
  • 24.42 Christ My Healer, Christ My Health (Part 3)
    Oct 19 2024

    In today's episode, Craig and LaDonna go deeper into the issue of Christ our healer as they unpackage the difference between genuine Divine Healing and the less than biblical issue of Faith Healing and faith healers that you often see on Christian television and is tied to the health, wealth, and prosperity gospel so prevalent today. Craig also takes the Word of God to answer the question, Is it God's will that we always be healed? And if so, why do God's people often experience long seasons of sickness, pain, and disease? How are we as Indigenous believers in Christ to understand these complex issues today? Well, once again, the Smiths take us to the one and only source of universal, absolute truth, none other than the Word of God for answers. My His Word, once again, bring clarity to our lives as we seek to live biblically healthy lives in the context of our Indigenous cultures and communities!

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  • 24.41 Christ My Healer, Christ My Health (Part 2)
    Oct 12 2024

    In today's episode, Craig and LaDonna Smith continue their study on the issue of Christ My Healer, Christ My Health. The Smith's point out that throughout all of the Scriptures in both the Old and New Testament, healing has always been an important part of God's interaction with mankind. The Smith's take us to passages in Exodus, Psalms, Isaiah, as well as review the work of healing in the earthly ministry of Jesus, and how that ministry was passed on to His Church to include in what it does until Christ returns for His Bride. Also, in order to understand Christ My Health, Craig emphatically states its important to understand and embrace the doctrine of Christ My Healer. They also provide helpful information that delineates the difference between faith healing and divine healing as they answer the question, Is everything you see on Christian Television legitimate? Is that the kind of healing the Bible presents, or is much of what you see in the "Faith Healing" realm actually false teaching? All important information that helps build a strong and lasting Indigenous Faith!

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  • 24.40 Christ My Healer, Christ My Health (Part 1)
    Oct 5 2024

    In today's episode, Craig and LaDonna begin an in-depth study on the issue of Christ and suffering in a series they are titling, Christ My Healer, Christ My Health. For over fifteen years, the Smiths have experienced a deeper place in the Lord in their ongoing pain and suffering that came about from an auto accident neither of them should have survived. Most recently, Craig has battled for different outbreaks of severe infection in his body, one right after the other, and any of these battles could have proven fatal. Why is it that God allows deep pain and suffering in some people's lives while others go through life relatively pain free? It's all about the sovereignty of God in our lives as the Smiths have found out. This recent health crisis has once again reiterated the powerful work of God in the lives on ongoing sufferers. Does Christ offer Divine Healing today? Yes He does, but what happens if that healing doesn't come? What then? Where is God in the suffering lives of even His servants? The Smiths know, and seek to share those deeper life lessons in this impactful series they've titled, Christ My Healer, Christ My Health. You won't want to miss a single episode of this series, and we encourage you to let others know about it as well. It will make an eternal difference here on earth as we all are making our way to eternity! May God use these truths to help us build a strong and lasting Indigenous Faith!

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  • 24:39 Getting to Know a True Spiritual Rescuer - VIP Caitlyn Denet (Part 3)
    Sep 28 2024

    In this, the third and final episode in the VIP interview the Smiths had with Caitlyn Denet, she shares the incredible story of how the Lord used her in the life of her traditional medicine man grandfather as he was at the end of his earthly life. Having been used by God to be a spiritual rescuer among Indigenous youth across North America, God once again used Caitlyn to be the bridge to the gospel for her grandfather! It is a tremendous reminder to us all that our responsibility for our families must include making sure they know and understand the gospel and have an opportunity to respond to it before life ends. The only challenge to that is, we never know when that end will come. That's why it is imperative that we represent Christ before our families now, before it's too late. Caitlyn Denet has a bright future ahead for her as she begins serving as an RA at the new On Eagles' Wings Leadership Center in Harrison, Arkansas, and then from there, she seeks to find the Lord's leading and is open to going wherever the Lord calls her to go. Now that's a true VIP! It brings Craig and LaDonna great joy to present to you some of the amazing Victorious Indigenous People who are living a biblically healthy life in the context of their Indigenous communities, cultures, and traditions. They pray that God will raise up a whole army of VIPs to share the gospel around the Indigenous world before Jesus comes! Amen, and Amen!

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  • 24.38 Getting to Know a True Spiritual Rescuer...VIP Caitlyn Denet (Part 2)
    Sep 21 2024

    In today's second of a three part VIP interview with Navajo young believer, Caitlyn Denet, Craig and LaDonna ask her about the challenges, struggles, and victories she experienced as a Native student at Moody Bible Institute in Chicago, Illinois. After seeing God work in the lives of her parents, who were originally not supportive of her desire to go to Bible School instead of pursuing a degree in Engineering, she left the comfort of Rez life to enter Chicago as one of the only few Native students at Moody. And while it's often the educational institution that shapes the life of the student, Caitlyn begins to unpackage how this "little Rez girl" began to help this longstanding and well respected Christian educational institute realize it was blinded to the issues and needs in Native America. This is often the challenge for us in Indigenous North American ministries, as many evangelical Christian organizations, denominations, and even mission agencies do not have Native America prominently on their radar screens. You'll be amazed to hear how God used Caitlyn Denet to bring a level of awareness and heart to not only students, but the academics and even top level leadership that was not experienced until this Indigenous VIP impacted this prestigious institution for God's glory! And that's why, when she was introduced at her graduation to receive her diploma, she was met with the most amazing round of applause and appreciation by all in attendance! It just goes to show that often times, God's greatest work is done through the underdogs! Way to go, Caitlyn, you represented the Lord and your people well during your time at Moody Bible Institute! Don't miss the concluding episode in this three part series next week as Caitlyn shares what's next in her amazing and productive life as a Victorious Indigenous Person! If God can use Caitlyn, dear friends, He can use any one of us! Don't miss your mark but follow Caitlyn's example of simple faithfulness and saying "yes" to the leading of the Lord in your life! What a great example we have in this young Navajo believer, our dear sister, Caitlyn Denet!

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  • 24:37 Getting to Know a True Spiritual Rescuer...VIP Caitlyn Denet (Part 1)
    Sep 14 2024

    Today, Craig and LaDonna start a three part VIP (Victorious Indigenous People) interview series with Caitlyn Denet from the Navajo Nation. Caitlyn is a young Native evangelist who is being powerfully used by the Lord to bring the gospel to her peers through the wonderful On Eagles' Wings ministry. Like so many of her generation, Caitlyn grew up in the challenges of living in a family that was, in part, followers of the traditional animistic ways of her people, and, in part, followers of Christ and the message of the gospel. Being exposed to both worlds within in her extended family, she was left with a major decision to make. Which road would she follow in her own life? Choosing to follow Christ as a thirteen year old has led her down an amazing road of great opportunities as a member of the On Eagles' Wings team, and a recent graduate of Moody Bible Institute. In today's episode, we get to meet this amazing young woman of God and hear how her spiritual journey began and was strengthened through her exposure to a deeper life in Christ through powerful Native youth ministries, of which LaDonna and I are blessed to continue to be involved in through preaching, teaching, and mentoring. This is a series you won't want to miss as we learn how another typical Rez kid encounters the Living Christ who has made such a difference in her life. We are pleased to present to you someone who can bring encouragement to your own life, dear friend, this week's VIP guest...Caitlyn Denet!

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  • 24:36 Establishing a Biblically Healthy Indigenous Faith (Part 3)
    Sep 7 2024

    In this final episode in this three part series, Craig begins to share the tools they have been developing in helping Indigenous believers in Christ learn to live biblically healthy lives in the context of their cultures and communities. This message was presented at the Billy Graham sponsored Native Leadership Conference in Rapid City, SD, in May 2022. The Smiths are grateful to Will Graham, grandson of Dr. Billy Graham, for his invitation to join him and several other Native presenters at this event, which preceded Will's visits to two South Dakota reservations for his outreach events. In just a few days, another leadership event will be held in Calgary, Alberta in preparation for Will visiting some First Nations communities in the region for more outreach events. While so many ministry organizations don't have Native people on their radar, Will and the whole BGEA team have caught the vision, seen the need, and are doing something about it! For that, Craig and LaDonna Smith, and this Indigenous Faith podcast, rejoices!

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  • 24:35 Establishing a Biblically Healthy Indigenous Faith (Part 2)
    Aug 31 2024

    In today's episode, Craig continues his message preached at the Billy Graham sponsored Native Leader's Conference in May 2022 in Rapid City, SD. Craig continues to take listeners into both Old and New Testament passages that help define what biblical health looks like in the context of believers who come to faith in Christ out of animistic cultures. The Smiths are happy to rebroadcast this critical series at this time with so many new listeners to the Indigenous Faith podcast. Please listen with an open heart, mind, and soul, as God's Word shines forth from the heart and soul of Craig.

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