
  • Just One Good Thing: Biden’s Historic Clean Energy Investment
    Jul 26 2024

    In this episode of 'Just One Good Thing,' hosts Jennifer Davis and Dan Schulz discuss the largest investment in clean energy and climate initiatives in U.S. history, brought about by the Biden administration through the Inflation Reduction Act. This landmark act allocates billions of dollars to renewable energy projects and climate resilience. The episode contrasts the current administration's proactive stance with the previous administration's fossil fuel-friendly policies and emphasizes the importance of voting to continue supporting environmentally sustainable initiatives. Key takeaways include the benefits of renewable energy infrastructure, improved energy efficiency, and actions listeners can take to ensure a sustainable future.


    1. The Biden administration has indeed made significant investments in clean energy and climate change initiatives through the Inflation Reduction Act, which is not directly mentioned in the search results but is a known fact.

    2. The contrast with the previous administration's approach to environmental policy is generally accurate.


    [1] https://www.whitehouse.gov/american-rescue-plan/

    [2] https://www.eda.gov/funding/programs/American-rescue-plan

    [3] https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/statements-releases/2021/04/28/fact-sheet-the-american-families-plan/

    [4] https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/legislation/2021/01/20/president-biden-announces-american-rescue-plan/

    [5] https://www.nytimes.com/2021/04/28/us/politics/biden-american-families-plan.html

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    5 m
  • One Good Thing: The Impact of the Expanded Child Tax Credit
    Jul 25 2024

    Welcome to One Good Thing, the daily podcast where we spotlight one good thing the Democrats have done to make your life better, our future brighter, and our country stronger. Today, we’re talking about the expanded Child Tax Credit, a major achievement of the Biden administration and the Democratic Party that has provided significant financial support to families and helped reduce child poverty.

    Did you know that the American Rescue Plan temporarily increased the Child Tax Credit, providing essential financial support to millions of families?

    As part of the American Rescue Plan, the Child Tax Credit was not only increased but also made fully refundable for the first time. This means that families could receive up to $3,600 per child under 6 and $3,000 per child between the ages of 6 and 17. The credit was paid out in monthly installments, providing families with a steady stream of income to cover essential expenses like food, childcare, and education.

    The increased Child Tax Credit provided much-needed financial relief to families, especially during the challenging times of the pandemic. By making the credit fully refundable, even families with little or no taxable income could benefit, ensuring that the support reached those who needed it the most. This measure has been credited with lifting millions of children out of poverty and reducing financial stress for countless families.

    This expansion of the Child Tax Credit means more financial stability for families across America. It allowed parents to afford basic necessities, reduced child poverty, and provided a crucial safety net during uncertain economic times. The impact of this policy cannot be overstated—it has made a real difference in the lives of millions of children and their families, helping to create a more equitable and supportive society.

    Contrast this with the previous administration's approach, where tax policies primarily benefited the wealthy and did little to address child poverty. The Trump administration's Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017 significantly lowered corporate tax rates but did not offer the same level of direct support to low- and middle-income families. The Biden administration's focus on expanding the Child Tax Credit highlights a commitment to supporting families and reducing poverty, in stark contrast to policies that favored the wealthy. (Source: Center on Budget and Policy Priorities)

    Thanks to the Biden administration and the Democrats, we're seeing real, positive changes that make our communities stronger and support our families. Here's what you can do:

    Make sure to vote in the upcoming election and bring at least three friends with you. Your vote is crucial in shaping the future of our country.

    If you know an independent or undecided voter, here are some tips on how to talk to them:

    How to Engage:

    • Start with Common Ground: Begin the conversation by finding something you both agree on, like the importance of supporting families and reducing child poverty.
    • Share Facts, Not Opinions: Use reliable sources to share facts. For example, 'Did you know the expanded Child Tax Credit lifted millions of children out of poverty?' (Source: Center on Budget and Policy Priorities)
    • Address Concerns Calmly: If they mention negative points or 'fake news,' calmly provide counter-information. For instance, 'Actually, studies show that the Child Tax Credit significantly reduces child poverty and supports economic stability.' (Source: Center on Budget and Policy Priorities)

    Example Conversations:

    1. Voter Concern: I've heard that this tax credit is just a handout and doesn't really help.
      • Your Response: Actually, the Child Tax Credit provides essential support to families, helping them afford basic necessities and reducing child poverty. It's an investment in our future. (Source:
    Más Menos
    7 m
  • One Good Thing: How Biden's Vaccination Plan Saved Lives
    Jul 25 2024

    Welcome to One Good Thing, the daily podcast where we spotlight one good thing the Democrats have done to make your life better, our future brighter, and our country stronger. Today, we’re talking about the Biden administration's aggressive COVID-19 vaccination efforts that significantly increased vaccination rates and helped our nation recover.

    Imagine a world where vaccines were rolled out so efficiently that businesses reopened, schools welcomed back students, and families reunited safely. Did you know that under the Biden administration, COVID-19 vaccination rates soared, turning this vision into reality?

    Upon taking office, President Biden faced the immense challenge of tackling the COVID-19 pandemic. One of the administration's top priorities was to ramp up vaccine distribution to curb the spread of the virus. Through a series of strategic measures, including increasing vaccine supply, setting up mass vaccination sites, and launching public awareness campaigns, the Biden administration significantly boosted vaccination rates across the country.

    One of the standout features of the Biden administration’s vaccination efforts was the rapid increase in vaccine distribution. By leveraging federal resources and coordinating with state and local governments, they ensured that vaccines were available to as many people as possible, as quickly as possible. This included setting up mass vaccination sites in convenient locations, deploying mobile clinics to reach underserved areas, and providing incentives to encourage vaccinations.

    This aggressive vaccination campaign led to a significant reduction in COVID-19 cases, hospitalizations, and deaths. It enabled the safe reopening of businesses and schools, helping to restore a sense of normalcy in communities across the nation. Families were able to reunite, and the economy began to recover as people felt safer to return to work and engage in public life. The vaccination efforts were a key factor in moving the country forward during a critical time.

    Contrast this with the previous administration's approach, which was often criticized for its fragmented and inconsistent response to the pandemic. Under President Trump, vaccine distribution faced numerous challenges, including supply chain issues and mixed messaging about the virus and vaccines. The Biden administration’s coordinated and science-driven approach demonstrated a stark contrast, highlighting their commitment to public health and safety. (Source: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and The White House)

    Thanks to the Biden administration and the Democrats, we're seeing real, positive changes that have helped our nation recover from one of the worst public health crises in history. Here's what you can do:

    Make sure to vote in the upcoming election and bring at least three friends with you. Your vote is crucial in shaping the future of our country.

    If you know an independent or undecided voter, here are some tips on how to talk to them:

    How to Engage:

    • Start with Common Ground: Begin the conversation by finding something you both agree on, like the importance of public health and safety.
    • Share Facts, Not Opinions: Use reliable sources to share facts. For example, 'Did you know that the Biden administration’s vaccination efforts significantly reduced COVID-19 cases and allowed businesses and schools to reopen?' (Source: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention)
    • Address Concerns Calmly: If they mention negative points or 'fake news,' calmly provide counter-information. For instance, 'Actually, data shows that widespread vaccination has been key to controlling the spread of COVID-19 and saving lives.' (Source: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention)

    Example Conversations:

    1. <
    Más Menos
    4 m
  • One Good Thing: Biden Administration Boosts Job Market
    Jul 25 2024

    Welcome to One Good Thing, the daily podcast where we spotlight one good thing the Democrats have done to make your life better, our future brighter, and our country stronger. Today, we’re talking about the Biden administration’s economic recovery efforts that have contributed to significant job growth and a decrease in the unemployment rate.

    Imagine an economy where jobs are growing, businesses are thriving, and unemployment is falling. Did you know that the Biden administration’s economic policies have played a crucial role in making this a reality?

    Since taking office, President Biden has implemented a range of economic policies aimed at recovering from the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. These policies include direct financial support for small businesses, extended unemployment benefits, and large-scale infrastructure investments. These measures were designed to create jobs, support struggling industries, and boost economic stability.

    One of the most significant aspects of the administration’s economic recovery efforts is the focus on job creation. Through the American Rescue Plan and other legislative measures, billions of dollars were allocated to support small businesses, protect jobs, and invest in industries hit hardest by the pandemic. Additionally, the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act has spurred job creation in construction, transportation, and technology sectors.

    These economic policies have led to a remarkable decrease in the unemployment rate, which dropped from over 6% at the beginning of the Biden administration to around 3.5%. This job growth means more financial stability for families, increased consumer spending, and a stronger overall economy. Programs supporting small businesses have ensured that local economies remain vibrant and that entrepreneurs have the resources they need to thrive.

    Contrast this with the previous administration's approach, which faced criticism for inadequate support during the pandemic. Many small businesses struggled to access relief funds, and job growth was slower compared to the rapid recovery seen under the Biden administration. The Democrats' commitment to comprehensive economic support stands in stark contrast to the fragmented response seen previously, demonstrating a clear focus on rebuilding the economy for everyone. (Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics and Congressional Research Service)

    Thanks to the Biden administration and the Democrats, we're seeing real, positive changes that are helping our economy recover and grow. Here's what you can do:

    Make sure to vote in the upcoming election and bring at least three friends with you. Your vote is crucial in shaping the future of our country.

    If you know an independent or undecided voter, here are some tips on how to talk to them:

    How to Engage:

    • Start with Common Ground: Begin the conversation by finding something you both agree on, like the importance of a strong economy and job growth.
    • Share Facts, Not Opinions: Use reliable sources to share facts. For example, 'Did you know the unemployment rate dropped significantly due to the Biden administration’s economic policies?' (Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics)
    • Address Concerns Calmly: If they mention negative points or 'fake news,' calmly provide counter-information. For instance, 'Actually, data shows that job growth and economic stability have improved significantly under these policies.' (Source: Congressional Research Service)

    Example Conversations:

    1. Voter Concern: I've heard that the economy is still struggling despite these policies.
      • Your Response: While challenges remain, the data shows that significant progress has been made, with job growth and a decrease in unemployment thanks to these policies. (Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics)
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