
  • Sneakers & Screens: Sabbath Distinction
    Jul 24 2024

    What’s your superpower? I’m gonna guess you, like me, mistakenly believe we can be in two places at once. We work at the office, at home, on vacation. We check emails in traffic. We scan headlines at the table. We sneak a text-glance during dinner. We attempt to be connected everywhere and end up being present nowhere. Digital distractions lure us to believe we can actually be in two places at once.

    We are living lives of absence when we were made to be a people of presence.

    So, let’s talk about practical tools for resting from our digital distractions. Join me as we check in on Moses, God’s Presence, and Exodus 33.


    Here’s a small excerpt: "Just like a new puppy or a tired toddler, our screens scream for our attention. We call them notifications, but let’s be honest: they’re more like abductions, pulling us away from Presence into the abyss of absence.”

    Más Menos
    9 m
  • Slow Your Roll: Sabbath Slowing
    Jul 17 2024

    Hurry and hustle seem to be our default speed most days. It sure can feel like we’re workhorses, but frankly, I’m running out of horsepower. How about you?

    Let’s talk about it, Friend. Join me as we continue our “Summer of Sabbath” series with a practical look at how to rest from Galatians 5:25. Episode 20 mirrors God's pace as we focus on slowing down.

    www.glordinary.com Here’s a small excerpt: "I know when I’m hurried and hustling, I react…often with a sharp tone, a quick glance (or glare), and lacking grace for any and every one, including myself. Yet, when I choose to “walk with God at a walking pace,” slowness allows me time to respond- to be quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to become angry as James 1:19 says.”

    Más Menos
    9 m
  • Burning and Turning: Sabbath Noticing
    Jul 10 2024

    Life moves pretty quickly these days. It seems the older I get, the faster time moves. You too?

    With the blur of activities, it can be challenging to notice the big things (or the little things for that matter). That’s why Sabbath invites us to stop and notice what’s right in front of us, just like we see in Exodus 3. Join Stacy as she shines the spotlight on "Sabbath Noticing" through Moses and that crazy, burning bush.


    Here’s a small excerpt: "Sabbath helps us pay attention. Sabbath is our way to “turn aside and see”-to notice, to be present. Sabbath attunes our eyes and ears to notice…at least for one day a week.”

    Más Menos
    9 m
  • Bricks and Donuts: Sabbath Freedom
    Jul 3 2024

    Change can be difficult. Sometimes the older I get, the less I need to learn…and the more I need to unlearn. Habits I’ve picked up. Methods for how I do things. Hmm…that can’t be just me. Do you ever feel this way?

    Turns out, we’re not the only ones needing to unlearn a thing or two. Join Stacy for a look at Exodus 16 when God re-introduces the Sabbath as we continue our "Summer of Sabbath" series.

    www.glordinary.com Here’s a small excerpt: "God knew for the Israelites to learn how to be free, they needed to unlearn how to be slaves…because they were really good at slaving away.”

    Más Menos
    9 m
  • Enough is Enough: Sabbath Stopping
    Jun 26 2024

    Do you ever feel like you just need permission to stop? To stop from the constant day-in and day-out of life. To stop from the tyranny of the urgent and the sensory overload of life. To stop from the stress, the woes, the fears, the labor. Permission granted.

    Yes, when it comes to Sabbath, we not only have permission to stop, but a responsibility to do so. Our bodies need it, and our souls do too. Join Stacy in Genesis 2 as she chats about how God modeled the permission and the purpose of a “Holy Stop.”


    Here’s a small excerpt: "So, how do we stop? Well, the Word doesn’t tell us how He stopped in Genesis 2; it just says He did stop. He said, “Enough is enough,” and He stopped.”

    Más Menos
    9 m
  • Bread & Beginnings: A Sabbath Starting Place
    Jun 19 2024

    I love a good origin story. There’s just something about beginnings, right? Sabbath might be one of the greatest origin stories of all time. Woven into the fabric of creation itself, it doesn’t get much more “beginning” than that.

    Yet, I found when it came to practicing Sabbath, I really didn’t have a good starting place. You too? Let’s change that. Join me as we chat through my Sabbath origin story and Mark 2:27. Together, we’ll start our “Summer of Sabbath” by stopping, resting, delighting, and worshiping.


    Here’s a small excerpt: "Because it’s not about what you can’t do. It’s about what you don’t have to do. And that sounds pretty perfect.”

    Más Menos
    9 m
  • Summer of Sabbath: A Glordinary Summer Series
    Jun 16 2024

    Whether life feels exhilarating or exhausting, there's good news! A little R&R for the soul is here with Glordinary's new summer series: Summer of Sabbath.

    Find out where we're heading as Stacy offers a sneak peek into the refresh your soul desires.

    Más Menos
    3 m
  • The Shoulder Season: Swapping Our Should's for Sabbath
    Jun 12 2024

    How are you feeling today? Tired, worn, burned out? I’m guessing your response, like mine, probably wouldn’t be “well-rested.”

    Life is fast and furious! It’s why we crave down-time, vacation, and a chance to unplug. Not only are we wired for respite, our bodies (and souls) actually require it.

    Join Stacy as she chats through Matthew 11:28-30. We'll talk about all things R&R for the soul as we kick off a new summer series.


    Here's a small excerpt: "It’s why this summer, I’m dubbing it “Summer of Sabbath,” a chance to stop, breathe, and re-create as we recreate. We’ll spend our conversations together chatting about not just what it means to truly Sabbath but what it means to follow a God who created rest and play…because only a very good God would ask me, and ask you, to rest, renew, and re-create as we recreate.”

    Más Menos
    9 m