
  • A Pause for Reflection: Redefining the Kindness Is Pod
    Aug 4 2024
    As we look toward new beginnings, Kaitlin announces a temporary pause of the Kindness Is Pod. This break is an opportunity to realign and reimagine the show's future direction. With possibilities of new guest appearances, more solo episodes, and engaging discussions on current events, the goal is to craft a refreshed and valuable experience for our audience.

    We invite our listeners to share their thoughts on what they'd like to hear in future episodes—whether it's insights on running a business, discussions on inclusive books, or shorter solo reflections. Your feedback will help shape the next chapter of the Kindness Is Pod.

    Until next time, keep redefining kindness and living by your own definition of the word.
    Stay tuned for our return!

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    Más Menos
    3 m
  • Kindness is Reimagining Safety with Matthew Solomon
    Jul 21 2024
    Join Kaitlin as she explores how kindness can be a guiding principle in creating safer communities for all.

    This week's guest is Matthew Solomon - creator of the new documentary Reimagining Safety. Matthew and Kaitlin's discussions focus on the intersections of kindness and safety, the importance of conflict resolution and intercultural understanding in today's world, and practical steps to reimagine and create safer, more inclusive communities.

    Tune in for an inspiring conversation that challenges conventional views on safety and highlights the transformative power of kindness.

    @reimaginingsafetymovie (Movie IG)
    @mattytheglue (Matthew's IG)

    "The rules and laws in a society are written by the people in power to keep them in power. For me, that makes a ton of sense"

    "We are socialized to believe that police and prisons and systems of punishment are what make us safe. But those systems actually perpetuate cycles of violence."

    "The reality is that the communities with the most resources are the safest, and those are generally wealthy white communities."

    "When we care about one another, we do things differently, and those things are usually rooted in love, empathy, compassion, inclusion, justice, and kindness."

    "The original purpose of policing has always been to control populations, command and control, and squash rebellions."

    "The initial police force were actually slave catchers, or I should say, catchers of enslaved people."

    "As a white male, cisgender white male, I could use my privilege and access to help support social change, not be at the forefront, but to get my foot in the door and then pass the mic, so to speak."

    "When people have mental health support, because anxiety and depression feed into people not being safe, when people have their needs met, we're cool."

    "I was always fascinated with society and why we do the things we do and why things are set up the way they are, and I was learning about systemic racism."

    "Something that I feel was pretty unique to your film is the perspective on what safety is. Safety is a well-resourced community, that's when we inherently feel safe."

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    Full transcript: https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/2247/9287/files/Kindness_is_Podcast_with_Matthew_2024-07-17_12_23_GMT-4_-_Transcript.docx?v=1721499766
    Más Menos
    28 m
  • Kindness is Embracing Nuance with Myisha T. Hill
    Jun 30 2024
    In this episode, Myisha T. Hill joins Kaitlin to discuss the profound impact of embracing nuance in our lives. They explore the intersections of neurodivergence, disability pride, and the challenges of living in a binary world. Myisha shares her personal journey of self-discovery, the importance of both/and thinking, and how kindness can be a powerful tool for healing and connection. Join us for an inspiring conversation on reclaiming our humanity and celebrating our unique gifts.

    About Myisha T. Hill: Myisha T. Hill is an advocate, mental health activist, and the founder of Check Your Privilege, an organization dedicated to supporting individuals on their journey to becoming actively anti-racist. Myisha's work is rooted in social justice, mental health advocacy, and creating inclusive communities. Through her writing, speaking, and workshops, she empowers people to examine their own biases, engage in self-reflection, and take meaningful action towards equity and justice. Follow her on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/myishathill/?hl=en

    • "I think it's important to recognize that for Black, Indigenous, and other bodies of culture, those diagnoses aren't widely accepted and not treated with the same humanity and compassion as our white body friends and family members."
    • "I started taking responsibility for getting diagnoses and needs met regardless of what anyone says. If I have the intuitive knowing and I've done my own research, I'm going to get to the bottom of things, and that's my autistic gift."
    • "The gift of neurodivergence is that many of us intuitively know the importance of both/and because we've been demonized by a system and the people within the system for so long to be on this one way of thinking and being and learning."
    • "I have to emancipate myself from anything that's going to pull me back into a form of mental enslavement by trying to force a willfully ignorant person to change."
    • "Nuance matters more than I think we all know"
    • "Both/and mindset is really rooted in empathy, connection, inclusivity. It's about recognizing that multiple truths do exist."
    • "For Black and neurodivergent women, to always exist in the binary code of the system of reality, I can no longer do it."
    • "If I have to lose people for my own peace of mind and for my own beliefs, that's okay."
    • "True kindness would be both/and, trusting our common humanity and making space for one another even when we don't agree."

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    Full transcript: https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/2247/9287/files/Kindness_Is_Podcast_2024-06-17_13_09_GMT-4_-_Transcript.docx?v=1719716789
    Más Menos
    33 m
  • Kindness is Radical Acceptance with bi+ (in)visibility creators Rebecca Minor & Megan O’Neill
    Jun 16 2024
    Join Kaitlin in a conversation on radical acceptance, specifically related to sexuality and gender. She’s joined by Rebecca & Meg, creators of bi+ (in)visibility, a community built around authentic identity in straight presenting relationships.

    As a licensed clinician and gender specialist, Rebecca brings her expertise in trauma, gender, and sexuality intersections, while Meg, a suburban mom and business owner, shares her journey of self-discovery as a neurodivergent and bisexual individual.

    The trio dive into the complexities of navigating bisexuality within hetero-presenting relationships. They explore the importance of radical acceptance and creating spaces for authenticity, while challenging societal norms and expectations. Through candid conversations and personal anecdotes, they highlight the need for representation and community for individuals like themselves.

    Follow Rebecca & Megan on Instagram
    Connect with bi+ (in)visibility: https://www.instagram.com/bi_invisibility/

    • "I think the deconstructing around what it means to be bisexual and that it is part of your identity. It is not necessarily part of your sex life."
    • "It's just who I am. It doesn't mean that then my relationship looks any different."
    • "I think it's important for us to see and I think that that's part of my life's work is just to challenge myself to do the things that I know push the boundaries."
    • "As women collectively it has been ingrained in us from the moment that we were, in the womb we have to give a s*** about what other people think”
    • "If I can lay my head down at night and love myself and know what I am doing with who I am as a person, then that's all that matters."
    • "But there are definitely people who worry about their partners. And we've been getting an increased number of messages from men expressing concern about letting their wife, girlfriend, whomever know."
    • "Figuring out how to hold space for all of those different experiences is something we're still navigating because we did start out as a kind of more centered space because who showed up but that's shifting."

    Connect with us on social media:
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    Full transcript: https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/2247/9287/files/Kindness_is_Podcast_2024-06-04_12_06_GMT-4_-_Transcript.docx?v=1718566163
    Más Menos
    37 m
  • Kindness is Love in Action: Challenging Societal Norms & Embracing Change
    Jun 3 2024
    In this episode of the "Kind Cotton Podcast," we sit down with Professor Chesko, also known as "The Speech Prof" to his 1.8 million followers on social media. Chesko is a tenured professor, national champion speech coach, former touring slam poet, and co-host of the “Mr. Pick Me & The Manhater” podcast.

    Join us as Chesko shares his journey through academia, his research in compassionate education, intersectional feminism, and gender and communication, and how he leverages his platforms to combat online toxicity with a unique blend of kindness and comedy. Chesko delves into the challenges and rewards of being a stay-at-home parent, the pervasive influence of patriarchy, and the importance of kindness as "love in action."

    Listen to the Mr. Pick Me & The Manhater Podcast: https://open.spotify.com/show/0erRqIbYAhtZAxbaG8enRQ

    "Kindness is love in action. It's doing something even when no one's seeing it, even when no one's rewarding you for it, even when you're getting backlash for it, but you're still doing it because it's right."

    "It is disrupting those systems. It is finding you.

    "For a lot of men, they don't see a woman's agency and her body as being the same thing as her right. There is her and then there's the thing they want."

    "Men have people to look up to who are telling them this nonsense."

    "The scary thing is these young guys, they're idolizing it because it makes the other guys laugh and makes them and I remember hearing those same things back then too."

    "Our daughter is seeing a man who actually respects and appreciates women the same ways in which he treats men, but it's also important to have bigger voices out there really talking about this all of the time."

    Connect with us on social media:
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    Full transcript: https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/2247/9287/files/Kindness_is_Podcast_with_Professor_Chesko_2024-05-10_13_14_GMT-4_-_Transcript.docx?v=1717290542
    Más Menos
    35 m
  • Kindness is Embracing Empathy Through Children's Literature with Children's Author Betty Larrea
    May 19 2024
    Dive into the transformative power of children's literature and the importance of embracing empathy in storytelling. Kaitlin is joined by Betty Larrea, author of "Lucinda's Magical Yoga Adventure," to explore how books can shape young minds, foster imagination, and promote social-emotional learning.

    Betty shares her journey as a certified yoga teacher for children and discusses the challenges and rewards of writing and publishing books that resonate with diverse audiences. We delve into the significance of representation in literature, the role of mindfulness in education, and the necessity of building supportive communities to amplify positive values in storytelling.

    Check out Betty's work at beyogabelove.com

    "I just fell in love with reading... it was a way for me to go and explore places and escape and just have this imaginary world that I could really just dive into whenever I wanted to."

    "Books are magical, impactful... all children deserve to see themselves in the books that they read."

    "I wanted kids to have this tangible tool that they could take along with them wherever they want."

    "It's the message inside that each author... each one of us has a voice and each author is using their voice to really amplify their message to the world."

    "When we're seeing through the lens of kindness, then we're really seeing through the lens of love."

    "Children see themselves... It's important to have representation in books."

    "We just want to give adults picture books and say please take a look at this book and read it and take it in and understand someone else's humanity."

    "It's not often I say something that I'm like, 'yes, that was powerful,' but truly it's all about community."

    "Teaching empathy and mindfulness is critical... it's powerful."

    "Kindness to me is being able to see the world through someone else's eyes, have empathy, and to treat other people the way that you would want to be treated."

    Connect with us on social media:
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    Full transcript: https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/2247/9287/files/Kindness_Is_Podcast_with_Betty_2024-05-08_08_56_GMT-4_-_Transcript.docx?v=1715542656

    Más Menos
    34 m
  • Kindness Is Empowering Education | Nurturing Minds and Hearts with Educator Derrick Carlson
    May 6 2024
    In this special episode to kickstart Teacher Appreciation Week Kaitlin chats with Derrick Carlson, a dedicated fourth-grade monolingual English teacher from Evanston, Illinois. In this insightful conversation, Derrick shares his journey from the Dallas-Fort Worth metroplex in Texas to prestigious programs at The University of Oklahoma and DePaul University, culminating in his current role as an educator and advocate for culturally responsive practices.

    Derrick's passion for creating welcoming and beautiful classrooms and fostering authentic student-centered practices shines through as he discusses his experiences teaching. He brings over a decade of teaching expertise and a commitment to developing students' cognitive capacity to the forefront, showcasing his dedication to empowering education.

    Whether you're an educator, student, or education enthusiast, this episode offers inspiration and practical strategies for creating meaningful learning experiences and fostering inclusive classrooms.

    Follow Derrick on IG: https://www.instagram.com/blackandbrightin2nd/?hl=en


    "We need to make sure that teachers are not having to buy their own books, they're outdated books."

    "True kindness to me is humanizing the situation and seeking to learn and innovate with others, not win battles that avoid addressing the deeper issues."

    "I think we put the horse before the cart and really jumped back into the school system."

    "Empathy is radical kindness."

    "Being able to not go into a situation with an accusatory or defensive manner, but really seeking to understand and learn from others, I think is radical kindness."

    "Our job is to support them as they understand a little bit more about how to navigate socialization, developing their own awareness of others."

    "I want them to be able to think so deeply as well as make the choices in their own lives."

    "A lot of it is being mixed in and then you hear some folks say, 'In my day, we just learned,' and it's like actually, that's multicultural education."

    "I wish teachers did have that power, with a lot of things would change."

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    Full Transcript: https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/2247/9287/files/Kindness_Is_Pod_with_Derrick_2024-04-30_20_03_GMT-4_-_Transcript.docx?v=1714959397
    Más Menos
    35 m
  • Kindness Is Building Bridges: Community, Education, & Empathy with Dr. James Whitfield
    Apr 29 2024
    Join Kaitlin as she dives into the world of education with Dr. James Whitfield, an esteemed award-winning educator dedicated to fostering safe, nurturing, and equitable learning environments. With nearly two decades of experience spanning roles from classroom teacher to assistant principal and principal at both middle and high school levels, Dr. Whitfield brings a wealth of insights and experiences to the table.

    Discover how Dr. Whitfield has been at the forefront of breaking down systemic barriers, nurturing positive cultures, and driving innovation to create exceptional learning spaces for all students. He shares his personal journey, highlighting the transformative power of education in his own life and his unwavering commitment to ensuring every student feels valued, seen, and heard.

    Connect with James: https://drjameswhitfield.com/

    "It's not just about what you can do. You can't do this alone. It's gonna take people to come alongside. So you don't have to break your back trying to fight this forever."

    "We are all part of one community. As long as we keep breaking us down into 'this community' and 'that community,' we all become 'other' to each other."

    "What affects them also affects us. It's a reciprocal thing, and we have to act accordingly."

    "Proximity is often the answer. Who are you inviting into your home? Who are you going to school with?"

    "We're becoming much more multi-religious, diverse, and that sense of compassion and empathy grows when you're living life with others who may experience life in a different way."

    "Are you doing what's best for kids each day? If you can answer that affirmatively, you can rest easy knowing you're making a difference."

    "Kindness is willingness to serve others, be compassionate, and have empathy without expecting anything in return."

    "Strength looks different in different ways. Taking on a mission with purpose and determination is a form of strength."

    "Show up in support of inclusive education, even when there is no hate on the other side. It's about building a community that values every voice."

    "Every student should feel seen, heard, valued, and have access to a great school experience. That's the essence of creating equitable learning environments."

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    Full Transcript: https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/2247/9287/files/Kindness_is_podcast_with_James_2024-04-17_10_05_GMT-4_-_Transcript.docx?v=1714235640
    Más Menos
    41 m