
  • The Importance Of Rest & Spiritual Renewal
    Mar 6 2021

    It's been 1 year since COVID-19 forever changed what life would look like our country as well as the rest of the world. What this time has revealed to so many of us is our limitations as humans and our desperate need for rest and spiritual renewal.

    Dr. Chuck Lawless and Dr. Keith Whitfield share some ways that they implement these important spiritual disciplines into their lives and how we as ministry and church leaders can recalibrate so that we can not only take care of ourselves better, but also those we love and are responsible for. 

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    30 m
  • How The Enemy Attacks Us Through Spiritual Warfare
    Feb 27 2021

    This week on the podcast, Dr. Keith Whitfield and Dr. Chuck Lawless discuss the subject of spiritual warfare and how the enemy manifests himself in the lives of everyday believers as well as leaders.

    A few years ago, Chuck co-wrote a book with Bill Cook called Spiritual Warfare in the Storyline of Scripture: A Biblical, Theological, and Practical Approach which offers practical insights into some of Satan’s most common attacks on believers, and strategies for how we might stand against his onslaught. Through this book, they help you gain a more complete understanding of what the Bible teaches about spiritual warfare in order to live in victory, confident that Satan is an enemy who has already been defeated.   

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    31 m
  • How You Can Make Sharing The Gospel A Part Of Your Lifestyle | Guest: Dr. D. Scott Hildreth
    Feb 18 2021

    What if talking about your faith felt as natural as discussing your family, your work, or your hobbies? Evangelism doesn't have to be uncomfortable. You're under no pressure to prove anything. It really just amounts to having a conversation, and almost any context provides the opportunity for evangelism. You can spot these opportunities when you listen, because people talk about what's important to them. So think of evangelism as building a relationship with someone and intentionally planning to share Jesus as a part of everyday living. 


    On this episode of the podcast, Dr. Chuck Lawless and Dr. Keith Whitfield interview Dr. D. Scott Hildreth about a book that he co-wrote with Steven A. McKinion called, "Sharing Jesus Without Freaking Out: Evangelism the Way You Were Born to Do It".


    Are you enjoying the podcast? Make sure that you subscribe, rate, and review the podcast so more people can be inspired by the Great Commission! 

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    29 m
  • How To Stay Consistent In Your Walk With The Lord | Guest: Dr. Jim Shaddix
    Feb 11 2021

    This week, Dr. Chuck Lawless and Dr. Keith Whitfield bring on one of their colleagues from Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary, Dr. Jim Shaddix, to discuss how church and ministry leaders can remain consistent when it comes to their personal relationship with God. In these roles that leaders serve, it can get really easy to ignore our own spiritual tank so we can pour into others, but that honestly can be one of the most destructive things we can do for those we serve. 


    Dr. Jim Shaddix serves as Professor of Preaching at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary in Wake Forest, NC, occupying the W. A. Criswell Chair of Expository Preaching. He also serves as a Senior Fellow for the Center for Preaching and Pastoral Leadership, which exists to resource pastors in local churches.


    Are you enjoying this podcast? We'd love to hear your thoughts! Make sure you subscribe, rate, and review so we can get the word out about this show so we can continue to help more and more church leaders fulfill the Great Commission. 

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    31 m
  • The Task Of Ministry Preparation
    Feb 4 2021

    Chuck and Keith are back this week as they start 2021 sharing their individual stories of ministry preparation from when they first started all the way up to present day. If you're feeling called into ministry, just like preparing for any job, there is knowledge to gain and skills to acquire in order to become successful in what you do. As you respond to God’s calling and pursue a career in ministry, both Dr. Lawless and Dr. Whitfield share about some things to keep in mind.


    Are you enjoying the podcast? We'd love for you to rate, review, and subscribe to the podcast so more people can hear the Great Commission! 

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    35 m
  • Living Generously For The Great Commission | Guest: Art Rainer
    Dec 18 2020

    This week, Dr. Lawless & Dr. Whitfield have on one of their colleagues, Art Rainer, to share about how all of us have the ability to leverage our finances and resources for the advancement of His Kingdom. Art Rainer is a Vice President at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary. He holds a Doctor of Business Administration from Nova Southeastern University and an MBA from the University of Kentucky. He writes widely about issues related to finance, wealth, and generosity. You can read and hear more from Art at ArtRainer.com.

    Are you enjoying the podcast? We'd love to hear your thoughts as we move closer to 2021 so make sure to subscribe, rate, and review the podcast wherever you listen! 

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    32 m
  • The Church's Responsibility Of Deep Discipleship | Guest: J.T. English
    Dec 10 2020

    Everyone is being discipled. The question is: what is discipling us? The majority of Christians today are being discipled by popular media, flashy events, and folk theology because churches have neglected their responsibility to make disciples. But the church is not a secondary platform in the mission of God; it is the primary platform God uses to grow people into the image of Jesus.

    Therefore, as church leaders, it is our primary responsibility to establish environments and relationships where people can be trained, grow, and be sent as disciples. This week, Dr. Chuck Lawless & Dr. Keith Whitfield are joined by author & pastor J.T. English to discuss his new book, "Deep Discipleship: How the Church Can Make Whole Disciples of Jesus" and how it equips churches to reclaim the responsibility of discipling people at any point in their journey. 

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    33 m
  • How Christmas Should Lead Us To Think About Missions
    Dec 4 2020

    Dr. Lawless & Dr. Whitfield are back at it again as they discuss how Christmas should focus on our minds on the topic of missions. Considering that both of them are Southern Baptists, the Lottie Moon Offering annually is something that is a huge part of what they already do naturally. However, Chuck & Keith share theologically in terms of the Christian why this time of the year should cast our eyes towards the nations. Specifically, as believers, the guys share why the story of Advent should inspire and reignite our passion for the nations to see the message of reconciliation and the Gospel to reach people of every tribe, tongue, and kindred. 

    Are you enjoying the conversation every week? Make sure you subscribe, rate, and review the podcast wherever you download podcasts! 

    Más Menos
    21 m