
  • 13 Nights of Halloween: Night 1 - The Masque of the Red Death
    Oct 18 2024

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    Greetings, listeners! Thank you for joining us on this spooky journey to celebrate Halloween. We start this morbid tour beyond the veil by exploring a universal fear: death.

    Can opulence and power truly keep death at bay, or is it just an illusion that crumbles under the weight of inevitable fate? Join us on an eerie exploration of Edgar Allan Poe's haunting tale, "The Masque of the Red Death," as part of our 13 Nights of Halloween event. We plunge into the heart of darkness where Prince Prospero's vain attempt to escape a deadly plague is depicted through a lavish masquerade ball in his fortress. This episode invites you to confront the unsettling truth about the arrogance of believing one can outwit death. The story is set amidst a series of uniquely designed rooms that vividly portray the futility of wealth in the face of mortality.

    This tale, and its inevitable conclusion, is a reminder that no amount of hubris, power, or status will save anyone from reaching the end of their mortal coil. If you have any feedback, feel free to reach out to me with those dead letters. As ever, I am at Hades@firesidefolklorewithhades.com.

    Más Menos
    16 m
  • Your Suffering Is My Suffering (Hades's Haunting Lament)
    Oct 7 2024

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    [Verse 1]

    In the land where shadows stretch beneath the olive tree,
    A people’s hope is shattered, like ruins washed to sea.
    The ruthless hand of Israel, relentless in its claim,
    Has torn apart the living—no victor in this game.
    I am Hades, lord of death, I’ve seen this all before,
    The endless cycle of cruelty, suffering at its core.
    But now I stand in silence, as humanity consumes,
    Itself with greed and fury, the world becomes their tomb.


    Oh, Gaza, Gaza, I hear your endless wail,
    Your cries haunt the Underworld, a dirge of those who fail.
    Let the Earth bear witness, to the blood upon its face,
    Let the sky rain down with sorrow, for this unforgiving place.


    Oh, Gaza, Gaza, your cries pierce through the veil,
    Your suffering, unyielding, in the wind, a mournful tale.
    Let the world feel your anguish, let them know your pain,
    Let the heavens rage in darkness, let it rain, let it rain.

    [Verse 2]

    The bombs fall like ash, the guns roar with despair,
    And what remains is silence, heavy in the air.
    The hospitals are demolished, the wounded left to die,
    And those who cry for mercy are met with a smoke-filled sky.
    I am Hades, lord of death, I know the stench of war,
    Yet even here, in my domain, this hate is something more.
    For in the eyes of children, the light of life fades fast,
    And I, who guard the dead, feel grief for those who have passed.


    Oh, Gaza, Gaza, I hear your tortured cries,
    Your suffering is endless, beneath indifferent skies.
    Let the storm of justice rise, let the earth shake with its roar,
    For your pain is my pain, forever, and evermore.

    [Verse 3]

    In streets across the nations, the voices rise and plea,
    For ceasefires and for freedom, for the right to simply be.
    But governments reply with lies and fleeting show,
    A promise made for tomorrow, while today the death toll grows.
    I am Hades, lord of death, I’ve watched this farce unfold,
    A charade of empty words, while bodies lie broken and cold.
    The time for truth is buried, beneath political games,
    While the people thirst for justice, they’re offered only shame.


    Oh, Gaza, Gaza, hear the voices call,
    Of those who fight for Palestine, though they stumble, though they fall.
    Let their will echo stronger, let the skies weep in shame,
    For their strength is your strength, and none shall douse this flame.


    I am Hades, lord of death, yet even I recoil,
    At the destruction wrought by men, the blood soaked in their soil.
    This is not self-defense, it’s the cruelty of the strong,
    A crime against the voiceless, whose agony’s prolonged.

    I will speak, though you may doubt my words. I will lift my hand in grief,
    For the world must face this truth, there will be no reprieve.
    Let the scales of justice balance, let the world be set aflame,
    Not by fire, but by wisdom—no more death in freedom’s name.


    Oh, Gaza, Gaza, hear the voices call,
    Of those who fight for Palestine, though they stumble, though they fall.
    Let their will echo stronger, let the skies weep in shame,
    For their strength is your strength, and none shall douse this flame.

    Más Menos
    7 m
  • Whoopsie Wednesday - Terrifyingly Twisted Tricks and Treats
    Oct 16 2024

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    Greetings, listeners! While producing the 13 Nights of Halloween, my Underworld Undead Quartet composed some songs that were either too cutesy, too weird, or too out-of-genre to be used, and so, here, for your listening pleasure, are those tunes which I found too exquisite to be cast into oblivion, yet not up to the task of delivering the kind of spooktacular experience I expect for this holiday extravaganza. Enjoy!

    Más Menos
    33 m
  • PSA: 13 Nights of Halloween for 2024
    Oct 9 2024

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    Greetings, listeners! I bring both good and bad news in this update. The bad news is that despite completing the writing of "The Golden Pail," my divine family has been dragging their feet when it comes to actually recording this tale. Though I aimed to finish last week, earthly accomplishments can't keep up with my divine magic. The good news, however, is something to get excited about. In celebration of my favorite holiday, Halloween, I'm preparing a special treat for you all. Unlike last year's lighthearted festivities, this year we'll explore darker tales inspired by classic horror such as Poe, old-time radio from shows like Lights Out, and even true crime. Get ready for 13 nights of Halloween beginning October 19, filled with stories that will make you want to sleep with the lights on!
    Mark your calendars and join us as we kick this off on October 19. We'll see you there ... if you dare.

    Más Menos
    2 m
  • Celebrating S'mores By the Campfire: Divine Variations On this Girl Scout Classic
    Sep 13 2024

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    Greetings, listeners! On September 9, Google celebrated the s'more with a doodle, leading Hades to go on a quest to find out why, especially since other, more interesting things happened on September 9, such as television's first successful demonstration in 1927! The s'more was first introduced to the wider world on September 9, 1925 in a newspaper. Dubbed "some more" because nobody could stop at just one, it has become quite the beloved treat! What began as a Girl Scout tradition has now become a chance for the gods to banter and put their own divine twists on this campfire delight. From Zeus's electrifying treat filled with Rice Krispies to Dionysus's grown-up boozy take, join us as we explore the many ways the s'more can be enjoyed. If you'd like to share your twist, please E-mail Persephone@firesidefolklorewithhades.com. Who knows? You might spark a heated debate or dethrone ambrosia with your creativity!

    Más Menos
    8 m
  • Apollon's Rant
    Sep 8 2024

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    Greetings, listeners! Well, it isn't exactly a story. At least, not in the traditional sense of the word, but sometimes, other, more important things need to be aired, like Apollon's disdain for mortals, (even our mortal conduit), botching his name on this podcast. So, while I continue plugging away at the Golden Pail, I'll allow my nephew to throw a hissy fit. At least it keeps my brother Zeus off my back. After all, he tells me he's had trouble finding decent sponsors because the Underworld has been silent, though, in the grand scheme of things, whether we get Demeter's Celestial Seeds to sponsor us or not, this podcast will endure.

    Más Menos
    5 m
  • PSA: Persephone's Promise
    Sep 7 2024

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    Greetings, listeners! I know we've been pretty quiet lately, but my husband has actually been working on the Golden Pail, despite the lack of any trailers. It just got to a point where he thought you might know the story in full even before we finished producing it! So, he tried to get his Roman counterpart Pluto to help fill in the void, but ... well ... we all know how that turned out! Here's hoping that we can get this done by the time the autumn equinox rolls around. This year, that will be on September 22, the very day we began this podcast last year! Enjoy the rest of the summer, and stay cool for any of you who are dealing with a heat wave!

    Más Menos
    1 m
  • Twisted Tuesday for August 20, 2024 - The Babysitter
    Aug 20 2024

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    Greetings, listeners! What happens when Pluto tries to retell an urban legend? He gets flustered, Jupiter gets fired, and everything falls apart. Hopefully, you all know the story well enough already that you can fill in the missing pieces, because, unfortunately for you, this episode doesn't come anywhere close to doing the story any justice. When Hades returns, whenever that might be, be sure that you send him a dead letter requesting better quality control. As ever, he's at hades@firesidefolklorewithhades.com

    Más Menos
    4 m