
  • Curses, Cryptids & Consent
    Jul 12 2024

    TW: untimely death, hauntings, terrifying cryptids & blood

    Well well well, weirdos, we meet again!

    Welcome to another episode of KEEP IT WEIRD, the podcast for all things strange and unusual, nautical and nasty, mysterious and monstrous and everything in between. Every episode we talk about something WEIRD and this episode is no exception. Ashley starts us off with a PARANORMAL PARADISE that features a leftover LISTENER GHOST STORY from last week about a man who believes he saw the exact staircase his mother died on... several years before it occurred.
    Then Lauren asks WHERE IN THE WORLD(Is Keep It Weird Going?) as we astral travel to DOOR COUNTY Wisconsin which is apparently chock full of haunted lighthouses. Ashley grabs the binoculars for a MONSTER WATCH where the MOTHBOYS PODCAST leads us to a very strange cryptid from West Virginia (where else, amirite?) called THE VEGGIE MAN And Lauren finishes off strong with another CURSED CROONERS (& Spooky Songs) as we discuss the curse of the 9th symphony! Which 9th symphony you ask? ALL OF THEM. Check out the links below if you want to do some further reading on today's topics.
    Check out the MOTHBOYS PODCAST to stay up to date on all your favorite cryptids! Music in the first story, as always, by VIVEK ABISHEK FOLLOW US on social media @keepitweirdcast SUBSCRIBE to our YOUTUBE CHANNEL (& like our video please!) JOIN OUR PATREON at www.patreon.com/keepitweirdpodcast for 2 BONUS EPISODES every month, DISCOUNTS on merch, COMPLIMENTARY DIVINATION READINGS and the chance to SPONSOR A SEGMENT of our show. Mr. Vegetable https://www.wboy.com/only-on-wboy-com/paranormal-w-va/what-is-the-vegetable-man-of-west-virginia/ https://cryptidz.fandom.com/wiki/Veggieman https://www.wboy.com/only-on-wboy-com/paranormal-w-va/first-ever-veggie-man-day-coming-to-fairmont/ DOORCOUNT https://www.greenbaypressgazette.com/story/news/local/door-co/2018/10/29/door-county-archives-haunted-lighthouse-and-mud-lake-ghost-story-spooky-history-wisconsin/1808156002/ Bittersweet Symphony https://thewoostervoicetestspaceswooster.wordpress.com/2023/02/23/musicians-and-composer-beware-the-curse-of-the-ninth-symphony/ www.keepitweirdpodcast.com
    Más Menos
    1 h y 14 m
  • The Basement Representatives
    Jun 28 2024

    Are you ready for a scary story??

    Hello weirdos and welcome back to KEEP IT WEIRD, the podcast for all things strange and unusual, creepy and cool, freaky and frightening and everything in between.

    This week we are telling REAL SCARY STORIES!!! Presented by YOU! Our lovely listeners and internet friends!

    This week's batch has premonitions, UFOs, cryptids, haunted schools, haunted houses, haunted woods and even a haunted museum!

    THANK YOU SO MUCH to listeners Emily, Noah, Nicole and Anonymous and reddit users r/aztecpontiac, r/smallof2pieces!

    THE MUSIC in this episode is all VIVEK ABISHEK & you can check out all their work here https://www.youtube.com/ @VIVEKABHISHEK

    FOLLOW us on social media @keepitweirdcast

    SUBSCRIBE to our Youtube Channel at www.youtube.com/keepitweirdpodcast

    JOIN OUR PATREON at www.patreon.com/keepitweirdpodcast to get TWO bonus episodes every month, discounts on merch, FREE divination readings & the opportunity to sponsor a segment of our show.

    BUY OUR MERCH: www.keepitweirdpodcast.com/merch

    Más Menos
    1 h y 10 m
  • Quarter Past a Cricket's Leg
    Jun 14 2024

    Hi Weirdos! Or should I say… high weirdos?

    Welcome to a very special episode of KEEP IT WEIRD– your one stop shop for all things strange and unusual, stoned and spooky, blitzed and bonkers & everything in between.

    What makes this week so special is that it’s our BIRTHDAY CELEBRATION for the best co host that side (or THIS side) of the Mississippi. Lauren and Ashley have been best friends for going on fifteen years now (EW how did we get so old) and were sick and tired of not being able to PARTY TOGETHER on special occasions.

    So we did a little “gardening” and poured ourselves some fruity beverages and set off to BLOW EACH OTHERS MINDS with some absolutely crazy science, biology, history and trivia.

    We cover how stars and planets are made, how many blimps we have on Earth, how you can tell the temperature based on a cricket’s chirp, which famous horror director had to say goodbye to his bellybutton, an ancient city full of skyscrapers that you didn’t know existed, where the sound comes from when we snap our fingers, and even alligators who can gallop faster than Gunpowder (that’s Ichabod Crane’s horse… obviously)

    So buckle your seatbelts, maybe take a toke or two yourself, relax, melt into the couch, WAIT too much melting. Don’t forget to breathe. Yes you ARE breathing. Chill out, relax, meeeelt into the couch. There we go. Open your mind to weirdness. Let it flow through you.

    Check out some LINKS below if you want to do any further reading on the topics we discussed today!

    SUBSCRIBE to our Youtube Channel!

    FOLLOW US on social media @keepitweirdcast

    JOIN OUR PATREON for 2 bonus episodes every month + discounts on merchandise and (NEW) DIVINATION READINGS for our Most Loyal of Listeners!









    Más Menos
    1 h y 12 m
  • Listener Divination Readings
    Jun 4 2024

    Hi Weirdos!!

    Welcome to a very special episode-- our LISTENER DIVINATION READINGS! Consider this your supplemental learning materials for last week's episode "Homework for Witches" where we taught you all about different forms of divination! In this episode, we take what we've learned about divination through Tarot Cards, Oracle Cards, Rune Casting & Bibliomancy and we put it to work. YOU, our lovely and loyal listeners, sent in your very own personal questions hoping to get answers and direction from the universe and let me tell you-- the universe came through in a BIG WAY. Ashley cast a set of runes, Lauren drew a tarot card and our resident witch Laura Lareau did an oracle card reading for each question and we came today with our results. This was such a fun and interesting experiment and we were SHOOK to find that each of our readings were so similar to each other for each question. It's almost as if... the universe... was communicating. But I guess we won't know until we hear from our participants! We will definitely be giving updates in future episodes to let you know how spot on (or how far off) our readings were and if we were able to offer any words of wisdom to assist in their lives. If you ever want to participate in our DIVINATION READINGS we are going to offer them every single month over on our patreon at www.patreon.com/keepitweirdpodcast so head over and JOIN US if you want to know what your future has in store.
    FOLLOW us on social media @keepitweirdcast SUBSCRIBE to our youtube channel at www.youtube.com/keepitweirdpodcast BUY OUR MERCH (Including brand new PRIDE merch) at www.keepitweirdpodcast.com/merch
    Más Menos
    58 m
  • Homework for Witches
    May 31 2024

    I can see your future, weirdos!

    And the future looks BRIGHT! Welcome to Keep It Weird, the podcast for all things strange and unusual, freaky and fabulous, wicked and wild and EVERYTHING in between! Everytime we get together we talk about something weird, and what is weirder than fortune telling?! This week's episode is very special, as we are learning all about DIVINATION! Divination is an extremely OLD practice because since the beginning of mankind we've all been very worried about what our futures hold for us. Whether it's regarding our love life, our career, the cities we live in or the cars we drive-- we're constantly looking towards that future and wondering "How do I get there?" But divination goes far deeper than the Magic 8 Ball or a game of MASH- - Divination can help you navigate your current situation and reconcile with your past. It can help take the emotional load off of your shoulders and give you hope for tomorrow. As three practitioners of divination, we wanted to look deeper into the methods and discover how our ancestors used to perform them (warning... there are entrails,) how we got the tools we have today, and discover NEW tools to enhance our lives. Lauren starts us off with some of the strangest and most gruelling forms of divination from the past, Ashley brings us closer to the present with the discovery and use of RUNES, and Laura teaches us about Oracle Cards and how they differ from their more popular cousin the Tarot. Don't listen to Ashley at the beginning of the episode when she promises personal readings to listeners at the very end-- that's going to be its own episode and will be released ASAP so you can see the types of questions you can ask and the myriad of answers you can receive while divining. If you ever have a question you'd like answered using divination-- join our patreon at www.patreon.com/keepitweirdpodcast! We're going to be offering MONTHLY readings for our most loyal listeners and YOU could be one of them! FOLLOW us on social media @keepitweirdcast SUBSCRIBE to our YouTube Channel at www.youtube.com/keepitweirdpodcast LEAVE A REVIEW on whatever app you are listening on-- 5 stars are our favorite, but we'll never turn down 4 ;) Stay tuned for our DIVINATION READINGS

    Más Menos
    59 m
  • Pimp My Funeral
    May 17 2024

    RIP WEIRDOS! Welcome to Keep It Weird, the podcast for all things strange and unusual, terrific yet terrible, bogus and beautiful and everything in between!

    A couple times a month we get together to chat about something WEIRD and of course this week is no exception. We are going to be taking a trip into the past with a crazy story of reincarnation, storming into a television network to yell at them for creating another horrific reality tv show and visiting a foreign country on the other side of the planet to join a protest!

    Ashley starts us off with DONT FEAR THE REAPER and the story of Jenny Cockell, an English GENIUS (no joking around) who has had memories of her past life (excuse me, LIVES) since she was four years old. In the 90's she was not only able to find the home she lived in in her life before, she was also able to find all of her surviving "children" and reunite them.

    Lauren takes us into REALITY TV CORNER as we explore TLC's 2013 reality tv hit "Best Funeral Ever." Ok, maybe it wasn't so much of a hit, it only lasted a season and a half but boy was it packed with unique, special and sometimes downright STRANGE funerals.

    Then, we hop into WHERE IN THE WORLD IS KEEP IT WEIRD GOING as Ashley takes us for a brief trip to South Korea as we explore the B4 movement. Bihon, Bichulsan, Biyeonae, Bisekseu: No marriage, no childbirth, no romance, no sex. It turns out that women DON'T need men to survive and in a lot of cases, it's actually detrimental to our health to be near them. Sorry not sorry!

    Check out the links below to do some reading on today's topics.

    FOLLOW us on social media @keepitweirdcast

    SUBSCRIBE to our YouTube Channel at www.youtube.com/keepitweirdpodcast

    DONATE to our Patreon at www.patreon.com/keepitweirdpodcast

    BUY OUR MERCH at www.keepitweirdpodcast.com/merch

    Jenny Cockell & Her Past Lives




    Best Funeral, Worst Reality TV Show



    B4 You Leave



    Más Menos
    1 h y 11 m
  • Rebels of Church Rock
    May 3 2024

    TW: foul language, religion, apocalyptic imagery

    I'm a loner, Weirdo. A rebel. And you are entering KEEP IT WEIRD: the podcast for all things strange & unusual. We get together every other week and chat about SOMETHING WEIRD and of course this week is no exception.

    We are SINGING OUR PRAISES, we are ALIGNING OUR CHAKRAS and we are SPEAKING IN TONGUES this episode is ALL about religion.

    Ashley starts us off with one of our favorite segments WHAT IF GOD WAS ONE OF US as we learn all about the RAPTURE. What it is, when it was created and how it differs from what is *actually* in the bible. Ruh Roh.

    Lauren takes us into a WHERE IN THE WORLD IS KEEP IT WEIRD GOING and the answer to that question.... is Utah. Utah in the 1930's to be exact, when Mary Ogden brought her spiritualist movement to a hollow rock in the middle of freaking no where and things got weird.

    Check out some links below if you want to know more about the topics we discussed on today's episode.

    SUBSCRIBE to our YOUTUBE CHANNEL at www.youtube.com/keepitweirdpodcast

    DONATE to our PATREON at www.patreon.com/keepitweirdpodcast

    FOLLOW us on SOCIAL MEDIA @keepitweirdcast

    Rapture Rapture Read All About It








    Marie's Place aka HOME OF TRUTH



    Más Menos
    59 m
  • PT Barnum Would Never
    Apr 19 2024

    Trigger Warnings: mental health disorders, death, incest

    Hi Weirdos! Welcome back to KEEP IT WEIRD - the podcast for all things strange and unusual, creepy yet casual, funky n' fresh and always a little silly. Every month we get together to talk about something WEIRD and this week is no exception. Ashley & Lauren have a lot of STUFF to talk about this week. Ancient stuff, creepy stuff, 'TOO MUCH' stuff. Lauren starts us off with one of our sponsored segments ANCIENT ARTIFACTS (with Addie Rife!) In it she teaches us about some 100 year old mermaid mummies out of Japan that researchers were able to X Ray to see what the heck was actually going on. It turns out PT Barnum's Fiji mermaid was much older than we initially thought it was. But why the heck were they frankenstein-ing these fish monkeys to begin with?? (To learn about how YOU can sponsor a segment of our show head to www.patreon.com/keepitweirdpodcast & check out our donation tiers) Then Ashley brings us into a brand new segment AMERICA THE BEAUTIFUL where we discuss stories out of American History that make you scream WHAT?! Today we're learning about the lives of the Collyer Brothers, their infamous mansion in Manhattan, & their incredibly tragic deaths. Known as America's First Hoarders, their home was in such horrific conditions that still to this day NYC police officers refer to dangerous hoarder homes & buildings to "Collyer's Mansions."
    Check out some links below for more information on today's topics. Follow us on social media @keepitweirdcast. Leave us a review on iTunes, Spotify, iHeartRadio or wherever you happen to be listening/watching from. SUBSCRIBE to our YouTube Channel at www.youtube.com/keepitweirdpodcast. DONATE to our show at www.patreon.com/keepitweirdpodcast Fish Monkey, That Funky Monkey https://www.livescience.com/human-behavior/conspiracies-paranormal/haunting-mermaid-mummy-from-japan-is-a-gruesome-monkey-fish-hybrid-with-dragon-claws-new-scans-reveal ManHoarding in ManHattan https://creativehistorystories.blogspot.com/2020/08/manhattans-first-hoarders-tragic-story.html https://www.firehouse.com/home/news/10529720/collyers-mansion-conditions https://www.christopherroosen.com/blog/2020/10/17/the-sad-story-of-the-collyer-brothers-and-the-question-of-do-we-own-our-stuff-or-does-our-stuff-own-us
    Más Menos
    1 h y 1 m