
  • We're Surviving NOT Thriving... How To Live When Every Day Feels the Same
    Feb 27 2024

    Are you running on auto-pilot? Anxiously waiting to go to bed just to start all over again the next day? It can be completely disheartening to constantly feel like you’re in survival mode, making your way through each day not because you want to, but because you have to. We’ve been there too. In today’s episode we talk through living in survivial mode and some of the unintended consequences from these feelings i.e lack of motivation, loss of purpose, anxiety, and depression. We are in no way professionals but simply provide our experience in hopes it helps you navigate yours.

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    1 h y 3 m
  • Sorry, The Old Me is Dead...
    Feb 23 2024

    We often find ourselves longing for past versions of who we were - those days of youth, different circumstances, or perhaps a version of us that felt more whole. But the truth is, life is a continuous flow of change, and clinging to these past selves can hinder our growth and happiness. We also can't go back to a time where we don't hold the information and experiences that we do now. Whether you're feeling stuck in nostalgia or struggling to accept changes in your life, this episode is a gentle reminder that every version of you is valuable and a necessary part of your journey.

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    48 m
  • We All Feel Stupid Sometimes...
    Feb 6 2024

    In today’s episode we dive into the feelings of inadequacy and the facade of false confidence. I’m sure we’ve all experienced situations where we felt out of our depth or displayed confidence we really didn’t have. The reality is that we all feel stupid sometimes, it’s normal. But we don’t have to move through life with false confidence. Remember staring at that test paper, feeling like you knew nothing despite all the studying? Or how about those moments when you wondered if your teacher secretly thought you just didn't get it? We're diving headfirst into those cringe-worthy moments and the doubts they sparked about our smarts. But hey, this isn't just a trip down memory lane. We're all about growth and learning here. Ever found yourself straddling the line between feeling totally out of your depth and putting on a brave face of confidence? Yeah, we've been there – mastering the art of 'fake it till you make it'. We're unpacking why we sometimes wear a mask of assurance while juggling a whirlwind of insecurities within. This chat gets real as we touch on a seldom discussed aspect of mental health: those nagging feelings of stupidity and their impact on our self-esteem and decisions. From hilarious driving test fiascos to those daunting first days at a new job, we're sharing our own tales and takeaways on intelligence, confidence, and everything in between. And it's not just storytelling; we're digging into how to navigate these tricky waters. Need some strategies for shaking off those 'I feel dumb' vibes? Looking for ways to build authentic confidence? We've got you covered. Join us as we explore this journey, sharing tips and tricks for turning vulnerabilities into strengths.

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    46 m
  • Falling In and Out of Love With Life
    Jan 24 2024

    In this episode of the Growing Together podcast, we dive deep into the ebbs and flows of our relationship with life itself. This episode is a journey through the emotions and experiences that shape our perspective on life. We start by exploring the moments that make us fall deeply in love with life – those peak experiences filled with joy, wonder, and fulfillment. But as in any love affair, there are also times when we fall out of love with life. We discuss the challenges, disappointments, and trials that sometimes make us question our love for life. This episode is not just about the highs and lows, though. It's also about finding our way back to a love for life after losing it. We talk about resilience, the power of perspective, and the small, often overlooked, everyday joys that can rekindle our love for life. Whether you're currently in love with life, struggling to find that spark again, or somewhere in between, this episode offers a compassionate, thoughtful exploration of what it means to fully engage with our existence.

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    1 h y 9 m
  • New Beginnings or Renewed Pressures? Unraveling the New Year's Paradox
    Jan 8 2024

    As the New Year unfolds, it's often seen as a symbol of renewal and fresh starts. The allure of a blank slate beckons many to set ambitious goals and embrace new beginnings. But let's face it, when the clock strikes midnight on January 1st, life doesn't undergo a magical transformation. We carry forward our same selves, albeit infused with renewed hope and dreams of making this “our year.” This week, we're taking a deep dive into the New Year's paradox. The beginning of a new year brings with it not just opportunities but also a unique form of pressure. Whether it's societal expectations, personal aspirations, or simply the overwhelming urge to make significant life changes, this pressure can manifest in various ways, influencing our mental and emotional well-being.

    Más Menos
    55 m
  • Why We're Always Waiting for the Other Shoe to Drop
    Jan 8 2024

    Welcome to another episode of the Growing Together podacst. Today, we dive deep into a mindset many of us are familiar with, but seldom discuss: the constant anticipation of something going wrong, even when everything seems perfect. This phenomenon, often referred to as "waiting for the other shoe to drop," can cast a shadow over our happiest moments. Join us as we explore its origins, the psychological underpinnings, and most importantly, strategies to overcome it. If you've ever felt the weight of an invisible impending doom or struggled to fully enjoy good times due to a nagging fear, this episode is for you.

    Más Menos
    47 m
  • From Sprint to Marathon: Embracing Growth at Every Pace
    Sep 20 2023

    Ever feel like you're on a treadmill that won't stop? You're trying to catch your breathe while simultaneously keeping the pace pre-determined for you? Yeah we've been there. This week on the Growing Together podcast, your host Sonny, and cohost, Cesar, discuss owning your own pace, steering clear of comparison, and basking in every victory - big or small. Episode Overview Your Growth Pace Sprint Mentality - The allure of rapid growth and the instant gratification culture. - Risks and rewards of sprinting towards goals. Marathon Mentality - Importance of endurance, resilience, and long-term vision. - The role of patience and consistency in sustained growth. The Pitfalls of Growing at Others Pace - How social media and peer comparisons can skew our perceptions. - The negative mental and emotional impacts of constant comparison Learning to Celebrate Your Smallest Victories - The significance of recognizing both small and big achievements. - Practical tips on how to celebrate personal milestones.

    Más Menos
    57 m
  • Lazy Girl Jobs | What Work Looks Like in 2023
    Aug 21 2023

    By now we've all heard the term coined on tik tok “lazy girl jobs” but what does it really mean? What is a lazy girl job? and is it actually “LAZY?” This week on the Growing Together podcast we delve into the trend that's taking the internet by storm. Not just what it is, but how it contributes to what work looks like in 2023.

    Más Menos
    42 m