
  • Rayla Campbell
    Jul 11 2022

    Rayla Campbell calls in to discuss her candidacy for Secretary of State and why she feels compelled to fight against the policies of the radical left. Rayla and Jim expose the problems caused by teaching critical race theory in schools, mail-in ballots and giving driver’s licenses to illegal aliens.

    Más Menos
    26 m
  • Repeal The New Illegal Immigrant Driver’s License Law
    Jun 28 2022

    Jim launches his campaign to undo the terrible new law that allows illegal immigrants to get MA driver’s licenses. With the MA legislature overturning Governor Baker’s veto, Jim is taking the matter to the people by attempting to get a repeal vote on the ballot this November. He and Jon outline the reasons why this issue affects all citizens of the Commonwealth, regardless of party affiliation. They also discuss how laws like this prove that the radical left is controlling our state government.

    Más Menos
    15 m
  • Convention Recap
    Jun 22 2022

    Jim discusses the energy and excitement in the Republican Party following the MassGOP Convention, including his hopes for the newly nominated candidates who are challenging the Democratic incumbents. He and Jon also talk about some of the hot button issues that are motivating voters to seek new leadership.

    Más Menos
    12 m
  • The Radical Left has Stuck it to the Taxpayers Again
    Jun 7 2022

    Representative Marc Lombardo calls in to discuss the budget and how the radical left decided not to suspend the gas tax, which would’ve been a huge relief to taxpayers. Marc and Jim cover the impact of illegal immigrants on Massachusetts’ budget and how, as a parent, Marc is concerned about some of the legislation being passed in the education sector.

    Más Menos
    21 m
  • The 2022 Mass GOP Nominating Convention
    May 16 2022

    Jim talks about the upcoming Mass GOP convention and the important role it plays in following up on ballot initiatives. Some of the initiatives speakers at the convention will address include voter ID, the boarder crisis, and pro-life legislation. Jim expresses his hope that these issues will ultimately get those attending the convention more involved in the GOP mission.

    Más Menos
    16 m
  • The Radical Left Has Gone Too Far
    Apr 25 2022

    Jim talks about how the left is no longer the Democratic Party of yesteryear. The Democrats continue to use fear-mongering to garner support on the national and local levels. He discusses how the Republican Party can combat this by speaking up about their beliefs of freedom, liberty, and the free market system.

    Más Menos
    13 m
  • What’s Going on in Our Schools?
    Apr 11 2022

    Jim speaks with Summer Schmaling, chairman of the Halifax elementary school committee and Silver Lake regional school board member, about what is going on in our schools. With the federal government encroaching on our classrooms, Summer and Jim discuss the importance of standing up to the radical left’s agenda. Battling everything from critical race theory to gender identity issues, Summer encourages parents to speak up.

    Más Menos
    25 m
  • Who’s To Blame For The Opioid Crisis?
    Mar 28 2022

    As the opioid crisis continues to spiral out of control, Attorney General Maura Healy has finally decided to pay attention. However, Jim tells us that she won’t be able to solve it without enforcing drug laws that she has long ignored. There’s also growing excitement around the large number of Republican candidates for state office.

    Más Menos
    17 m