
  • Meat Matters: Part 2. A Shochet's Yiras Shamayim
    Aug 9 2024

    Why are people specifically careful about which meat they will buy?

    What are the complexities involved in Shechita?

    What does the sefer of Simlah Chadasha say about the requirements needed for one to be a Shochet?

    What does the Alter Rebbe bring down as three conditions to to know about before consuming meat?

    Más Menos
    20 m
  • Meat Matters Part 1: Back to Basics with Rabbi Berel Bell
    Jul 30 2024

    What oversight is needed when it comes to kosher food in general,
    and what is specifically important regarding meat?

    What process does kosher meat go through until you buy it packaged in the store?

    What are some factors that can render kosher meat not kosher?

    Más Menos
    19 m
  • Pesach Purchases for Beginners & Beyond
    Apr 18 2024

    Can an item contain Kitniyot without being labeled as such by the Hashgacha?

    What causes an item to have conflicting Hashgacha statements, with one stating it's Kosher for Pesach and the other indicating it's not?

    Are dairy products labeled as Kosher for Pesach automatically Cholov Yisroel?

    Is it accurate that Diet Coke contains Kitniyot?

    Link to website with visuals:https://sites.google.com/view/kashrusbeintheknow/audio-classes/pesach-purchases-for-beginners-beyond?authuser=0

    Más Menos
    20 m
  • Pesach Preparations 5784 with Rabbi Berel Bell
    1 h y 15 m
  • The Doughs and Don'ts of Challah: Part 3 More FAQ's
    Sep 1 2023

    Part 3: More FAQ's:

    (0.40 seconds)

    1) Does one have to include in the challah measurement additional flour that will be added due to the dough being too sticky, or to prevent it from sticking to counter?


    2) When does one have to say the bracha of Hafrashas Challah? Is it recited before or after the piece of dough is detached from the batch?


    3) It was mentioned in the previous class that challah dough that is separated is considered treif/ non-kosher, and forbidden to eat. Based on this, when separating challah and some of that dough sticks to my fingers, is that residue of dough considered treif too? Can I continue working with the rest of my dough with the residue still there, or do I need to wash my hands first? Is there any practical advice to go about this?


    4) What do I do if the piece of dough that I separated got remixed into the main batch of dough, or if it was made into a small roll that got mixed up among other rolls of dough to be baked in the oven?


    5) What if someone forgot to separate challah from their dough, and already baked it all in the oven? Is there anything that could be done?


    6) If someone baked their challahs in an oven and forgot to separate challah beforehand, or if by accident the piece that was separated got mixed in with the other challahs, and was baked in the oven, does that make the status of their oven problematic and in need of kashering?


    7) To what extent does the piece of challah dough that is separated need to be burnt?


    8) If I attend a challah bake, can I separate a piece of challah, make the bracha there, and then freeze my dough to bake at another time?

    Further Reading Material:


    Más Menos
    16 m
  • Booze Schmooze (Updated 5783)
    Mar 30 2023
    • What can be wrong with plain beer?
    • Is scotch aged in wine casks acceptable?
    • What alcoholic beverages are recommended without Reliable Hashgacha?
    • Questions, confusions, and myths clarified.
      Accompanying information is available here
    Más Menos
    23 m
  • Pesach Food Essentials (Updated for 5783)
    Mar 29 2023

    Can I use any bottled water on pesach?

    Am I allowed to buy eggs or milk on Pesach?

    What kind of salt or sugar is best to use on Pesach?

    Can I buy any Extra virgin olive oil?

    Can I buy fresh salmon in any store?

    Does my meat and chicken need to be Kosher for Pesach?

    Más Menos
    20 m
  • Doughs and don'ts of Challah Part 2
    Sep 23 2022

    Can many women at a Challah Bake table join their doughs together to make a bracha?

    How does one separate challah from cakes?

    Does one need to separate challah from pancakes?

    Why should one always add a drop of water to their dough?

    Is there something wrong with burning the separated piece of challah dough in my oven?

    Accompanying information is available here

    Más Menos
    16 m