
  • 970. Abraham Believed and Was Declared Righteous (Faith Not Works)
    Jul 7 2024
    Paul appears frustrated as he addresses "you foolish Galatians" in the beginning of Chapter 3. Why? They had started out receiving the Spirit of God by faith but were being lured by a more popular persuasion from men who came from James - and had started to convince these Gentiles to adhere to the old Jewish law in combination with faith in Christ. This led to Paul carefully laying out an explanation over the next couple of chapters or so of how works and faith could not be mixed when it came to their salvation and right standing with God. Abraham and the foundational message of a promise made to him by God will be Paul's launching pad to explain how the law was a curse and was not of faith. It will be fruitless and ineffective for them to think perfection could come through works (the flesh). Available on Amazon - "Clash of The Covenants: Escaping Religious Bondage Through the Grace Guarantee" https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0713ZSKY7
    Más Menos
    19 m
  • 969. "Draw Near to God! Cleanse Your Hands! Purify Your Hearts!"
    Jun 30 2024
    We're wrapping up our series about some things found in the letter from James to believers in Jesus from the twelve tribes of Israel ... and the contrasts found with Paul's writings. One example we'll look at is in James 4, where an old covenant mindset is communicated as James tells believers to draw near to God, to cleanse their hands and purify their hearts. Paul communicated that believers are already near to God, cleansed and purified. Are we saying James shouldn't be in the Bible? Listen in as we discuss the bigger picture of what was going on in the early church and how James' epistle fits in.
    Más Menos
    24 m
  • 968. After the Cross: The Mixing of Law and Faith
    Jun 23 2024
    Throughout the pages of the New Testament, we see numerous examples of Jewish people coming to believe in Jesus, but understandably also believed the law of Moses was still in place for them. The Apostle Paul came along a short while later with a gospel message he claimed was taught directly to him by divine revelation ... to declare the former law had been put aside and nailed to the cross. But he was in the minority and suffered much persecution because of it. Various places within the New Testament show how James and his council of leadership within the Jerusalem church were part of this persuasion who believed that the Mosaic law was a component towards attaining salvation/justification (for the Jew). By not ignoring this important part of the big picture within the scriptures, we can begin to see how all of these books (including the works-based letter from James) harmonize with each other to tell the story of what was happening with the struggles in the early church at that time.
    Más Menos
    19 m
  • 967. "The Law of Liberty" - Something New or Something Obsolete?
    Jun 16 2024
    Continuing with Program 3 of our series on being a "doer of the word" and what this was meant to be about. The "law of liberty" is seen twice in the New Testament, both times used by James in the first two chapters of his letter written to the twelve tribes of Israel which had been scattered to different regions. In context, he encourages his audience to follow all of that law and to speak "and do" as those who will be judged by that law - what he calls a law of liberty - but had just defined it as the Mosaic law. James would double down to say faith without works is dead (useless) and that one cannot be justified by faith without works (of the law). He would declare that faith is perfected by works ... the precise opposite of what Paul said in his writing to the Galatians at the beginning of chapter 3. Even when using the example of Abraham, there is a conflict with what Paul said along the same lines, which we will cover more on the next program.
    Más Menos
    20 m
  • 966. "Be Doers of the Word" (But What Is the "Word" in This Instance?)
    Jun 9 2024
    James made a statement in his letter to the twelve Jewish tribes ... believed by most historians to be the earliest writing in the pages known as The New Testament. "Be doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves" (James 1:22). This passage, along with what follows has a consistent but curious theme of externals, doing and works - and all under the topic of righteousness, salvation and justification. In Program 2 of this brief series, we continue to take a closer look at the entire context of what James said shortly before this (and after). Have you ever stopped and asked yourself what he meant by "the word?" Modern day believers may skim over it and think that James is telling us to be a doer of the Bible (whatever that means). But in order for these Jewish believers to be able to meet this goal of identifying as a "doer," it would have to be something specific that they were already familiar with ... and something they could see, hear and do - dare we say - something being read and heard in synagogues every week on the Sabbath.
    Más Menos
    18 m
  • 965. Can We Have a Word? (A Look at the Word "Word")
    Jun 2 2024
    The popular phrase from the Old Testament known as "The Ten Commandments" is more rightfully interpreted as "The Ten Words." Is it a big deal? Perhaps not, but we wanted to point out a few things about this to lay some groundwork before getting into something that James wrote to his believing Jewish brothers and sisters from the twelve tribes. James made a statement to them about being a doer of "the word" and not a hearer only. It's easy to brush past this, but let's put on the brakes and check it out in context. Just exactly what did James mean by being a doer of the word? How we answer this becomes a bigger deal. He also said that the anger of man does not produce the righteousness of God. So what is it precisely that James believes will produce the righteousness of God? What did he mean when referring to the law of liberty? Is it a grace thing found within the New Covenant or something else? We'll dive into it and offer some perspectives over the next few programs.
    Más Menos
    19 m
  • 964. Identifying as a Doer... Or a Believer
    18 m
  • 963. Thou Shalt Read Your Bible (And Like It!)
    17 m