
  • The Art of Chi Walking: Where to Begin
    Jul 10 2024

    In this episode of Honestly Aging by Friends Life Care VigR®, Carol Bilek joins us to discuss Chi Walking - a practice that combines walking with the principles of Tai Chi. Carol is a certified Chi Walking instructor and shares her journey of discovering Chi Walking after dealing with injuries and mobility challenges.

    She explains how Chi Walking differs from traditional walking, focusing on engaging the core, aligning the body, and moving in harmony with nature's forces like gravity. Carol highlights the numerous mental and physical health benefits of Chi Walking, including improved balance, endurance, breathing, mood, and injury prevention.

    Throughout the interview, Carol provides insightful tips for getting started with Chi Walking, such as:

    • Focusing on body alignment and engaging the core
    • Adjusting to a natural, shorter stride
    • Allowing gravity to pull you forward rather than pushing with the legs
    • Starting on flat terrain and gradually progressing
    • Incorporating a metronome to increase walking cadence

    She also shares inspirational stories of students who overcame mobility fears and knee issues through Chi Walking. Whether you're an avid walker looking to improve technique or seeking a low-impact exercise for overall wellness, this conversation offers valuable guidance on embracing the mindful movement of Chi Walking.

    At the end, Carol invites listeners to connect with her for private lessons, group workshops, or more information on getting started. Carol and Cheryl also go for a Chi Walk.


    Chi Walking and Carol:


    https://www.friendslifecare.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/Carol-Bilek-Chi-Walking-Flyer.pdf https://hellowestchesterpa.com/2024/01/30/walk-this-way-retired-west-chester-educator-wants-to-keep-you-moving/



    Office: 610-431-3266

    Mobile: 610-724-7218

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    © 2024 Friends Life Care. All Rights Reserved.

    Más Menos
    45 m
  • Coaching for Dementia Caregivers: A Holistic Approach
    Jun 19 2024

    On this episode of Honestly Aging by Friends Life Care VigR®, we’re joined by Emily Gavin, a dementia care expert, occupational therapist, and caregiver coach to discuss:

    • The significance of occupational therapy in dementia care.
    • Practical strategies for caregivers to handle common challenges like repetitive questioning and resistance to care.
    • Tailored advice for caregivers to manage their stress and self-care.
    • Building and utilizing a support network to alleviate caregiver burden.
    • Emily’s personal journey and success stories in dementia caregiving.

    Emily has dedicated her career to improving dementia care through her practice, program development, and training for dementia professionals. Emily now leads Philly Care Coaching, where she equips family caregivers with the essential knowledge and skills to ease their caregiving journey and enhance relationships with their loved ones.


    PhillyCare Coaching and Emily Gavin: Website: https://phillycarecoaching.com/

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100093197558689

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/emily-s-gavin-ms-otr-l-94966454/

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/phillycarecoaching/

    Mentioned by Emily: Teepa Snow: https://www.youtube.com/@teepasnowvideos

    Skills2Care®: https://www.dementiacollaborative.com/pages/skills2care-certification

    Promoting Participation: Engaging Individuals Living with Dementia in Meaningful Activities: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CY439ZCQ

    Friends Life Care:

    Website: https://www.friendslifecare.org/

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/friendslifecare/

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/showcase/friends-life-care-/

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/friendslifecare/

    © 2024 Friends Life Care. All Rights Reserved.

    #honestlyaging #friendslifecare #soloagers #soloaging #aging #olderadults #dementiacare #occupationaltherapy #caregiversupport #dementiaawareness #emilygavin #phillycarecoaching #healthandwellbeing

    Más Menos
    47 m
  • Navigating Late-Life Care: Insights for Older Adults and Their Loved Ones
    Jun 5 2024

    “The time to repair the roof is when the sun is shining,” John F. Kennedy.

    Preparing for late-life care can be daunting and filled with topics no one particularly wants to talk about. Ellen Donovan, founder of One Life Consulting, has spent her career having these conversations with older adults and their loved ones.

    On this episode of Honestly Aging by Friends Life Care VigR®, Ellen offers guidance on planning for late-life care, dealing with crises when planning hasn’t occurred, and resources for solo agers.

    We also cover care costs and the importance of self-care for those in caregiver roles.


    One Life Consulting:





    Friends Life Care:





    © 2024 Friends Life Care. All Rights Reserved.

    #honestlyaging #friendslifecare #soloagers #soloaging #aging #olderadults #LateLifeCare #FamilyConversations #CaregiverSupport #FinancialPlanning #OneLifeConsulting #PodcastDiscussion #CrisisManagement #RNSeniorCareConsultant #FamilyDynamics #CostofCare #Author #Advocacy

    Más Menos
    36 m
  • Aging and Bones: Why Prioritizing Bone Health Matters
    May 22 2024

    54 million Americans, half of all adults age 50 and older, are at risk of breaking a bone and should be concerned about bone health.*

    On this episode of Honestly Aging by Friends Life Care VigR®, Darshan Bhatt joins us to share insights into bone health and how we can take proactive steps to ensure strong and healthy bones as we age.

    In our discussion, we cover a range of topics:

    • Overview of Bone Health: What exactly is bone health, and why does it matter?
    • Factors Affecting Bone Health: Explore the various factors influencing the strength and density of our bones.
    • Importance of Bone Health as We Age: Understand why prioritizing bone health becomes increasingly crucial as we grow older.
    • Improving Bone Health: Discover actionable steps we can take to enhance the health of our bones.
    • Impact of Exercise: Learn about the profound effect that exercise has on bone strength and density.
    • Nutrition & Supplements: Explore dietary considerations and essential vitamins crucial for optimal bone health.
    • Common Misconceptions: Debunking myths surrounding bone health to pave the way for better understanding.
    • Chronic Conditions & Treatment: Insights into how conditions like osteoporosis affect bone health and available treatment options.
    • Advice for Prevention & Treatment: Practical advice for those looking to prioritize bone health, including the option of reaching out to experts like Namaste Rehab.

    Darshan Bhatt is a trained physical therapist and Founder and President of Namaste Rehab. In our last episode, Darshan educated us about home health rehab and physical therapy. If you missed it, we highly recommend giving it a listen!



    Namaste Rehab: https://namasterehab.com/ dbhatt@namasterehab.com 267-991-6040 https://www.linkedin.com/in/darshan-bhatt-326769a6/

    Friends Life Care:

    Website: https://www.friendslifecare.org/

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/friendslifecare/

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/showcase/friends-life-care-/

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/friendslifecare/

    © 2024 Friends Life Care. All Rights Reserved.

    #honestlyaging #friendslifecare #soloagers #soloaging #aging #olderadults #NamasteRehab #BoneHealth #BoneHealthMatters #HealthyAging #StrongBones #ProactiveAging #ExerciseForBoneHealth #NutritionForStrongBones #BustTheMyths #OsteoporosisAwareness #PrioritizeBoneHealth #StayStrongStayHealthy #HealthyLifestyleChoices #ExpertInsights #BoneDensity #HealthyHabits #TakeChargeOfYourHealth

    Más Menos
    35 m
  • Optimizing Independence: How In-Home Rehab Empowers Older Adults
    May 9 2024

    Join us as we delve into the world of in-home health rehab and physical therapy with Darshan Bhatt, Founder and President of Namaste Rehab. Darshan, a trained physical therapist, recognized the pressing need for accessible therapy services for older adults during the COVID pandemic, leading him to establish Namaste Rehab with the motto, "Why go to the clinic if the clinic can come to you!"

    Throughout our conversation, Darshan sheds light on the definition of home health rehab, reasons why someone might need rehabilitative services, and shares insightful anecdotes, including a glimpse into assisting solo agers through in-home rehab. Discover the benefits associated with in-home rehab services and learn how to overcome potential discomfort with receiving services in your home.

    We also explore physical therapy, discussing its definition, various rehabilitative services tailored for older adults, and strategies to enhance success in therapy sessions. Darshan leaves us with valuable questions to ask our physical therapists, empowering us to actively engage in our rehabilitation journey.

    Stay tuned for Darshan's return in our next episode, where we'll delve into the crucial topic of bone health. Don't miss out on discovering more about Namaste Rehab's mission and the comprehensive services they offer. Connect with Darshan and Namaste Rehab to embark on your journey to improved health and mobility today!


    Namaste Rehab:





    Friends Life Care:

    Website: https://www.friendslifecare.org/

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/friendslifecare/

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/showcase/friends-life-care-/

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/friendslifecare/

    © 2024 Friends Life Care. All Rights Reserved.

    #honestlyaging #friendslifecare #soloagers #soloaging #aging #olderadults #NamasteRehab #PhysicalTherapy #PT #HomeHealthRehab #Rehabilitation #InHomeRehab #TherapyServices #Healthcare #Wellness #SoloAgers #Mobility #BoneHealth #TherapyJourney #PhysicalFitness #AgingWell #StayActive #HealthAndWellness #OccupationalTherapy #OT #SpeechTherapy #AgingInPlace

    Más Menos
    46 m
  • The Power of Reinventing Yourself
    Apr 24 2024

    Throughout his life and career, Fred Dawson has reinvented himself again and again.

    Fred spent his first career with the Dupont company as a professional engineer in various engineering assignments. Moving on, he started his own consulting company and then had a third career in architectural design and building residential homes. Now in his retirement, Fred’s discovered his passion for writing. Fred is also a Friends Life Care member.

    On this episode of Friends Life Care VigR®, we dive into the power of reinventing yourself. We cover Fred’s life and career transitions, overcoming obstacles, lessons learned, and advice anyone can use on a journey of reinvention.

    #honestlyaging #friendslifecare #soloagers #aging #olderadults #vitality #independence #growth #resilience #stories #advice #advocate #podcast #reinvention #careertransitions #overcomingobstacles #lifelessons #writingpassion #retirementlife #selfdiscovery #lifejourney #personalgrowth #professionaldevelopment #engineering #consulting #architecturaldesign #inspiration #motivation #successstory #reinventyourself #reinvent

    Más Menos
    50 m
  • Respecting Wisdom: Addressing Bullying in Older Adults
    Apr 10 2024

    Despite being associated with childhood, bullying is not limited to adolescence. In fact, it can persist throughout life and take on new, often subtle forms as we age.

    On this episode of Honestly Aging by Friends Life Care VigR®, Kathy Rusch, a medical advocate with the Women’s Center of Montgomery County, joins us for a candid conversation that uncovers the hidden world of bullying that affects older adults.

    In her role as a medical advocate, Kathy plans, executes, tracks, and monitors outreach on domestic violence services and training.

    Prior to her position with the Women’s Center of Montgomery County, Kathy spent many years as the District Office Manager for the PA House of Republican Caucus. In addition, Kathy has experience in grant writing, fundraising, real estate, and journalism. She also holds an Associate’s degree from Southern New Hampshire University.


    Women’s Center of Montgomery County, joins us for a candid conversation that uncovers the hidden world of bullying that affects older adults. In her role as a medical advocate, Kathy plans, executes, tracks, and monitors outreach on domestic violence services and training. Prior to her position with the Women’s Center of Montgomery County, Kathy spent many years as the District Office Manager for the PA House of Republican Caucus. In addition, Kathy has experience in grant writing, fundraising, real estate, and journalism. She also holds an Associate’s degree from Southern New Hampshire University.




    https://www.linkedin.com/in/women-s-center-of-montgomery-county-a014211a6/ https://www.facebook.com/WomensCenterofMontgomeryCounty



    #honestlyaging #friendslifecare #soloagers #soloaging #aging #olderadults #vitality #independence #growth #resilience #stories #advice #advocate #podcast #bullyingbeyondyouth #agingwithdignity #endelderbullying #bullyingawareness #bullyingprevention #speakupagainstbullying #elderlyempowerment #breakthecycle #ageismawareness #respectyourelders #elderlyrights #bullyingunmasked #seniorsupport #bullyingawarenessmonth #empowerolderadults #kindnessknowsnoage #standagainstbullying #seniorcitizenrespect #agewithgrace #safeaging #inclusiveeldercare #seniorequality #compassionforseniors #bullyingneveracceptable #elderlyadvocacy

    (C) 2024 Friends Life Care. All Rights Reserved.

    Más Menos
    52 m
  • How Technology Can Support Aging in Place
    Mar 27 2024

    Technology can support older adults who stay at home as they age. It can provide a safer environment, help maintain independence, and provide peace of mind for loved ones.

    On this episode of Friends Life Care VigR®, Akshita Iyer, who is the CEO and founder of Ome, a technology company that built the world’s first Smart Stove Knob to make cooking safer, easier, and more enjoyable, joins me to discuss this increasingly hot topic.

    Drawing from her experience in user behavior, cognitive psychology, and technology integration, Akshita is passionate about making technology less “techie,” particularly for older adults. With Ome, she has been building intuitive smart kitchen products that create a safer cooking environment for older adults — allowing them to maintain their independence and enjoy the health benefits of home-cooked meals, while providing peace of mind to their families and caregivers.

    Her inspiration for reinventing the kitchen began when her mom left the stove on one too many times and started a kitchen fire. On a mission to develop a solution, Akshita assembled a team, appeared on Shark Tank, raised $3M in venture capital, and launched the Ome Smart Knob — the only smart device that can retrofit to your existing stove in minutes so you can monitor and control your burners from anywhere, anytime.

    Akshita is passionate about the ways technology can improve people’s lives. Through Ome, she is helping to transform the way we cook and live in our homes — one kitchen at a time.







    https://www.tiktok.com/@ome.kitchen https://twitter.com/omeforhome

    #honestlyaging #friendslifecare #soloagers #soloaging #aging #olderadults #vitality #independence #growth #resilience #stories #advice #advocate #podcast #technologyforseniors #aginginplace #elderlycare #smarthome #assistivetechnology #seniorliving #independentliving #peaceofmind #friendslifecare familycaregiving #smartdevices #innovativetech #healthtech #agetech #friendslifecare elderlysafety #homesafety #seniorcare #smartstove #ometech #honestlyaging #friendslifecare #vigr #akshitaiyer #ceointerview #techinnovation

    (C) 2024 Friends Life Care. All Rights Reserved.

    Más Menos
    26 m