
  • PSPO in Glastonbury and What's happening on the Ridgeway?
    Jun 14 2022

    in this episode myself and Lou chat about the Public Space Protection Order  which the local council are trying to implement in Glastonbury, (and a little bit about rubbish and poo.) We also take a quick look at what has been happening on the ridgeway these past few days.

    Más Menos
    44 m
  • Crewz B. roadside mc.
    Mar 30 2022

    In this episode i chat with crewz b, horsedrawn mc, about freedom, life on the  verge, and cups of tea.

    find more of cruisy's music on https://soundcloud.com/crewz_b

    you can follow him on instagram and facebook

    Más Menos
    46 m
  • Policing Bill Info
    Jan 22 2022

    In our tenth episode we look into the progression of the PCSCB through parliament and hear voices from Travellers in response to the passing of Section 4, the criminalisation of trespass. 

    Here's a link to the Community Law Partnership:

    The Community Law Partnership

    And the T.A.T. phone number again:  0121 685 8677

    Here are links to a couple of the articles i mentioned, with more info about the bill:

    Don't get too excited about the Police Bill's defeats in the Lords - The Canary

    And! i forgot to mention in the podcast.....This week the Senedd (the Welsh Parliament) voted to withhold legislative consent on elements of the bill. Amazing news! Policing Bill vote takes place in the Senedd | The National Wales  

    the poem at the beginning is by second generation New Traveller Asha.

    the music at the end is Woodland Serenade by Chad Crouch.

    And thanks, as ever, to Firepit Collective for the music.

    Más Menos
    39 m
  • Bristol Defendant Solidarity (now with opening sequence)
    Dec 6 2021

    (new version, now with opening sequence)

    In this episode I chat with members of Bristol Defendant Solidarity about the work they are doing with Kill the Bill defendants, police violence and what happened on the streets of Bristol during March and April 2021.

    Here are the links to the crowd funders mentioned in the podcast:

    Fundraiser by Bristol Defendant Solidarity : #KillTheBill: Bristol legal support in the streets (gofundme.com)

    Fundraiser by Bristol ABC : #KillTheBill Prisoner Support Fund (gofundme.com)

    Music: Nottamun Town by Robert Farmer

              I Choose the Road by Jay Terrestrial and Firepit Collective

    Más Menos
    51 m
  • Restoring the Records with Phil Wadey
    Nov 17 2021

    In episode 8 I chat with Phil Wadey, co-author of Restoring the Record, about the 2026 land grab in which all unrecorded footpaths and rights of way will be extinguished.

    If you are interested in getting involved in saving our rights of way, even if there’s just one path you want to check, Phil and Sarah’s book is available on their website:


    There is also information on here regarding the training courses they run.

    As Phil mentioned, the Ramblers association are also mounting a campaign ‘Don’t Lose Your Way’ to save as many paths as possible and may well be able to help if you have identified a path that needs saving. There is lots of information available on their website:

    Don't Lose Your Way (ramblers.org.uk)

    Thanks, as always, to Jay Terrestrial and Firepit Collective for the music.

    Más Menos
    47 m
  • Bonus Episode: Sherrie and Ruby Smith
    Nov 6 2021

    This episode contains an interview with Sherrie Smith, co-founder of Drive 2 Survive and her daughter Ruby. We did the interview as part of a webinar I was involved in about nfATs, New Travellers and the PCSCB. The webinar was part of a series called Weaving the Webinar, hosted by Greenham Women Everywhere, to mark the 40th anniversary of the Greenham Common campaign. I had to edit the interview massively to fit into the webinar, so I've decided to share it here in its entirety.

    Más Menos
    37 m
  • Crossing Bridges (part 1)
    Oct 18 2021

    In this episode guest co-host Zach and I have an inspiring chat with Sophie, who lives in her truck on unauthorised sites in Bristol, and Scouse who started travelling in the 1980s and started Wango Riley's Travelling Stage.

    Crossing Bridges is about bringing together two folk from differing travelling backgrounds and asking them the same questions to get a  conversation going and explore our differences and similarities.

    Home - Wango's stage hire (wangos.com)

    Music in the show:

     I Choose the Road by Jay Terrestrial and Firepit Collective

    Cry of a Morning by The Mob

    Más Menos
    58 m
  • Thoughts of Freedom
    Sep 29 2021

    In episode 6, I chat with Jelly and Soma, who grew up as New Travellers in the 90s, and are the authors of poetry and art collection Thoughts of Freedom. We also hear a report from Portugal regarding the new anti-traveller laws which have been recently repealed.

    If you'd like to purchase a copy of this beautiful book, the profits from which are all going to charities, you can here:

     Thoughts of Freedom

    The charities Jelly and Soma have chosen to support are:

    Refugee Community Kitchen, Refugee Community Kitchen

    Sprit Wrestlers Foundation, Spirit Wrestlers Foundation - Home | Facebook

    and nfATs, Home | nfATs Collective (wixsite.com)

    For information about demonstrations taking place at the Tory Party Conference:

    Blog | Drive 2 Survive

    Music by: Rezilient, Marcos H. Bolanos, Squire Tuck and Firepit Collective

    Más Menos
    36 m