
  • Mabit – R’ Moshe ben Yosef DiTrani
    May 19 2024
    Delivered in YGW Motzei Shabbos Emor 5784 Shiur is sponsored l’eilu nishmas פעסל בת נחמן And l’refuah sheleimah יהודה אריה בן צירל
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    42 m
  • R’ Yaakov Pollak
    Mar 31 2024
    Delivered in YGW Motzei Shabbos Tzav 5784 For more on R’ Yaakov Pollak and Polish Jewry, check out this recording, part of our Journey to our Past Series. Shiur is sponsored l’eilu nishmas פעסל בת נחמן And l’refuah sheleimah יהודה אריה בן צירל
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    39 m
  • Ra’av – R’ Ovadiah MiBartenura
    Feb 25 2024
    Delivered in YGW Motzei Shabbos Tetzaveh 5784   Shiur is sponsored l’eilu nishmas פעסל בת נחמן And l’refuah sheleimah  יהודה אריה בן צירל
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    44 m
  • Maharik – R’ Yosef Colon
    Jan 21 2024
    Delivered in YGW Motzei Shabbos Bo 5784   Shiur is sponsored l’eilu nishmas פעסל בת נחמן And l’refuah sheleimah  יהודה אריה בן צירל
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    38 m
  • Tosfos Rid – R’ Yeshaya HaZaken DiTrani
    Dec 24 2023
    Delivered in YGW Motzei Shabbos Vayigash 5784   Shiur is sponsored l’eilu nishmas פעסל בת נחמן And l’refuah sheleimah  יהודה אריה בן צירל
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    32 m
  • Terumas HaDeshen – R’ Yisroel Isserlin
    Nov 19 2023
    Delivered in YGW Motzei Shabbos Toldos 5784   Shiur is sponsored l’eilu nishmas פעסל בת נחמן And l’refuah sheleimah  יהודה אריה בן צירל   (This shiur was revised 11/27/23 to add a short detail)
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    31 m
  • R’ Menachem Meiri
    Oct 29 2023
    Delivered in YGW Motzei Shabbos Lech Lecha 5784   Shiur is sponsored l’eilu nishmas פעסל בת נחמן And l’refuah sheleimah  יהודה אריה בן צירל
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    32 m
  • Maharil – R’ Yaakov ben Moshe Levi Moelin
    Aug 27 2023
    Delivered in YGW Motzei Shabbos Ki Seitzei 5783   Shiur is sponsored l’eilu nishmas פעסל בת נחמן And l’refuah sheleimah  יהודה אריה בן צירל
    Más Menos
    30 m