
  • Goals vs Dreams
    Mar 16 2023

    Goals vs Dreams

    Download the Selfpause Goals App

    Dreams and goals are both important components of your life. They are both based on reality and require action. You must make decisions based on your goals to achieve them. Dreams often involve a desire to achieve a specific goal in the future. While it is possible to become a teacher without a degree, it is not common.

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  • Goals Versus Intentions
    Mar 15 2023

    Goals Versus Intentions

    Download the Selfpause Goals App

    Goals and intentions are both aimed at changing the present, but there are differences between them. While goals focus on the future, intentions focus on the present and are living daily. While goals are often vague and unspecific, intentions encourage exploration and change. Intentions empower us to pursue the things we want and make us feel better about ourselves.

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  • Goals vs Priorities
    Mar 14 2023

    Goals vs Priorities

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    Goals and priorities have different levels of value for different people. Some of these goals are important, and others are urgent. If you’re in a position to make a choice, prioritize the most important goals. If you’re not sure which ones to choose, conduct a SWOT analysis. Once you’ve identified which goals are most important, orient your life around those goals.

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  • Goals Versus Systems
    Mar 13 2023

    Goals Versus Systems

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    The goal versus system model can be applied to nearly any human endeavor. Whether we’re trying to lose twenty pounds, run a marathon in under four hours, make a million dollars, or become serial entrepreneurs, a system and a goal are both crucial. By identifying which strategy will help us achieve our goals, we can determine how to move forward.

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  • Goals Versus Kpis
    Mar 12 2023

    Goals Versus Kpis

    Download the Selfpause Goals App

    OKRs and goals are two types of measures an organization uses to evaluate its success. While OKRs are more specific, goals are more general. They both help create a performance-focused culture. However, there are some key differences between the two. Let’s take a closer look.

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  • Goals Versus Values
    Mar 11 2023

    Goals Versus Values

    Download the Selfpause Goals App

    I recently read an article by Joshua Becker about goals versus values. He argued that goals are based on the beginning and end of our lives, while values are formed over time and may come from experiences or traditions. The difference between the two is that a goal can be initiated while a value can only be formed over time.

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  • Goals Versus Outcomes
    Mar 10 2023

    Goals Versus Outcomes

    Download the Selfpause Goals App

    There is a fine line between goals and outcomes. Both should be achievable and measurable. When setting your goals, you should always start small and work toward achieving them. Never make a goal so large that you can’t complete it. This will only set you up for failure. Goals are important because they will help you measure your progress.

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  • Goals Versus Objectives
    Mar 9 2023

    Goals Versus Objectives

    Download the Selfpause Goals App

    You’ve probably heard of the term goals versus objectives. In business terms, goals are the things you want to achieve. Objectives are the things you want to do to improve your performance. Goals are quantitative, and objective data helps you determine how well you’re doing. Goals can also be qualitative and actionable, or both.

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