
  • The Good News: Transformation! - July 21, 2024
    Jul 22 2024

    Sermon 7.21.24

    The Good News: Transformation!

    Luke Stehr

    Mark 7:1-23

    "These people honor me with their lips bur their hearts are from me. They worship me in vain; their teachings are merely human rules." Jesus quotes Isaiah 29:13.

    Jesus is calling you and me to have a transformed heart, not just clean hands.

    Jesus isn't after our blind obedience to the traditions that the church has made; he's chasing after the transformation of our hearts so that we become like him.

    Jesus is calling you to have a transformed heart, not just clean hands.

    Más Menos
    24 m
  • Restored and Commissioned - July 14, 2024
    Jul 15 2024

    Katy Reed-Hodges

    Restored and Commissioned

    Mark 5:1-20

    Mark 5:1-20 NIV

    “People today are more likely to be controlled by a legion of cravings, captivations, and destructive impulses than by a legion of demons.” – David Garland

    “[Legion] may express the man’s sense of being possessed by an aggregate of uncoordinated impulses and evil forces which have so impaired his ego… it is a pathetic admission of the loss of all sense of identity.” – William Lane

    Más Menos
    31 m
  • Digging for Discipleship - July 7, 2024
    Jul 8 2024

    Rev. Ryan Chandler

    Minister to Young Adults

    July 7, 2024

    Digging for Discipleship

    Mark 4:1-20

    If you want to grow higher, dig deeper.

    Digging for discipleship looks like pushing. It is pushing through rocky seasons of life that challenge our faith.

    Digging for discipleship looks like listening. It is taking time to listen to Jesus and grasp who he really is.

    Digging for discipleship looks like trading. It is trading worldly values for kingdom values.

    Mark 4:18-19

    Más Menos
    35 m
  • The Good News: Our Ministry - June 30, 2024
    Jul 1 2024

    Dennis R. Wiles

    First Baptist Arlington

    June 30, 2024

    SUMMER 2024

    Together . . . in the Gospel

    June 2 – August 3, 2024

    Preaching Voice: Evangelist

    The Good News: Our Ministry

    Mark 1:21-45

    Theme for 2024: Together

    Theme for Summer 2024: Together . . . in The Gospel

    THE MESSIANIC MINISTRY OF JESUS CHRIST: Jesus made His way across the region of Galilee establishing His unique authority, demonstrating His unparalleled power, proclaiming His revelatory message, and displaying His tender compassion.

    Mark 1:21-28: Amazing Authority

    Mark 1:29-31: Personal Compassion

    Mark 1:32-34: Healing Power

    Mark 1:35-39: Prayer, Preaching, and Authority

    Mark 1:40-45: Compassion and Power

    THE MINISTRY OF CHRIST’S CHURCH: We now are the emissaries of the Kingdom of God. We have been called to engage in ministries that bring healing, hope, grace, forgiveness, love, care, compassion, and restoration to this broken world!

    Más Menos
    35 m
  • The Good News: Our Mission - June 23, 2024
    Jun 24 2024

    Dennis R. Wiles

    First Baptist Arlington

    June 23, 2024

    SUMMER 2024

    Together . . . in the Gospel

    June 2 – August 3, 2024

    Preaching Voice: Evangelist

    The Good News: Our Mission

    Mark 1:16-20

    Theme for 2024: Together

    Theme for Summer 2024: Together . . . in The Gospel

    Summer – Evangelistic Sensitivity

    Tell Me More podcast

    COSMIC TO COMMON: The proclamation of Jesus concerning the Kingdom of God had cosmic connotations. Yet, the inauguration of the Kingdom of God would be practically accomplished through the lives of common people!

    From now until Gethsemane Jesus appears in the narrative constantly accompanied by his disciples, and their training and development will be one of the main focuses of the story. They may, and often will, fail him and disappoint him, but their role is crucial to the achievement of his mission, for it is through this flawed and vulnerable group of people that God’s kingship will be established. And it is in tracing their development as Jesus’ disciples, both in its successes and in its more frequent failures, that Mark will expect his readers to find the basis, whether by example or by warning, for their own discipleship.

    -R. T. France, The New International Greek Testament Commentary: Mark

    CALL OF JESUS: Jesus was unique in His day in so many respects. He called people to follow Him! This is still the invitation today!

    CONVERSION TO COMPULSION: What happened to these fishermen? They became followers of Jesus and fishers of people!

    COMMUNITY CASTING: As followers of Jesus, we cast nets together!

    Más Menos
    32 m
  • The Good News: A New Day! - June 16, 2024
    Jun 18 2024

    Dennis R. Wiles

    First Baptist Arlington

    June 16, 2024

    Father’s Day

    SUMMER 2024

    Together . . . in the Gospel

    June 2 – August 3, 2024

    Preaching Voice: Evangelist

    The Good News: A New Day!

    Mark 1:14-15

    Theme for 2024: Together

    Theme for Summer 2024: Together . . . in The Gospel

    Summer – Evangelistic Sensitivity

    Tell Me More podcast – live podcast from the Sanctuary on June 23 – 100th episode!

    FORERUNNER TO FULFILLMENT: The era of preparation was over, and the time had come for the Age to Come to be announced and inaugurated!

    OPPOSTITION: God’s work is always opposed by the enemy.

    PROCLAMATION: Jesus had a message to declare – Good News!

    FULFILLMENT: It was about time!

    THE KINGDOM OF GOD: The reign of God in the Age to Come has begun!


    Más Menos
    36 m
  • The Good News: The New Exodus - June 9, 2024
    Jun 10 2024

    Dennis R. Wiles

    First Baptist Arlington

    June 9, 2024

    SUMMER 2024

    Together . . . in the Gospel

    June 2 – August 3, 2024

    Preaching Voice: Evangelist

    The Good News: The New Exodus

    Mark 1:9-13

    Theme for 2024: Together

    Theme for Summer 2024: Together . . . in The Gospel

    Summer – Evangelistic Sensitivity

    Tell Me More podcast - We will be live June 23 for our 100th Episode

    MOUNTWEAZEL - a decoy entry in a reference work, such as a dictionary or encyclopedia, secretly planted among the genuine entries to catch other publishers in the act of copying content.

    The Good News is . . . Jesus!

    CONTEXT FOR THE MINISTRY OF JESUS: Jesus entered the world at a definite point in human history. His ministry was connected to and contextualized by the cosmic battle between evil (Satan) and good (God) and the revelation of God through the life of Israel.


    • Wilderness – Jesus begins his ministry in the wilderness – evoking so many Old Testament images.
    • The Glory of God – this is a cosmic story, and His ministry will be accompanied by heavenly signs. Moses was used by God for the parting of the Red Sea – Jesus’ ministry will be bracketed by the parting of the heavens and the parting of the veil of the Temple.
    • The Spirit of God – God’s Spirit was present at creation, in the deliverance of Israel, and remains present in the story of re-creation.
    • God heard the cry of the Israelites in Egypt and sent Moses to deliver them. He now has responded to the desperate condition of all humanity by sending Jesus to deliver us all!
    Más Menos
    30 m
  • The Good News is About JESUS! - June 2, 2024
    Jun 3 2024

    Dennis R. Wiles

    First Baptist Arlington

    June 2, 2024

    SUMMER 2024

    Together . . . in the Gospel

    June 2 – August 3, 2024

    Preaching Voice: Evangelist

    The Good News is About Jesus!

    Mark 1:1-8

    1 Corinthians 11:23-26

    Theme for 2024: Together

    Theme for Summer 2024: Together . . . in The Gospel

    Summer – Evangelistic Sensitivity

    New Devotional Guide for Summer

    Tell Me More podcast – I will also plug the live podcast from the Sanctuary on June 23 – 100th episode!


    -Earliest Gospel

    -Gospel – Good News!

    -Mark was a disciple of Simon Peter

    -The Gospel of Mark was intended to be read aloud in community.

    -Mark’s Gospel is a drama with three acts: Jesus in Galilee, Jesus on the way to Jerusalem, and Jesus in Jerusalem

    -The “Messianic Secret”

    -The ending of the Gospel of Mark


    PREPARATION: The Good News about Jesus is new news rooted in old news!

    PERSON: The Good News is . . . Jesus!

    Más Menos
    36 m