
  • 082 Coaching and Supporting Others in Job Search
    Aug 16 2020
    Show Notes Do you want to help your network find jobs? Many of us do! Sometimes it's hard to know exactly how you might be able to help your network that is productive. Learn some strategies and tips on how to support job seekers from Andrew and Scott in this episode. Don't miss these Topics: What is coaching and how can I coach others. How to be available and supportive. What to do when people ask for your help to find work. When to ask questions and when to give advice. Side effects and benefits of supporting others. Building skills like understanding, empathy and helping others find their own way. Who and how to reach out proactively. Offering and doing mock interviews. Thoughts on reverse brainstorming or being the "devil's advocate". Facilitating networking connections. Don't ask for a resume unless you have a job or capacity to 100% endorse for a job. Do for one what you wish you could do for many. Create template for responding to outreaches you may not be able to give full attention. Resources (including affiliate links) Networking Checklist iTunes: Rate and Review Raw and Unedited Transcript View Transcript 00:00:04 - 00:05:06 To John, singers radio I'm Scott. I'm Andrew this production is meant to provide meaningful support for you listener to find a great career faster whether you're working or not. Today's episode is brought to you by the anatomy of the networking conversation. It's an e book and a free resource that we've created that you can download at seekers radio DOT com. Today's episode were talking about how you as the listener can support others around you as a coach or a support mechanism to help them maybe in a time of need. Yes. We're not talking about the kind of coaching that Andrew and I do where there's a process that we help people get through that. We're looking at outcomes and everything else coaching can actually be. Done in many different ways and and just just professional coaching. There's the difference between the kind of coach that instructs and the other kind of coach that works with self-discovery, and we're not going to go down that road. What we want to do is to set up the idea of making yourself available to help other people work through their stuff to be a resource. You think okay I'm not in a capacity I don't have the capability. I'm not trained up or have the experience that Scott in Andrew have what value could I possibly have to those around me that are in need of employment that's what we're talking about as just as uncomfortable as it is for them to be looking for employment, it might be as equally uncomfortable for you to talk to them about it right for a number of reasons for whatever. There's lots of reasons. especially if you are also looking for work, you don't you're not working at the time and somebody is asking you for advice. I worked to why. They right if I had all the answers. Well, that's the thing. Often. We find the answers through helping other people and it's something that I'm sure you've heard I'm sure we've even talked about it to some degree in prior podcasts the idea of making yourself available to to network with people to talk to other people you get as much if not more of the conversation than the one asking you we want to start by saying when someone asks you to coach them say yes. It doesn't matter if you are the best coach in the world, what matters is that you are there for them. And it may not be that they're asking you to be coached. They may just say, Hey, i. need help and that's an admission on their side that they appreciate you. They honor potentially your contributions in your your advice, your perspective, it's not them. Coming to you and demanding right something back. It's them coming to you with open hand saying I need help. It could come in another form where people are reaching out to you thinking you might have a job. This is an opportunity to reset conversation and actually help them through potential...
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    30 m
  • 081 Overcoming Self Doubt In Your Job Search
    Jul 17 2020
    Show Notes Is your job search not going the way you want? Feeling like your skills aren't up to snuff? Scott and Andrew discuss ways to mitigate your self-doubt. Don't miss these Topics: Remember this: You have value! and.. Everyone has doubts! Identify and manage your self-doubt. How to think about job postings when you don't fit because you are either underqualified or over-qualified? Build resilience by taking productive breaks in your search. The danger of absolutism with your mindset and approach. Redefine your perspectives to see what's positive about it. The Never Ending Job Search, how to think about whether will it ever end. Doing things for others can become a useful diversion. Nobody is hiring or Hiring Freeze doubts. Role of networking in reducing your doubt feelings. Resources (including affiliate links) Why You Can’t Get an Interview – Explained Using Job-Search Science Data Andrew's LinkedIn Profile - Free Coaching at 3:00 PM Pacific every Friday iTunes: Rate and Review Raw and Unedited Transcript View Transcript 00:00:01 - 00:05:02 Welcome to job. Seekers Radio I'm Andrew. This production is meant to provide you. Meaningful support is a listener to find a great career faster whether you're working or not. Today's episode is brought to you by the anatomy of a networking conversation e book. It's a free resource. You can download at job. Seekers radio DOT COM in today's show. We're talking about overcoming self doubt in your job search what I've found in recent times, is it? There's a lot of doubt in the marketplace. You have value. That's what I'm going to start with. You have value. It's just finding the place where you can use your that can use your value. Yes, and who will appreciate your value absolutely, so we're going to talk today about some top doubts and some solutions some things that you can do to resolve some of those doubts or mitigate them or worthy. Get your right, and that's that's where I wanted to start. Love the idea you have value find the place that acknowledges that appreciates at the same time. Understand that everyone has self downed everyone. Again if you have no fear, no doubt then the you may be disordered. The idea of self doubt is so universal that overcoming. Self doubt really is the key. It is not eliminating you won't. Recognizing learning to manage, it is a far greater more important skill, then trying to eliminate it because it's not going to happen. It may be evidence of empathy and compassion. Actually that you're downing doing something because it might impact somebody else that's great could be. Necessarily if we're talking your language right now and your job seeker listening to this session, or perhaps your energy job in your just unsure your next move, you might be dealing with things like you know. Do I meet these requirements of this role. Will the interviewers like me right will ever find a good job as good or bad as the last one I've had in, and can there be anything better. Maybe it's I'm current with 'em. Current with the job market are my sills valued right? You're questioning things then you're in the right place I would agree. You're in the right place. So the first one that we really think about here's job requirements and many of the people that I coach will look online postings right. They'll look at. Do An inventory as great analytical do. Because I work with a lot of analytical engineers that sorta chicken they they liked to deconstruct the job description and say do I fit? Do I not fit? AM? I? Interested? Am I not. Doubt right this. Look at that and say well. You Know I. Don't mean one hundred percent of the requirements so I'm not gonNA apply for that I'll tell you from an HR perspective job. Descriptions are wish in most cases now it's true that some companies will create the job description based on the person doing the job, so it's just listing out the things that this person is currently doin...
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    27 m
  • 080 Making Career Decisions Without Fear
    Jul 9 2020
    Show Notes "Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the assessment that something else is more important than fear." - Franklin D. Roosevelt Don't miss these Topics: Can't eliminate fear, can only manage it. pros and cons review action and non-action alternatives getting out of your own head by helping others get out of theirs thinking about the things you fear on paper turning fear into self-advocacy reaching to outside resources like a coach, therapist, or EAP. Understanding conflict and gaining new perspectives Role reversal technique: would you help others if in the same situation? Turn to the people who care about you Baby Steps ACRONYM: False Evidence Appearing Real build self confidence and safety through considering all the alternatives identify fear and mitigate its impact what are your decisions based on and are they helping you? process of letting go and trying NEW things making proactive decisions Resources (including affiliate links) Move: What about Bob? What Color is Your Parachute iTunes: Rate and Review Raw and Unedited Transcript View Transcript 00:00:02 - 00:05:09 Welcome to Job Seekers Radio I'm Andrew. I'm Scott this production is meant to provide you the listener meaningful support to fight great careers faster, and that's whether you're working or not. Today's episode is brought to you by the anatomy of a networking conversation e book. It's a free resources you can download at job. Seekers radio DOT COM in today's show. We're talking about making career decisions without fear. Now I don't know if you're ever goes away. No, it's an. It's a manageable thing maybe depending on. Yeah. and. Really we brought this to the four because of a lot of things that are going on, not only in our our lives, maybe or even in our coaching interactions, but also in just in the world in society. In general, we're dealing with a pandemic. We have the black lives matter movement. We have a lot of political unrest going on just within the United States, not to mention what's going on around the world. There's a lot going on that. Can create fear and so we're just going to talk about career in the job search and again. That's whether you're working or not. Fear is involved. Regardless of where you are it, it's one of those things where you might even feel like. Is it really fear or is there some other emotional feeling? It's great to explore that and that's basically where we're going to go and we acknowledge. Right Scott that outside influences can either fuel or Exacerbate your fear. So we're not gonNA cover that part of it, but we acknowledged that that exists we're talking about. Is it possible? Is it possible to make career decisions without fear? Yeah I. Remember I'm going to paraphrase probably badly, but I believe I know it was an army general that said it. I believe it was pat that made the comment that fear. Courage is not the absence of fear, but the ability to act well in spite of it and again that's probably a poor paraphrase, but you get the just, and I like to come back to that thought whenever I am looking at something that is triggering fear in me. Is that if I can make progress? However, small that progress is if I'm still moving in the right direction. It's still progress can I do that while managing my fear, and that's really what works for me, the idea of managing it not getting rid of it. You can't I can't i. in fact I read an article not too long ago. That suggested that those who actually do act without any. That's a disorder so. That helps me feel better about managing my fears well when I first heard that question I was like well. Maybe maybe you can manage these career decisions without herb. Maybe not it really just depends on your perspective absolutely, and now if you look at it from a position of being employed in you have assets in the bank, and all these different things, then you've built up really a fortress of protection where making decisions i...
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  • 079 The Art of Being You in a Job Search
    May 6 2020
    Show Notes Authenticity is a characteristic that can often go out the window when looking for work. In the harried and eager interest to meet the employer's needs and expectations, the job seeker can lose themselves.  Andrew and Scott share strategies and tactics on how to be genuine and stand up for the strengths that job seekers bring to a role. Don't miss these Topics: Being "you" in a job search focused on your strengths. Mindset of truth to yourself over pretending to be something you aren't. Balancing financial needs and job satisfaction. Holding desperation at arms length. Complete assessments to get more clarity and access a professional to help you identify your strengths. Increasing the satisfaction in your job. Nothing Lasts Forever. Stand up for your strengths in the interview. Reinvent yourself to something you want. Consider a vanity project that makes you feel good. Resources (including affiliate links) StrengthsFinder 2.0What Color is Your Parachute Toastmasters for Better Communication  iTunes: Rate and Review Raw and Unedited Transcript View Transcript 00:00:02 - 00:05:01 welcome to job seekers radio. I'm Andrew and I'm Scott. This production is meant to provide you the listener meaningful support to find great careers. Faster whether you're working or not. Today's episode is brought to you by the anatomy of a networking conversation. It's an e book and a free resource that you can download at Jobseeker's radio DOT COM in today's show. We're talking about the art of being you in job. Search one of my favorite phrases that A colleague of mine says to me all the time. Is You be you? I'm sure most of us have heard that phrase did that come with the snap. No he he means it really very sincerely you can snap yes. Of course. He's he really means it. He wants people to be as authentic as possible. Because it's in learning. Who People really are that. We can then leverage their strengths. And that's one of his themes in his career is to to work with your strengths. When you're looking for something better at in a job search of any kind often feel like you have to change who you are to meet somebody else's expectation you have to Discount your strength. Sometimes because you feel like they may not be valid. And that's often what happens in people that I work with have been laid off from somewhere. They felt like they've been rejected. They're going into a situation. Where Jeez the stuff that I did must not be valuable so I need to reinvent myself and that might be true. You may want to reinvent yourself but if that's your choice great it may be but it isn't necessarily the truth and there's that element of well if this didn't work anymore then now. I have to fake it and and we hear this all the time. Fake it till you make it well that works but is it really sending the messages. You want to send if the message doesn't matter and you're faking it because you are learning how to do it better. That's definitely add approach can take. I don't discount that at all to your point if I suddenly feel like I have to change who I am in order to now be acceptable. That kind of faking. It is probably going to either backfire on you or it's not going to work at all people that are looking at indeed dot com or the job postings at a company They look at that job posting. Oh I can do that. I can do that. I can do this too and look at all these things that they can do without. I saying Is that really what I want to do? I really want to do that. Because if we look at everything based on just a capability model where we're checking all the boxes. We may end up. Disatisfied I don't know that that's a natural approach you know not to mention there's opportunities where you know what? I can't do that and I should probably take that job because I don't have a choice. If you don't have the ability or capacity financially or otherwise to say no yeah that that may be something to consider and don't discount the valid...
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    24 m
  • 078 When The Job Advice Runs Out
    Apr 10 2020
    Show Notes Job search can be a challenging and rewarding experience. When you learn new techniques and try them out, some may work others might not. What happens when you get to the point when you have tried everything. Nothing seems to be working! Don't miss this episode where Scott and Andrew discuss strategies to invigorate your search. Don't miss these Topics: Taking in and evaluating the advice you are receiving. What to do when everything you have tried doesn't work. Mindset and activities that can support or defeat your efforts. Resources (including affiliate links) StrengthsFinder 2.0StrengthsQuestWhat Color is Your Parachute  iTunes: Rate and Review Raw and Unedited Transcript View Transcript 00:00:01 - 00:05:04 welcome to job seekers radio. I'm Andrew and I'm Scott. This production is meant to provide you the listener meaningful support defined great careers faster. And that's whether you're working or not. Today's episode is brought to you by the anatomy of a networking conversation. It's an e book a Free Resource. We have for you at job. Seekers radio DOT COM in today's show. We're talking about what happens when the advice runs out in your job search and it just doesn't seem to be working you're still out there looking haven't found a job yet I think there was a recent situation that you had Scott. Yes other eager. Probably fill us in with one of your clients right. I was just having the conversation recently with somebody who is not complaining but expressing his frustration with the fact that he has been around the job seeking block for awhile now. He's relatively new to the area but not new to his field and that industry is represented here in the Portland area. He's talked to a lot of people. He is very well connected in the right places. He's received a lot of advice from both of us from others and nothing has worked yet. He's been working with Everything with from startups to established companies all sizes and shapes and nothing quite has worked out to give him a foothold. Right gainful employment right or at least the final set of interviews or a process. That looks exactly normal. He's gotten close in a couple of situations but it's it's not anything that really has delivered anything even even a temporary contract position and I've been there a lot of what he was describing was stuff that I lived through during my years of unemployment. And so I. I had a great deal of compassion for him under these circumstances because he's truly frustrated. He's tried everything he is. At least his last job was at a higher level so we talked about the fact that there. Aren't that many jobs in this metropolitan area on that level in the field and we talked about his efforts to branch out. He's looking at at companies of different sizes. He has applied for jobs of at Lower Levels. And when he he is then asked why he's applying for a lower position because he's now over qualified and you can't get a job when you're overqualified which doesn't really make any sense. Other than the fact that the a lot of companies are too afraid to hire someone that they're then they feel they then have to replace. Because they're gonNA move onto something else when I talked to. Hr PEOPLE WHO Express that fear. I also tell them well. What are the chances that they may be able to help your company move up within your company that would be a really great higher? Then there's there's fear in Balkh he's been at this for a number of months. He's in a situation where he has a family to support. And what do you do that? The one thing that I keep coming back to is keep going. And that's really the the answer to the question keep going. Yeah and it's nothing that we can't work with and the challenge that a lot of people have is they come into a situation and they put a date out there. I don't know if you've ever done this but I should have a new job by this date doing what I did where I came from.
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  • 077 How To Get On The Radar of the Hiring Manager
    Feb 20 2020
    Show Notes Getting noticed by a hiring manager can take some effort. You have interest in a company or even a specific position, but are unsure about how to get on the radar. Scott and Andrew discuss some strategies for finding hiring managers and getting their attention. Don't miss these Topics: Getting around the applicant tracking system (ATS) and recruitment processes. Reverse engineering the roles and industry trends based on research to craft attention grabbing mindsets. Leveraging industry associations and relationships to get introductions. Position your expertise to align with current events and trends. Tracking and keeping tabs on hiring managers of interest through authentic engagement. Identifying problems you solve or can help them avoid proactively. Incubating and updating hiring managers with valued content. Be an extension of the hiring manager's work by becoming a subject-matter expert (SME) and bringing information back to the team. Share the truth about your capabilities and accomplishments. Volunteering alongside hiring managers with similar interests. Resources (including affiliate links) What Color is Your Parachute  iTunes: Rate and Review Raw and Unedited Transcript View Transcript 00:00:02 - 00:05:01 welcome to Job Seekers Radio Andrew and I'm Scott. This production is meant to provide you meaningful support to find great careers faster. And that's why they're you're working or not today. We're talking about getting on the hiring managers radar this can be challenging and it's going to be different in every situation but we want to talk about this in just general terms because often there are ways to get on the radar that either we forget about. We don't know about or that. We sure whether or not it's going to be effective and so we don't try and I think the first step is you gotta try what you know. Hopefully we can build on that today. Today's episode is actually brought to you by the anatomy of a networking conversation. It's an e book that Scott Ni- put together to free sort resource for you on job. Seekers RADIO DOT COM. You can download that at your leisure. The challenge with getting on the hiring managers radar is feedback. That I've gotten from a lot of job seekers that I coached those ones that are working in ones. That are not that are just trying to get. I don't WanNa say around recruitment or talent acquisition. But really they WANNA talk to a human being and often. They're not able to because of all the layers of process that stand between them and the company so many companies now are using automated systems to go through a recruiting process and so it is difficult to get in touch with a human being and we recognize that. Turn the tables just long enough to to think about why they would wanna do that. I can't really blame them. Having been on both sides of the coin both as a hiring manager as well as a job seeker. The hiring manager needs help anymore. I don't know. Many companies that have a lot of recruiters are a lot of people that have the bandwidth to be doing a lot of the sourcing. Most the recruiters I know have an enormous number of tickets open for positions that they need to hire people into and it can be daunting so the automated systems that they use help them to find people with the right qualifications at least with the right keywords. So all of the PODCAST THAT. We've we've already done where we're talking about how to get into that. All of that still applies. Hopefully we can maintain a sense of empathy for those who are going through all of that processing the ones that are reaching out using these automated systems. We want to help them to find us. So that's really elite sort of the the perspective we WanNa start with today. Part of this is really reverse engineering. The roles you're interested in in identifying. Then okay what are some of the challenges that are common in the industry? What are some things that the company has facing is Is ...
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  • 076 The Absolutely Best Ways to Cope with Impotent Leaders
    Feb 12 2020
    Show Notes Dealing with a boss, a manager, or a leader that is toxic can be an emotional powder keg. Coping with this very common situation can be challenging. Scott and Andrew share ideas around coping with impotent leaders in sometimes toxic work environments. Don't miss these Topics: Strategies for coping in a healthy way. Perception and reality - understanding the current state and the truth. Qualifying job opportunities to confirm toxicity. Concurrently performing and coping. Seeking 3rd Party Support through coaching, counseling, therapy, and mentoring. Be the leader you wish you had. Evaluation of options and making decisions about what to do. Resources (including affiliate links) The 7 Habits of Highly Effective PeopleCrucial Conversations: Tools for Talking When Stakes Are High Simon Sinek on Millennials in the Workplace  iTunes: Rate and Review Raw and Unedited Transcript View Transcript 00:00:01 - 00:05:01 welcome to job seekers radio. I'm Andrew and I'm Scott. This production is meant to provide you the listener meaningful support to find great careers faster. Whether you're you're working or not in today's episode. We're talking about healthily coping with impotent leadership and internal politics and what do you do in. Your leader is really a red head. Hot Mess Yeah. It's a topic that comes up often you. There are many articles out there. A quick Google search will get you there. We did want to talk about it. Not because others have it but because I think we have a voice to speak we both have experience with toxic leaders. I think everyone WHO's been around this block more than once has and it's surprising to me that it continues to be such a common instance? I guess what what makes some specific boss or a certain environmental is going to depend a lot on how that person or organization has grown into the position. They're in so there's going to be a unique set of reasons. I don't think we need to really analyze the reasons why they're there. It's really just. How do we cope with this situation? And especially for those who have had a lot of experience in their work and then suddenly find themselves back in a situation that feels toxic or dealing with a leader. Who doesn't seem to lead? Well it can be really frustrating. So we I WANNA talk about this from a sort of a step back in how we can help ourselves to cope with these situations and find ways to improve awesome. Tell me if this sounds like you. Have you ever had a new boss or a new leader. Yeah I think we all have. Have you been promised things that didn't happen Many times okay. Tell me this sounds like you is the leader. Favoring somebody else over you never never happens right now or maybe you feel isolated you know working remotely as do. I sometimes feel isolated. I'm not getting face time or I'm not getting recognition or I'm not. There's certain things I'm not getting really it comes to our own perceptions are we actually perceiving this accurately and so. That's a really good caveat to start the conversation sometimes times. We don't see things as clearly as they appear. What we WANNA talk about isn't so much dealing with the times when we misunderstand ended when we want to encourage everyone to to look at that objectively tried to get as much input about it from co workers or other leaders or people who used to work work with with these people because you can always find that out on linked and do your due diligence to determine whether or not this is truly a toxic situation or your leader really isn't a good leader whether that's true impotence? In the sense that they don't have the power to make positive change or maybe they just do play play favorites. Let let's or they choose not to make a decision. They abdicate. Certain responsibilities that that's another thing that we see all the time but we're going to assume that you've done your due diligence and that you have confirmed in a relatively robust way that yes.
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  • 075 Top 4 Things You Can Do To Find Meaningful Work in a New City
    Feb 5 2020
    Show Notes Moving to a new city can be a shock in itself. Even more so when you are talking about a new country.  Scott and Andrew discuss high-value methods to finding meaningful work in a new city. Top 4: Networking that includes a perfect excuse. Flock together with affinity groups. Leverage your spouses relationships. Join things. Resources (including affiliate links) ToastmastersEventbrite Meetup Yelp  iTunes: Rate and Review Raw and Unedited Transcript View Transcript 00:00:01 - 00:05:11 welcome to job seekers radio. I'm Andrew and I'm Scott this production. This podcast is meant to provide you meaningful support to find great careers ears faster whether you're working or not. Today's episode is the top four things you can do to find meaningful work in a new city. This is a really common circumstance that people find themselves all the time. It could be that you've relocated to a new city because your spouse or significant other has. You're you're going along with them. It could be that you had an opportunity to try something different because you were out of work and you wanted to move moved to a city that you really wanted to try out. There are so many reasons but it is. None of them are uncommon. The one I run into most often Scott is. I'll have somebody come. I'm here on maybe an H1B Visa. And they bring a spouse along and the spouses some of them I've seen are like MD's PhD's I mean they're highly educated. They have decades of experience. And they're in a new country and they don't know what to do and it's a new environment and new experience and really we want to give those people an opportunity entity to really know that there's four things that you can do today to change that circumstance or that situation. One person that I've been talking to recently has has come to the Portland area from New York City actually I've spoken to a couple of people from upstate New York and they want to be here. They both came here with great expectations. One because he wanted he and his family wanted to try out Portland though. They weren't familiar with it. They'd heard a lot about the other. One actually got a job out here. In both cases they weren't familiar with the people here they didn't have a lot of friends. They had some acquaintances but thought they didn't really know where to start and they're probably in some shock. Yeah new surroundings getting used to new culinary norms shore. That idea of shock I I think is something that people are expecting when they go to a city especially when they th- chosen this city. Oh they heard so many good things about it it and how welcoming the city may be and how newcomers are really treated very well and they get there and they still find themselves sort of isolated. They don't the people they don't know how to take the next step or even what the next step out look like and so that shock is probably what everybody has in common. What most of the folks that I know are there in this situation? They do have financial capacity. They have a runway Brian on the they're not really being stretched a capacity but they really really want to get back to work sure because they were highly valued in the country or the place they came from and now they're in a place. Where wow this is the first? This is weird. I'm in a new country new city. I don't really know anybody. I have all these skills and I just don't know where to take him so the other thing is yes. They have financial resources but also they have a visa or What would you call it? A the the spouse might be hurting H. One B. But there's a separate permit to work. They have to obtain Brian. So we're not gonNA talk about the permits legalities right. It's constantly changing or certainly not subject matter experts. But it's important if you're coming to a new country that you figure all that stuff out I will mention there are. We're going to be some people who do come to a new city and we'll put you in quotes in that scenar...
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