
  • I Am Urmila

    I Am Urmila

    And I Am the Princess Who Slept.
    May 11 2023
    This is the story of a princess who slept for 14 years while her husband wandered the forests in exile, fulfilling his duty. She tells the tale of her devotion, love, and loyalty to Lakshman, the brother of Prince Ram. Urmila recounts her memories of the day Ram strung the great bow, and she first saw Lakshman. Despite the happiness that ensued, tragedy soon followed...and Urmila has to make a very difficult decision.
    Más Menos
    15 m
  • I Am Sukanya

    I Am Sukanya

    The Princess Who Married a Sage.
    May 11 2023
    This episode is narrated by Sukanya, a princess who went through an unimaginable turn of events that led her to marry an old, blind sage. After accidentally blinding the sage, Sukanya vowed to take care of him for the rest of her life. Despite her father's doubts about her ability to lead a simple life, Sukanya proved to be faithful, patient, and clever...and this is her story.
    Más Menos
    12 m
  • I Am Saraswati

    I Am Saraswati

    And I Don't Dance to Anyone's Tunes!
    May 11 2023
    Saraswati, the Goddess of knowledge and the arts, is called to accompany Lord Brahma in a yagna. But upon arriving, she finds herself replaced by Gayatri, Lord Brahma's new consort. Infuriated, Saraswati confronts Lord Brahma. She reflects on their past interactions, she and contemplates her life, before breaking free....
    Más Menos
    14 m
  • I Am Bhanumati

    I Am Bhanumati

    And This is My Journey to Love and Acceptance.
    May 11 2023
    In this episode, we hear the story of Bhanumati, the wife of Duryodhan. Initially, she resisted the idea of marrying him due to his cruel reputation, but circumstances forced her into it. However, with time, she began to see Duryodhan in a different light, realizing that he was not the person she thought he was. Her journey from a reluctant bride to a devoted wife is a story of overcoming prejudice and learning to love and accept.
    Más Menos
    14 m
  • I Am Madhavi

    I Am Madhavi

    And I Triumphed in a Man's World.
    May 11 2023
    Madhavi, a passionate and dedicated woman, was raised by a mortal dancer but was blessed with beauty and divine origins. Trained as a dancer, she caught the attention of the king and became a court dancer, but still felt dissatisfied. In a moment of impulsiveness, she sold a wreath of leaves with her portrait attached and became the master of the man who paid the highest bid. When he arrived, Madhavi was mesmerized by his beauty and grace, but things soon turned for the worse....
    Más Menos
    20 m
  • I Am Kovalan

    I Am Kovalan

    And The Pursuit for Beauty...ruined me,
    May 11 2023
    Kovalan grew up surrounded by a love for beauty but wasn't allowed to pursue it. He found himself attracting beauty and attention, but felt emptier with each passing day. His parents decided to get him married to Kannagi, whom he thought was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen. They had many happy years together, but Kovalan realized that Kannagi wasn't the partner he had hoped for. He fell in love with another woman and lost everything, leaving him to wonder about the true meaning of love and happiness.
    Más Menos
    22 m
  • I Am Kannagi

    I Am Kannagi

    Love, Loyalty and Vengeance.
    May 11 2023
    Kannagi, wife of Kovalan, tells the story of her love and loyalty despite her husband's infidelity. She describes their grand wedding and blissful life together, but it all comes crashing down when Kovalan is wrongfully accused of theft and executed. Kannagi arrives into her avatar of Kali and seeks revenge on the entire town....
    Más Menos
    20 m
  • I Am Gajendra

    I Am Gajendra

    When The King of Elephants was Under Attack.
    May 11 2023
    Gajendra, the mighty king of elephants, recounts the time he was attacked by a crocodile while bathing in a beautiful lake. Despite his strength and valor, the crocodile's grip was too strong, and Gajendra's herd was unable to free him. In his moment of distress, Gajendra reflects on his loyalty to his herd and their lack of compassion for him.
    Más Menos
    20 m