
  • FROM FIVE LOAVES TO A FEAST: Trusting God with Our Resources
    Jul 23 2024
    BIBLE STUDY|MIRACLES OF JESUS SERIES|THE FOURTH MIRACLE OF JESUS PT.22|THE FEEDING OF 5,000 MEN WITH 5 LOAVES OF BREAD AND 2 FISHES|CHIMDI OHAHUNA Mark 6:31-34 This episode on the Miracles of Jesus reveals that no one is too small or insignificant to be used by God to perform miracles. The only requirement is that one must make themselves available to be used. Until you offer yourself to God, there is no limit to the ways in which He can utilize you for His divine purposes. Consider the young lad who willingly left his meal behind, fully soaking in the words of God. When the moment came to eat, he demonstrated his willingness by placing his modest offerings—a mere five loaves and two fish—into the hands of Jesus. It was then that these humble provisions were transformed into a miraculous feast. This act serves as a powerful reminder that what we perceive as small or insignificant can be more than enough when placed in God's hands. Just as Moses only needed the rod he carried to lead his people from bondage, we too must recognize that everything we have is sufficient for God’s work. Moreover, the lad exemplified a generosity of spirit; he was not stingy with what he possessed. It’s crucial to understand that stinginess cannot foster miracles. We must remember that we have received freely, and it is our duty to give freely in return. Much like the widow described in 1 Kings 17:11-15, who generously offered her last meal, we may find ourselves giving to God through others. God often works through human vessels to ask for what we have at hand, inviting us to contribute to His miraculous works. When we give to the Lord, we must be open to receive the blessings that come from such generosity. It is also vital to note that the lad was in the company of Jesus. To witness such profound miracles, we too must dwell in the presence of God. Absence from God does not yield miraculous outcomes. Thus, living in the presence of God is essential; our faith anchors us there, allowing us to continually experience His glory and power. So, let us remember that no matter how small our contributions may seem, when we fully surrender our resources to God, He is capable of performing great things through us. In our willingness to give, to be present, and to trust in His divine purpose, we open the door to miraculous possibilities. Listen to the full teaching now. Kindly share your feedback and questions with us, and if you find solace and strength in our podcast, please consider supporting us through our giving channels. Find all the details on our website. Now, let's cast our nets wide and begin this soul-nourishing journey together, right here on "the GRACELIFECOMI podcast." Any questions arising from this study can be submitted to chimdiohahunaministry@gmail.com. Check our bio to know how to give your love offerings to the ministry. Jesus is Lord. --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/gracelife-comi/support
    Más Menos
    1 h y 2 m
  • LIVING BEYOND YOURSELF: The True Cost of Following God
    Jul 22 2024
    REVIVE US Series| Chimdi Ohahuna| A CALL FOR PERSONAL REVIVAL. When God loves you, His will becomes a higher priority than your own. This divine love calls us into a deeper relationship with Him, where our personal desires, dreams, and visions may be challenged and transformed. Walking with God often presents its greatest difficulty in the form of obedience. In our journey of faith, we may find that to truly obey God, we must surrender our own will, allowing our personal aspirations and goals to fade away in deference to His divine purpose. Obedience is not a matter of convenience; it is a demanding and costly endeavor that requires the relinquishment of self. Indeed, the scripture reminds us that "to obey is better than sacrifice" (1 Samuel 15:22). Obedience stands as a discipline that is, at times, more challenging than the act of sacrificing something tangible. It involves a transformation where we become the sacrifice ourselves, this is what being a "living sacrifice" as described in Romans 12:1-4 really entails. Here, our personal ambitions and desires must die, making way for God's will to take precedence. The crux of obedience lies in this surrender—dying to our own visions and aspirations in order to embrace God's higher calling. God seeks living sacrifices within the Church, not mere symbolic offerings. Until we are fully dead to self-interests, we cannot be used effectively for His purposes. It is a profound truth that we cannot simultaneously be alive to our own desires and fully engage with God in the richness of His love and plans for us. Only through this death to self can we truly experience the fullness of life in Him. Join us as we explore the importance of revival, its implications for Ghana and the nations, and the transformative impact it can have on our lives and the world around us. This is a call to Arise! Listen to the full session. Jesus is Lord. --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/gracelife-comi/support
    Más Menos
    41 m
  • HEALING TRANSGRESSIONS AND INIQUITY: Understanding Jesus' Baptism.
    Jul 21 2024
    DISCIPLESHIP COURSE| STUDY OF THE WORDS AND LIFE OF JESUS IN SYNOPTIC GOSPEL| UPGRADE| CHIMDI OHAHUNA. This is another thought-provoking podcast that unveils the significance of Jesus' baptism and its profound implications for His ministry and our lives today. In this insightful series, we will examine key scripture passages, including Matthew 5:13 and John 1:14,29, highlighting the unique calling of Jesus to die for our sins. Through His baptism, we witness the beginning of a journey that culminates in His role as the suffering servant, reminding us that true strength often manifests in moments of apparent weakness. Only Christ Jesus came to die for the sins of mankind. The baptism of Jesus showed the purpose of Christ Jesus to die as a suffering servant for the sins of the world. It was about His Death.The peak of Jesus' ministry was when He became the suffering servant, when He looked all powerless. Discover in this series the connection between spiritual and physical ailments. It is also vital to recognize our identity as new creations in Christ. When we embrace this truth, we can stand firm against physical sickness, understanding that spiritual healing transcends our circumstances.The sickness of mankind are simply iniquity and transgressions we were healed from; these represents the sickness of the spirit. Once the New man in Christ becomes conscious of this truth, physical sicknesses will have no choice but to no longer afflict him. Jesus revealed on the Cross that when we are weak that is when we are made stronger because this is when our strength is made perfect. (Ecclesiastes 7; Isaiah 46:10; 53) Join us for eye-opening discussions, inspiring testimonies, and biblical insights that will challenge your perspective on suffering, healing, and the redemptive purpose of Christ's ministry. Whether you're seeking to deepen your relationship with God or looking for hope and healing in your life, this podcast is for you. Listen to the full teaching now. Kindly share your feedback and questions with us, and if you find solace and strength in our podcast, please consider supporting us through our giving channels. Find all the details on our website. Now, let's cast our nets wide and begin this soul-nourishing journey together, right here on "the GRACELIFECOMI podcast." Any questions arising from this study can be submitted to chimdiohahunaministry@gmail.com. Check our bio to know how to give your love offerings to the ministry. Jesus is Lord. --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/gracelife-comi/support
    Más Menos
    39 m
  • FROM RETREAT TO RENEWAL: Unlocking Divine Strength Through Quietness
    Jul 17 2024
    THE POTTER'S HAND| Embracing the Journey| Suffering for & with Christ| Discipleship| GLORY |CHIMDI OHAHUNA Ever feel like you're just going through the motions, lacking the strength to truly overcome life's challenges? This podcast through the truth of God's Word reveals that strength comes from hearing God and how you can find strength in quietness. To strengthen means to make strong, and God is the ultimate source of that strength. God strengthens us by empowering us with the ability to overcome obstacles, King David's description for this is bending steel. When we retreat, God prepares us for the next phase by strengthening our resolve. The key to hearing God's voice is to be still and quiet in prayer. The more noisy our lives become, the less we can hear God when He speaks. God also strengthens us through the support of others, a testament to His presence in our lives. Join us in understanding these powerful concepts and discover how to cultivate a deeper connection with God and unlock the strength He offers. This podcast is for anyone seeking to grow in faith, find inner peace, and experience the transformative power of hearing God's voice. Subscribe now and embark on a journey toward a life filled with unshakeable strength and purpose. Any questions arising from this study can be submitted to chimdiohahunaministry@gmail.com, check our bio to know how to give your love offerings to the ministry. Jesus is Lord. --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/gracelife-comi/support
    Más Menos
    1 h y 1 m
  • Suffering and stability
    Jul 16 2024
    Embracing the Journey| Suffering for & with Christ| Discipleship |CHIMDI OHAHUNA This podcast series delves into the often-overlooked reality of suffering in the Christian life. Drawing from scripture, particularly Hebrews 5:8 (“Though he were a Son, yet learned he obedience by the things which he suffered”.) and 1 Peter 5:10 (But the God of all grace, who hath called us unto his eternal glory by Christ Jesus, after that ye have suffered a while, make you perfect, stablish, strengthen, settle you. ), we explore the significance of suffering as a path to obedience and growth in our relationship with God. We challenge the common misconception that the Church, birthed from the suffering Christ, should avoid suffering itself. Instead, we uncover how suffering, though temporary and ultimately light, plays a vital role in shaping us into mature, obedient sons and daughters of God. Through the lens of the potter and the clay, we examine the stages of transformation that come with suffering. Just as Jesus, the Son of God, learned obedience through suffering, so too do we. This journey helps us shed worldly desires, resist the temptations of the devil, and ultimately become more like Christ. Join us as we unpack the biblical understanding of suffering for and with Christ, offering encouragement and insight to navigate the trials of life and emerge stronger in our faith. In all our walk with God we are confident that the LORD would not put more on us than we can bear. Listen to this episode and other teaching episodes of this series. Kindly share your feedback and questions with us, and if you find solace and strength in our podcast, please consider supporting us through our giving channels. Find all the details on our website. Now, let's cast our nets wide and begin this soul-nourishing journey together, right here on "the GRACELIFECOMI podcast." Any questions arising from this study can be submitted to chimdiohahunaministry@gmail.com, check our bio to know how to give your love offerings to the ministry. Grace to you! Jesus is Lord. --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/gracelife-comi/support
    Más Menos
    1 h y 23 m
  • MISSION OVER ASSOCIATION: The Importance of Sanctification
    Jul 16 2024
    REVIVE US Series| Chimdi Ohahuna| A CALL FOR PERSONAL REVIVAL. "Jesus commissioned us to embark on a mission that involves more than mere association. We are called to live out the gospel through our actions, embodying the love and compassion of Christ." This teaching episode reveals the urgent need for revival in our time, particularly in Ghana. This podcast session reveals the importance of revival, and its implications for every Christian, the Church in Ghana, and the nations. In addition, you will discover through revelation-light the transformative impact revival can have on the world around us. Pray for an unending hunger and thirst fir more of Christ Jesus! Listen to the full session. Jesus is Lord. N.B: Translated in Fante, one of Ghana's languages spoken by the Akans in the Central Region. --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/gracelife-comi/support
    Más Menos
    55 m
  • WHY GOD HOLDS BACK CERTAIN THINGS: Understanding the Importance of Staying Connected to God's Timing
    Jul 15 2024
    DISCIPLESHIP COURSE| STUDY OF THE WORDS AND LIFE OF JESUS IN SYNOPTIC GOSPEL| UPGRADE| CHIMDI OHAHUNA. Welcome! In this episode, we take a deeper look into the person and purpose of Jesus and the power of appointed times. Indeed, Scriptures reveal Jesus' baptism approved to John that Jesus was the Messiah (Matthew 3:15, 16:14; Luke 1:41; John 1:32-33).It wasn't just a human understanding; it was a direct unveiling from God. God reveals in His own time (appointed time) also whenever the body of Christ is broken, revelation is received. God operates at appointed times! This is why we must keep fellowship with God so we wouldn't be absent at appointed times. Just as John received his revelation at the appointed time of Jesus' baptism, the body of Christ experiences revelation through moments of communal prayer, worship, and breaking of bread (Holy Communion). These moments are not simply about ritual; they are opportunities for God to move and reveal Himself to us. God conceals some part of our assignment because He wants us to continue our assignment, walking with Him by faith and growing in faith, to achieve greater things. God conceals not because He wants to keep us in the dark about things but to ensure our spiritual muscles is podcast through reliance on Him. The journey of faith is a constant process of learning and growing. John the Baptist's initial recognition of Jesus' righteousness laid the foundation for a deeper understanding later on. John's knowledge/revelation of Jesus increased from the righteous man to the Messiah after God revealed Jesus to Him. The righteousness of God is revealed from faith to faith. Like John, we too can expect to receive increasing revelation as we walk with God, allowing his Word to shape our hearts and minds. God wants us to receive the revelation of Him via His Word. Listen to the full teaching now. Kindly share your feedback and questions with us, and if you find solace and strength in our podcast, please consider supporting us through our giving channels. Find all the details on our website. Now, let's cast our nets wide and begin this soul-nourishing journey together, right here on "the GRACELIFECOMI podcast." Any questions arising from this study can be submitted to chimdiohahunaministry@gmail.com. Check our bio to know how to give your love offerings to the ministry. Jesus is Lord. --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/gracelife-comi/support
    Más Menos
    40 m
  • THE POWER OF SYNERGY: How Partnership Fuels the Miraculous.
    Jul 14 2024
    BIBLE STUDY| MIRACLES OF JESUS SERIES.|THE FOURTH MIRACLE OF JESUS pt.21| THE FEEDING OF 5,000 MEN WITH 5 LOAVES OF BREAD AND 2 FISHES| CHIMDI OHAHUNA Mark 6:31-34. This episode on the Miracles of Jesus beautifully illustrates the power of synergy, highlighting how collaboration, even with seemingly limited resources, can birth miracles. We don't have to always possess the materials needed to be used to birth a miracle. This teaching draws a stark contrast between the proactive partnership of Andrew and the lad, who together facilitated a life-changing miracle, and the passive, isolated approach of the foolish virgins, who missed out due to their lack of collaboration. The story of the five (5) loaves and two (2) fishes is a powerful testament to the power of synergy. Andrew, recognizing the need and the limitation of their resources, partnered with a lad who possessed a seemingly insignificant amount of food. This act of humility and collaboration, when presented to Jesus, the Miracle Worker, resulted in the feeding of five thousand men, plus women and children. This is the power of synergy, leverage, and partnership. This was the loss in the five virgins whose oil ran out and we described as foolish. We will not always have it all at times and so we must be humble to partner with a "lad" who has what we don't have but, you need it for a miracle. Imagine Andrew was not willing to take the Lad and the little he had to Jesus, the five thousand men and others could have lost out experiencing that miracle. Beloved, more people will lose, if the Church continues to refuse to synergize. Synergy does not mean the partnership is on the same level. Andrew and the Lad did not lose their identity after their willingness to energize and Jesus was glorified. The foundational truth is that if you look down on a person, you will look down on what is in his hand, in the end, you will both miss out of this order of miracle. This teaching provides the Church powerful reminder that miracles are often born out of collaboration and humility. Listen to the full teaching now. Kindly share your feedback and questions with us, and if you find solace and strength in our podcast, please consider supporting us through our giving channels. Find all the details on our website. Now, let's cast our nets wide and begin this soul-nourishing journey together, right here on "the GRACELIFECOMI podcast." Any questions arising from this study can be submitted to chimdiohahunaministry@gmail.com. Check our bio to know how to give your love offerings to the ministry. Jesus is Lord. --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/gracelife-comi/support
    Más Menos
    1 h