
  • Project 2025, Red Cross and Detention Camps
    Jul 10 2024
    Project 2025 gained publicity as an outline for the Republican platform. While it is something that may lead the way, the policies were drafted by a Right Wing political thinktank known as Heritage Foundation.

    The Red Cross may be into more than just blood donations. The organization, connected to Vatican and the Jesuits, have been instrumental in trafficking Illegal Immigration that a country is exchanged with its citizenship. This has Catholic advantage.

    They also initiated "isolation quarantine camps." Some suspect these are more like detention camps. For whom? Can't be for the flood of immigrants since they are not occupied by such, but possibly housing for dissidents, those opposed to a NWO agenda. They will be re-educated to think correctly. Nineteen Eighty Four come to mind?

    My article on HEK 293 for food additives

    Article on human remains for compost
    Más Menos
    42 m
  • Desecration of Independence, Why the 2024 Debate Didn't Matter
    Jul 3 2024
    The Globalists admit they want a Centralized Central NWO government. The tendency for them to use the ideology of Democrats shows in the policies. During the debate Biden admitted he is against the civil rights of States in favor of the federal government dictating to the States. This is Socialism. And some of us don't like Socialism.

    The debate display was horrific. Terrible presentations. Biden should have never attempted to speak. yet his loyal followers keep charging Trump as a criminal charged, and boast Biden as a charming intellect. He could be a corpse and they would prop him up and still vote for him. Trump fanatics will defend Trump as their last hope, so they aren't going against him. This is a debate merely on bias.

    Check out Mumbling Joe
    Más Menos
    31 m
  • War On God's Creation
    Jun 26 2024
    While many view these environmental activists and LGBTQrst support as causes, I see the pattern of them resisting God. It appears more to me that they are waging a war against God and His creation.

    • We look at food war and the attempt to starve humanity in favor of nature

    • LGBTQrst Community attemt to redefine God's gender creation

    • Attack on speech to incriminate the gospel

    Sources used in the discussion:



    Más Menos
    37 m
  • Criminocracy of the Rothschilds, Bird Flu War On Dairy, Censorship in Canada
    Jun 19 2024
    The Rothschilds is a known financial dynasty family. Their presence has been in every modern event from the Napoleon Wars to the modern pandemic. In this article "WARS, RESETS AND THE GLOBAL CRIMINOCRACY" we will recite what Paul Cudenec emphasizes that the Rothschilds are behind much of it. He wrote, “Enemies of the People - The Rothschilds and their corrupt global empire,”

    The war on food which may be what is behind this Bird Flu scare.

    Canada proposed Canada Bill C-43 that incriminates disinformation.


    Wars, Resets, and Global Criminocracy

    How to boycott big food

    Trudeau Bill
    Más Menos
    37 m
  • Will A.I. Take Over Humanity?
    Jun 12 2024
    A.I. advancement increases as many of our functions utlilize in some way digital technology. A.I. reads and collects data from all digital sources to make evaluations, calculations, and determined scenarios for the purpose of what it was developed. However, many fear that AI will become sentient and develop its own human'like emotions and decide to program itself to transcend the human control.

    We run through scenarios of this discussion to rationally analyze if this is possible or even beneficial. If AI destroyed humanity, it would likely destroy its own existance and this isn't logical. Even if the system was programmed with this type of thinking.

    My website is JimDukePerspective.com
    Subscribe to the podcast on any of your favorite player apps.

    For further reading:





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    45 m
  • Black Site Torture Camp in Israel
    Jun 5 2024
    Reports came out about israel housing a secret facility known as a "Black Site" where it holds and tortures prisoners. These prisoners said to be associates of Hamas and the terrorist organizations actually prove that it could detain Palestinians, as well as medical staff that have NO affiliation with Hamas, and in some cases are opposed to the terrorist groups. Yet Israeli Intel still incarcerated these individuals for the grievances against the Israeli cause.



    CNN article on the whisteblowers

    ACLU defends freedom of speech against these extended bills that prohibit speech and declare them hate
    Más Menos
    42 m
  • Houdini's Fight Against Occultism and Child Trafficking
    May 30 2024
    Harry Houdini is known as an escape artist. Few knew he challenged the Spirtualist community of occultists and Elite Theosophists who had operations in the White House and in Britain. He also exposed a Child Trafficking ring. This led to the time of his death when a mysterious student took five sucker punches to his abdomen rupturing it.

    Artcile source:


    Books mentioned:

    Miracle Mongers and their Methods - by Harry Houdini

    A Magician Among Spirits - Harry Houdini

    The Secret Life of Houdini: The Making of America's First Superhero - by William Kalush, Larry Sloman (Author)

    My website:


    Patreon Page:

    Más Menos
    39 m
  • Chipping Away At Your Free Speech, Biometric Grab
    May 29 2024
    Free speech remains under attack. The more activity that occurs the more excuse the police state have to interrogate us and take more rights away from citizens. Any objection to their narrative solicits question that leads to some reaction of offense. Thus we have Political Correctness regulating our words. However, what they really are after is our exposing their agenda. They use hostile environments to yield to surveillance. They can shut down our streams of info by controlling Social Media. The CIA, FBI, and other agencies control social media which limits our free speech.

    Have you noticed more requirement of two-step verification to open your apps? This is another tactic to make it inconvenient for you to access your accounts in the name of security. But the "security" agencies offer you a better means by asking if you'd rather opt to Facial recognition, or fingerprint, or eye scans to verify your identity. How convenient... and also intrusive. These companies want our biometrics in their database. They can easily make it a requirement sometime soon.





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    33 m