
  • Mother/Daughter Talk: How Do I Not Hate My Body?
    Jul 15 2024
    Could you imagine being 12 years old at your first week of dance practice after being cast for the New Mickey Mouse Club - feeling so thrilled to be there, a little nervous but filled with anticipation - and the first thing the choreographer says as they comes over to you in your leotard is to pat your belly and say "Got a little gut on there don't you, girly? Gonna have to get rid of that..." Yeah. That happened to my mom. How would you not begin to have some body image issues after that? I bring her in for a heartfelt discussion about the uphill battle it can be to have a healthy relationship to your body. Whether it was a dance teacher, TV commercial, or magazine ad targeted to inform you of your inadequacy it seems that society has been conditioning us to hate our bodies from multiple angles. Yet, the concept of body neutrality - basically the act of taking a neutral stance toward your body both emotionally and physically - seems to be more difficult to implement as we are swimming upstream. The ability to not support the hatred towards your body's “limitations” but simply being at peace with your body is easier said than done, yet I do think there is a path forward. My mom was really brave to experience share her journey with this throughout her life and also raising two young women with the intention to NOT have that be our inner monologue. Join us as we discuss the power our bodies possess, far beyond what they even look like. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
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    1 h y 1 m
  • What Are Your Petty Peeves and What Are We Supposed to Do About It?
    Jul 1 2024
    Pet peeves... we all have them. Those little annoyances that come up in our day typically triggered by someone else's behavior. Usually we feel a bit righteous about them like our way is the right way and they should "do better." But, what about those ones that aren't really right or wrong - they are just absolutely your own personal preference and if anything the face that you're bothered by it makes you downright PETTY. No? Just me? I bring in my friend Eric Roy for this topic and when we created the shared note to update as they came to mind we had to start scrolling that page within 24 hours. What is it about us humans that we can always find things to be annoyed about? Plus, why do they even annoy us? Together we share our own personal grievances (please don't cancel us) and then dive into a bit of what perhaps is the driving force of those emotions. Overall those behaviors typically violate a core value or belief we have - yet, admittedly, we violate them all the time, so why do we give ourselves permission to do so but not others? Join us as we go down a very dark hole of our own pettiness... Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
    Más Menos
    47 m
  • What Does Healthy Masculinity Even Look Like?
    Jun 17 2024
    What does healthy masculinity look like in 2024? I feel the need to add the current year in that title as a caveat because cultural depictions of masculinity change with each generation (ex: long haired hippies were seen as effeminate while previously that was the typical look for majority of cultures of men.) But, what are the evergreen attributes of being a man - then on top of that, what is a healthy expression of them? So far in my lifetime, it seems the pendulum has swung from toxic & harmful masculinity all the way to docile, castrated masculinity - so where is it landing now? I bring in who I would categorize as the "stereotypical Barbie" of manhood which is my uncle, Justice Coleman. He's a martial arts champion (in both karate and jiu-jitsu), former pro skater, mountain bike enthusiast and overall testosterone fueled type of guy. Together we explore what does manhood look like through the lens of roles (husband, father, etc.) as well as how he's teaching his fourteen year old son to evolve from a boy to a man (spoiler alert: it's a choice and I know some grown men who have yet to make that leap in maturity.) I share a female POV of attractive behaviors of manhood and it's a greater discussion on what characteristics have we added a gender to where maybe it isn't necessary. Overall, I think whether you identify as a male, are in love with one, or are raising one - this conversation will bring some good food for thought. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
    Más Menos
    1 h y 15 m
  • A Color Palette of Friendship: Is having one BFF realistic? Learning to appreciate people for the rainbow of roles they play in our lives
    Jun 3 2024
    I think sometimes with the media we are set up to think we will have the one "end all / be all / bff" friend that will fulfill all our bestie needs. But that's just a lot of pressure and expectation to put on someone. I like to see my relationships like a color palette - I want allllll the colors. The yellows which are the girls I just go to the nail salon with and talk about the Bachelor. Passionate reds who are chasing their career dreams and can gas me up and inspire me to go for my goals. Deep blues for when I'm going through something hard and need to process it with their wisdom. Light pinks which are maybe my neighbors who I walk to the Sunday farmer's market with and talk about whatever. Some people can carry multiple colors but ultimately, just like in marriage, I can't expect one to meet all my needs. For this topic I bring in a multi-color friend of mine, Tess Roy, and we talk about how the nuances of this topic like... Is it easy or difficult for you to make friends? How do you personally handle when someone wants to commit to a deeper friendship but you’re either not interested, or can’t meet them where they’re at? Who is one great friend you’ve had in your life and what made them special? I hope after you listen you leave with a new appreciation for some relationships in your life. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
    Más Menos
    1 h y 10 m
  • What's In A Name? What your name says about you, your origin, and who you will be in this world with guest Erwin McManus
    May 20 2024
    “What's in a name? That which we call a rose by any other name would smell just as sweet.” That reference is of course a line written by William Shakespeare from the play Romeo and Juliet to convey that the naming of things is irrelevant. But, I want to explore that. My friend has a theory that asking someone “how did you get your name?” is an noninvasive way to hear about their origin story and a way to learn a lot about them. It taps into past generations of humans with how we are given our names - while it is a seemingly benign question, it possibly can be an astute window into the stories we tell ourselves about our lives. My guest for this episode, Erwin Raphael McManus, speaker & author of “Mind Shift” has a very unique name as well as backstory so I thought he’d be the perfect person to test this hypothesis. Throughout the episode he answers questions like… If your name wasn’t given with meaning, how do you bring meaning to it? What do you do if you don’t like your name? Do women lose parts of their identity in taking their husband’s name? Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
    Más Menos
    1 h
  • Origin Story of the Haven! Podcast
    May 6 2024
    It's been one full year since I've launched this pod! I still get the question of "what made you want to start a podcast in the first place?" so I thought it would be fun to take it back to my "why" and also go into the greater concept of origin stories. Did you know that research says that who you are before the age of 5 is likely your "truest self"? Unless you had something very traumatic impact you within that time frame, you were typically the most authentic, raw, and real version of your personality. Before socialization, peer pressure, outside influences, and other environmental factors you were blissfully un-self aware and thus free to just BE. So, how do we in adulthood look over our shoulder at our past self and appreciate that little version of us, but also take forward some of the necessary lessons life taught us since then? I bring in the person who has known me for over 20 years and has seen the evolution of many versions of me in that time frame - my husband & best friend Aaron Weits. Together we talk a bit about how childhood interests and personalities can be a window into what brings us even true peace & joy in adulthood. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
    Más Menos
    48 m
  • The Mentor/Mentee Relationship
    Apr 22 2024
    What comes to mind when you think of mentorship? Oftentimes we picture the one-on-one type scenario like in Star Wars where Qui-Gon Jinn mentored Obi-Wan Kenobi who then later on matured and took Luke Skywalker under his wing.Yet, that can sometimes feel like a lot of pressure - to wait to be chosen by someone who sees something in you. Or, on the inverse side, it can be really difficult to select someone you want to invest your time & intention into that will truly benefit from your experience. I bring in my long-time (going on 10 years!) mentor in business, Mike Abercrombie, and we explore how mentorship is largely accidental. We discuss questions like - what is the difference between mentorship and coaching? What are the characteristics needed in a mentee? And, how do you know when you're ready to switch from mentee to mentor? Overall, you may find it to be less formulaic than we initially perceive and you can have micro-moments of mentorship in each stage of life. --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/haven-the-podcast/support Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
    Más Menos
    43 m
  • Learning Emotional Literacy as an Adult
    Apr 8 2024
    "Oh, are you feeling frustrated?" "That sounds really frustrating..." There are so many other words to express emotions other than "frustrated" but why was that the only one that what was coming to mind when I was trying to teach my toddler what was happening in their body? Disappointed, jealous, embarrassed, angry, ashamed - those are way more on the mark and elicit an entirely different and appropriate response. I realized that I may be emotionally illiterate - not only to identify and name the emotions, but to understand how they operate within my brain and psyche. These are some of the conversations I've been having with Angel McNeil, the nanny who watches my kids and is currently studying these concepts in her Graduate program, so together we explore the science behind emotions, how to move through 8 of the most difficult ones, and overall hopefully scratch the surface of Emotional Literacy 101 together. --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/haven-the-podcast/support Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
    Más Menos
    55 m