
  • Causes: How Do Debt Cycles Cause Poverty?
    Jul 4 2024

    This video delves into the concept of debt cycles, exploring how they are a recurring pattern of borrowing and repayment that can lead to economic instability and hardship. It discusses the link between debt cycles and poverty, highlighting that high levels of debt can leave individuals with limited resources, pushing them into poverty. The video emphasizes the importance of addressing debt cycles to prevent economic instability, financial crises, and the negative impact on mental health and social well-being. Solutions such as responsible borrowing, financial literacy, debt management, and macroprudential regulations are suggested. Finally, it outlines essential skills students should learn to tackle debt cycles and poverty effectively, including economic trends analysis, financial modeling, and public policy advocacy. The video encourages viewers to join Plato University for more resources and learning opportunities.


    How to Solve Poverty is a course presented by Plato University.

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  • Causes: How Do Regressive Taxes Cause Poverty?
    Jul 3 2024

    This script delves into the concept of regressive taxes, elucidating how they disproportionately burden lower-income individuals by taking a larger share of their income compared to higher earners. It explores the adverse effects of such a tax system, including its contribution to poverty by leaving less disposable income for essential needs and limiting funds for social programs. The discussion also covers the importance of addressing regressive taxes to foster a fairer tax system, stimulate economic growth, and prevent social unrest. Solutions such as implementing progressive taxes, targeted tax credits, and strengthening social safety nets are proposed. The video concludes by advising students passionate about solving this issue to study tax policy, economic modeling, and public policy analysis at Plato University.


    How to Solve Poverty is a course presented by Plato University.

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  • Causes: How Does Limited Basic Services Cause Poverty?
    Jul 2 2024

    The video discusses the issue of limited access to basic services, such as clean water, sanitation, healthcare, education, and housing, and how it contributes to poverty. It explains the consequences of inadequate access, including increased susceptibility to diseases, hindered economic opportunities, and perpetuation of poverty cycles. The video highlights the importance of addressing this issue for human development, social equity, and stability, and suggests solutions like government investment in infrastructure, social safety nets, and community engagement. It also advises students passionate about solving such problems to focus on public policy, project management, and understanding community needs for making systemic improvements.


    How to Solve Poverty is a course presented by Plato University.

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  • Causes: How Does Underemployment Cause Poverty?
    Jul 1 2024

    This video explores the concept of underemployment, explaining it as a state where individuals work below their skill level, in part-time roles when seeking full-time, or for wages insufficient to meet their needs. The script identifies underemployment as a significant contributor to poverty, indicating that it leads to lower incomes, reduced job security, and skill atrophy, which exacerbate financial vulnerability and can hinder personal and economic growth. It discusses the importance of addressing underemployment to enhance labor productivity, improve mental health, and ensure economic and social development. Solutions proposed include investing in education and training aligned with labor market needs, encouraging full-time employment through policy, supporting small businesses, and developing platforms to match job seekers with appropriate opportunities. The video concludes by advising students passionate about solving underemployment to study labor market trends, policy evaluation, and entrepreneurship, offering resources through Plato University.


    How to Solve Poverty is a course presented by Plato University.

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  • Causes: How Does Unemployment Cause Poverty?
    Jun 30 2024

    This episode dives into the relationship between unemployment and poverty, explaining unemployment as a state where individuals willing to work cannot find jobs, leading to financial instability and a lower standard of living. It highlights the implications of unemployment, including increased poverty, social unrest, and barriers to economic growth. The script underscores the importance of addressing unemployment to improve social stability and economic well-being. Solutions proposed include government policies to stimulate economic growth, investment in education and vocational training, support for small businesses, and flexible labor market policies. It concludes with advice to students on essential skills to combat unemployment effectively, such as understanding labor market dynamics, policy analysis, and community engagement, inviting them to learn more through Plato University's resources.


    How to Solve Poverty is a course presented by Plato University.

    Enroll in the course for FREE to get exclusive access to:

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  • Causes: How Does Cost of Living Cause Poverty?
    Jun 29 2024

    This video explores the concept of cost of living, its significant impact on poverty, and why addressing it is crucial. The cost of living is defined as the amount of money needed to maintain a certain standard of living, covering essential expenses like housing, food, healthcare, and transportation. The script outlines how a high cost of living contributes to poverty, including its effect on individuals with incomes below the necessary level for basic necessities, the disparity between wage growth and rising expenses, and the specific challenges related to housing and healthcare costs. The importance of addressing cost of living to prevent the perpetuation of poverty and social unrest is emphasized, alongside potential solutions such as affordable housing policies, access to quality healthcare, living wage requirements, and strengthened social welfare programs. The video concludes by advising students passionate about solving these issues to focus on skills in economic analysis, data research, and advocacy.


    How to Solve Poverty is a course presented by Plato University.

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  • Causes: How Does Wage Inequality Cause Poverty?
    Jun 28 2024

    This video explores wage inequality—its definition, causes, and consequences on poverty. It starts by explaining wage inequality as the disparity in earnings due to differences in skills, education, and job roles, fueled by the free-market economy. The video discusses how wage inequality exacerbates poverty by preventing low-wage earners from meeting basic needs and accessing quality education and healthcare, thus trapping them in a cycle of poverty. It highlights the broader social and economic impacts, including social unrest, decreased consumer demand, and slowed economic growth. Solutions such as implementing progressive income tax systems, encouraging living wages, enforcing labor laws, and providing quality education and training are proposed to address wage inequality. The video concludes with advice for students interested in solving these issues, emphasizing the importance of understanding economic systems, advocating for equitable policies, and recognizing the interplay of social and cultural factors with economic disparities.


    How to Solve Poverty is a course presented by Plato University.

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  • Systems Thinking Iceberg Model for Poverty
    Jun 27 2024

    This video script delves into the application of the Iceberg Model as a crucial tool in systems thinking, particularly for understanding and solving poverty. The Iceberg Model metaphorically illustrates both visible elements and hidden dynamics of a system or problem, akin to an iceberg's visible tip and its larger submerged portion. The model encourages looking beyond immediate, visible problems (e.g., the rising rates of type 2 diabetes among children) to explore underlying causes at different levels: patterns of behavior, systematic structures, and mental models including psychological, biological factors, and belief systems. Through asking 'why' questions at each level, the script emphasizes the importance of identifying root causes and interconnectedness in systems, ultimately leading to leveraging points for effective and sustainable solutions. The goal is to foster a deeper understanding of the complex systems underlying global challenges like poverty, moving beyond superficial fixes to target the root of the issue systematically.


    How to Solve Poverty is a course presented by Plato University.

    Enroll in the course for FREE to get exclusive access to:

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    Enroll at plato.university/courses/poverty

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    11 m