
  • Degrading Plastic Through the Power of Microbes: Angie Beckett
    Jul 2 2024

    Plastic waste in our oceans is a significant problem, but some bacteria might offer a solution. Did you know that certain bacteria can break down plastic?

    Plastic pollution affects wildlife and can even enter our food and water. As plastic production increases, finding better ways to manage this material is essential.

    Current recycling methods are not very efficient. Most plastic ends up in landfills or the environment after just one use, and it can take centuries to degrade.

    Researchers are investigating plastic-degrading microbes and enzymes that could improve recycling. These microbes can break plastic into its original building blocks, allowing for more effective recycling.

    Join me as I talk with Angie Beckett, a researcher at the University of Portsmouth, about the potential of plastic-degrading microbes to enhance recycling and reduce plastic pollution.

    In this episode, we will explore:

    • The discovery of plastic-eating bacteria
    • How microbes break plastic down and their potential for large-scale use
    • Challenges in finding and engineering efficient plastic degraders
    • Using portable DNA sequencing to discover new microbial solutions
    • The importance of collaboration in applying microbiology to real-world problems
    • At-home microbiology activity: Find Plastic-Degrading Bacteria via Sequencing Simulation

    JOYFUL MICROBE SHOW NOTES: https://joyfulmicrobe.com/plastic-degradation-angie-beckett/

    AT-HOME MICROBIOLOGY ACTIVITY: https://joyfulmicrobe.com/plastic-degrading-bacteria-activity/

    JOYFUL MICROBE TWITTER: https://twitter.com/joyfulmicrobe/

    JOYFUL MICROBE INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/justineldees/

    SUPPORT JOYFUL MICROBE: https://ko-fi.com/joyfulmicrobe/

    Más Menos
    51 m
  • Lichen Basics: Dr. Jessica Allen
    May 29 2024

    Have you ever noticed the colorful growths on trees and rocks but weren't sure what they were? Lichens are all around us yet often overlooked. They play important roles in ecosystems and can even indicate air quality. Many people don't fully understand these symbiotic organisms or appreciate their significance.

    In this episode, you'll learn about the fascinating world of lichens from lichenologist Dr. Jessica Allen. We discuss what lichens are, their importance in nature, how they live, and how we can appreciate these miniature ecosystems all around us. You'll come away seeing lichens in a whole new light!

    Topics covered in this episode:

    • What are lichens?
    • Lichens as miniature ecosystems harboring diverse microorganisms
    • Important roles of lichens
    • How lichens live on a wide range of surfaces and obtain nutrients
    • Using lichens to monitor air quality
    • The varied lifespans of lichens
    • Uses of lichens from dyes to medicine
    • Lichen myths
    • At-home microbiology activities: 3 hands-on activities to explore and appreciate lichen diversity

    JOYFUL MICROBE SHOW NOTES: https://joyfulmicrobe.com/lichen-basics-jessica-allen/

    AT-HOME MICROBIOLOGY ACTIVITIES: https://joyfulmicrobe.com/3-lichen-activities/

    JOYFUL MICROBE TWITTER: https://twitter.com/joyfulmicrobe/

    JOYFUL MICROBE INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/justineldees/

    SUPPORT JOYFUL MICROBE: https://ko-fi.com/joyfulmicrobe/

    Más Menos
    1 h y 13 m
  • Plant Pathogen Lettuce Downy Mildew: Dr. Kelsey Wood
    Apr 25 2024

    Have you ever noticed little white fluffy spots or yellowish patches on your lettuce at the grocery store? This could be downy mildew, a microbe that infects lettuce and other leafy greens.

    This microbe might not be well-known, but it's of great importance due to its effects on the agriculture industry and the food we buy. It poses a significant challenge for farmers by potentially wiping out entire crops. If we unknowingly purchase lettuce or herbs infected with downy mildew from the organic section, we might end up with unappealing produce.

    Understanding downy mildew can help us make informed choices at the store and gain insight into the challenges faced by farmers in controlling this pathogen.

    So, in this episode we'll learn about downy mildew from plant pathology researcher Dr. Kelsey Wood. She'll explain what this organism is, how to identify it, and the latest research aiming to control it in a more sustainable way. We'll also cover its life cycle, genetics, and impacts on agriculture. Tune in to discover this intriguing plant pathogen.

    Topics covered in this episode:

    • What downy mildew is and its life cycle
    • Why downy mildew is not a fungus
    • How downy mildew spreads
    • Downy mildew’s impact on agriculture
    • Spotting downy mildew in your local grocery store
    • Discovering a highly resistant lettuce variety
    • At-home microbiology activities: grocery store hunt and vinegar wash experiment

    JOYFUL MICROBE SHOW NOTES: https://joyfulmicrobe.com/downy-mildew-kelsey-wood/

    AT-HOME MICROBIOLOGY ACTIVITY: https://joyfulmicrobe.com/downy-mildew-activity/

    AT-HOME MICROBIOLOGY ACTIVITY: https://joyfulmicrobe.com/mold-vinegar-wash-activity/

    JOYFUL MICROBE TWITTER: https://twitter.com/joyfulmicrobe/

    JOYFUL MICROBE INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/justineldees/

    SUPPORT JOYFUL MICROBE: https://ko-fi.com/joyfulmicrobe/

    Más Menos
    50 m
  • Safe Chicken Handling from Supermarket to Backyard: Dr. Andrea Etter
    Mar 27 2024

    While many microbes bring benefits, pathogens are the focus when ensuring food safety. This episode dives into practical tips for enjoying chicken, whether you buy chicken or eggs from the store or raise your own chickens for eggs in your backyard.

    Join food safety expert Dr. Andrea Etter as she shares insights into preventing foodborne illnesses caused by bacteria like Salmonella and Campylobacter. Dr. Etter is an assistant professor specializing in food microbiology and food safety at the University of Vermont. From her vast knowledge, you’ll learn how to prepare chicken at home safely and even keep your own backyard chickens.

    By understanding basic food safety practices, we can protect ourselves and our loved ones while not forgetting the many positive roles of microbes in our lives.

    Dr. Etter will equip you with strategies for safe chicken handling, from effective cooking techniques to proper backyard coop hygiene.

    Join us as we explore food safety. I hope this empowers you to make informed choices for safe chicken handling.

    Topics covered in this episode:

    • Dr. Etter's background and path to food microbiology
    • Food safety from grocery shopping to meal consumption
    • Common pathogens like Salmonella and Campylobacter in chicken
    • Salmonella and Campylobacter risks and prevention strategies
    • Handling and food safety of raw store-bought chicken
    • Microbial risks of backyard chickens and tips for safe raising practices

    JOYFUL MICROBE SHOW NOTES: https://joyfulmicrobe.com/chicken-safety-andrea-etter/

    JOYFUL MICROBE TWITTER: https://twitter.com/joyfulmicrobe/

    JOYFUL MICROBE INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/justineldees/

    SUPPORT JOYFUL MICROBE: https://ko-fi.com/joyfulmicrobe/

    Más Menos
    1 h y 17 m
  • The Skin Microbiome and Our Health: Dr. Aayushi Uberoi
    Feb 29 2024

    Have you ever stopped to think about the bustling world of life thriving right on your skin? Billions of microscopic organisms, collectively known as the skin microbiome, call this complex ecosystem home, playing a vital role in our health.

    Many of us are unaware of the intricate dance between our skin and its microbial residents. This delicate balance can tip, potentially leading to various health concerns. In this episode, we delve into the fascinating realm of the skin microbiome with microbiologist Dr. Aayushi Uberoi.

    Dr. Uberoi shares her research on how the skin microbiome strengthens our largest organ's crucial barrier function. Join us as we explore the fascinating world of skin microbes.

    Topics covered in this episode:

    • Dr. Uberoi's journey to microbiology
    • The skin's barrier functions and ecosystem
    • The role of the skin microbiome in health and disease
    • Microbiome changes in skin disorders
    • Potential for novel skin microbiome-based therapies
    • Antibacterial soap misconceptions
    • At-home microbiology activity: Accessible Microscopy: Discovering Microbes with a Foldscope

    JOYFUL MICROBE SHOW NOTES: https://joyfulmicrobe.com/skin-microbiome-aayushi-uberoi/

    AT-HOME MICROBIOLOGY ACTIVITY: https://joyfulmicrobe.com/foldscope-activity/

    JOYFUL MICROBE TWITTER: https://twitter.com/joyfulmicrobe/

    JOYFUL MICROBE INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/justineldees/

    SUPPORT JOYFUL MICROBE: https://ko-fi.com/joyfulmicrobe/

    Más Menos
    51 m
  • The Gut Virome: Michael Shamash
    Jan 18 2024

    Have you ever thought about the trillions of invisible, microscopic entities inhabiting your body right now? While much of the microbiome spotlight shines on bacteria, there's a hidden side to this story that many people overlook.

    In this podcast episode, we discuss the lesser-known residents of our microbiome: viruses. These tiny but potent entities are fundamental players in our gut's ecosystem. And Michael Shamash, a microbiology researcher studying these viruses, shares all the profound roles they play in our gut and our overall health. After listening, you'll gain a newfound appreciation for these microscopic allies within you and how they can impact your well-being.

    Topics covered in this episode:

    • Bacteria, phages, and the microbiome
    • Gut virome and its role in human health
    • Phages in early childhood microbiome development
    • Phages in infant gut microbiome and their potential impact on adult health
    • Phage therapy for early childhood illnesses
    • OnePetri app to automate the process of phage plaque counting
    • At-home microbiology activity: Crafting Model Phages

    JOYFUL MICROBE SHOW NOTES: https://joyfulmicrobe.com/gut-virome-michael-shamash/

    AT-HOME MICROBIOLOGY ACTIVITY: https://joyfulmicrobe.com/model-phage-activity/

    JOYFUL MICROBE TWITTER: https://twitter.com/joyfulmicrobe/

    JOYFUL MICROBE INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/justineldees/

    SUPPORT JOYFUL MICROBE: https://ko-fi.com/joyfulmicrobe/

    Más Menos
    49 m
  • Sustainability Through Biodegradation: Jhonatan Hernandez Valdes
    Oct 19 2023

    Are you curious about how microbes are involved in creating a more sustainable world? Those tiny, often-overlooked organisms hold a remarkable secret — the power to break down chemicals through biodegradation. Imagine a world where plastics and other challenging compounds, often seen as environmental villains, could be transformed into environmentally-friendly products.

    In this episode, I chat with Dr. Jhonatan Hernandez Valdes to discuss how these microbes are revolutionizing our approach to sustainability. He shares about his role as a microbiologist at Nouryon, investigating and understanding how microbes degrade chemicals in the environment. Ultimately, his research aims to help in developing more environmentally friendly products.

    Tune in if you want to explore how we can work with microbes to leverage their transformative powers to pursue a greener, cleaner world.

    Topics covered in this episode:

    • What is biodegradation?
    • The challenge of persistent chemicals
    • How microbes adapt to biodegrade novel chemicals
    • Biodegradation and environmental sustainability

    JOYFUL MICROBE SHOW NOTES: https://joyfulmicrobe.com/sustainability-through-biodegradation-Jhonatan/

    JOYFUL MICROBE TWITTER: https://twitter.com/joyfulmicrobe/

    JOYFUL MICROBE INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/justineldees/

    SUPPORT JOYFUL MICROBE: https://ko-fi.com/joyfulmicrobe/

    Más Menos
    41 m
  • The Lab Coat Project: Dr. Derek Miller
    Sep 11 2023

    Lab coats are an integral part of the world of microbiology, serving as a vital piece of personal protective equipment (PPE). When we envision a microbiologist at work wearing their crisp lab coat, we often associate it with professionalism and scientific rigor. However, the reality is that lab coats, while essential, don't always live up to expectations. For many scientists, they can be a source of frustration rather than confidence.

    This is why Dr. Derek Miller, founder of Genius Lab Gear, began The Lab Coat Project. Through this project, Derek aims to create lab coats that not only protect but empower scientists by addressing their unique challenges. Through extensive feedback from over 1,500 scientists, Derek designed lab coats for men and women that will work in various scientific environments, emphasizing comfort and functionality.

    In this episode of the Joyful Microbe podcast, Derek shares his vision for this innovative project, focusing on improving external challenges like productivity and safety while also addressing internal issues related to personal comfort and self-image. Our conversation offers insights into an often overlooked aspect of scientific research attire and highlights the potential impact of this initiative on scientists' lives.

    Topics covered in this episode:

    • Why Derek started The Lab Coat Project
    • What challenges do scientists face with lab coats
    • The importance of lab coats and safety
    • What scientists want in a lab coat based on Derek’s survey of over 1,500 scientists
    • The improved lab coat design from The Lab Coat Project

    JOYFUL MICROBE SHOW NOTES: https://joyfulmicrobe.com/lab-coat-project-derek-miller/

    JOYFUL MICROBE TWITTER: https://twitter.com/joyfulmicrobe/

    JOYFUL MICROBE INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/justineldees/

    SUPPORT JOYFUL MICROBE: https://ko-fi.com/joyfulmicrobe/

    Más Menos
    52 m