
  • Can You Really Make a Bad Decision? Let’s Debunk Your Fear of Failure! (Ep 7)
    Jun 23 2024
    Decision-making can be such a scary thing because it often comes with doubt, fear of the future, and definitely fear of failure.

    Let’s entertain this idea: when we’re making a decision, regardless of the type, we picture all potential scenarios, ask for guidance from friends or a higher power, and approach the decision without fully knowing the outcome—maybe even at the last minute after much thought. Do you see the common ground here?

    In this episode of Hustle Heart, Alex talks about the pressure of making the right decisions and its connection with fear. She dives into the importance of letting go of the need for perfection and embracing the messiness of life. Because, if you think about it, can you really make wrong decisions?

    Alex encourages us to trust our inner compass and start making decisions from a place of inner knowing and excitement. She also highlights the power of learning from our failures by sharing a little teaser of her first business and how it “failed.”

    In this episode:

    • Let go of the pressure of perfection and embrace the messiness of life.
    • Trust yourself and make decisions from a place of inner knowing and excitement.
    • Failures are opportunities for learning and growth.
    • Focus on what you want and allow life to be messy.
    The question I leave you with today is one I ask myself: Do you really want to keep making your decisions based on fear, or are you ready to fully trust your gut?

    Cinthya Creativa, Alex’s Podcast Manager.

    Ready to connect?

    Find Alex on Instagram or leave a voice message with your questions and requests for future episodes!

    If you enjoyed the episode, leave a review and subscribe to the first one to get notified every time a new episode is live.

    Más Menos
    41 m
  • The Ongoing Journey Of Embracing Radical Self-Ownership… And How Alex’s Heart Went From Broken To Cracked Open (Ep 6)
    Jun 16 2024

    At Hustle Heart Podcast, we strive to keep the tone as authentic and honest as possible because we believe that a community striving for success can only be built by embracing both our light and our shadows.

    In this episode, Alex gives us an update since the last release. In episode 5, Alex shared how her relationship was going through a rough patch, and how that experience opened up the doors for:

    • Revisiting old wounds
    • Identifying patterns that were no longer serving her
    • Allowing herself to dream her big vision and embrace the work she wants to bring to the world

    Consider episode 6 a continuation, but with an Alex who brings her own life journey to the table, helping you stay accountable in the ongoing journey of healing to handle joy, the process of surrender, and taking radical self-ownership of your path in business and life.

    What I love about Alex, and this episode in particular, is something I haven’t seen or heard from many other life coaches out there: she knows she is a work in progress. She understands that self-ownership and radical responsibility are ongoing tasks until the end of our days. She faces her shadows head-on.

    Ideas and questions to reflect on after listening to this episode:

    • Revisit the last few weeks of your life and name the power moves you have been taking. Don’t sell yourself short; we know you are making huge strides, even if it doesn’t feel like it.


    Cinthya Creativa, Alex’s Podcast Manager.

    Ready to connect?

    Find Alex on Instagram or leave a voice message with your questions and requests for future episodes!

    If you enjoyed the episode, leave a review and subscribe to the first one to get notified every time a new episode is live.

    Más Menos
    1 h y 2 m
  • A Raw And Intimate Conversation On Transforming Pain Into Power (Ep 5)
    Jun 9 2024

    In this intimate and raw episode, Alex invites us to reflect on the importance of taking radical responsibility for our happiness and fulfillment, as she opens up about a personal journey of betrayal, grief, self-discovery, and transformation.

    Throughout the episode, Alex shares a deeply personal story of heartbreak and betrayal, and how despite the pain, she has allowed herself to lead with gratitude, recognizing negative emotions as a catalyst for growth and self-discovery.

    This experience led Alex to reconnect with her passion for traveling, and her plans to visit Portugal and Bali.

    Ideas and questions to reflect on after listening to this episode:

    • Make a list of your resources and talents.
    • Connect with your sources of joy and pleasure. You can reconnect with a game, an idea, or an activity that brought you joy when you were a kid.

    With love,
    Alex's Podcast Manager

    Ready to connect?

    Find Alex on Instagram or leave a voice message with your questions and requests for future episodes!

    If you enjoyed the episode, leave a review and subscribe to the first one to get notified every time a new episode is live.

    Más Menos
    48 m
  • How To Deal With Your Inner Critic To Start Living From A Place Of Pleasure (Ep 4)
    Jun 2 2024

    If you’re here it’s because, just like us, you want it all.

    You want the success of a blooming business and the joy of a calm life filled with healthy and growing relationships.

    But just like us, you are aware that we can only achieve external pleasure and success if our journey is of deep reflection… and that comes with countless challenges.

    In this podcast episode, we are invited to reflect on our spiritual journeys, and how they are not a one-time event but a continuous process of growth and expansion.

    Throughout the episode, we explore the misconception that external circumstances reflect our internal state and highlight the significance of reframing challenges as invitations to expand and release old patterns.

    As this episode unfolds, Alex goes personal and shares reflections on family dynamics, personal boundaries, and the importance of self-care, as a woman searching for a deeper meaning in life and ready to build a business empire.

    Take this episode as a reminder to embrace vulnerability, cultivate self-compassion, and find gratitude in the midst of life's uncertainties.

    After listening, don't forget to come back to these ideas and questions to reflect on:

    • Name one action you want to take to honor your journey and acknowledge your resilience.
    • Practice 5 minutes of gratitude today. You can contemplate, write your ideas down, talk with a friend about what you are grateful for, etc.

    Ready to connect?

    Find Alex on Instagram or leave a voice message with your questions and requests for future episodes!

    If you enjoyed the episode, leave a review and subscribe to the first one to get notified every time a new episode is live.

    Más Menos
    33 m
  • How To Break Free From The "Good Girl Trap" By Using Frustration And Resentment To Fuel Your Dream Business (Ep 3)
    May 26 2024

    We often hear that the force that moves us forward in life and business is love, but what if I told you that resentment and frustration can also be a creator energy?

    In this episode of Hustle Heart, we dive deep into resentment, frustration, and the fears that come with stepping out of our comfort zones, as facing these shadows is an uncomfortable but critical step into building the life and business we dream of.

    In this episode, we are invited to discuss the importance of allowing ourselves to fail and learn from our mistakes as a path to mastery.

    At the end of the day, healing and repetition are key to building confidence and expertise, much needed to see our lives and businesses thrive.

    This episode also touches on the concept of turning pain into power, making the conscious choice to rise from adversity rather than becoming a victim of circumstances.

    Ideas and questions to reflect on after listening to this episode:

    • Give yourself some credit and reflect on one thing you have mastered thanks to repetition.
    • Look at yourself in the mirror and allow yourself to feel worthy of your wildest desires. Can you give yourself permission?

    With love,
    Cinthya Creativa
    Alex's Podcast Manager

    Ready to connect?

    Find Alex on Instagram or leave a voice message with your questions and requests for future episodes!

    If you enjoyed the episode, leave a review and subscribe to the first one to get notified every time a new episode is live.

    Más Menos
    43 m
  • How To Start Redefining Success On Your Terms As A Busy Female Entrepreneur (Ep 2)
    May 26 2024

    In this podcast episode of Hustle Heart, we dive into the importance of becoming unapologetic about one's identity, desires, and needs.

    Why? Because becoming who you are truly meant to be is the only path to unavoidable success in business and life.

    But becoming and embodying the wholeness of oneself is not as easy as many people may make it sound.

    This is a journey for the bravest. This journey is as complex as facing your light and dark sides, the weird and the crazy, and even the parts that may evoke feelings of shame, guilt, regret, and fear.

    To build a success business that supports the freedom you want for your life, you first need to answer the calling for ongoing self-discovery and self-realization.

    After listening to this episode, here you have some ideas and questions to reflect on:

    • In a two-column document write down how you identify yourself, and what is no longer serving you from those labels.
    • What are the core values you bring into your business?
    • Pick one thing this week in which you would unapologetically put yourself first (hello recovering people pleasers)

    With love,
    Cinthya Creativa,
    Alex's Podcast Manager.

    Ready to connect?

    Find Alex on Instagram or leave a voice message with your questions and requests for future episodes!

    If you enjoyed the episode, leave a review and subscribe to the first one to get notified every time a new episode is live.

    Más Menos
    38 m
  • Welcome to Hustle Heart, The Show For Female Entrepreneurs Who Desire Less Hustle And More Flow In Business And Life (Ep 1)
    May 26 2024

    Welcome to The Hustle Heart Podcast, the show for female entrepreneurs who desire less hustle and more flow in business and life.

    Hustle Heart is a podcast on a mission to support female entrepreneurs on their journey to redefine success and create a life and business that not only looks good but feels good too.

    This show is for high-achieving women who have invested significant energy and time into their business, only to feel overwhelmed by countless tasks and an endless to-do list. This is for the women who have lived under consistent pressure, lacking the time or peace of mind to enjoy their free time without guilt.

    Sound familiar?

    Each week, your host, Alex, dives into the transformative shifts experienced by high-achieving female entrepreneurs as they strive to build a life that brings financial freedom, pleasure, and success in both business and life.

    In our debut episode, Alex introduces herself in a unique way—being interviewed by me, Cinthya, her podcast manager and cheerleader in this journey of empowering unapologetic female entrepreneurs.

    During this interview, Alex shares her journey of sacrificing her well-being, disconnecting from joy and pleasure, and constantly seeking external validation through work and achievements.

    She also reveals the moment when the realization of living in a cycle of burnout and unworthiness hit her hard, prompting her to reevaluate her approach to life and business.

    In this interview, Alex shares insights on the transformation from mind-set to heart-set, and how women entrepreneurs and female business owners can lead with more self-awareness and freedom in their businesses and lives.

    After listening to this episode, here are some ideas and questions for reflection:

    • How do you define success on your journey as a female business owner?
    • What are you willing to prioritize in life and business in pursuit of success, considering the lessons from today’s episode?

    With love,
    Cinthya Creativa,
    Alex's Podcast Manager

    Ready to connect?

    Find Alex on Instagram or leave a voice message with your questions and requests for future episodes!

    If you enjoyed the episode, leave a review and subscribe to the first one to get notified every time a new episode is live.

    Más Menos
    1 h y 15 m
  • Hustle Heart Podcast (Trailer)
    May 4 2024

    Welcome to The Hustle Heart Podcast, a profoundly intimate and inspiring show hosted by Life and Empowerment Coach, Alex Filipe.

    Alex is on a mission to guide successful female entrepreneurs who find themselves on the brink of burnout. She helps them leverage their inner strength and resources to rise above setbacks and embark on a transformative journey toward healing and heart-centered business success.

    The podcast has a clear purpose: to support and empower female entrepreneurs in redefining success beyond the traditional equation of "more work + more money = more success."

    In this inspiring podcast for female entrepreneurs, we strive to create a life and business that not only looks good but feels GOOD.

    On The Hustle Heart Podcast, we explore doing what brings you the most joy without guilt or pressure about how things should be done—or even more importantly, about who you should be.

    Tune in as we share real-life struggles and triumphs to hold you accountable and guide you toward a heart-centered life where passion, joy, and excitement pave the path to inevitable success.

    Hit subscribe and embark on this journey with us!

    With love,
    Cinthya Creativa
    Alex's Podcast Manager

    Ready to connect?

    Find Alex on Instagram or leave a voice message with your questions and requests for future episodes!

    If you enjoyed the episode, leave a review and subscribe to the first one to get notified every time a new episode is live.

    Más Menos
    3 m