
  • The Parable of the Hidden Treasure and the Pearl - 280
    Jun 13 2024

    The Life-Altering Parables of Jesus - Part 12 | Gary Wilkerson and Joshua West discuss the parables of the hidden treasure and the pearl of great price. These parables emphasize the surpassing value of Jesus Christ and the necessity of prioritizing him above all else in life. Gary and Joshua draw parallels with biblical figures like the rich young ruler, Zacchaeus, and the Apostle Paul, highlighting the transformative power of encountering Christ and the importance of surrendering everything to follow Him. The discussion also touches on the urgency of the gospel message, the balance between God's kindness and severity, and the call to be salt and light in the world, sharing the treasure of Christ with others.

    View the show notes: https://wcm.link/gwp280c

    Más Menos
    39 m
  • The Parable of the Pharisee and the Tax Collector - 279
    Jun 6 2024

    The Life-Altering Parables of Jesus - Part 11 | In this episode, Gary Wilkerson and Joshua West discuss the parable of the pharisee and the tax collector. They emphasize the need for humility and repentance before God, rather than self-righteousness. The tax collector, who humbled himself, went home justified before God. However, they caution against remaining in a state of defeat as a Christian. Rather, we should walk in the joy, peace and victory that comes from finding our identity in Christ's righteousness alone. This requires both a renewing of our mind with God's truth and allowing God's love to transform our hearts.

    View the show notes: https://wcm.link/gwp279c

    Más Menos
    41 m
  • The Parable of the Good Samaritan - 278
    May 30 2024

    The Life-Altering Parables of Jesus - Part 10 | Gary Wilkerson and Joshua West dive into the Parable of the Good Samaritan, exploring its profound implications for Christian living. They highlight how the parable challenges religious self-righteousness and reveals the true nature of loving one's neighbor. The discussion emphasizes the importance of internal transformation by God's love, which enables believers to extend genuine compassion to others, rather than merely adhering to external religious practices. Gary and Joshua stress that true neighborly love flows from a heart filled with gratitude for God's mercy and love.

    View the show notes: https://wcm.link/gwp278c

    Más Menos
    37 m
  • Cows, Collaboration, and Compassion - 277
    May 23 2024

    Navigating the Path to the Unreached - Part 6 | Gary Wilkerson and Mark Renfroe dive into World Challenge's approach to missions, which intertwines compassion ministry and collaboration with indigenous believers. They discuss the effectiveness of this strategy in raising the credibility of the gospel and empowering local Christians to reach their communities. Mark shares a compelling story from South Asia, where providing cows to poor families and partnering with a local pastor led to many Muslims committing their lives to Christ. This episode highlights the transformative power of combining practical compassion with strategic collaboration in missions to the unreached.

    View the show notes: https://wcm.link/gwp277c

    Más Menos
    25 m
  • Cultivating a Heart for the Nations - 276
    May 16 2024

    Navigating the Path to the Unreached - Part 5 | Gary Wilkerson and Mark Renfroe address the common question, "I'm just one person, what can I do when it comes to missions?” They outline practical steps for Christians to cultivate a heart for the nations and get involved in reaching the unreached. These steps include praying intentionally for the nations, growing in knowledge about global missions, engaging with people from different cultures in our own communities, going on short-term missions trips, and partnering with indigenous missions organizations. Gary and Mark also discuss the importance of a kingdom-centered approach to missions, rooted in Christ's lordship and the goal of God's glory among the nations. They challenge listeners to overcome the mentality of individual insignificance and to take steps, both big and small, toward participating in God's global mission.

    View the show notes: https://wcm.link/gwp276c

    Más Menos
    43 m
  • Opening Our Eyes to the Unreached - 275
    May 9 2024

    Navigating the Path to the Unreached - Part 4 | In this thought-provoking episode, Gary Wilkerson and Mark Renfroe dive deeper into the stark reality of the unreached world. They examine the uneven distribution of missions resources, with only 3% allocated to reach the 3 billion individuals in unreached people groups. Mark shares a powerful parable contrasting the spiritual risk of lostness with and without gospel access. The discussion also highlights the surprising growth of Iran's underground church, from spiritual apathy to openness, despite intense persecution. Gary and Mark challenge listeners to evaluate their missions priorities and consider how they can play a part in reaching the unreached.

    View the show notes: https://wcm.link/gwp275c

    Más Menos
    40 m
  • The Staggering Reality of the Unreached - 274
    May 2 2024

    Navigating the Path to the Unreached - Part 3 | In this eye-opening episode, Gary Wilkerson and Mark Renfroe discuss the sobering reality that over 7,000 people groups, comprising more than 3 billion individuals, remain unreached with the gospel message. They highlight the various challenges and obstacles that make these groups difficult to reach, such as geographic, linguistic, cultural, and religious barriers, as well as the scarcity of missionaries and resources dedicated to this cause. Gary and Mark emphasize the need for Christians to have a global faith, marked by a willingness to sacrifice, take risks, and die to self, in order to see the gospel proclaimed and embraced among these unreached peoples.

    View the show notes: https://wcm.link/gwp274c

    Más Menos
    45 m
  • Are the Lost Really Lost? - 273
    Apr 25 2024

    Navigating the Path to the Unreached - Part 2 | Delve deep into the complexities of faith, doubt, and the responsibility of Christians to reach out to those who are spiritually lost. Gary Wilkerson and Mark Renfroe emphasize the importance of understanding and compassion in evangelism, challenging listeners to consider their own beliefs and biases. They explore the notion that many people who seem lost are actually on a journey towards faith, and that Christians have a crucial role in guiding them through love, patience, and understanding. This episode encourages a reevaluation of how Christians perceive and interact with non-believers, advocating for an approach that combines truth with grace

    View the show notes: https://wcm.link/gwp273c

    Más Menos
    50 m