
  • Baseball Lessons (Part 2)
    Jul 25 2024

    Bible Reading: Psalm 119:1-8; Galatians 5:13-18

    "Hey, August," Dad said at dinner. "Remember that home run you hit in the baseball game today?"

    "Of course!" August grinned. "I practically blasted that ball right out of the park!"

    "It was quite a hit, all right," said Dad. "When you reached third base, it looked like you would have just enough time to beat the ball to home plate, and Coach Tim motioned for you to keep going. I wondered if you would slow down and look around to see where the ball was and then decide for yourself whether to go on or stay at third."

    "I wanted to look, but Coach Tim is always telling us we have to trust him and just follow his directions, so I ran for it!"

    "And it's a good thing you did. Taking time to look around would have cost you a run," said Dad. "Now--who would like to compare that to living the Christian life?"

    August and Ryker looked at each other. "It's like you said before," August answered. "We need to listen to God."

    Dad smiled. "Right, but this time it goes a little farther. Sometimes there's something we know God wants us to do, but we hesitate. We may feel the Holy Spirit urging us to do something at a particular moment, like show someone kindness or speak up about something that's wrong, but we don't trust Him enough to immediately obey Him. We want to wait and decide for ourselves whether or not to do it."

    "But if August had done that in the game today, he wouldn't have made it home," Ryker pointed out.

    "Right," said Dad. "And if we don't obey God right away, by the time we make the decision, we may have missed the Lord's timing. We need to obey God as soon as we know He wants us to do something. Even though it may feel hard or scary, we have the Holy Spirit in us to give us strength so that we can display His goodness and love in everything we do."

    "So is God telling you to use my home run as another example in your Sunday school class tomorrow?" asked August.

    Dad thought about it a moment. "You know, I think He is!" He smiled. "Maybe He'll use it to show someone else how important it is to trust and follow Jesus."

    –Carolyn Gaston

    How About You?
    Are there times when you know the Lord wants you to do something but you hesitate to obey? Perhaps you know He wants you to speak to someone about Jesus, be kind to a new student, or help someone with a task. When you know He's prompting you to do something, don't hesitate. Obey Him immediately so you can point others to His goodness and love.

    Today's Key Verse:
    I am doing what the Father told Me to do so the world may know I love the Father. (NLV) (John 14:31)

    Today's Key Thought:
    Obey God immediately
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  • Baseball Lessons (Part 1)
    Jul 24 2024

    Bible Reading: Proverbs 2:1-9; John 14:26

    "How did you like our game today, Dad?" asked August when he and Ryker got in the car after their baseball game.

    "It was great!" said Dad. "Do you mind if I use you guys for an example in my Sunday school class tomorrow? Our lesson is about our Christian walk with Jesus, and you gave me some good examples. Can you boys figure out what they are?"

    Ryker and August looked at each other and shrugged. "Umm…because we were on the winning team?" August guessed.

    "Good thought!" said Dad. "With Jesus, you're on the winning team too. He defeated sin and death when He died on the cross and rose again. But I had some other things in mind. One of them was something Ryker did."

    Ryker grinned. "Something good, I hope?"

    "Yes, something good. I noticed that while you were waiting for your turn at bat in the sixth inning, some boys in the bleachers were calling out to you just as your coach came up to say something."

    "Yeah. Those guys are on my soccer team at school, and they wanted me to come over to the fence and talk to them," Ryker explained.

    "Well, I'm glad you didn't let them distract you and miss what your coach wanted to tell you," said Dad. "It's important to listen to him."

    "Right," said Ryker. "Coach Tim always tells us that too. But why did that remind you of Christians? I don't get it."

    "That's the way we need to listen to God," Dad explained. "He talks to us through His Word, the Bible, and the Holy Spirit helps us understand what it says and how we should apply it to our lives. Sometimes we don't pay attention to Him because we're so busy doing our own thing. Other times we might be distracted by what other people are saying or wanting us to do."

    "So if we're so easily distracted, how can we be sure to listen to Him?" asked August.

    "I think I know!" said Ryker. "By taking time to read the Bible and pray?"

    Dad nodded. "That's one way to listen to God's voice. He also speaks to us through His church--His body of believers. As we worship and learn about God together and share our struggles with one another, the Holy Spirit speaks to us and guides us in His truth and love."

    –Carolyn Gaston

    How About You?
    Do you listen to the Lord? He speaks to you through His Word and teaches you its truth through other Christians such as parents, pastors, and teachers. Be alert to what God is saying. When it's different from what your friends or other people tell you, be ready to say no to them and yes to God. Listen to Him and trust Him to guide you in your walk with Jesus.

    Today's Key Verse:
    We must obey God rather than people. (CSB) (Acts 5:29)

    Today's Key Thought:
    Listen to God
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  • Imprinted
    Jul 23 2024

    Bible Reading: Psalm 139:1-18; Romans 8:14-17

    Sophia ran her fingers through the sand and watched in anticipation. Her family had been on vacation in Cabo, Mexico, for several days, and now the event she had been waiting for was here: the baby turtle release. Her younger brother Charlie inched closer to the rope they were supposed to sit behind. "Look, Sophie! He's dumping them out of the bucket!"

    Dozens of tiny turtles, smaller than Charlie's hands, were gently deposited from the bucket onto the sand. Sophia squealed excitedly as she watched them move their tiny flippers to propel themselves across the sand toward the ocean waves. Occasionally, a giant wave would engulf the babies, sweeping some of them to their ocean home and dragging others further up on the shore.

    Groaning in frustration, Sophia nudged her mom. "Look at this poor little one! Every time it gets closer to the water, a wave comes up and ruins its progress! How come the man releasing them won't help?"

    Mom smiled. "It's all part of the process God created for the turtles--it's called imprinting. When the babies are making their way to the ocean, their bodies will remember the air, sand, and other things about this very beach. Years later when it's time for the grown-up female turtles to lay their eggs, they will journey hundreds, sometimes thousands of miles back here to bury their eggs."

    "Wow! Imprinting is so cool!" Sophia exclaimed.

    Dad snapped a picture. "It reminds me of Psalm 139, where David wrote about God knowing everything about him. God knows when we're sleeping and when we're awake. He knows when we're at home and when we're in Cabo. There's nowhere we can go that He doesn't see us and care for us."

    Mom nodded. "When we trust in Jesus, He gives us the Holy Spirit to remind us that we are His. Our hearts are imprinted to Him, and His Spirit inside us speaks to us, telling us that we belong to Him."

    Charlie piped up. "No matter where these turtles go, they will remember that this beach is their home."

    Sophia grinned at her brother. "And no matter where we go, even all the way to Cabo, Jesus is our home."

    –Savannah Coleman

    How About You?
    Did you know that you were wonderfully formed and created by God and He knows everything about you? Every single day of your life is known by God before you live it out, and His thoughts about you are more than all the grains of sand on the seashore. When you are a child of God, the Holy Spirit speaks to your heart and reminds you that you belong to Him. No matter where you go, you can be confident that God sees you, knows you, and will always be with you.

    Today's Key Verse:
    The Spirit himself testifies with our spirit that we are God's children. (NIV) (Romans 8:16)

    Today's Key Thought:
    We are imprinted with God's Spirit
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  • Really Forgiven
    Jul 22 2024

    Bible Reading: Psalm 103:8-14

    Nevaeh was almost finished helping Mrs. Burns with her housework. "I need to get to the bank before it closes," Mrs. Burns told her. "Do you think you could finish and lock up when you leave?"

    "Sure," said Nevaeh. "No problem." So Mrs. Burns said goodbye and left.

    Nevaeh hummed as she dusted, but suddenly--CRASH! She stared in dismay at the pieces of blue glass on the floor. She had accidentally knocked a vase off a table. Oh no! thought Nevaeh as her eyes filled with tears. What will Mrs. Burns think when she gets back? She sighed as she picked up the pieces of broken glass. Before leaving, she wrote a note, telling Mrs. Burns about the broken vase and saying she would pay for a new one.

    "You did the right thing," Mom said when she heard what had happened.

    That evening, Mrs. Burns called. "Thanks for leaving the note," she said, "but don't worry about paying for the vase. I'll never miss it!" Nevaeh felt much better, but she still wasn't looking forward to seeing Mrs. Burns at church on Sunday.

    Sunday arrived, and Nevaeh nervously approached Mrs. Burns. "You're sure I don't owe you anything?" asked Nevaeh. "For the vase I broke?"

    "The vase? Oh, right--the vase." Mrs. Burns shook her head and smiled. "I had forgotten about it. You should forget it too." She patted Nevaeh's arm. "Can you come and help me on Friday? I'm having guests next weekend and could use some help."

    Back home, Nevaeh told Mom what Mrs. Burns had said. "It took her a minute to realize what I was talking about," said Nevaeh. "I think she really had forgotten all about it. And she wants me to work for her again on Friday!"

    Mom smiled. "The vase may have been valuable--who knows? But Mrs. Burns forgave you for breaking it, and perhaps she made a decision not to remember. So she forgot about it. That's a good example of the way God forgives us for our sin. Jesus died on the cross to pay the price for the wrong things we've done, and when we confess our sin to Him, He forgives it and will never bring it up again! We can accept His forgiveness and go on serving Him."

    –Karen R. Locklear

    How About You?
    Do you continue to feel bad about something you did wrong--even after you've confessed it to God and asked Him to forgive you? The Bible says He'll remove your sin and not think of it again. Instead of going over and over what you did wrong, you can have peace knowing God has forgiven you. Accept His forgiveness and thank Him for it. He truly is a wonderful God!

    Today's Key Verse:
    Their sins and their lawless deeds I will remember no more. (NKJV) (Hebrews 8:12)

    Today's Key Thought:
    God forgives sin
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  • One of a Kind
    Jul 21 2024

    Bible Reading: 1 Peter 4:10-11

    Mario flopped down on his bed. Why had Mom enrolled him in a basketball league? He knew nothing about sports. Mom said it was for exercise and to learn teamwork and make friends. Mario feared that when the other boys found out he had no experience playing basketball, they wouldn't want him on the team.

    He gazed up at his bedroom ceiling covered with stick-on constellations. He'd rather be in a club that studied the planets, stars, moon, and sun--things he loved. He heaved a long and loud sigh.

    "What's that all about?" Grandpa stood in his doorway.

    "Nothing." Grandpa wouldn't understand. He'd played college basketball.

    "Would looking at the real constellations help? It's a clear night," Grandpa said.

    Mario doubted looking at the stars would make him feel better, but he couldn't say no. When he and his mom moved in with Grandpa after his parents divorced, Grandpa positioned a telescope in the walk-in attic window for him.

    Once behind the telescope lens, to Mario's surprise, his mood brightened. "There's Orion."

    Grandpa bent down and squinted into the lens. "Awesome. I'm glad you taught me to appreciate the constellations." He moved the telescope. "The Milky Way is bright tonight."

    Mario smiled. He had an idea. "Grandpa, would you help me appreciate basketball?"

    Confused, Grandpa scrunched his face.

    "Mom enrolled me in a basketball league to learn teamwork and make friends. I thought maybe if you practiced with me, I'd fit in better."

    "Sure, I'll practice with you." Grandpa tussled Mario's hair then peered through the telescope. "Isn't it nice how God made both the moon and the stars unique and beautiful? They both give off light, but in a different way. Just like people." Grandpa looked at Mario. "God made us all different. We are each one of a kind with interests and talents specific to us. When you feel out of place, remember that God created you and loves you, Mario. He sent Jesus to die for you so you could be His child, and He gave you the gifts you have so you could share His love and goodness with others."

    Mario thought a minute. "Maybe while I'm learning basketball, I can get others interested in the amazing constellations He created."

    –Rose Ross Zediker

    How About You?
    Are your interests different from those of everyone you know? Do you worry about fitting in at school, church, or even in your family? It's normal to sometimes feel this way. When you do, remember God created you special and unique. He knew His world needed you and your talents! He loves you and gave you the gifts and interests you have so you could share His love with others.

    Today's Key Verse:
    I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made. (NIV) (Psalm 139:14)

    Today's Key Thought:
    You are God's unique creation
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  • He Cares for His Sheep
    Jul 20 2024

    Bible Reading: Psalm 23:1-2; John 10:7-15

    Nikita was visiting her cousins in England, and today her cousin Alexia was taking her out to see the sheep.

    "You'll love the lambs, but their mums can be very protective, so you'll have to watch out," Alexia said as they walked along. "We're almost there--you can see Dad's hat, and there's Lawrence."

    Uncle Matthias and Alexia's older brother came up to greet the girls. "Have you come to see the lambs, then?" Uncle Matthias asked, smiling.

    "Yes!" Nikita beamed.

    Lawrence pointed at the lambs frolicking and leaping along the edges of the stone walls. "Well, they're all over there, but I can catch one for you if you'd like to pet one."

    "Yes, please!" Nikita bounced on her toes while she waited. As Lawrence held the lamb, Nikita stroked it and asked, "Why do you have to be out here to watch them? Can't Nessie and Wilder take care of them?" She nodded at the border collies roaming the pasture.

    "Wilder and Nessie are smart dogs, but sheep sometimes get into bigger trouble than the dogs can handle." Uncle Matthias went to an upside-down ewe who was feebly waving her legs in the air and bleating. "She's a bit heavy for even Wilder here to roll upright," he continued as Wilder tugged at his coat, "so I have to go pop her onto her feet again." He righted the sheep.

    "They aren't very bright, are they?" Nikita looked at the lamb. "Even if they do have cute babies."

    "No, they aren't exactly the cleverest creatures, so they need a wise shepherd to tend them. But did you know that the Bible compares us to sheep, and God is the shepherd?" Uncle Matthias leaned on his staff. "Jesus says He is the Good Shepherd who gives His life for His sheep. These sheep can't save themselves from predators, just like we can't save ourselves from sin, evil, and death. But the Good Shepherd, who knows just how to take care of us, can save us, and we can trust and follow Him. He will always provide for us."

    "You must be a very wise shepherd, but think how wise God is to take care of us!" Nikita said as she hugged the lamb.

    –Ellie Shirk

    How About You?
    Have you ever watched a shepherd at work? It's not very likely you have, but you probably do know that sheep are pretty helpless and need a good shepherd. Though it's not very flattering, the Bible compares us to sheep, and Jesus says He is the Good Shepherd. He gave His life by dying on the cross to save us, and He knows the best way to take care of us. Trust Him to care for you.

    Today's Key Verse:
    I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd gives His life for the sheep. (NKJV) (John 10:11)

    Today's Key Thought:
    Jesus is the Good Shepherd
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  • Light of the World
    Jul 19 2024

    Bible Reading: 2 Corinthians 4:6

    "There must be a thousand fireflies out tonight!" Juan exclaimed.

    Dad had turned off the yard light. The blinking green and orange light from the insects became easier to see. Juan unscrewed the lid from a clean plastic peanut butter container that his dad had poked with a screwdriver to make air holes.

    He ran to the center of the yard and stood still. Twinkling fireflies fluttered around him. He scooped the container through the air and covered the open end with the lid. Lifting it eye level, he watched for a minute then saw a small blink of green inside the container. Juan smiled and repeated the process, sometimes chasing after the flying bugs.

    "It's time to come in," Dad called from the door.

    Juan hurried over to him and held out the container. "I caught four green and three orange." The bugs' lights flickered through the clear plastic. "There is no better light than fireflies," Juan declared.

    Dad switched on the yard light then opened the door and sat down on the cement step. Juan sat beside him carefully holding his container. "Fireflies are an amazing wonder of nature, but there is a better light than fireflies. Do you know what that is?" Dad asked.

    Juan thought for a moment. "Jesus?"

    "Right!" Dad said. "Sunlight is nice. So is electricity." Dad pointed up at the outside light fixture. "But Jesus is the true light of the world. Do you know why?"

    "Because He saved us from our sins!" Juan said proudly.

    "Exactly." Dad patted Juan on the back. "Because He saved us by dying for our sins and rising from the dead, we will live in His light now and forever. And we can shine His light to others by showing them His love and telling them about Him." Dad stood. "Let's go inside."

    Juan unscrewed the container lid. He gently shook the plastic until the fireflies flew out and cut a blinking path in the darkness. Juan joined his dad by the door. "I'm glad God made fireflies. They are the second-best light in the world. I'm happier God sent Jesus to be the best light in the world."

    –Rose Ross Zediker

    How About You?
    Are you a light in the darkness? Do you complain or give thanks? Are you mean or kind? Do you argue or make peace? Sin brings darkness to the world, but if you know Jesus, He has freed you from sin and given you His light. When you show others His love through qualities like thankfulness, kindness, and peace, others will see His light shine through you in your words and actions. You can bring light to the world and point others to Jesus!

    Today's Key Verse:
    While I [Jesus] am in the world, I am the light of the world. (NIV) (John 9:5)

    Today's Key Thought:
    Shine the light of Jesus
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  • Always the Same
    Jul 18 2024

    Bible Reading: Hebrews 13:5-8

    When Jake's parents got divorced, Mason saw his friend cry for the first time. Jake was frustrated and confused and didn't know how he was going to make it through things, and Mason didn't know how to help him. The more time he spent with Jake, the more worried Mason got about his own parents and what might happen to them.

    "Are you and Dad going to get divorced?" Mason asked his mom one evening as she was making supper.

    Mom's brows lowered. "No, honey."

    "But how do you know that?" Mason asked. "What if you get in a big fight like Jake's parents?"

    Mom stopped chopping vegetables and put an arm around him. "Life feels uncertain at times, doesn't it? Especially when you see someone you care about going through hard things."

    She walked him to the table and sat down beside him. "Your dad and I are not getting divorced," she said firmly. "I know it's hard to see Jake go through his parents' divorce, but you can be there for him. He has a great friend in you, and he has an even better friend in Jesus. His parents are still going to be there for him too. Even if they're not both around all the time, they still love him."

    Mason nodded. "That's what I tried to tell him. I'm trying to help him, but I just got scared thinking about you and Dad."

    "I'm sorry." Mom hugged him. "Life can be really confusing and scary sometimes. But one thing that remains the same through it all is God. He never changes, even when things change in your family or around you. Jesus promises never to leave those who trust in Him. Even when everything seems to be falling apart, He is with us, giving us strength, peace, and comfort. He is the same today as He was yesterday, and He'll be the same when you wake tomorrow too."

    "I'll tell that to Jake. I think it might make him feel better too." Mason got up with a new feeling of peace inside. It was great to know that no matter what else changed in life, God never would. Even if he faced sad or scary things, Jesus would be with him. And Jesus would be with Jake too.

    –Bethany Acker

    How About You?
    Have you had to face a big change or difficult event in your life? Or perhaps a friend or family member is going through something tough and it's making you feel afraid. When scary or difficult things take place in life, remember that God is always the same. No matter what happens, His love for you won't change, and He won't ever leave you. Trust Him to be with you, and remind other Christians that He's with them too.

    Today's Key Verse:
    Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever. (NIV) (Hebrews 13:8)

    Today's Key Thought:
    God doesn't change
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