
  • Tips n Tricks from Jon Gericke
    Jul 20 2022
    Studio and recording tips from a seasoned professional. Website
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    12 m
  • Types of Questions (updated) with Cal Kennedy
    Jul 20 2022
    A bad host will ask closed-ended questions that lead to conversational dead ends while a good host will set you up with open-ended questions that help the interview flow and your message to be heard. Website
    Más Menos
    4 m
  • Hosts (updated) with Ian F
    Jul 20 2022
    Not all hosts are created equal and the range of skills you encounter may range from unskilled hobbyist, through adequate interviewer to seasoned pro. Website
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    9 m
  • #01 Welcome
    Mar 14 2019
    Hello, I’m Gavin Kennedy, founder and CEO of Solid Gold Studios. You’re likely listening to this podcast because you’ve been invited to be a guest on one of the channels we produce. Congratulations! And welcome to the exciting world of podcasting.

    Our vision is to be the podcast partner of choice and our mission is to help people, like you, and the organisations you represent, to be heard, through quality, creative storytelling.

    Whether this is your first time on air, or if you’re a regular guest, we want to help you deliver your message effectively. Over the next few minutes, Melanie will guide you through our Podcast Guest 101 introduction, an executive summary if you like, of essential tips and skills that will assist you during your interview.

    Remember, this is not a live broadcast and the conversation will be edited. Also, please ensure you have completed our media usage agreement before your recording. The link to the online form is on our website and in the show notes of this episode.

    Thank you for joining u s today and for taking the time to share your story. If there’s anything you think we could be doing better, please send me a mail on gavin@solidgoldstudios.co.za

    Enjoy your recording.

    And now, over to Melanie...

    Welcome to Solid Gold podcast studios. Before we go through to one the studios for your interview, here are a few tips to help you settle in and acclimatise to the studio, the equipment, the recording environment and the people so that you will be a great guest.

    Once you have finished listening to Podcast Guest 101, we will take you through to your studio and get you settled. The purpose of this exercise is to help you become a refined, aware and effective guest on your next broadcast interview.

    What you are about to experience is a short-cut to being a guest on almost any broadcasting platform. After today’s interview, and especially if you intend being a guest on many more podcasts, you may want to sign up for our more detailed and int Start a WhatsApp chat with us · Website
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  • #02 Getting Settled
    Mar 14 2019
    What we’re covering today applies to more than just podcasts and can (and should) be used for television and radio interviews as the principles remain the same. There is no difference between live or recorded podcasts, radio and television programs.

    Have you ever arrived at a studio for an interview not knowing what to do? Where to go? And how to approach the recording? Do you get nervous that you don’t really know how to use the equipment such as headphones, foldback levels or microphone technique? Do you dislike looking like an amateur guest?

    Let’s help you get to know the gear so you can let the host know that you are a professional and they need not treat you like it’s your first time in a recording.

    Technically, the most important piece of equipment is the microphone. So using this correctly is really important. If your host is not professional enough to understand microphone technique, you will be able to guide them while at the same time letting them know that you are comfortable in the studio with whatever you need to use. There are many different types of microphones that are used in different studios around the world. It would help immensely if you could identify and adapt to the type you will be using.

    You don’t need to know the make or specifications, but as you do a voice level test you will be able to hear whether you are too close or too far from the microphone. Also, you will be able to identify which part of the microphone has the best sound response. Some microphones record sound from 360 degrees, some from the top and some have a live 90 degree input which means a smaller area to talk into.

    You'll be handed a set of headphones as you enter the studio. At Solid Gold Studios, all headsets are cleaned and tested after every use. You will be shown where to plug them in, how to adjust your volume and how to make them as comfortable as possible. Too loud and you’ll have distortion, too soft and you won’t be able to concentrate on the interview, s Website
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  • #03 Do's and Don'ts
    Mar 14 2019
    The most important rule in any recording studio is to regard the microphones as “live” at all times. If you don’t want something recorded, don’t say it.

    Do not enter any studio without permission and invitation from the host or their technical team. Many studios have a red light at the door indicating that a recording is in progress. Wait for a green light to show that the recording has either stopped or is paused, and confirm we’re OK to enter. Enter the studio cautiously and don’t say anything until you have established that the studio is not live.When in doubt, remember rule #1 and regard the microphones as live.

    If at any stage during a recording, you are uncomfortable with the situation or your speech, or if you are aware that there is a technical glitch such as a drop in your voice level, stop the recording. Some hosts may not notice your discomfort of the faults so it’s really useful for you to stay aware.

    Don’t chase the microphone, sit comfortably and relax, the the studio team will move the microphone to where you are. Remember, moving affects sound level and we want you to sound your best, so work on staying a constant distance from the mic.

    After you've been talking for a while and have developed a bit of rapport with your host, it's quite natural for the microphone to start feeling like an obstacle and you may find you start to talk around it, or in extreme cases, you might even be tempted to push it out of the way. Please don't. Always stay close to the mic and talk through it to your host and other guests.

    Pops and click noises usually indicate your mouth is a little dry. This is common, especially your first few times in the studio. We’ll provide you with a bottle of still water, and if you want more, just indicate this to your host.

    Please remove the lid from your water before you start so you’re not distracted by it later, and so you avoid making additional noise when opening during the interview. When you need a sip, simply move away from th Website
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    2 m
  • #04 Hosts
    Mar 14 2019
    Not all hosts are created equal and the range of skills you encounter may range from unskilled hobbyist, through adequate interviewer to seasoned pro.

    Let’s talk about three main types, “aggressive”, “bad” and then “good” hosts so you’ll know how to deal with them.

    Aggressive hosts are the most frustrating to deal with. They mostly like to hear their own voice and believe that they know your product or message better than you do. With these hosts, you need to use your knowledge to move from their ”self-indulgent babble” and back to your message. At this stage you will already know how to handle the studio environment and the equipment.

    A bad host will have done no homework on your product or message, and will try and sound competent to hide that fact. This is the worst-case scenario as he won’t be able to lead you to what’s important to your expertise. You may have to take over a certain amount of control on the program.

    An average host will sometimes allow you the time to get your message across but may interrupt you to make a point – sometimes relevant and sometimes merely an irritant. They will also try and help you by prompting when there is no need. If you need to interrupt or talk over the host, remember, it’s your message so don’t be afraid to be firm and push the information. Do not allow the host to bombard you with questions and expect you to answer in the order they deliver. Answer one question at a time, and take your time. There is no rush.

    A good host or interviewer will be there to help you through the process. They will understand the technical aspects of the studio and be able to put you at ease and settle any nerves you may have. They will know that their role is not to talk incessantly nor over your speech. A good host will prompt you and guide you through the topic, always backing off to allow you to talk about whatever your expertise and message encompasses so you can get your message across. They will also give you the lion’s share of Website
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    2 m
  • #05 Types of Questions
    Mar 14 2019
    A bad host will ask closed-ended questions that lead to conversational dead ends while a good host will set you up with open-ended questions that help the interview flow and your message to be heard.

    Simply put, closed-ended questions are those which can be answered with a "yes" or "no," while open-ended questions require more thought and engaged answers.

    That said, closed-ended questions do have their place in a good interview, usually when the host is trying to compare the answers of different guests or only have time for a quick response.

    Closed-ended questions do not allow the respondent to explain that they do not understand the question or do not have an opinion on the issue. You can easily spot them as they usually start with verbs, such as “Are,” “Will,” “Is,” “Have,” “Did,” and even contractions such as “Aren't,” “Didn't,” and “Won't.” Closed-ended questions gradually bring conversation to a convergence on a single point or decision since it is answered with a “yes” or a “no.”

    An open-ended question is designed to encourage a full, meaningful, answer using the guest’s own, and often specialist, knowledge and feelings. The opposite of a closed-ended question, open-ended questions are usually identified by the five “W’s”. “What, Where, Who, When, Why.” You may also hear “How” as well as a multitude of similar words that cannot be answered with “yes or no.”

    Open-ended questions allow guests to include more information, feelings, attitudes and understanding of the subject. Remember, you are here to tell your story and to be heard.

    Find out more about Solid Gold Studios at SolidGoldStudios.co.za

    Please ensure you complete the Media Usage Agreement before your recording.
    The link is bit.ly/sgsmua Website
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