
    Jul 22 2024

    2 Chronicles 15:7 (KJV)

    Be ye strong therefore, and let not your hands be weak: for your work shall be rewarded.

    A cow generally resists when it senses it is about to be milked. So, milking the cow will meet with resistance, opposition, and hostilities. Get used to this. As you rise, there will be battles unleashed from hell to arise against your next level of greatness.

    In this your promised land, effort will be required, early morning rising regardless of climatic conditions and challenges. Yes, milking a cow is wearisome and laborious under the guise of dawn, but be strong!

    I prophesy that your labour will never be in vain as a child of God. The Word of God is tried, tested, and proven for success.

    Productivity has come to you in this year of Milk and Honey. Where things have been stagnant in the past, by reason of the smoothness of honey and fluidity of milk, you will not struggle to achieve great results in your field, your marriage, your business, and your career.

    Your finances will take on new meaning with uncommon expansion of figures and profits that will certify your gains as a harvest of a promised land! Amen.


    My life shall be filled with testimonies, with new benchmarks in my businesses and finances. I am blessed and highly favoured as my life flows with Milk and Honey! Amen.


    Psalm 58:11

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    Jul 21 2024

    Hebrews 6:13 (KJV)

    For when God made promise to Abraham, because he could swear by no greater, he swore by himself.

    Generals of old carried the presence of God because they fraternise with Divinity! They have an affinity with Divinity that makes them spiritual entities. See the audacity with which Moses spoke to God in Exodus 32:12: “Why let the Egyptians say, ‘Their God rescued them with the evil intention of slaughtering them in the mountains and wiping them from the face of the earth’? Turn away from your fierce anger. Change your mind about this terrible disaster you have threatened against your people!” When Moses spoke, God listened and God repented from His anger!

    There’s no way Moses would have spoken to God with such impudence if he hadn’t fraternised with Divinity! The Bible says in 1 Corinthians 2:16, “For who has known the mind and purposes of the Lord, so as to instruct him?” But we have the mind of Christ [to be guided by His thoughts and purposes]." Read God’s Word daily with understanding to know His mind and thoughts for your life in this year of Milk and Honey!


    I am not ignorant of the fact that God wants me to be well and prosperous with a sound mind. I know the revelation, purposes and will of God concerning my life. I opted for God’s Word and dismantled the devil’s trickery in an instant! Amen!


    Genesis 22:16

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    Jul 20 2024

    Matthew 3:11 (KJV)

    I indeed baptize you with water unto repentance. but he that cometh after me is mightier than I, whose shoes I am not worthy to bear: he shall baptize you with the Holy Ghost, and with fire:

    The One who sits in the circumference of Himself, the One who made the universe out of nothing, the Bible says our Lord is a consuming FIRE! You are a partaker of His divine nature. You cannot be born of God and struggle under the fiery darts of the enemy, no! One thing the enemy cannot withstand is fire. Why? Because fire burns, fire eliminates, fire consumes, fire is hot, fire cooks, fire is dangerous. If anything troubles you, the answer is FIRE!

    Stop the complaints, stop the analysis, and stop the argument. The only thing that chases out that problem of sleeplessness, depression and anxiety is Holy Ghost FIRE. This one is not contentious; when they touch you, they are finished! When you are on fire for God, the enemy flees from you. Let the fire of the Holy Ghost on the inside of you burn uncontrollably for all to see and glorify your Father in Heaven, hallelujah!


    I shall move beyond the speed of light; my voice thunders fire in the enemy’s camp, and pandemonium erupts. This year, I win with the Holy Spirit on the inside of me, in Jesus' mighty name. Amen!


    Isaiah 4:4

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    Jul 19 2024

    1 Thessalonians 2:9 (KJV)

    For ye remember, brethren, our labour and travail: for labouring night and day, because we would not be chargeable unto any of you, we preached unto you the gospel of God.

    The Promised Land is a land full of milk and honey, that's a fact, but the Promised Land also has giants that need to be annihilated. The Promised Land requires conquest and, therefore, a warrior's altitude; it requires discipline, the tenacity of a bulldog, and a change of character. You have moved from the environment of manna, where God supernaturally provided angels' food for your daily bread, to a land of hostility.

    The Bible says from the days of John the Baptist till now, the Kingdom of God suffers violence, and it is the violent that takes it by force. The wait is over; you have arrived in your Promised Land. The One who promised is able to deliver when you focus on Him, not the size of the giants, not the size of your problems, not the size of the budget for that project. Certainly, He who gives the vision is more than able to give the provisions.


    My sleeves are rolled up, my belt is tightened, I gird up my loins, and I am ready for work. No more spoon-feeding. I'm ready to eat of the sweet and good of the land from my labour in the mighty name of Jesus! Amen.


    Acts 18:3

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    Jul 18 2024

    Hebrews 12:29 (KJV)

    For our God is a consuming fire.

    There was a time when the prophets of old had to challenge public opinion publicly. Joshua asked a wavering assembly who they would serve and declared, "As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord." Confronted with a similar scenario of waverers, Isaiah asked, "Whose report will you believe?" As for Prophet Elijah, his question to the masses was clear in 1 Kings 18:21: "How long will you vacillate between two opinions? If Baal, be god, then serve him, but if God be God, then serve Him,” and Jehovah Chikopokopo (the One who needs no runway) answered Elijah by fire.

    Our God is a heavyweight. He is beyond comparison – the One who starts from the end and finishes at the beginning. It does not matter what part of the year of Milk and Honey; our God holds time in His hands, and His timing is always perfect. Your business will not go under, your children will not go wayward, and your finances will not dry up! The good work started in you already in this year of Milk and Honey will not cease. You’re rising higher and higher in Jesus' Name!


    I am headed for victory! No matter the public opinion, no matter the naysayers, no matter the altars of Baal, my God shall reward me publicly. My victory shall be undebatable. This one, I will win! Amen.


    Exodus 24:17

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    Jul 17 2024

    Acts 19:12 (KJV)

    So that from his body were brought unto the sick handkerchiefs or aprons, and the diseases departed from them, and the evil spirits went out of them.

    The Bible says Paul's handkerchiefs were used to heal the sick. Notice that the handkerchief is simply a conduit, a channel through which the anointing flows. If you want to see the potency of the anointing you carry being manifested, you must be prepared to exercise your faith and act. Understand we are members of Christ's body, so when you move, Jesus is moving.

    Imagine a handkerchief has no feeling; it does not hear; it is inanimate, yet Apostle Paul’s handkerchief was used to heal the sick when they came in contact with it. So, what about you, a living, breathing, tongue-talking, Spirit-filled Christian? When you see the sick out there, you know the power you carry, so begin to exercise it. You are better than a handkerchief! You are the conduit of the anointing!


    I am the God-Kind. The very headquarters of God is tabernacled in my body. No sickness, no virus can survive in my body. I carry the healing power, anointed to heal the sick and cast out devils in the Name of Jesus! Amen.


    Mark 16:17

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    Jul 16 2024

    2 Corinthians 9:11 (KJV)

    Being enriched in everything to all bountifulness, which causeth through us thanksgiving to God.

    One thing I noticed about God in this scripture is that God did not only bless Isaac; He caused Isaac and his seed to become conduits of blessings. God’s idea of blessing Isaac was to make him a conduit of the blessings of heaven and bless nations through him. As you receive the blessings of God upon your life, always remember that there are nations that should be blessed through you. Your blessings are indications that you should be a blessing to many more people.

    God’s end-time purpose for blessing you is for you to serve as a pipeline through which the blessings flow. In this year of Milk and Honey, don’t be counted among those who imagine that whatever God does for them ends with them. As you get blessed, allow the nations to be blessed through you. Decide today to be a sole sponsor of conferences and crusades so that all the nations of the earth are reached with the good news as the waters cover the seas, for yours is a special call; don’t not ignore it.


    I am a conduit for the blessings of nations; multitudes will be blessed through me, in Jesus’ Name! Amen.


    Matthew 20:15

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    Jul 15 2024

    Acts 10:4 (KJV)

    And when He looked on him, He was afraid, and said, what is it, Lord? And He said unto him, thy prayers and thine alms are come up for a memorial before God.

    There’s an unquenchable combination of spiritual realities that catch God's attention in a dramatic fashion. Cornelius’ prayer and giving effectively blocked God's panoramic view of planet Earth. God didn't visit him in a dream as he did with Solomon, but instead immediately dispatched an angel to announce his impact in the heavens. Giving backed up with effectual prayer becomes an irresistible force that changes destinies and generations. God clearly states in His word that He's unwilling to do without a prompt to give giver. A giver has a front-row seat in God’s assembly!

    One man's prayer and giving made him the first successful candidate through whom salvation came to the Gentiles. When you’re a prayerful giver, you’re kept under God’s radar permanently. I’m surprised at Christians whose sole intent in bringing about a generational change is through the vehicle of prayer yet neglect or pay little attention to giving! From our scripture for today, prayer and giving must be simultaneously engaged to experience the full measure of Milk and Honey this year.


    I am relentless in prayer, and my giving in this year of Milk and Honey will shock me and move Heaven without fail to God's glory in Jesus' Name. Amen.


    Philippians 4:18

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