
  • Football Talk || Ekua V.P.B
    20 m
  • Movie Time🎞 || Ekua V.P.B
    Dec 25 2022
    Everyone has wondered at one point or another in their lives, regardless of their age, whether ghosts exist. The concept of ghosts has been virtually omnipresent since eons, however there are numerous theories supporting their existence and vice versa. Despite several first-hand accounts of ghost-interactions, there is a great chance that they do exist. In cognitive science, there is a concept known as confirmation bias in which people confirm their preexisting beliefs from their accounts, which often leads to biased perspectives of a particular subject. There is a good chance that confirmation bias leads many individuals to believe in ghosts, and the beliefs only strengthen over time as you listen attentively to this fictional narrative(movie).
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    7 m
  • Give To LIve
    Oct 5 2021
    "Giving is not just an act but rather, it is simply a way of living and surviving" ~ Dannypraise
    Más Menos
    3 m
  • Hold On Tighter || Trust Deboy
    Apr 9 2021
    There are meanings to our sufferings, and God in His own wisdom knows how we will overcome them , but keep working hard and trusting that in His perfect time, all things will be beautiful.
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    3 m
  • A Letter To Satan
    Aug 1 2020
    Deliverance From All Sin/Addiction

    There scarcely could be anything more gloomy to dwell upon than the subject of "Sin." Neither is anything so calculated to humble us, if our hearts are at all honest, as the fact of our having inherited a nature from Adam which in every way is opposed to God. But deliverance from sin is that with which the glory of redemption is connected; and the knowledge of this dispels the gloom, and it gladdens the hearts of the children of God through the application of His word to our souls. The apostle thus writes: "But now having got your freedom from sin, and having become bondsmen to God, ye have your fruit unto holiness, and the end everlasting life." (Rom. 6: 22, New Translation.)

    Every unconverted person is characterized and controlled by an evil nature, which Scripture calls "sin," and which is nothing less than "a will with a way," ever acting contrary to God.

    "Sin" in its nature, and the "sins" which we practise, are clearly distinguished in the Word of God. Forgiveness of sins is obtained as soon as the heart gives reception by faith to the blessed truth that Christ "was delivered for our offences, and was raised again for our justification," and freedom from sin is obtained by seeing our identification with Christ in His death, and entering into what is taught in the following verses: "Knowing this, that our old man is crucified with Him, that the body of sin might be annulled, that henceforth we should not serve sin. For he that is dead is justified from sin." (Rom. 6:6-7.)

    This Spoken Word throws more light on this matter, connected to a savaged soul which has finally found Christ's love and redemption from sin.

    Ministered By: DånnyPråise // @_dannypraise_
    Sound Mixed By: Prinzkid // @_prinzkid.music
    Más Menos
    4 m
  • The Fall《Facsimile》♧
    6 m