
  • Shani Dev Mantra 108 times Continuous Chanting By G1 Podcast
    Mar 19 2023

    Shani Dev Mantra 108 times Continuous chanting without any interrupt. Enjoy this podcast on Spotify, Apple podcast, Amazon Podcast, Gaana, Saavn and Google Podcast also.

    Title: Shani Dev Mantra 108 times

    Podcaster: Rahul Deo Tiwari

    Duration: 06:59 Min

    Benefits of Chanting Shani dev mantra :

    Shani Dev is a Hindu deity associated with the planet Saturn. According to Hindu mythology, chanting Shani Dev's name or mantra can bring several benefits, including:

    1. Removal of obstacles: Shani Dev is believed to be the lord of justice and is known for punishing wrongdoers. Chanting his mantra can help remove obstacles and challenges in one's life, especially those that are the result of past wrongdoings.

    2. Protection from negative energies: It is said that chanting Shani Dev's mantra can protect one from negative energies and evil influences.

    3. Improving health: Shani Dev is associated with the bones and the skeletal system. Chanting his mantra is believed to help improve bone health and alleviate problems related to the skeletal system.

    4. Increasing discipline and self-control: Shani Dev is known for his strictness and discipline. Chanting his mantra can help one develop discipline and self-control in their life.

    5. Promoting spiritual growth: Shani Dev is also believed to be a teacher who imparts wisdom and knowledge. Chanting his mantra can help one attain spiritual growth and progress on their spiritual journey. It is important to note that the benefits of chanting Shani Dev's mantra are believed to be spiritual in nature and not necessarily material or physical. It is also important to approach any spiritual practice with sincerity, devotion, and a pure heart.

    Más Menos
    7 m
  • Zindagi shayari in hindi - Life quotes in hindi G1 Podcast
    Mar 12 2023

    Listen Zindagi shayari in hindi (Life quotes in hindi). Life related shayari in hindi.

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    3 m