
  • 169 - Taking a Sabbatical as an Independent Consultant with Ashley Ryall
    Jun 6 2024

    Feeling burned out and uninspired as an independent consultant? Are you constantly managing an overwhelming number of responsibilities without finding fulfillment or new challenges?

    In this episode, features guest Ashley Ryall who shares her experience taking a sabbatical as an independent consultant.

    In This Episode:

    When to take a sabbatical as an independent consultant

    • Are you pushing through burnout and feeling disconnected from your work?
    • Do you feel like your business is taking over your life?
    • Ashley shares what led her to take a sabbatical.

    How to take a sabbatical as an independent consultant

    • Do you question how you can make a sabbatical work financially?
    • Are you unsure how to manage client relationships during an extended break?
    • Ashel shares how to prepare for a sabbatical and how to get the most out of the time you're taking off.

    Melisa and Ashley discuss real-life strategies to:

    • Plan and prepare for a sabbatical
    • Communicate with clients to set up your sabbatical
    • How to maximize the benefits of a sabbatical


    • Connect with Ashley
      • UntapSocial
      • https://www.linkedin.com/in/ashleyryall/
    • "Grow Your Consulting Business: The 14-Step Roadmap to Make Your Independent Consulting Goals a Reality" by Melisa Liberman - https://www.melisaliberman.com/book

    Full show notes and more information: https://shownotes.melisaliberman.com/episode-169/

    Click here for more on coaching tailored to you as an independent consulting business owner.

    Más Menos
    44 m
  • 168. A Tool to Optimize How You Spend Your Time as an Independent Consultant
    May 30 2024

    Do you feel overwhelmed by the multitude of tasks you juggle as an independent consultant? Are you constantly trying to optimize your processes but still find yourself struggling to achieve a work-life balance?

    In this episode, Melisa tackles one of the most pressing challenges faced by independent consultants: how to maximize the time you have available as a business owner.

    In This Episode:

    1. Take Back Your Control:
      • Are you sinking hours into systems and processes that aren't actually necessary? Melisa introduces a powerful question that could revolutionize the way you manage your consulting business.
    2. Are You Struggling With:
      • Proposal Writing: Are proposals eating up your time and yielding no results?
      • Lead Generation: Is your lead generation process feeling like a never-ending uphill battle?
      • Client Delivery: Are your client delivery responsibilities consuming all of your capacity?
    3. The Underlying Issue:
      • Many independent consultants are stuck in a cycle of optimizing processes that may not even need to exist. This episode delves into how to identify and break free from this cycle.
    4. So How Do I Fix It?
      • Melisa shares real-life examples of consultants who have drastically simplified their processes and reclaimed their time.
      • Discover unconventional approaches that can transform your business.


    • "Grow Your Consulting Business: The 14-Step Roadmap to Make Your Independent Consulting Goals a Reality" by Melisa Liberman - https://www.melisaliberman.com/book

    Full show notes and more information:

    Click here for more on coaching tailored to you as an independent consulting business owner.

    Más Menos
    29 m
  • 167. Being Wrong About Not Needing To Work On Your Mindset
    May 23 2024

    Do you think you only need strategic advice for your independent consulting business? Think again.

    Many consultants believe they'll reach their goals if they're more consistent in executing their business development routines or are better able to articulate their service offerings and unique value proposition. It seems like having a clearer strategy and set of routines will be the answer to what helps them reach their goals.

    In Episode 167, Melisa Liberman challenges this notion, revealing why mindset is just as crucial as strategy and tactics in achieving consulting success.

    Often, independent consultants say, "I don't need mindset help; just tell me what to do."

    However, as work progresses, Melisa notices that mindset issues often arise, impacting their strategies and overall business success. Melisa will unravel the critical role mindset plays in not just achieving but surpassing your business goals.

    Melisa explains:

    • How a fixed mindset can prevent consultants from realizing their full potential and how it intertwines with strategic execution.
    • How mindset influences every business decision, from client interactions to setting and reaching goals.
    • The profound impact of integrating mindset work into regular business practices.

    Convinced that mindset isn't an issue for you?

    Today, Melisa encourages you to reconsider, providing examples and practical advice on how subtle mindset shifts can lead to significant breakthroughs in your business.

    Don’t miss it!

    Full show notes and more information:

    Click here for more on coaching tailored to you as an independent consulting business owner.

    Más Menos
    36 m
  • 166. Setting a Goal to Replace Your Corporate Income Can Backfire for Your Independent Consulting Business
    May 16 2024

    Is your goal to replace your corporate income as an independent consultant?

    It's common for consultants set revenue goals centered around what they were making in corporate or would be making in corporate had you stayed.

    You might not realize it but setting goals in this way can backfire for you as a consulting business owner.

    In Episode 166, Melisa Liberman addresses a common and critical error many independent consultants make: setting revenue goals based on their past corporate income or based on what they would be making had they stayed in corporate.

    Melisa discusses how this approach can inadvertently cap your growth potential and limit your business's success.

    In this episode, Melisa covers:

    • Why is anchoring your revenue goals to your past corporate income risky
    • The common pitfalls of this approach and how to avoid them
    • How to set your revenue goals in a way that doesn’t backfire

    Tune in to learn how to avoid this common pitfall and set yourself up for success.

    Full show notes and additional information can be found here: https://shownotes.melisaliberman.com/episode-166/

    Ready for coaching tailored to you as an independent consulting business owner? Let’s talk! https://www.melisaliberman.com/coaching-for-consultants

    Click here for more on coaching tailored to you as an independent consulting business owner.

    Más Menos
    31 m
  • 165. Get In Front of More Decision-Makers to Increase Your Consulting Sales Close Rate
    May 9 2024

    Are you struggling to get in front of decision-makers?

    Are you landing meetings with potential clients but then getting stuck because the people you're talking to don’t have a budget or decision-making authority.

    This is a common problem for independent consultants, but there are ways to make it easier.

    In this episode, Melisa Liberman discusses strategies for getting in front of the elusive decision-maker so you can effectively sell your consulting work.

    Melisa explains the importance of understanding both the 'why' and 'why not' of reaching out to decision-makers and provides insights into common obstacles that could be hindering your success.

    You will learn Melisa’s prerequisites for getting in front of consulting buyers, including strategic relationship building with influencers and creating compelling entry offers.

    Do you want to enhance your overall consulting lead generation strategy? Download the companion resource for this episode and read Chapter 9 of Melisa's book for a deeper understanding. Available at consultingbusinessbook.com.

    Full show notes and additional information can be found here: https://shownotes.melisaliberman.com/episode-165/

    Ready for coaching tailored to you as an independent consulting business owner? Let’s talk!

    Click here for more on coaching tailored to you as an independent consulting business owner.

    Más Menos
    35 m
  • 164. Thinking “I’m Behind” Is Dangerous for Your Independent Consulting Business
    May 2 2024

    Are you feeling behind in your consulting business?

    Beware, the “I’m behind” thought process can limit your business growth. It might feel like the truth, that you’re just stating a fact. But, it’s actually a dangerous mindset that’s important to watch out for as in independent consultant.

    In today’s episode, Melisa explains how your mindset can slow down or even halt your progress and success as an independent consultant.

    Then, Melisa shares two examples of consultants who felt behind on revenue and lead generation and how they were able to shift their mindset and overcome this feeling.

    She emphasizes the importance of regularly reviewing the facts, measuring success in your business, and redirecting your thought patterns.

    Melisa wraps up the episode with the “fix” you can leverage to feel behind. The fix is likely not what you’re expecting it to be.

    Click here for the full show notes and more information.

    Click here for more on coaching tailored to you as an independent consulting business owner.

    Más Menos
    26 m
  • 163. A Tool for Higher Converting Consulting Networking Calls
    Apr 25 2024

    Are you a consultant who frequently hears “I’ll keep you in mind” at the end of a networking call?

    Networking is an effective strategy for building a consulting pipeline.

    But, many consultants struggle to convert networking calls into potential opportunities.

    In this episode, Melisa shares an actionable tool consultants can leverage to achieve concrete results from a networking call.

    Melisa empathizes with consultants who find themselves in networking conversations that lead nowhere beyond vague promises like "I'll keep you in mind." She offers a practical strategy to avoid dead-end calls and take control of networking outcomes.

    Melisa introduces the three-way mental model evaluation, a tool designed to help consultants analyze their thoughts about the person they're speaking with, their mindset during the call, and their approach to the networking process.

    Drawing from real-life examples and case studies, Melisa illustrates how the three-part evaluation can significantly improve the outcomes of networking calls.

    By taking responsibility for these interactions' results and implementing practical mental shifts, consultants will improve call conversions and generate more income. This comprehensive discussion gives consultants a must-have tool for transforming networking conversations into meaningful consulting opportunities.

    Click here for the full show notes and more information.

    Then, click here for more on coaching tailored to you as an independent consulting business owner.

    Click here for more on coaching tailored to you as an independent consulting business owner.

    Más Menos
    32 m
  • 162. Transform Your Solo Consultancy into a Center of Excellence (COE)
    Apr 18 2024

    When you start thinking about your independent consulting business as a center of excellence, the level of impact, fulfillment, and growth provided to your clients can dramatically shift.

    You’re an expert and thought leader in your field. By thinking of your consulting business as a Center of Excellence, you can set yourself up to generate more inbound leads and offer higher-paying consulting services.

    In this episode, Melisa offers a detailed and actionable framework to help consultants transform their solo consultancy business into a Center of Excellence.

    Using real-life examples, Melisa clearly defines how the Center of Excellence concept and shares the benefits of implementing this concept into your independent consulting business.

    She outlines six critical elements for establishing a thriving Center of Excellence in a solo consultancy, emphasizing clarity, innovation, and client-centricity.

    Finally, Melisa concludes with an important warning and shares a series of questions to help consultants transform their independent consulting practice into a center of excellence.

    Click here for the full show notes and more information.

    Then, click here for more on coaching tailored to you as an independent consulting business owner.

    Click here for more on coaching tailored to you as an independent consulting business owner.

    Más Menos
    34 m