
  • kahum dekhe ālī! lalita-tribhangī lāla / कहुँ देखे आली, ललित त्रिभंगी लाल । Chirag Bhaiya Janmashtami 08 23 2024
    Sep 4 2024

    A Gopi is asking her friend about Krishna and says:"Have you lately seen my Beloved somewhere, Who stands in a charming 'S' shape bending His body from 3 places, neck, waist and ankles? He has big lotus-like eyes and a peacock feather diadem glorifies His head.His eyebrows are sharp, He wears pretty ear-pendants, and also wears a small perfumed mark of musk on His forehead. A saffron silk material cuddles His chest and a multi-colored flower garland (banmal) jubilates His neck. His wrists have jewelled bangles and He wears an ornamented waistband whose tiny bells make a sweet jingling sound.His anklets resound when Her merrily walks, and the charm of His gait defies the elegance of the walk of a sovereign hans. Smiling mildly, and playing a loving note on His flute, He captivates the hearts of all the Gopis. That one is my beloved and the life of my soul. He is Gopal, the son of Nand Baba. ( So, O my dear friend! Tell me if you have recently seen Him somewhere.)

    Live recorded kirtan during the Janmashtami Utsav 2024 from Shree Raseshwari Radha Rani Temple of JKP Radha Madhav Dham, Austin, TX.

    Song Credits:

    Song - kahum dekhe ālī! lalita-tribhangī lāla / कहुँ देखे आली, ललित त्रिभंगी लाल ।

    Singer - Chirag Bhaiya

    Composer - Jagadguru Shree Kripalu Ji Maharaj

    Lyrics Composer - Jagadguru Shree Kripalu Ji Maharaj

    This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit radhamadhavdham.substack.com
    Más Menos
    55 m
  • Aṁkhiyaṁ Jhar-Jhar Lāgi Barasan/अंँखियाँ झर-झर लागी बरसन/ Swami Maheshvaranand Ji
    Aug 23 2024

    A virahiṇi sakhi says, “My eyes are shedding torrents of tears. I cannot get a moment's peace by any method, without my Beloved. Can someone convey this to Shyamasundar? Pain continuously arises in my heart. Though I have been yearning for Him, His heart shows no mercy. O Sakhi! He had promised to return in two days from Mathura, but years have passed and He has not returned! My eyes prevent my soul from leaving this body, harboring the hope, 'One day my Beloved will come!'' In the words of Shree Kripalu Ji Maharaj, the virahiņi pleads, "Either embrace me or else kill me with Your own hand using Your sudarshan chakra (either way I will attain You),"

    Live recorded kirtan during the 12th Annual Sadhana Shivir from Shree Raseshwari Radha Rani Temple of JKP Radha Madhav Dham, Austin, TX.

    Song Credits:

    Song - Ankhiyan Jhar-Jhar Lāgi Barasan / अँखियाँ झर-झर लागी बरसन

    Singer - Swami Maheshvaranand Ji

    Album - Prem Ras Madira | Virah Madhuri | Pad No. 1

    Composer - Jagadguru Shree Kripalu Ji Maharaj

    Lyrics Composer - Jagadguru Shree Kripalu Ji Maharaj

    This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit radhamadhavdham.substack.com
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    16 m
  • Jay Ho Jay Ho SadGuru Sarkar
    Aug 7 2024

    Divine Kirtan " Jay Ho Jay Ho Sadguru Sarkar | जय हो जय हो सद्गुरु सर्कार"

    Song Credits:

    Song - Jay Ho Jay Ho Sadguru Sarkar

    Singer - Ashram Singer

    Composer - Jagadguru Shree Kripalu Ji Maharaj Lyrics

    Composer - Jagadguru Shree Kripalu Ji Maharaj

    This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit radhamadhavdham.substack.com
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    8 m
  • GOD, Do you love me? (Hindi audio)
    Aug 3 2024
    There are two types of love. One is called ‘ghrit sneh’ and the other one is called ‘madhu sneh’. So ‘ghrit sneh’ is second class love. In ‘ghrit sneh’, one’s aim is that, they should become God’s loved ones. Whereas, in ‘madhu sneh’, one thinks that I should make God my beloved. He/she doesn’t care if God feels the same way or not. This kind of love keeps growing.But in ‘ghrit sneh’, a devotee expects the same love from God too. Therefore, it has its ups and downs. Just like in the world, when you call someone four times and in return, the other person calls only once, you assume that the other person doesn’t love you as much as you do. We calculate love in this way in the world.True love doesn’t expect anything. One only wants God to become their beloved. True love is when you keep loving your beloved even if He doesn’t love you back. Even if He behaves with the feeling of animosity towards you, you keep loving Him in the same way.For example, during the Mahabharata, when Shri Krishna ran with a wheel in His hands to kill Bhishma pitamah, Bhishma pitamah was so happy to see that sight. He kept thinking about that form of Shri Krishna till the time He died. He kept on meditating on how Shri Krishna looked in anger. Wide chest, crooked eyebrows, grinding teeth and full or anger.The feeling should be that we will keep loving Him, no matter if He loves us back or not. Just like you eat a sweet, not caring about whether the sweet loves you back or not. You like the sweet and so you eat it. If we like something, and it brings us happiness, why should we care if that thing likes us too? If the other person likes you back then he will get happiness from that. Why do you have to worry about that? You should think only about your own happiness.So we have to increase our closeness with Shri Krishna. Although, you should always keep this rule in mind; God and Saints have to love the soul with the same level of love that soul feels for Them. This is their rule, to Grace, Lobe, make their Own, that soul, in the same amount that soul loves them.Saint Kabir went to Saint Ramananda to accept Him as his guru. Bur Saint Ramananda said, “I don’t even know what caste you belong to. I can't accept you as my disciple.” To that Saint Kabir said, “Guruji! You said in one lecture that God and Guru love a devotee according to the level of his love for Them. So that means You have to grace me according to the level of my love for you. I will prove it.” And eventually Kabir became a Saint and Saint Ramananda had to grace him.So, there shouldn’t be any doubt when it comes to God and Saints. Doubts are developed in the world.In the world we wonder,” Does he love me back or not?”” We try to figure out by their external behavior and still we get betrayed. We get fooled easily by someone who talks sweetly to us. We believe them when they say they can die for us. The reason we believe this is because we are unable to understand that everyone, including that person, says things only for his/her selfish benefit.So you don’t need to have any doubt about the love God and Saints have for you. Simply ask the question, how much do you love them? Then you will get the answer. They love you the same amount you love Them. “But I became careless sometimes and forget them.” Then they will do the same!Don’t be under the impression that even if you don’t love Them honestly, They will still love you honestly. You cannot cheat on Them. Because They live inside our mind and note each and every idea of ours. He resides in every souls heart and notes each every thought.Just like a movie camera records each and every expression and action of the person in front of it. You should have this faith in your heart. Then you don’t need to think how much They love you.Above all, consider this. Why should God and Saints love us? Our mind, body, heart everything is impure and They are the ocean of bliss and happiness. We have our selfish interest with Him. We want His divine bliss and happiness and so we have to love Him. We want His divine bliss and happiness and so we have to love Him. Why do we expect Him to love us Back?Plus, God’s way of loving is very different and contradictory to His behavior. Both God and Saint love in such an odd way that even great personalities like Saraswati and Brihaspati cannot understand it.Gaurang Mahaprahu Ji said, “Once a soul becomes God realized, His words and actions are not understandable even by great personalities.” For someone, it's God's grace when He takes away something from them. Whereas, for someone else, it’s God’s grace when He gives them something. Both these actions are contradictory.God gave an order to Sugriva, Vibhishana, Dhruva and Prahalda to rule the world. They said to God, “Why are you asking us to rule? We don’t want the Kingdom” God said, ”It’s my order.” A servant’s duty is to follow his master’s orders and not ...
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    13 m
  • Am I this body? (Hindi audio)
    Aug 2 2024

    Why do we suffer? Because we consider ourselves to be this Body. We are the Soul, a part and parcel of God. Once we understand this, we can reduce our suffering.

    This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit radhamadhavdham.substack.com
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    5 m
  • Gao Sab Hili Mili Radhey (Vyakhya)
    Jul 15 2024
    Presented here are the significant highlights of the lecture.* Smaran, shravan, and kirtan are emphasized as essential practices in bhakti.* Smaran involves constant remembrance of Radha Krishna, aided by roop dhyan (visualizing their Divine form).* Shravan (listening to their philosophy and leelas) supports smaran by engaging the mind.* Kirtan is crucial for deep focus and extended engagement in roop dhyan.* Milan and Viyog Roop Dhyan are two approaches: Milan visualizes meeting Radha Krishna, while viyog patiently waits for their presence.* Ananyata emphasizes single-minded devotion:* Ananya to Guru, Ishta Dev, and the path of bhakti.* Guru guides with unique perspectives; ananya avoids confusion from multiple sources.* Ishta Dev focus ensures a potent emotional connection.* Bhakti path independence—no need to mix with other practices.* Neutral attitude towards others' paths and gurus—avoid superiority or durbhavana.* Maharaj Ji’s teachings emphasize humility, confidence, and universal love.Conclusion: Path of bhakti includes smaran, shravan, kirtan, roop dhyan, and ananyata for spiritual growth and Divine connection.Memorable quotes from the lecture:* “In the Gita, Sri Krishna says, we have to do smaran, we have to think of Him all the time."* "Kirtan is a great aid because it helps us focus much more deeply and for longer periods of time."* "Whether you're singing the kirtan out loud or you're silently doing jap of Radhey name in your mind, you must do roop dhyan."* "Just the sounds of the philosophy or leelas going in your ear is not enough."* "But the smaran is main and should be constant."* “Maharaj Ji says, Whether you're singing the kirtan out loud or you're silently doing jap of Radhey name in your mind, you must do roop dhyan."* "Maharaj Ji says, ananyata means being completely single-mindedly devoted to in three areas."* "Ananyata to the Guru is because any true Guru, although any true Guru can grace you, but your Guru guides you, explains the philosophy to you and invisibly graces you in your heart."Practical tips from the lecture:* Choose Your Guru and Stick with Them: Select a Guru whose teachings resonate deeply with you and whose guidance you trust. Once you've made this choice, commit to following their teachings and instructions without wavering. This exclusivity fosters a strong bond of trust and allows for consistent spiritual growth under their guidance.* Select Your Ishta Dev (Chosen Deity): Identify and connect with a specific form of the Divine that resonates with your heart. This could be Radha Krishna, Ram Sita, Shiv Parvati, or any other form. Dedicate your prayers, meditation, and rituals to this chosen deity, cultivating a deep personal relationship through devotion and love.* Focus on Bhakti as a Complete Path: Understand that Bhakti is a comprehensive spiritual path in itself. While it can complement other paths like gyan (knowledge), karma (action), and yoga (meditation), it doesn't require supplementation from them. Embrace bhakti as a holistic approach to spiritual growth and liberation.* Maintain Respectful Equanimity: Adopt an attitude of respect and neutrality towards other spiritual paths and practitioners. Avoid comparisons or criticisms, as they can hinder your own spiritual progress and create discord. Instead, appreciate the diversity in spiritual practices and learn from the experiences of others without losing focus on your chosen path.* Regular Sadhana (spiritual practice): Establish a consistent routine of spiritual practices such as chanting, prayer, meditation, and reading scriptures. Regularity and sincerity in sadhana deepen your connection with Guru, Ishta Dev, and the Divine principles of bhakti. Set aside dedicated time each day for these practices to cultivate devotion and spiritual discipline.* Seek Guidance and Community: Surround yourself with like-minded individuals who share your spiritual aspirations. Engage in satsangs (spiritual gatherings), attend discourses by enlightened beings, and participate in devotional activities within your community. This collective support reinforces your commitment to ananyata and provides inspiration on your spiritual journey.* Cultivate Patience and Surrender: Understand that the path of bhakti unfolds gradually. Be patient with yourself and your progress, knowing that sincere effort and surrender to the Divine grace will bear fruit over time. Trust in the guidance of your Guru and the Divine presence of your chosen deity, surrendering your ego and desires for spiritual advancement.By incorporating these practical tips into your spiritual practice, you can nurture an exclusive and deep devotion (ananyata) towards Guru, Ishta Dev, and the path of bhakti. Consistency, sincerity, and a humble attitude are key to cultivating a profound spiritual connection and experiencing the transformative power of Divine love.Please watch the video or read the transcript to fully grasp the essence of the discourse ...
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    37 m
  • Q&A 05 27 24 Swami Maheshvaranand Ji
    Jun 14 2024

    The Q&A revolves around various aspects of devotion, meditation, and spiritual practice, particularly focusing on the Roop Dhyan of Maharaj Ji, Radharani, and Shri Krishna. Here are the key points discussed:

    Interchangeability of Focus: It's perfectly acceptable for the focus during Roop Dhyan to shift between Maharaj Ji, Radharani, and Shri Krishna, as they are all considered one and the same.

    Understanding the Divine Forms: The physical representations of Radha Krishna are merely artistic interpretations, and the true essence of their forms transcends material depictions.

    Importance of Roop Dhyan: The practice of Roop Dhyan, whether focused on Radharani, Shri Krishna, or Maharaj Ji, serves the same purpose and yields equal benefits.

    Significance of Aarti: Aarti is not merely a physical ritual but a deeply spiritual practice meant to evoke heartfelt devotion and visualization of the divine forms.

    Hierarchy of Devotion: While Madhurya bhava (the mood of a lover) is appropriate for Shri Krishna, other forms of devotion like Dasya bhava (servant mood) and Sakhya bhava (friendship mood) are more suitable for Radharani.

    Practical Tips for Roop Dhyan: Practicing Radhe Naam Jap involves focusing on the breath and mentally chanting "Ra" on inhalation and "Dhe" on exhalation. Consistent practice is key to overcoming distractions and boredom.

    Detachment and Charity: The discussion extends to the importance of detachment and the futility of leaving behind material possessions for one's children, emphasizing that everything is ultimately governed by divine will.

    Unity in Devotion: Radhe Radhe chanting can encompass devotion to Shri Krishna, Radharani, and Maharaj Ji, as they are regarded as one and the same, allowing for a fluid interchange of focus.

    The dialogue underscores the universality of devotion and the practical application of spiritual principles in daily life.

    This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit radhamadhavdham.substack.com
    Más Menos
    26 m
  • Non-Stop Shri Ram Bhajans
    Jun 13 2024

    00:00:00 Raghupati Raghav Raja Ram / रघुपति राघव राजा राम

    00:20:11 Sita Ram Sita Ram / सीता राम सीता राम

    00:33:48 Avadh Bihari Raja Ram / अवध बिहारी राजा राम

    00:40:42 Avadh Ke Ram Bane Braj Shyam / अवध के राम बने ब्रज श्याम

    01:05:57 Ram Siya Ram with Chaupai / राम सिया राम चौपाई के साथ

    01:31:54 Mahamantra with Chaupai / महामंत्र चौपाई के साथ

    This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit radhamadhavdham.substack.com
    Más Menos
    2 h y 22 m