
  • Designing Your Life and Taking Control of Your Journey - Episode 84
    34 m
  • Lessons from the Road: Flexibility, Perseverance, and Connection - Episode 83
    Jul 3 2024
    Today, we’re unpacking the lessons picked up on a summer motorcycle trip. It started as a bucket list trip to Laconia, New Hampshire, for the oldest motorcycle rally in the United States. Despite meticulous planning, the weather forecast forced an unexpected change of plans.

    This episode is a testament to the power of unplanned journeys and the incredible people and landscapes you encounter when you take the back roads of life. It's a story of resilience, adaptability, and finding joy in the unexpected, all while averaging 400 miles a day in the saddle. Listen in to hear how sometimes the best experiences come from the audibles we call and the detours we take.

    Embrace the Unexpected: Life doesn't always go according to plan, and sometimes, the best experiences come from audibles and detours. Flexibility and adaptability can turn unforeseen challenges into memorable adventures.

    Take Breaks: Stepping away from the daily grind to recharge is crucial. Whether it's a long vacation or a short break, time away from routine can provide clarity, refreshment, and new perspectives.

    Connect with People: Engaging with locals and new acquaintances enriches experiences and broadens perspectives. Building connections and learning from others' stories can add depth and meaning to any journey.

    Enjoy the Journey: The trip highlighted the joy of taking the scenic route and savoring the present moment. Life isn't just about reaching destinations but about appreciating the landscapes and experiences along the way.

    Push Through Challenges: Despite facing heavy rain and challenging conditions, the determination to keep going underscores the value of perseverance. Pushing through tough times often leads to growth and achievement.

    Find Beauty in Unplanned Moments: Unplanned experiences often lead to the most memorable and impactful moments. Being open to spontaneity and seizing unexpected opportunities can lead to remarkable discoveries and joy.

    One Truth
    Life's greatest moments often arise from embracing the unexpected and being open to where it leads.


    Thanks for listening. If you got value from this, please subscribe and share. Get after it!
    Más Menos
    28 m
  • Pushing Beyond Your Limits to Become Unstoppable - Episode 82
    Jun 19 2024
    This is an episode about getting out of our own way, pushing beyond our limits and limiting beliefs, and becoming the unstoppable version of ourselves – and helping others see the same in their selves.

    In this episode, we're exploring:

    Challenging our limiting beliefs. There are no limiting beliefs in us as kids. We grow up and pick them up along the way. Challenge the lies.

    Living with wild passion. When was the last time you did something that you were wildly passionate about? What could you do this week that would ignite that passion?

    Set your path. Walk your path. Live with intention. Set your goals and then act on them, even when the path gets rocky or challenging.

    Control your inputs. Set boundaries around which inputs are coming into your life, from social media to the voices around you, and tune into what drives you positively.

    Help others push beyond their limits. Part of us pushing beyond our own limiting beliefs is tied into how we help others push beyond theirs.

    Be a creator. We are all creative, and we are all creators. Embrace that role and start to create the life you want for yourself.


    ONE TRUTH: Make your life an example of making bold decisions, pushing beyond your limits, and living outside your comfort zone. Others will see it in you, and you’ll see it in yourself.
    Más Menos
    30 m
  • The Art of Dreaming: Rediscovering What’s Possible - Episode 81
    Jun 5 2024
    Today, we’re discussing the importance of dreaming big and believing in our goals. As kids, we all understood and embraced dreaming – but as adults, many of us quit dreaming. Here’s our take on dreaming, self-awareness, prioritization, and embracing the journey to achieve the "good life."

    In this episode, we're exploring:

    The Importance of Dreaming and Believing: Achieving dreams requires both dreaming big and having a strong belief in the possibility of those dreams. This belief is crucial for perseverance when challenges arise.

    Continuous Improvement and Process: Adopting a continuous improvement model is essential. This includes regularly assessing what to stop, start, and continue doing to achieve goals.

    Self-Awareness and Prioritization: Identify and focus on the right goals. This involves regular check-ins to ensure we are on the right path towards our version of the "good life." Knowing that the "good life" is begins with some dreaming.

    Taking a No-Excuses Approach: Live life with a no-excuses mindset. We discuss how making excuses can hold us back and the importance of committing fully to our goals and processes without letting excuses derail our progress.

    Embracing the Journey: Learn to enjoy the process of achieving our goals, not just focusing on the end result. Finding joy in the effort and work itself can make the pursuit of dreams more fulfilling and sustainable.


    ONE TRUTH Without genuinely believing that our goals are achievable, it becomes easy to give up when faced with challenges. This belief acts as a driving force that keeps us motivated and committed to pursuing our dreams, even when the path becomes difficult.
    Más Menos
    29 m
  • True to Yourself: A Guide to Authentic Living - Episode 80
    May 22 2024
    What does it take to truly be your authentic self? Today, we’ll discuss the balance between presenting your best self and staying genuine, the effort required to maintain both appearance and authenticity, and why embracing your uniqueness is crucial in a world full of imitations. Grab your clippers and beard butter, and let’s trim away the superficial to reveal the essence of what makes you, you.

    In this episode, we're exploring:

    Authenticity Requires Effort and Maintenance: Staying true to oneself involves ongoing self-awareness and care. It's about regular self-check-ins and adjustments to ensure that one's actions, words, and decisions align with their true self.

    Embrace Your Uniqueness: Whether it's your personal style, thoughts, or values, your uniqueness is what sets you apart and makes you interesting. Authenticity attracts genuine connections and helps you stand out in a world of copycats.

    Authenticity Involves Vulnerability: To be authentic, you must be willing to show your true self, which can be daunting because it exposes you to judgment and criticism. It's about accepting that not everyone will like you, but those who do will appreciate the real you.

    Avoiding the Trap of Mediocrity: When you try to imitate someone else, you limit your potential and dilute your individuality. True success comes from being original and leveraging your unique strengths.

    Continuous Growth and Adaptation: Authenticity isn't static; it evolves as you grow and change. Your sense of self will develop over time, and it's important to regularly reflect and adapt. Trying new ideas, learning from experiences, and adjusting your approach are crucial to staying true to your authentic self while navigating life's changes.


    Authenticity isn't a one-time achievement but a continual practice of being genuine and true to oneself in all aspects of life.
    Más Menos
    31 m
  • Beyond the Comfort Zone: Living Out of Character for Growth - Episode 79
    May 8 2024
    Today we dive deep into the three crucial steps for achieving our goals: imagining possibilities, believing in them, and taking action. We’re also hitting on how our character influences our ability to execute these steps effectively and suggest that altering our behavior might be necessary for success. We’re exploring the importance of building a strong network, cultivating resilience, and making intentional efforts to pursue our aspirations.

    In this episode, we're exploring:

    The Three Steps to Goal Achievement: Jim Rohn's philosophy, emphasizing the importance of imagination, belief, and action in realizing our aspirations.

    Assessing Character for Success: The idea that achieving goals might require a change in behavior and mindset, highlighting the necessity of aligning our character with our ambitions.

    Networking and Resilience: The significance of building a strong network of connections and developing resilience to navigate challenges effectively.

    Intentional Effort and Long-Term Vision: The need for consistent, intentional effort in pursuing our goals, recognizing that progress takes time and dedication.

    Living Out of Character: The concept of pushing boundaries by living out of character, challenging ourselves to break free from ingrained habits and beliefs.


    Achieving meaningful goals requires aligning imagination, belief, and action, but it also necessitates a willingness to assess and possibly change our character and behavior to support our aspirations.
    Más Menos
    29 m
  • Spring Cleaning Your Life: Decluttering and Embracing Growth - Episode 78
    Apr 24 2024
    Life is a journey filled with moments and people who come into our lives for various reasons, some for a season, and others for a lifetime. As we navigate through these chapters, it's essential to recognize the importance of spring cleaning not just our homes but also our relationships.

    In this episode, we're exploring:
    1. Not all relationships are meant to last forever; some people come into our lives for a specific reason, season, or lesson.
    2. We often anticipate that everything in our lives will remain permanent, whether it's friendships, jobs, or client relationships. Change is inevitable, embrace the impermanence of life.
    3. Just as we engage in spring cleaning to declutter our physical spaces, it's crucial to evaluate and declutter our relationships. Some relationships may no longer provide value – it's okay to let them go.
    4. Chase quality over quantity. Having a few authentic, supportive friends is more valuable than having numerous superficial relationships. Surrounding ourselves with growth-minded individuals who support and challenge us can significantly impact our personal development.
    5. Awareness is the first step, but action is crucial. Whether it's addressing old paradigms, changing negative beliefs about ourselves, or pursuing our dreams, taking decisive action is essential for growth and change.
    6. Time waits for no one, and it's essential to live in the moment, cherish our relationships, and make the most out of life. Procrastination and waiting for "someday" can lead to missed opportunities and regrets.

    Relationships, like seasons, change and evolve over time. Not every relationship is meant to last forever, and it's essential to recognize when a relationship no longer serves us or adds value to our lives. Embracing the impermanence of relationships allows us to let go when necessary, make room for new connections, and focus on nurturing the relationships that truly matter.
    Más Menos
    31 m
  • Finding Gratitude in the Chaos: Lessons in Grit - Episode 77
    Apr 10 2024
    Today, we’re exploring the strategies and mindset shifts necessary to weather life’s storms and emerge stronger on the other side. From finding gratitude amidst the chaos to maintaining discipline in the midst of turmoil, we uncover the resilience that lies within each of us. Victory is on the other side – keep moving.

    We’re exploring:
    Adapting to Change: Exploring the challenges and opportunities that come with changes in our lives.
    Finding Energy in New Spaces: The impact of environment on energy levels and productivity, and how changing surroundings can bring new vitality.
    Gratitude Amidst Adversity: Cultivating gratitude, even in the midst of difficult times, as a tool for resilience and perspective.
    Maintaining Routine and Discipline: The significance of sticking to routines, maintaining discipline, and continuing healthy habits, even when motivation is hard to find.
    Adding Value to Others: The power of adding value to relationships, communities, and oneself as a means of finding purpose and fulfillment.
    Navigating the Storm: The importance of resilience, perseverance, and embracing the lessons embedded within adversity.

    One Truth
    Resilience is cultivated through a consistent practice of gratitude, discipline, and adding value to others – even amid the most challenging circumstances. Stay hard.
    Más Menos
    23 m