
  • Why Didn’t The Sniper Take The Shot? And What Do We Do With Biden?
    Jul 16 2024

    Hector and Mike discuss the assassination attempt on President Donald Trump, the unfolding events of the Republican National Committee Convention, and what the Democratic Party will do next with President Biden.

    So Many Questions:

    There were massive security failures surrounding the event, and why did the snipers wait to take the shot?

    After this assassination attempt, what happens now to the January 6 accusations and charges? Did charging Trump with inciting violence related to the January 6th events set a precedent for holding other political figures accountable for their rhetoric? Or does it only go one way?

    Will this near-death experience change Trump?

    So, what’s the plan George, Barack, and Nancy? What will they do with Biden? They said he was not mentally fit to run for office. Does the assassination attempt change anything?

    Tune in and listen to the insights provided by Hector and Mike.

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    Más Menos
    34 m
  • Clooney, Pelosi, and Obama Stir the Pot & Will Biden Step Down Ahead of RNC Convention Week?
    Jul 15 2024

    Hector and Mike delve into the swirling conspiracy theories surrounding President Joe Biden's campaign. Following their recent podcast, numerous texts, and emails, they react to the latest theories and don their metaphorical tin foil hats, but first: George Clooney and Nancy Pelosi are now suggesting Biden should step down, and Morning Joe has revealed Barack Obama's potential involvement in pushing Biden aside.




    Hector and Mike further explore the timing and implications of Biden's upcoming speech at the Lyndon B. Johnson Library, coinciding with the start of the Republican National Committee Convention. They speculate on the strategic move of Biden ending his presidential run to avoid giving Republicans any political advantage next week. Their analysis covers the potential impact on the Republican convention and the overall political narrative.

    #JoeBiden #ConspiracyTheories #PoliticalAnalysis #RNC #2024Election #GeorgeClooney #NancyPelosi #BarackObama #CivilRights #HectorBarajas #MikeVallante

    --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/hectorandmikeexperience/support
    Más Menos
    9 m
  • When Politics Overshadows Mental Health
    Jul 15 2024

    When discussing President Joe Biden's well-being, this country is at a critical intersection of politics and mental health. Politicos Hector Barajas and Larry Venus highlight how political considerations overshadow President Biden's genuine mental health issues.

    The conversation emphasizes the importance of recognizing and addressing mental health issues in leaders rather than using them as political ammunition.

    Hector and Larry criticize the political system for prioritizing political advantage over individual well-being, citing examples of past politicians kept in office despite severe mental health issues due to their needed votes.

    They recall when California State Senator Patricia Wiggins (D-Santa Rosa), who was forced to give up committee assignments and was only brought to the Capitol on an as-needed basis, was brought in to help cast a vote. “Senate leadership allowed the voting on several bills to remain open until the end of the session to allow Wiggins to avoid sitting through the lengthy floor debates.” https://www.pressdemocrat.com/article/news/spokesman-says-ailing-lawmaker-was-neededto-pass-or-defeat-key-bills/.


    They also remember when State Senator Ed Vincent was out of the State Legislature due to illnesses but brought back to vote. From the Los Angeles Times, “But sidelined by illness, Vincent has been mostly absent in the Capitol this session, a touchy subject for his Democratic colleagues who are both sympathetic to his plight and in need of his vote at critical times. Vincent, whose term lasts until the end of 2008, has missed many sessions in past years because his wife has been ill. But this year he has attended only one Senate session, in January.” https://www.latimes.com/archives/la-xpm-2007-mar-29-me-vincent29-story.html

    Hector and Larry also discuss the need to advocate for a compassionate approach that considers the human aspect of mental health issues and other illnesses. They emphasize that caring for President Biden's health ultimately means caring for the nation’s future. The discussion highlights the need to separate political motives from genuine concern for mental health, urging leaders and the public to address these issues with the seriousness and empathy they deserve.

    #MentalHealth #Politics #JoeBiden #CompassionatePolitics #PublicHealth #PoliticalDebate #HectorBarajas #LarryVenus

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    Más Menos
    18 m
  • California Politicians Are Prioritizing Lower Prison Populations Over Public Security
    Jul 11 2024

    Releasing criminals makes our communities less safe. In this discussion, Hector and Mike discuss California's Proposition 36, a measure to revisit and amend the deeply controversial Proposition 47.

    They delve into the alarming rise in crime rates, spotlighting a heart-wrenching incident in Orange County where a couple was brutally attacked and the wife murdered by a repeat offender. This tragedy underscores a critical question: What is the right balance between penalties and rehabilitation in our criminal justice system?

    The current policy of reducing inmate numbers and closing prisons is scrutinized. Are our politicians sacrificing public safety on the altar of lower prison populations? Hector and Mike highlight the dire financial implications and the devastating impact on small businesses, already reeling from rampant retail theft and violent crime.

    Hector and Mike also discuss a particularly infuriating case where the Sacramento City Attorney advised Target to stop reporting thefts or face nuisance fines. This outrageous stance exemplifies how policies fail those they are supposed to protect.

    Hector and Mike's urgent message is clear: Californians must wake up to the real-world effects of these flawed public safety policies. It’s time to demand action and prioritize safety over misguided political agendas.

    --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/hectorandmikeexperience/support
    Más Menos
    26 m
  • The Biden Halftime Show: Will He Survive the Pressure to Drop Out?
    Jul 11 2024

    Republicans should cancel their national convention and let this Joe Biden halftime show continue for a few more months. This fiasco has become an escalating distraction. While Biden insists he is all in and committed to defeating Trump, a growing chorus from within his own camp is calling for him to step down.

    Today, Biden lost the support of heavyweights like Clooney and Pelosi. Who will abandon him next? And will he crumble under the mounting pressure?

    There are countless questions swirling: If Biden steps down, who takes the reins? If he’s unfit for reelection, is he capable of running the country? What happens to all the fundraising money? Can it be transferred? Is four months enough to mount a campaign against Trump, raise funds, and establish operations?

    Those running for Congress and the U.S. Senate face a dilemma: How do they distance themselves from this political circus?

    --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/hectorandmikeexperience/support
    Más Menos
    38 m
  • Biden's Cognitive Decline Dominates Debate & Who Is Running The White House?
    Jul 2 2024

    Hector and Mike dissect the aftermath of the recent presidential debate, raising significant questions for voters and policymakers. They express their shock at the debate's outcome, describing it as unprecedented due to Joe Biden's apparent cognitive decline. Biden appeared hesitant, lost and struggled to articulate his points, raising serious concerns about his ability to continue running for president.

    The debate's intended focus on critical issues like immigration and the economy was overshadowed by Biden's faltering performance, leading some clients to withhold their prepared post-debate statements. The overall reaction on social media was one of disbelief.

    Jake Tapper and Dana Bash attempted to assist Biden by steering the conversation towards topics like abortion, which he could handle more comfortably. However, Trump countered by spotlighting pressing concerns about immigration and crime, and Biden’s inability to articulate his message and his frequent moments of seeming confusion were front and center.

    What was supposed to be a substantive debate on each candidate's positions turned into an unexpected discussion about Biden's capacity to lead, sparking questions about whether he should step down and who is truly running the White House.

    --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/hectorandmikeexperience/support
    Más Menos
    38 m
  • Discipline is Disappearing. Have We Become a Nation of Apologists?
    Jun 17 2024

    Have we become a nation of apologists, where discipline and accountability are mere afterthoughts? This episode dives deep into the frustration of a society that's gone soft, questioning the lack of consequences and the endless excuses. Politicians seem more focused on coddling criminals than protecting citizens, and the once-valued principles of law and order are now dismissed. Hector and Mike argue that leniency has led to rampant, repeat crimes, and they passionately call for a return to common sense: tougher laws, stricter punishments, and a rejection of the enabling attitudes that let criminals thrive. This discussion is a wake-up call for anyone tired of seeing the fabric of society unravel.

    --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/hectorandmikeexperience/support
    Más Menos
    13 m
  • The Truth Behind Biden’s Immigration Strategy
    Jun 6 2024

    In this episode of "The Hector and Mike Experience: Common Sense in an Uncommon World," Hector and Mike dive into President Biden’s latest immigration plan, exposing its timing as a desperate move to salvage plummeting poll numbers ahead of the election. They question the plan's arbitrary cap of 2,500 asylum seekers per port, revealing how it plays right into cartel hands, jacking up prices for desperate migrants.

    The duo question the Biden administration for turning a blind eye to the nationwide impact of illegal immigration, from overburdened social services to compromised community safety. As Democrats are torn and Republicans denounce it as a blatant political stunt, where do independents stand?

    Hector and Mike argue this isn't about fixing the border crisis—it's a calculated, last-ditch effort to sway voters. Tune in for an analysis that cuts through the political noise and gets to the heart of the issue.

    --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/hectorandmikeexperience/support
    Más Menos
    13 m