
  • Pei-Shen Qian : the international forger
    Jul 24 2024

    Pei-Shen Qian, born in China in 1950, is recognized as a full-fledged artist in his home country, where he has exhibited portraits of Mao since the 1970s and taught painting. But Pei-Shen also likes abstract art, and the government in Beijing does not approve of this style, which they consider decadent. So Pei-Shen immigrates to the United States on a student visa in 1981 and settles in Queens, New York. He studies at the Arts Student League with abstract expressionist painter Richard Pousette-Dart. However, he does not enjoy the same success as in his native country.

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    10 m
  • Tony Tetro and the fake paintings of Prince Charles
    Jul 17 2024

    Tony Tetro is a forger who recently rose to fame : a property of the British royal family belonging to Prince Charles hosts three of his forgeries. 104 million pounds sterling. That's the estimated value of the triple scam. Perhaps more. But let's start from the beginning...

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    10 m
  • Tom Keating : the man of 2000 counterfeits
    Jul 10 2024

    Thomas Patrick Keating was a british man, born in Lewisham to a poor family in 1917, during the First World War. He claimed he made over two thousand forgeries without ever accepting to identify any of them. At Keating's death, the auction house Christie's organized a sale including 204 of his listed forgeries. Where are the rest? Given his talents and the profusion of his creations, you have very probably seen some of them in museums or galleries you have visited. What is it that made Tom Keating so special? Let's find out...

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    11 m
  • The Greenhalgh family : master forgers
    Jul 3 2024

    The Greenhalgh Family name is famous in the art world thanks to three of its members. First, there is Shaun, born in 1961, still living with his parents. He is what you would call a self-taught. He left school at sixteen and flunked out of the Royal Marines because he couldn't swim. The only job he held was as a shop clerk in a convenience store. No artistic education whatsoever. And yet, without him, this scheme would never have existed. He is the forger.

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    12 m
  • Eric Piedoie le Tiec and the false Césars
    Jun 26 2024

    It's the end of September 2001, in Grasse, in the south of France. A network of traffickers is dismantled, 200 forgeries are put under seal. In November or that same year, an operation is organized to arrest three people. It has taken eight years of investigation to bring eleven defendants to the stand and five days of debates to untangle the knots of the story that will follow. This is the story of Eric Piedoie Le Tiec, known simply as "Le Tiec".

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    12 m
  • Yves Chaudron and the Mona Lisa affair
    Jun 19 2024

    The portrait of the Mona Lisa by Leonardo da Vinci was stolen in August 1911 by a worker, the painter-glass worker Vincenzo Peruggia. Employed for several years at the Louvre, he participated in the work of putting the Salon Carré under glass. He knew everyone at the museum and he knew the security operators. Since the museum was closed to the public on Mondays, he locked himself in one Sunday night. Dressed in a workman's coat, he took advantage of the absence of the staff in the room where the Mona Lisa was on display and simply took it down. At the turn of a staircase, he removed its frame and hid it under his coat. He calmly exited the Louvre with the painted wooden panel under his arm...

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    7 m
  • Han Van Meegeren : the disciple of Vermeer
    Jun 12 2024

    Han van Meegeren was born on October 10th, 1889 in Deventer, in the center of the Netherlands. He dreamed of becoming a painter, but his ambitions were immediately put down by his father, a rigid teacher, who did not believe in his talent. His parents enrolled him in architecture school, but he secretly gave it up for the Fine Arts. Bartus Korteling, his traditionalist and no less rigid teacher, considered only works from the Golden Age of painting worthy of interest. He taught Han van Meegeren the techniques of the great 17th century Dutch masters : the preparation of canvases, colors and drawings.

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    11 m
  • Guy Hain : from bronze to silver
    Jun 5 2024

    Guy Hain, son of a fruit and vegetable merchant, was born in 1942, in the middle of the Second world war, in Gravelines, in the North of France. He started his career as a banker and then, after his military service, turned to the trade of veterinary products. It is in this environment that he meets many amateurs of animal sculptures in bronze. At the age of 20, he becomes a collector and buys, among other maserworks, Auguste Rodin's Kiss for the modest sum of 550,000 francs. The world of antique dealers being much more exciting than that of flea markets, Guy Hain opens a gallery in Paris in May of 1979, which he names "Aux Ducs de Bourgogne".

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    11 m