistakes that make your finances feel super messy and how to avoid them. Let's get into it!

    Episode Highlights:

    1. One Account Chaos

      Keeping all transactions in one account is like trying to find a needle in a haystack. Solution? Separate your accounts for bills, spending, and savings to get a clear view of your finances.

    2. Multiple Payment Methods

      Using different accounts and cards for bills? That's a recipe for confusion. Stick to one account for bill payments to keep things simple and trackable.

    3. Duplicate Payments

      Ever paid for Netflix twice? Consolidate all transactions into one account to spot and eliminate duplicate payments.

    4. Overlooked Subscriptions

      Those $4.99 subscriptions add up! Regularly review and clean up subscriptions to save money.

    5. Missing Out on Requotes

      Not requoting your insurance annually? You could be missing out on savings. Call a broker to get the best deals.

    6. Avoiding Auto-Pay

      Afraid of auto-pay? It’s your new best friend. It can save you money and prevent late fees.

    7. Skipping Paperless Billing

      Go paperless to reduce clutter and sometimes save money with discounts.

    8. Not Using ACH Payments

      ACH payments often come with fewer fees. Make sure to use them to save a bit more.

    9. Overdraft Fees

      Overdraft fees are money down the drain. Set up alerts and keep track to avoid these sneaky charges.

    10. Late Payment Fees

      Missing due dates costs you. Set up auto-pay and reminders to keep late fees at bay.

    11. Not Reviewing Your Bills

      Always check your bills for unexpected charges or increases, especially after promotional periods end.

    12. Forgetting Annual and Quarterly Bills

      Annual and quarterly bills can sneak up on you. Set up a separate savings account to prepare for these.

    Action Steps:

    1. Separate Your Accounts: Create a dedicated bills account and automate your payments.

    2. Review and Requote: Regularly review your bills and requote services like insurance annually.

    3. Track Subscriptions: Keep an eye on subscriptions and cancel those you don’t use.

    We know it's a lot, but trust us, tackling these mistakes will simplify your financial life and save you money. Start with the biggest impact change: separate your bills account and automate your payments.

    4 Ways To Connect With Us:

    1️⃣ FREE CALL: Book your FREE 20-Minute Financial Coaching Call now! Get personalized advice and start your financial journey ➡︎ https://www.budgetbesties.com/freecall

    2️⃣ FACEBOOK: Become part of our Supportive Facebook Group. Connect, share, and learn with others mastering their budget skills ➡︎ https://www.budgetbesties.com/facebook

    3️⃣ BUDGET: Grab our Signature Budget Template! It's your key to organizing and optimizing your finances effectively ➡︎ https://budgetbesties.com/budget

    4️⃣ COACHING: Ready to dive deep into your finances? Sign up for 1-on-1 or Group Financial Coaching. It’s the accountability and guidance you need to make real progress ➡︎ https://budgetbesties.com/coaching

    "I love Shana & Vanessa and this podcast is amazing!" < If that sounds like you, please consider rating and reviewing our show! It helps us to reach more people – just like you – to help them change their financial future. Don’t forget to follow the show so you don’t miss any episodes! And, if you’re feeling really generous, we’d be SO honored if you would share this podcast with someone.

    Click here to view our privacy policy.

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    21 m
  • 281 | Practical Tips for Women to Build Wealth and Confidence with Money
    Jul 26 2024

    Snag Our Signature Budget Template!

    Hey budget besties! This episode is all about breaking down the barriers and fears women have around the concept of wealth. We’ll dive into why the word "wealth" can be intimidating, share personal stories, and offer practical steps to help you start building the financial future you deserve.

    This episode is from a conversation we had with our friend Holly Logan from the "Lead with Empathy" podcast. Go check her out on Spotify!

    Key Takeaways:

    1. Redefining Wealth:

    2. Wealth isn't just for the elite—it's for all of us! It’s about living the life you want and achieving your personal goals.

    3. Women often shy away from the term "wealth," but it’s time to change that mindset and own our financial power.

    4. 90-Day Review:

    5. Start by doing a 90-day review of your bank and credit card statements.

    6. Categorize your spending to see where your money is going. This is the first step to creating a realistic budget.

    7. Creating a Budget that Works:

    8. Use real numbers from your 90-day review to create a budget.

    9. Prioritize your values and allocate your money where it matters most to you.

    10. Bougie on a Budget:

    11. Yes, you can enjoy the finer things in life without breaking the bank!

    12. Identify areas where you can cut back and redirect that money to what truly makes you happy.

    13. Automating Your Finances:

    14. Set up multiple accounts for different purposes (bills, spending, savings).

    15. Automate transfers to ensure your money goes where it needs to without constant manual effort.

    Practical Tips:

    1. 90-Day Review:

    2. Grab your bank statements from the past three months.

    3. Use different colored highlighters to categorize your expenses (bills, groceries, gas, fun money, etc.).

    4. Identify areas where you can cut back and reallocate funds.

    5. Budgeting:

    6. List all your income and essential expenses first.

    7. Allocate remaining funds to your priorities and goals.

    8. Use a budgeting tool or app to keep track of your spending.

    9. Automating Savings:

    10. Set up separate savings accounts for different goals (e.g., vacation, emergency fund, holiday shopping).

    11. Automate transfers to these accounts on payday.

    12. Managing Debt:

    13. Decide whether to focus on paying off debt aggressively or balancing debt repayment with savings.

    14. Remember, it’s about what works best for you and your financial goals.

    4 Ways To Connect With Us:

    1️⃣ FREE CALL: Book your FREE 20-Minute Financial Coaching Call now! Get personalized advice and start your financial journey ➡︎ https://www.budgetbesties.com/freecall

    2️⃣ FACEBOOK: Become part of our Supportive Facebook Group. Connect, share, and learn with others mastering their budget skills ➡︎ https://www.budgetbesties.com/facebook

    3️⃣ BUDGET: Grab our Signature Budget Template! It's your key to organizing and optimizing your finances effectively ➡︎ https://budgetbesties.com/budget

    4️⃣ COACHING: Ready to dive deep into your finances? Sign up for 1-on-1 or Group Financial Coaching. It’s the accountability and guidance you need to make real progress ➡︎ https://budgetbesties.com/coaching

    "I love Shana & Vanessa and this podcast is amazing!" < If that sounds like you, please consider rating and reviewing our show! It helps us to reach more people – just like you – to help them change their financial future. Don’t forget to follow the show so you don’t miss any episodes! And, if you’re feeling really generous, we’d be SO honored if you would share this podcast with someone.

    Click here to view our privacy policy.

    This description may contain affiliate links, meaning we may get a commission at no cost to you if you click & purchase!

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    26 m
  • 280 | Plan, Save, and Succeed: August Budget Strategies
    Jul 24 2024

    Snag Our Signature Budget Template!

    Hey budget besties! Have you started on your August budget yet? We're here to help you get ahead and make sure you're all set for the upcoming month. Whether you're preparing for college or your kids are heading back to school, we know there's a lot going on. Join us as we walk you through the steps to create your August budget, even though there's still a week left in July.

    In this episode, we discuss why it's crucial to get a paycheck ahead and how to plan for those early August bills. We share personal stories, practical tips, and our signature budgeting methods to ensure you're financially prepared for the month ahead.

    Key Topics Covered:

    • Why Start Your Budget Early?

    • The benefits of getting a paycheck ahead

    • Planning for early August expenses

    • Closing Out July’s Budget

    • How to review and finalize your July budget

    • Importance of zeroing out your expenses and adjusting categories

    • Setting Up Your August Budget

    • Five simple categories: Income, Debts, Bills, Spending, Savings

    • Listing all income sources, including unexpected ones like gift cards or bonuses

    • Updating and setting minimum payments for debts

    • Reviewing and adjusting recurring bills and subscriptions

    • Spending and Saving Strategies

    • Practical tips for managing spending on groceries, gas, and personal expenses

    • Setting realistic amounts and adjusting based on past spending

    • Importance of a kids’ envelope/account for families

    • The excitement of saving money and seeing your savings grow

    • Special Considerations for August

    • Planning for school-related expenses like uniforms and sports physicals

    • Adjusting for increased travel and gas costs with back-to-school activities

    • Starting to budget for upcoming holidays and family events

    • 4 Ways To Connect With Us:

      1️⃣ FREE CALL: Book your FREE 20-Minute Financial Coaching Call now! Get personalized advice and start your financial journey ➡︎ https://www.budgetbesties.com/freecall

      2️⃣ FACEBOOK: Become part of our Supportive Facebook Group. Connect, share, and learn with others mastering their budget skills ➡︎ https://www.budgetbesties.com/facebook

      3️⃣ BUDGET: Grab our Signature Budget Template! It's your key to organizing and optimizing your finances effectively ➡︎ https://budgetbesties.com/budget

      4️⃣ COACHING: Ready to dive deep into your finances? Sign up for 1-on-1 or Group Financial Coaching. It’s the accountability and guidance you need to make real progress ➡︎ https://budgetbesties.com/coaching

      "I love Shana & Vanessa and this podcast is amazing!" < If that sounds like you, please consider rating and reviewing our show! It helps us to reach more people – just like you – to help them change their financial future. Don’t forget to follow the show so you don’t miss any episodes! And, if you’re feeling really generous, we’d be SO honored if you would share this podcast with someone.

      Click here to view our privacy policy.

      This description may contain affiliate links, meaning we may get a commission at no cost to you if you click & purchase!

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    27 m
  • 279 | How to Budget and Spend Money with Confidence 💸: A Step-by-Step Guide for Stress-Free Spending
    Jul 22 2024

    Snag Our Signature Budget Template!

    Hey Budget Besties! 🎉

    Welcome back to another episode of our podcast, where we are here to help you take control of your spending money with confidence. Today, we're diving deep into understanding what counts as spending, setting up the right budget, and creating systems that make managing your money easy peasy, lemon squeezy! 🍋

    Episode Highlights:

    1. Understanding Spending:

    2. Spending isn’t your bills, debts, or savings. It’s everything else!

    3. Categories to consider: gas, groceries, pocket money, kids’ money, restaurants, family fun, entertainment, haircuts, babysitter money.

    4. Simplifying Your Budget:

    5. Stick to five categories: income, bills, debt, spending, and savings.

    6. Keep it straightforward and manageable to avoid confusion.

    7. Setting Up for Success:

    8. Decide on a monthly budget for each category.

    9. Choose between cash envelopes or digital accounts.

    10. Name your accounts for fun and clarity (e.g., “Family Fun,” “Gas Money”).

    11. Creating a Paycheck Plan:

    12. Split your monthly budget into paycheck-specific amounts.

    13. Automate transfers to your spending accounts.

    14. Enjoy the freedom of knowing exactly how much you can spend each month.

    15. Making Spending Easy:

    16. Check your account balance before making a purchase.

    17. Bring your kids into the conversation to teach them financial literacy.

    18. Adjust and personalize your categories as needed to fit your lifestyle.

    Key Takeaways:

    1. Know Your Spending: Recognize what’s truly spending vs. bills, debts, or savings.

    2. Keep It Simple: Use clear, easy-to-understand categories.

    3. Plan Ahead: Set up your budget and accounts so you can spend with confidence.

    4. Stay Flexible: Adjust your spending categories to suit your unique needs and habits.

    Fun Tips:

    1. Name Your Accounts: Add a personal touch to your accounts with fun names like “Date Night Fund” or “Kids’ Adventure Money.”

    2. Teach Your Kids: Empower your kids by letting them help manage their own spending money.

    3. Use Cash: Sometimes cash can help you stay more accountable and even get some discounts!

    1️⃣ FREE CALL: Book your FREE 20-Minute Financial Coaching Call now! Get personalized advice and start your financial journey ➡︎ https://www.budgetbesties.com/freecall

    2️⃣ FACEBOOK: Become part of our Supportive Facebook Group. Connect, share, and learn with others mastering their budget skills ➡︎ https://www.budgetbesties.com/facebook

    3️⃣ BUDGET: Grab our Signature Budget Template! It's your key to organizing and optimizing your finances effectively ➡︎ https://budgetbesties.com/budget

    4️⃣ COACHING: Ready to dive deep into your finances? Sign up for 1-on-1 or Group Financial Coaching. It’s the accountability and guidance you need to make real progress ➡︎ https://budgetbesties.com/coaching

    "I love Shana & Vanessa and this podcast is amazing!" < If that sounds like you, please consider rating and reviewing our show! It helps us to reach more people – just like you – to help them change their financial future. Don’t forget to follow the show so you don’t miss any episodes! And, if you’re feeling really generous, we’d be SO honored if you would share this podcast with someone.

    Click here to view our privacy policy.

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    22 m
  • 278 | Addressing Money Problems in Marriage and Raising Financially Literate Kids
    Jul 19 2024

    Snag Our Signature Budget Template!

    Hey budget besties! 🎙️ This week, Shana and Vanessa dive into a heartfelt conversation with Jaylin, a mom of three who's ready to take charge of her family's finances. If you've ever felt overwhelmed trying to balance household budgets with a partner, this episode is for you. Join us as we explore practical steps to get on the same financial page, create a one-page budget, and even get the kids involved in smart money habits.

    In This Episode, We Cover:

    1. Starting Point: Jaylin's financial journey and her readiness to improve her money management skills.

    2. Family Dynamics: The challenges of aligning financial goals with her husband.

    3. Creating a Budget: Using a one-page budget template to simplify and organize finances.

    4. Scheduling Money Talks: Setting up dedicated budget dates to discuss finances in a calm, structured manner.

    5. Involving Teens: Teaching her 15-year-old daughter about budgeting and financial responsibility.

    6. Support Systems: Leveraging group coaching and resources to stay on track.

    Key Takeaways:

    1. Budget Date Night: Schedule a specific time to discuss finances away from the stress of daily life. Make it fun with snacks or at a favorite hangout.

    2. One-Page Budget: Simplify your budget by listing all expenses on one page. This helps both partners see the big picture.

    3. Automatic Transfers: Use automatic transfers to manage different categories like groceries, gas, and pocket money.

    4. Empowering Teens: Teach teenagers about budgeting by giving them a set amount of money to manage each month.

      Stay Positive: Focus on progress and celebrate small wins to keep the momentum going.

    • 4 Ways To Connect With Us:

      1️⃣ FREE CALL: Book your FREE 20-Minute Financial Coaching Call now! Get personalized advice and start your financial journey ➡︎ https://www.budgetbesties.com/freecall

      2️⃣ FACEBOOK: Become part of our Supportive Facebook Group. Connect, share, and learn with others mastering their budget skills ➡︎ https://www.budgetbesties.com/facebook

      3️⃣ BUDGET: Grab our Signature Budget Template! It's your key to organizing and optimizing your finances effectively ➡︎ https://budgetbesties.com/budget

      4️⃣ COACHING: Ready to dive deep into your finances? Sign up for 1-on-1 or Group Financial Coaching. It’s the accountability and guidance you need to make real progress ➡︎ https://budgetbesties.com/coaching

      "I love Shana & Vanessa and this podcast is amazing!" < If that sounds like you, please consider rating and reviewing our show! It helps us to reach more people – just like you – to help them change their financial future. Don’t forget to follow the show so you don’t miss any episodes! And, if you’re feeling really generous, we’d be SO honored if you would share this podcast with someone.

      Click here to view our privacy policy.

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    27 m
  • 277 | Living Well While Paying Off Debt: Balancing Your Budget And Your Goals
    Jul 17 2024

    Snag Our Signature Budget Template!

    Hey, budget besties! Today we’ve got some stories from our clients that we think will really resonate with you. These real-life lessons are like free coaching sessions, packed with tips and inspiration to help you on your financial journey. So, let’s get into it!

    Episode Highlights:

    1. Celebrating Small Wins with a Single Mom:

    - Shana had a heart-to-heart with a single mom who’s saved $50K—go girl! But she also financed $3K for furniture. We dive into why people use credit even when they have cash and how it impacts our financial security.

    2. Finding Balance for a Dedicated Nurse:

    - Meet a nurse who’s working two hospital jobs to pay off debt. She’s giving it her all, but it’s leading to burnout. We discuss the importance of balancing hard work with self-care to stay on track without burning out.

    3. Convenience vs. Cost:

    - Life is hectic, and those gas station snacks and drive-thru meals can add up quickly. We share practical tips for cutting down these costs without sacrificing convenience or health.

    4. The Power of a Phone Call:

    - A couple we coach made a call that reduced their credit card interest from 29% to 0%, saving them $600 a month! We talk about the importance of advocating for yourself and asking for better terms.

    Key Takeaways:

    • Credit vs. Cash: Having cash doesn’t mean security if you’re carrying debt. Focus on paying off debt to truly own your money.
    • Avoid Burnout: It’s crucial to find a sustainable work-life balance. You can pay off debt without sacrificing your well-being.
    • Small Changes, Big Impact: Cutting back on convenience spending can save you a lot. Start small and see the difference.
    • Advocate for Yourself: Don’t hesitate to call creditors and ask for better terms. It can make a significant difference in your budget.

    4 Ways To Connect With Us:

    1. 1️⃣ FREE CALL: Book your FREE 20-Minute Financial Coaching Call now! Get personalized advice and start your financial journey ➡︎ https://www.budgetbesties.com/freecall

      2️⃣ FACEBOOK: Become part of our Supportive Facebook Group. Connect, share, and learn with others mastering their budget skills ➡︎ https://www.budgetbesties.com/facebook

      3️⃣ BUDGET: Grab our Signature Budget Template! It's your key to organizing and optimizing your finances effectively ➡︎ https://budgetbesties.com/budget

      4️⃣ COACHING: Ready to dive deep into your finances? Sign up for 1-on-1 or Group Financial Coaching. It’s the accountability and guidance you need to make real progress ➡︎ https://budgetbesties.com/coaching

      "I love Shana & Vanessa and this podcast is amazing!" < If that sounds like you, please consider rating and reviewing our show! It helps us to reach more people – just like you – to help them change their financial future. Don’t forget to follow the show so you don’t miss any episodes! And, if you’re feeling really generous, we’d be SO honored if you would share this podcast with someone.

      Click here to view our privacy policy.

      This description may contain affiliate links, meaning we may get a commission at no cost to you if you click & purchase!

    Más Menos
    18 m
  • 276 | 20 Money Tips in 20 Minutes: Proven Budget Hacks for Success
    Jul 15 2024
    Snag Our Signature Budget Template! Hey, budget besties! Get ready for a whirlwind episode where we, Shana and Vanessa, deliver 20 money tips in just 20 minutes! Buckle up for these game-changing financial strategies designed to keep us on track and feeling empowered. Key Takeaways: Separate Your Accounts: Have different accounts for bills, spending, and savings to keep things organized. Savings Buckets: Create specific savings buckets for unexpected expenses and goals like travel or medical bills. One-Page Budget Template: Simplify your budgeting with a clear, one-page template divided into five categories. Kids’ Envelope: Allocate a set amount of money for kids' expenses to teach them responsibility and track spending. Rename Your Accounts: Give your accounts meaningful names to prevent unnecessary spending and add some joy to budgeting. Budget Check-Ins: Schedule regular budget meetings with notifications to stay on top of your finances. Shop Banks: Look for banks that offer better services and lower fees; consider credit unions and those offering interest on savings. Use Cash: Utilize cash for discounts and to keep spending under control. Have a Vision: Define your financial goals and understand your "why" to stay motivated. Teach Kids to Budget: Involve your kids in budgeting to build their financial literacy and future independence. Don’t Waste Food: Plan meals and manage leftovers to reduce food waste and save money. Personal Pocket Money: Allocate money for yourself and your spouse for personal spending without guilt. Delete Shopping Apps: Remove or disable apps that tempt you to spend impulsively. Avoid Buy Now, Pay Later: If you can't pay for it in full now, reconsider the purchase. Earn Interest, Not Points: Focus on earning interest from high-yield savings rather than credit card points. No Reliance on Debt: Acknowledge that you make enough money to avoid relying on credit. Park Money Wisely: Keep large sums in high-yield savings or money market accounts to earn more interest. Be Your Own Bank: Use your money to make money, and rely on your savings for big purchases and emergencies. Automate Savings: Set up automatic transfers to savings accounts to ensure you consistently save without thinking about it. Track Your Progress: Regularly review your financial goals and track your progress to stay motivated and make adjustments as needed. Join us for these rapid-fire tips and transform your financial habits in no time! 4 Ways To Connect With Us: 1️⃣ FREE CALL: Book your FREE 20-Minute Financial Coaching Call now! Get personalized advice and start your financial journey ➡︎ https://www.budgetbesties.com/freecall 2️⃣ FACEBOOK: Become part of our Supportive Facebook Group. Connect, share, and learn with others mastering their budget skills ➡︎ https://www.budgetbesties.com/facebook 3️⃣ BUDGET: Grab our Signature Budget Template! It's your key to organizing and optimizing your finances effectively ➡︎ https://budgetbesties.com/budget 4️⃣ COACHING: Ready to dive deep into your finances? Sign up for 1-on-1 or Group Financial Coaching. It’s the accountability and guidance you need to make real progress ➡︎ https://budgetbesties.com/coaching "I love Shana & Vanessa and this podcast is amazing!" < If that sounds like you, please consider rating and reviewing our show! It helps us to reach more people – just like you – to help them change their financial future. Don’t forget to follow the show so you don’t miss any episodes! And, if you’re feeling really generous, we’d be SO honored if you would share this podcast with someone. Click here to view our privacy policy. This description may contain affiliate links, meaning we may get a commission at no cost to you if you click & purchase!
    Más Menos
    20 m
  • 275 | Managing Chaos: Parenting, Careers, and Financial Harmony in Your Relationship
    Jul 12 2024

    Snag Our Signature Budget Template!

    Episode Summary:

    Join us as we chat with the incredible Kayden, a 27-year-old real estate assistant and foster parent. Together, we dive into the challenges of managing a bustling household, transitioning to a new state, and balancing multiple income streams.

    Key Moments:

    • Dealing with the stress of joint accounts and differing pay schedules.
    • The importance of automating finances to simplify budgeting.
    • Strategies to get both partners on the same page with money management.
    • Prioritizing time for financial discussions and budgeting.
    • Understanding each partner's financial perspective to reduce anxiety.
    • The power of scheduling and sticking to financial meetings.
    • Practical Steps Forward:

      1. Using a simple one-page budget template for clarity and ease.

      2. Deciding on a single pay structure to streamline finances.

      3. Setting up regular monthly meetings to review and adjust the budget.

      4 Ways To Connect With Us:

      1️⃣ FREE CALL: Book your FREE 20-Minute Financial Coaching Call now! Get personalized advice and start your financial journey ➡︎ https://www.myidealbalance.com/freecall

      2️⃣ FACEBOOK: Become part of our Supportive Facebook Group. Connect, share, and learn with others mastering their budget skills ➡︎ https://www.myidealbalance.com/facebook

      3️⃣ BUDGET: Grab our Signature Budget Template! It's your key to organizing and optimizing your finances effectively ➡︎ https://myidealbalance.com/budget

      4️⃣ COACHING: Ready to dive deep into your finances? Sign up for our 1-on-1 Financial Coaching. It’s the accountability and guidance you need to make real progress ➡︎ https://myidealbalance.com/coaching

      "I love Shana & Vanessa and this podcast is amazing!" < If that sounds like you, please consider rating and reviewing our show! It helps us to reach more people – just like you – to help them change their financial future. Don’t forget to follow the show so you don’t miss any episodes! And, if you’re feeling really generous, we’d be SO honored if you would share this podcast with someone.

      Click here to view our privacy policy.

      This description may contain affiliate links, meaning we may get a commission at no cost to you if you click & purchase!

    Más Menos
    29 m