
  • 048 - Sell Value Not the Job with Craig Bouthiette
    Oct 12 2021

    Heart-centered Tradesmen know that homeowners aren't dollar signs; they're human beings. They understand that the ultimate root of a sale is building a relationship with the homeowners. If you build that relationship and build that rapport, your service is only a byproduct. And as promised, my guest this week knows how to add value to gain the trust of homeowners.


    This week, I am talking with Craig Bouthiette, Area Sales Manager at Owens Corning, about the importance of bringing value to the homeowner. Craig has been in the Trades Industry for 10+ years, and he credits his success to the relationships with his homeowners. 


    In this episode, Craig talks in-depth about how simply lowering your prices can ultimately stunt your company's growth. We also discuss the importance of educating homeowners rather than giving them a fixed price point, what it means to own your value in your company, and what homeowners desire the most. 


    Topics Discussed:


    • How to find the true needs of the homeowner to gain their TRUST
    • EDUCATING the homeowners' rather than simply lowering your price
    • How to own your VALUE and not undersell your company
    • Why it's essential to stick with the INTEGRITY of your business


    The Nail Method is the step-by-step blueprint on how to increase revenue, decrease expenses so that you can gain more clients, and give uninterrupted time to your family… 


    ...Without the stress of having to check your phone for new jobs or follow-ups before bed. 


    Get access to the FREE NAIL Method here:


    Más Menos
    24 m
  • 047 - Communication Upfront Saves Headaches on the Back 9
    Oct 5 2021

    Communication is vital, and if you are not effectively communicating with your clients (and potential clients), you will spend more of your time on the phone playing catch up than actually finishing the job. 


    This week, I share the keys to getting paid in full before your jobs are completed, how to book clients out for months on end, and how to stop your phone from ringing non-stop. 


    As I shared in Episode 46, setting criteria for your appointments creates the standard of who you want to work with. The next step is communicating how you want to work with them. Gone are the days of the "hustle" and "grind" culture. It's time to start implementing systems and processes to streamline more effective communication upfront to save you from headaches in the long run. 


    Heart-Centered Tradesmen, stay tuned for next week as I have Craig from Owens Corning coming on to discuss the advantages of selling value to your customers. Whether you're a roofing company or not, this conversation is jam-packed with value on how to pre-sell homeowners on why you're better than the next company.

    Topics Discussed:

    • Going against the grain of the “Hustle” and “Grind” culture 
    • Implementing Systems and Processes to minimize burnout
    • How to minimize the amount of work long-term to increase production 
    • Creating a new mindset around selling the “Value” rather than just a job


    The Nail Method is the step-by-step blueprint on how to increase revenue, decrease expenses so that you can gain more clients, and give uninterrupted time to your family… 


    ...Without the stress of having to check your phone for new jobs or follow-ups before bed. 


    Get access to the FREE NAIL Method here:


    Más Menos
    12 m
  • 046 - Not all Appointments are Created Equal
    Sep 28 2021

    It's no secret that not all appointments are created equal. Anyone in a service-based industry will tell you that not every lead is golden. However, there are automations you can set in place to ensure you're not wasting more of your time (and potential homeowners' time as well).  


    This week, I am sharing the KEY to setting notch sales appointments in the trades industry: Pre-qualifying your appointments. 


    Most tradesmen that have a lack of appointments become focused on lead generation. It's not uncommon to fill a calendar with bs appointments; this is why prequalifying is essential. Your sales team can only take so many appointments in a week, and you better ensure they are the highest quality appointments in your schedule.


    Heart-Centered Tradesmen, stay tuned for next week as I'm diving further into the specific prequalification and specific processes we are engaged within ongoing communication with customers.

    Topics Discussed:

    • 5 prequalifying questions that set my sales team for optimal appointments 
    • Don't be afraid to say no to a potential job; Get clear on your parameters
    • The 1 question we ask every call to tell if the customer is ready to move forward
    • How to build rapport with your homeowners; Their problem is your solution


    The Nail Method is the step-by-step blueprint on how to increase revenue, decrease expenses so that you can gain more clients, and give uninterrupted time to your family… 


    ...Without the stress of having to check your phone for new jobs or follow-ups before bed. 


    Get access to the FREE NAIL Method here:


    Más Menos
    14 m
  • 045 - 1 Automation That’s Getting OVER 85% of Homeowners to Reply with Their Availability
    Sep 21 2021

    Even in the Trades Industry, sales are a process. But it doesn't have to be a long, complex, tiring process. Homeowners aren't looking for the "cheapest" service; they're simply looking for contractors they can know, like, and trust. And it can be as easy as setting up a simple automation. 


    This week, I am going to share the strategic text automation that is getting over 85% of homeowners to reply with their availability for an appointment. The best way to scale your company? Customized and thoughtful automation. Gone are the days of reaching for your phone and impatiently waiting for that next phone call. All of this is done in the background while you can enjoy spending time with the ones you love most. 


    Heart-Centered Tradesmen, stay tuned for next week as I share the keys to setting top-notch appointments that maximize your profits while saving your company time!

    Topics Discussed:

    • ONE Automation that’s getting over 85% of Homeowners Response Rate
    • Know, Like, and Trust: The KEY behind strong Customer Relationships 
    • How to stop hard-selling at the table and start caring about the Homeowner 
    • Why offering the “cheapest” service can stunt your company’s growth
    • How to spend MORE time with your family and LESS time on your phone 


    The Nail Method is the step-by-step blueprint on how to increase revenue, decrease expenses so that you can gain more clients, and give uninterrupted time to your family… 


    ...Without the stress of having to check your phone for new jobs or follow-ups before bed. 


    Get access to the FREE NAIL Method here:


    Más Menos
    12 m
  • 044 - We Scaled Again Without Making a Hire…We Actually Fired a Team Member
    Sep 14 2021

    Did you know you can scale your Trades company without making a hire? In fact, you can scale your company without being on your cellphone all day, every day. Gone are the days of interrupted date nights with your spouse. Heart-centered Tradesmen (and Tradeswomen!), it’s time to grow and scale your company without missing your son’s Tee-Ball game or your daughter’s dance recital. 


    This week, I am sharing the number ONE thing we perfected in my Roofing, Siding, and now Solar Company that has increased our revenue way more than making a couple of hires would. I also share how we became more efficient in showing up for our homeowners simply by shifting the focus from hiring new employees in 2020 to dialing in on our systems and streamlining our process. 


    Stay tuned for next week as I share the EXACT automation I’m using inside my marketing platform, getting homeowners to reply with their availability for a sales appointment 85% of the time!

    Topics Discussed:

    • #1 thing we perfected in our company that tremendously increased Revenue 
    • Why being unorganized is wasting your company time (and money) 
    • Shifting the focus on Dialing in our Systems and Streamlining our Processes
    • Why Customer Communication is Key for the Trades Industry 


    The Nail Method is the step-by-step blueprint on how to increase revenue, decrease expenses so that you can gain more clients, and give uninterrupted time to your family… 


    ...Without the stress of having to check your phone for new jobs or follow-ups before bed. 


    Get access to the FREE NAIL Method here:



    Más Menos
    15 m
  • 043 - You Don't Own a Company, You Work for Your Business
    Mar 30 2021

    Heart Centered Tradesmen, do you own a company? 

    Have you put the work in to build a company or do you work for your business?


    If your business can't survive without you, you have a business, not a company.


    Many tradesmen believe that they are an entrepreneur because they own a business. But, they don't realize that to be an entrepreneur, they must work on their business, not inside of it. Many of these tradesmen are actually just employees of their own business. 


    This week, I am dispelling the myth behind “entrepreneurship” and why a “business” isn’t a “company”. Too often individuals feel trapped inside of their business because they don’t know how to operate as a company. 


    But as I share the major difference between the two and how to implement the first 3 steps of the NAIL Method into your business, you can start leveraging your relationships to create your own company.

    Topics Discussed:

    • The MAJOR difference between owning a business vs. a company
    • Dispelling the myths of Entrepreneurship
    • The importance of implementing systems and automations 
    • Shifting away from a scarcity mindset to an abundances mindset


    The Nail Method Toolbox is the step by step blueprint on how to increase revenue, decrease expenses so that you can gain more clients and give uninterrupted time to your family… 


    ...Without the stress of having to check your phone for new jobs or follow ups before bed. 

    Get access to the FREE NAIL Method Tool Box: https://heartcenteredtradesmen.com/nailmethod

    Más Menos
    9 m
  • 042 - Dashboard Receipts to Cash Flowing: Why Bookkeeping is Crucial to Minimizing Tax Bills with Andrea Gray of the Lenwood Hazel Group
    Mar 23 2021

    One of the biggest misconceptions in the trades industry is that the more job offers you take, the bigger the pocketbook. However, that is simply not the case. It doesn’t matter if you are selling 20 roofs or 100 roofs. If you aren’t keeping track with your finances and fully optimizing your profitability, you could be losing thousands of dollars. 


    When it comes to tax planning, many tradesmen wait until tax season to gather their dashboard receipts and hire someone to put all together. But at the end of the day, they end up owing thousands of dollars to the government where they could have been saving money and maximizing their profits, and with less roofs sold!


    This week, I am talking with Andrea Gray Financial Controller at the Lendwood Hazel Group. Andrea shares the biggest barriers for tradesmen getting their finances in check, the importance of tax planning ahead of tax season, and why every penny counts. 


    According to Andrea, one of the biggest setbacks for tradesmen is not seeing the value of bookkeeping until tax season. By scrambling last minute to get all of your books in order, you aren’t able to see the opportunities ahead of time to maximize your profits. Throughout our conversation, we also discuss the various layers of profitability and how to implement strategies to keep track of your expenses.

    Topics Discussed:

    • The value of bookkeeping and job costing 
    • Pinpointing opportunities for better profitability
    • Why you need to always track where is the money going 
    • Misconceptions in the trades industry
    • How to maximize your profits 
    • Why waiting until tax season is detrimental to your company’s growth


    The Nail Method Toolbox is the step by step blueprint on how to increase revenue, decrease expenses so that you can gain more clients and give uninterrupted time to your family… 


    ...Without the stress of having to check your phone for new jobs or follow ups before bed. 


    Get access to the FREE NAIL Method Tool Box: https://heartcenteredtradesmen.com/nailmethod


    Learn More about How You Can Save on Your Taxes:


    Más Menos
    26 m
  • 041 - “There are No Employees”… No, Your Vision Sucks
    Mar 16 2021

    There’s this idea in the trades industry that there aren’t good workers or that all the reliable employees are already taken. But this mentality is the reason why it’s hard to find “good help”. Many tradesmen believe that they can’t seem to retain employees or that they’re always chasing more dollars an hour. But, it’s not money they’re after, it’s security and purpose. Your ideal employee is out there. You just have to paint the picture for their future success.


    This week, I am sharing the difference between an “employee mentality” and an individual building a career. It is all about the CULTURE, VISION, and PURPOSE behind your company that sets the stage for individual growth. If you want individuals to work for your company and stick with you for a lifetime, you need to change the way you think about the hiring process. 


    Money isn’t the only motive for a reliable, hard-working employee. You may think they’re simply chasing more dollar signs, but they’re actually chasing security for their family. The reason why it’s “hard to find good help” is because companies aren’t cultivating cultures with the employee in mind. If you can’t find individuals to help you run your company, your vision needs to be readjusted.

    Topics Discussed:

    • Creating the culture you want to implement in your company
    • Casting the vision for your employees future
    • Thinking different about hiring new employees
    • Why money isn’t the only motive individuals are seeking
    • How to find the “right” employees for your company 


    The Nail Method Toolbox is the step by step blueprint on how to increase revenue, decrease expenses so that you can gain more clients and give uninterrupted time to your family… 


    ...Without the stress of having to check your phone for new jobs or follow ups before bed. 

    Get access to the FREE NAIL Method Tool Box: https://heartcenteredtradesmen.com/nailmethod

    Más Menos
    11 m