
  • ENG 62/ Political Economics - Basics
    Jul 28 2024

    In this podcast, we explore the intersection of politics and economics, known as political economics. We cover basic principles such as the role of government in the economy, economic policy-making, and the impact of political decisions on economic outcomes. Join us as we discuss how political ideologies influence economic systems, markets, and global trade, providing listeners with a foundational understanding of this dynamic field.

    tags: political economics, politics, economics, government intervention, economic policy, political ideologies, economic systems, global trade, economic theory, economic principles, economic outcomes, political decisions, economic impact, economic analysis, economic insights, economic perspectives, economic theory basics, political economy, economic governance, economic dynamics, political influence, economic policy-making, political landscape, economic education, economic discussions, political discussions, understanding economics, political theories, economic structure, economic development, economic overview, economic fundamentals, economic decision-making, economic implications, economic strategies.

    Más Menos
    5 m
  • ENG 61/ Neoclassical Economics - Basics
    Jul 24 2024

    Neoclassical economics, a fundamental theory in modern economics. We explore its basic principles such as rational behavior, equilibrium in markets, and the importance of supply and demand. Join us as we discuss how neoclassical economics shapes our understanding of consumer behavior, market efficiency, and government policies, providing listeners with a foundational understanding of this influential economic school.

    tags: neoclassical economics, economic theory, rational behavior, equilibrium in markets, supply and demand, market efficiency, consumer behavior, economic principles, economic analysis, economic models, economic theory basics, neoclassical theory, economic equilibrium, economic concepts, economic insights, economic foundations, economic efficiency, economic theory overview, economic rationality, market theory, economic equilibrium theory, neoclassicism, economic perspectives, economic thought, economic fundamentals, economic school, economic education, economic principles, economic podcast, understanding economics, economic discussions, economic learning, economics basics.

    Más Menos
    4 m
  • ENG 60/ Most Popular and Important Schools of Economics
    Jul 21 2024

    In this podcast, we dive into the most popular and important schools of economics, exploring their foundational theories, key figures, and the impact they've had on economic thought and policy. From Classical and Keynesian to Monetarist and Austrian, we'll cover a wide range of perspectives, helping listeners understand the diversity and evolution of economic ideas. Join us to learn about the principles that have shaped modern economics and continue to influence the global economy.

    tags: economic schools, economic thought, Classical economics, Keynesian economics, Monetarist economics, Austrian economics, economic theories, economic policy, economic history, influential economists, economic ideas, economic principles, economic perspectives, economic diversity, modern economics, economic evolution, economic analysis, economic insights, economic models, economic frameworks, Classical theory, Keynesian theory, Monetarist theory, Austrian theory, economic impact, economic foundations, economic discussion, economic podcast, economics overview, major economic schools, popular economic theories, economic approaches, economics education, economic legacy, economic concepts, economic learning, economics explained, economics guide, understanding economics.

    Más Menos
    5 m
  • ENG 59/ Mixed Economy - Balancing State Intervention and Market Forces
    Jul 17 2024

    Mixed economy, how it balances state intervention with market forces. We discuss the advantages and challenges of this economic system, examining how government regulation and free-market principles can coexist to promote economic stability, growth, and social welfare. This episode provides listeners with a comprehensive understanding of the mixed economy model and its practical applications. tags:

    mixed economy, state intervention, market forces, economic balance, government regulation, free-market principles, economic stability, economic growth, social welfare, economic system, economic model, state and market, government role, market dynamics, economic policy, regulation and market, mixed economy benefits, mixed economy challenges, economic coexistence, balancing economy, economic insights, economic analysis, mixed economic structure, public and private sectors, economic governance, hybrid economy, economic strategies, economic overview, economic fundamentals, market regulation, economic efficiency, economic equity, economic planning, market economy, state economy, economic approach, economic theory, mixed economy podcast, economic discussion, economic framework.

    Más Menos
    5 m
  • ENG 58/ Globalization Benefits and Problems - Basics
    Jul 14 2024

    In this podcast, we provide a basic overview of globalization, discussing its major benefits and problems. We explore how globalization has led to increased economic growth, cultural exchange, and technological advancement, while also addressing the challenges it poses, such as economic inequality, cultural homogenization, and environmental impacts. This episode offers listeners a balanced understanding of the complex dynamics of globalization.


    globalization, economic growth, cultural exchange, technological advancement, economic inequality, cultural homogenization, environmental impacts, global trade, global economy, international relations, global markets, global integration, global challenges, global benefits, transnational corporations, global supply chains, cultural diversity, international cooperation, global connectivity, global dynamics, global issues, economic development, global influences, global perspectives, global trade benefits, global trade problems, economic globalization, social globalization, globalization impacts, globalization pros and cons, globalization basics, globalization effects, globalization overview, globalization introduction, global interdependence, globalization podcast, global trends, global economy issues, global economic benefits.

    Más Menos
    4 m
  • ENG 57/ Characteristics of Chosen Changes in the European Economy Throughout the 20th Century
    Jul 10 2024

    This podcast explores the pivotal changes in the European economy throughout the 20th century, examining key developments such as the rise of industrialization, the impact of the World Wars, the formation of the European Union, and the transition to a service-oriented economy. We delve into the factors that drove these changes and their lasting effects on the economic landscape of Europe.

    tags: European economy, 20th century, economic changes, industrialization, World Wars, European Union, service-oriented economy, economic development, Europe, economic transformation, economic history, 20th century Europe, economic impact, economic growth, economic trends, European economic policy, economic integration, post-war economy, economic shifts, globalization, economic challenges, economic evolution, European industries, economic modernization, economic analysis, economic factors, economic landscape, economic reforms, economic milestones, historical economy, European markets, economic progress, economic restructuring, economic transitions, economic timeline, European Union economy, economic sectors, economic strategies, economic overview.

    Más Menos
    6 m
  • ENG 56/ Alfred Marshall Economics - basics
    Jul 6 2024

    In this podcast, we delve into the foundational concepts of Alfred Marshall's economics, exploring his influential theories and their relevance to modern economic thought. TAGS:

    Alfred Marshall, economics basics, economic theories, supply and demand, consumer surplus, elasticity, Marshallian economics, modern economics, economic thought, economic principles, foundational economics, economics 101, economic concepts, introductory economics, economic contributions, economic history, microeconomics, economic analysis, economic insights, Alfred Marshall's theories, economic fundamentals, economic impact, economic models, economic legacy, influential economists, economic ideas, market economics, classical economics, economic overview, economic education, understanding economics, economic lessons, Marshall's economics, economic relevance, economic studies, learning economics, economic framework, economics podcast, economic theories explained, economic principles.

    Más Menos
    4 m
  • ENG 55/ Chinese Cultural and Business Etiquette
    Jul 3 2024

    In this podcast, we explore the intricacies of Chinese cultural and business etiquette, offering listeners invaluable insights into the customs and practices that shape professional interactions in China.


    Chinese culture, business etiquette, Guanxi, Chinese customs, professional interactions, Chinese business practices, business meetings, Chinese relationships, cultural norms, Chinese traditions, business success in China, Chinese professional etiquette, business tips, Chinese communication, cultural insights, etiquette tips, doing business in China, Chinese business culture, Chinese work ethics, international business, cross-cultural communication, Chinese business strategies, relationship building, Chinese social norms, cultural differences, business manners, Chinese corporate culture, business travel to China, etiquette in China, professional conduct, China business etiquette, Chinese business environment, cultural awareness, business customs, Chinese hospitality, business networking, Chinese social etiquette, respect in business, Chinese etiquette rules, cultural sensitivity.

    Más Menos
    5 m