
  • #117 Currently HOMELESS but far from HOPELESS - Bonnie Hardie's Story
    Jun 20 2022
    #117 If you get a chance to speak with Bonnie Hardie, you are immediately struck by how happy and positive she is about her life and her coaching business of helping other people rise. She is well spoken, intelligent and charismatic with her charm and outlook on life. The last thing that would come to your mind is that she is currently homeless sleeping on a concrete bench in central Florida. During todays riveting episode of the Hope Radio Podcast, Shawn talks with Bonnie about her life as a homeless person and also her business of coaching others to rise. You will find that Bonnie does not and will not let herself be defined by this temporary circumstance and you will also realize that true happiness is a choice of life and not something based on your circumstances. Bonnie has far more to offer the world that you might imagine given her way of living. She will make you view the plight of homeless people through a different lens and inspire you to rise above your own circumstances of temporary setback. If you would like to support Bonnie and her mission, please do so by going to www.buymeacoffee.com/bonniehardie and buy her a cup or pot of coffee! You can also connect with Bonnie on Facebook at "Bonnie Hardie."
    Más Menos
    49 m
  • #116 The EMPOWERED Woman - Overcoming Mental Health Challenges - Jenny Powers’ Story
    Mar 8 2022
    #116 No Food. No Water. She could not believe that she was in a mental hospital when all that she had done was ask for help. In that moment, she felt completely hopeless and close to giving up. We have all been there before. You know, when life seems to throw you an ever increasing volume of challenges and adversity and you feel like you can't even catch your breath. Jenny Powers was in the midst of this type of season when a series of events lead her to her most challenging life event yet. Please join Shawn as he interviews Jenny Powers about her life and the season that has lead to her greatest transformation. Jenny Powers is a bestselling author, a motivational speaker and a transformational life coach. She is the founder of The Empowered Woman and the creator of The Empowered Woman Experience. She is the author of EMPOWERED: The Woman's Guide to Following Your Heart and an experienced ICF Certified Coach. She is the also the innovator and creator of 100 DAYS OF YOU, which is a 3-month transformational coaching program that is changing the world by awakening every woman to her best self. Jenny has spent much of her life traveling around the world, seeking to live the best life that she can live and fulfilling her passion for adventure, for new experiences and for following her heart. She is committed to inspiring women worldwide and to empowering every woman that she meets to live her best life every single day!
    Más Menos
    55 m
  • #115 From a SUICIDE attempt to Author and INFLUENCER - Courtney Hansen's Story
    Dec 19 2021
    #115 As far back as she could remember, Courtney Hansen will tell you that she didn't have any support at home from her family. Her mother was a narcissist more concerned with herself than anyone else and her father was emotionally and physically abusive. To say that she never had good role models is an understatement. It is not hard to understand how she ended up drinking alcohol to cope with life. Her downward spiral culminated in a suicide attempt at a local hotel when she had finally reached her breaking point. Thankfully, she survived. Knowing and visiting with Courtney now, you would never realize that she had ever dealt with that type of adversity. After her suicide attempt, she decided to go back to school and transform her life. Courtney is now an expert in transforming the lives of women all over the world. With a history of resilience in both the physical and spiritual realm, Courtney is equipped to get your mind, body, and soul to a level of divine joy. She has garnered all of the following certifications and licenses to help women transform their lives by helping to remove limiting beliefs, heal from trauma, balance chakras, renew their spirits and step into their purpose. She is a NLP Coach, Reiki Master, Yoga Body Certified, 200 Hour Certification, Hypnotherapy, Trauma Therapy. Courtney is a wife, mother of three, and successful entrepreneur and most recently, an Author! She has authored a book titled "Within: Healing through Sacred Feminine Archetypes - Awaken the Goddess Within!" You can connect with her at www.thesweetestlittlelife.com and check out her podcast at https://anchor.fm/sweetestlittlelife. Please join Shawn and Jen as they sit down with Courtney to talk about her life, her suicied attempt but most importantly, the HOPE that she clung desperately to in an attempt to change her life. If your experiencing a significant challenge in your life right now, this is a great episode of the Hope Radio Podcast to listen to right now!
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    1 h
  • #114 Single Mom immigrant sells her business for millions to Bill Gates - Beate Chalette's Story
    Nov 12 2021
    #114 Beate Chalette is a force to be reckoned with in life. As an 8 time disaster survivor she has been through all of the following: riots, fires, floods, earthquake, death, 9/11, a lawsuit, a tsunami and now a global pandemic. Beate Chalette is a Growth Architect and founder of The Women's Code. Her story is the story of resilience. She is a woman who just would not give up! Her story culminates from a single mom immigrant who was $135K in debt to selling her business to Bill Gates for millions. Please join Shawn and Jen as they sit down with Beate to discuss her life and her current mission to help other female entrepreneurs rise! She is a perfect example of being a "Hope Dealer" for others through sharing her incredible life story!
    Más Menos
    1 h
  • #113 Three failed marriages taught her INVALUABLE life lessons - Callie Brown's Story
    Sep 29 2021
    #113 Callie Brown will be the first person to tell you that she has had a challenging life. Growing up in poverty, she was looking for any way out that she could find to create and life a better life. She ended up marrying the first guy that she felt could help her rise out of her circumstances. He ended up moving her out of the country and essentially holding her hostage in their tiny apartment by locking the door each day from the outside as he would go to work in the military. She ended up escaping that toxic relationship to only end up in another precarious marriage. However, it was her marriage to a “grandiose narcissist” that was her most challenging relationship yet! Please join Shawn and Jen as they sit down with Callie Brown to talk about her life and how she has found happiness and LOVE after 3 failed marriages. Positive, encouraging and full of hard life lessons, Callie is a pleasure to interview and just a damn good human. This is a must listen to episode of the Hope Radio Podcast…especially if you have had challenging relationship yourself!
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    1 h y 20 m
  • #112 Overcoming NARCOLEPSY and Cataplexy - the life of Shane Charles
    Sep 29 2021
    #112 Shane Charles is no stranger to adversity. He has been through an incredible amount of challenge and turmoil in his life. The biggest challenge that he has faced is dealing with his narcolepsy. Narcolepsy is defined as a chronic sleep disorder that causes overwhelming daytime drowsiness. The cause of narcolepsy isn't well understood but may involve genetic factors and abnormal signaling in the brain. Imagine being at school and suddenly falling asleep! Imagine being at work and being fired for falling asleep. Imagine driving and almost wrecking your car because you fall asleep. Please join Shawn and Jen in the latest episode of the Hope Radio Podcast as they sit down and talk with Shane Charles about his life. He is positive and encouraging despite being afflicted with this incurable condition. Get ready for some hope and gratitude as you listen to him share about his life!
    Más Menos
    1 h y 16 m
  • #111 Kicked, Beaten and Abused - Kayla Hodges turned pain into PURPOSE and AMBITION!
    Sep 14 2021
    #111 Kicked, Beaten and Abused - Kayla Hodges turned pain into PURPOSE and AMBITION! by Shawn and Jennifer Davis
    Más Menos
    1 h
  • #110 She was tortured, abused and almost killed - Samantha Foster took pain and created PURPOSE
    Aug 30 2021
    #110 Samantha Foster has lived in fear and torment for most of her life at the hands of abusive men. It first began when she was 3 years old living with a what she calls a "narcissistic sociopath" step-father. He sexually abused, raped and tortured her mother. He tortured, abused and molested her and her siblings. He would hang her and her family members up by their hands and arms on the back porch and then proceed to whip and beat them. He threatened to cut off her ears or nose while holding a knife to her face. As she describes the scene...it sounds like a living hell that she called daily life. At the age of 18, Samantha was finally able to run away from this demented step-father but the cycle of abuse only continued with other men. You see, when you know nothing else by abuse it is the only "familiar" life you know...especially when you were not taught any social or adult life skills. In her late 40's, Samantha was in an abusive relationship with a man that said that he was going to kill her. He had tied her up and then went to go grab his knife in the other room. She was ready to die. She imagined the knife piercing her skin, going through her body and into her heart. In her mind, it would finally be over. The torment, the torture, the abuse would all be over and she was ready. In a moment...everything changed. Her life has never been the same since that day and she recounts the story with Shawn and Jen in this powerful and unforgettable episode of the Hope Radio Podcast. You will hear how Samantha survived that fateful day and how she turned her pain and torture into a mission to help others. This is a must listen to episode of the Hope Radio Podcast!
    Más Menos
    1 h y 6 m