
  • Times Two pt3—Miracles Amidst Insecurities
    Jul 26 2024

    Times Two pt3—Miracles Amidst Insecurities

    [2Ki 2:23-25 NASB95]

    Too many people allow the enemy to stop them from accomplishing the purpose of God in their lives due to insecurities. Physical. Intellectual. Financial. Or other insecurities.

    Elisha had to deal with this early on in his ministry.

    How can we see God’s miracles in our lives amidst our own insecurities?

    Here are three concepts that are important to see God’s miracles amidst insecurities.

    Know that the enemy goes for our insecurities.

    V. 23 - Baldness can be a point of insecurity for people. The enemy will go for the “jugular.” He wants to hit you in the place that hurts us the deepest. He wants us to cower. It can be things like here (physical appearance), intellect, finances, family connections, past sins, or any number of areas of insecurity.

    To combat that, we need to grow in the fact that God has made us. [Psa 139:13-14 NASB95]

    The Apostle Paul provides concepts for dealing with insecurities.

    Get your worth and value by the grace of God only. [1Co 15:9-11 NASB95]

    Early church fathers give a description of Paul in Greek as a “man of middling size, and his hair was scanty, and his legs were a little crooked, and his knees were far apart; he had large eyes, and his eyebrows met, and his nose was somewhat long.” (https://christianhistoryinstitute.org/magazine/article/bald-blind-and-single)

    Scripture gives some confirmation to that fact. [2Co 10:10 NASB95]

    Do not allow your insecurities to keep back from what God has called you to do. Allow God to heal them so you can used by God.

    God wants us to learn to confront our enemies.

    V. 24 – Elisha confronted the lads.

    How to confront:

    Stand up in boldness. Be healed and confront the issues.

    Address this physically and spiritually.

    There are times when you deal with the people directly.

    Hermeneutics Principles:

    Truth in tension: There are times when truth is understanding context. It is not whether you answer but how you answer. There is no guarantee they will listen. [Pro 26:4-5 NASB95]

    OT & NT Interpretation – We do not offer bulls and goats because Jesus was the sacrifice. The NT gives progressive revelation over the OT. Jesus would say, “It has been said... but I say to you…” The NT gives progressive revelation for some things.

    Descriptive vs. Prescriptive. Judas hung himself after sinning. (Matt. 27:5). Confess sins. (I John 1:8-9)

    Prescriptive NT: [Rom 12:14 NASB95]

    Descriptive NT:

    [1Co 5:5 NASB95]

    [1Ti 1:20 NASB95]

    Deal with the demon spirits: Demons affect the people who are opposing God’s plan for us.

    [Eph 6:12 NASB95]

    [Act 16:16-18 NASB95]

    Allow God to confront the enemies. [Rom 12:19-21 NASB95]

    Trust that God will specifically help you.

    V. 24 – Notice the specifics: 2 female bears tore up 42 lads. Given the fact that there are times when the Bible does not provide specifics, the specifics mean something.

    [Psa 138:8 NASB95]

    [Psa 34:19 NASB95]

    God is working all things together for your good. Romans 8:28.

    Your miracle may look like God taking care of your opponents.

    God does not want you to allow the insecurities that the enemy uses against you to keep you from His purpose in your life as you appropriately confront your enemy and allow God to deliver you.

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    49 m
  • Times Two pt2 - Miracles for the Dissatisfied
    Jul 23 2024

    Times Two pt2—Miracles for the Dissatisfied

    [2Ki 2:19-22 NASB95]

    God cares about every aspect of our lives. We accept far below what God has for us.

    What are some things we find in this story that will help us experience miracles?

    Here are three important principles to miracles as seen in 2 Kings 2:19-22.

    You can’t be ok with what is not ok.

    V. 19 – they were not ok with things not being ok.

    Dissatisfaction is good.

    Balance: [Phl 4:12-13 NASB95]

    [Mar 11:24 NASB95]

    [Pro 16:26 NASB95]

    We are to be at peace (not anxious or bitter or resentful) while we press in for what God has for us.

    When it comes to getting a miracle, you have to want things to change.

    You will do a prophetic act of obedience.

    V. 20-21 – salt in the water usually will make water worse and surely not naturally produce lasting change.

    New Bible Commentary – merely symbolic (prophetic). It was not the salt but the power of the Lord.

    K&D – The use of natural means does not remove the miracle.

    The tax was 2 days' wages. A fish is not enough. [Mat 17:24-27 NASB95]

    It was not the salt. It was the act of obedience done in faith.

    You will stand on the word of the covenant.

    K&D – it was the power of the divine Word that made the water sound.

    Eerdmans – the miracle was based upon the divine promise.

    Moses – healing water - [Exo 15:23-26 NASB95]

    [Heb 8:6 NASB95]

    “death or unfruitfulness any longer.'" 22 So the waters have been purified to this day, according to the word of Elisha which he spoke.”

    God is making some lasting miracles in your life.

    God will cause a miracle to happen in places where we are not satisfied as we take prophetic steps of obedience based upon God’s promises.

    Unsatisfied as we take prophetic steps of obedience based on

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    51 m
  • Times Two pt1 - How to Increase in the Power of the Holy Spirit
    Jul 15 2024

    Times Two pt1—How to Increase in the Power of the Holy Spirit

    [2Ki 2:1-14 NASB95]

    This is very similar to Jesus’ statement about Him leaving and the church receiving the power of the Holy Spirit.

    [Jhn 14:12 NASB95]

    [Jhn 16:7 NASB95]

    How do we increase the power of the Holy Spirit in our lives?

    Here are four truths about walking in the power of the Holy Spirit.

    Be fully committed.

    V. 2, 4, 6, 12 (called him his father.)

    [Luk 9:60-62 NASB95]

    Become fully committed to Jesus Christ as Lord of your life.

    Be willing to serve.

    V. 3, 5

    [2Ki 3:11 NASB95]

    We serve God by serving in His church for the expansion of the Gospel of Jesus.

    Be hungry.

    V. 9-10

    This gigantic request is made by someone who is hungry.

    Randy Clark, “Most of the time, God anoints hungry people.”

    [1Co 12:31 NASB95]

    [1Co 14:1, 39 NASB95]

    Hunger for God and the things of God makes you a candidate for the anointing.

    Be active.

    V. 13-14

    [1Pe 4:10-11 NASB95]

    Christianity is not just about you feeling better. It is a mission to help heal the world.

    If you have nothing to do with the problems of others, you will have nothing to do the power to bring healing to others.

    What are you going to do to help other people?

    God wants to release the power of the Holy Spirit to hungry people who are fully committed to and actively serving Him.

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    31 m
  • Days of Elijah pt9 - 3 Ways to Overcome Using the Mantle
    Jul 11 2024

    [2Ki 2:1-8 NASB95]

    • When you use the purpose of God in your life combined with the power of the Holy Spirit, you will overcome anything.

    • What was the mantle?

    o “The cloak, that outward sign of the prophet’s office, became the vehicle of the Spirit’s power which works unseen, and with which the prophet was inspired.” K&D OT Commentary

    o Two things: 1. His calling (office, purpose); 2. The power of the Holy Spirit on him (the anointing).

    • He used the symbol of his calling and the anointing to counter the obstacle.

    o He rolled it up tight. (LEH Sept. Lexi. 3rd ed.)

    o Stuck the water.

    o The water parted. “This was a most astonishing miracle and could be performed only by the almighty power of God.” Adam Clark

    How can we overcome obstacles with our mantle?

    Here are three ways we can overcome obstacles with our mantle.

    I. Stay focused on the purpose and anointing in your life.

    a. Elijah carried his mantle. He rolled it up tight.

    b. Discover the call of God.

    i. Know that you have a calling.

    ii. [Rom 12:6-8 NASB95]

    iii. [1Co 12:28 NASB95]

    c. Daily spend time in the anointing of the Holy Spirit.

    i. [2Co 1:21-22 NASB95]

    ii. [1Jo 2:20, 27 NASB95]

    iii. [Psa 23:5 NASB95]

    iv. Become a keeper of the anointing: [1Ch 27:28 NASB95]

    II. Use the purpose and the anointing in your life.

    a. Elijah hit the water (an obstacle) with the mantle. Similar to Moses’ rod and Joshua using the Ark.

    b. Walk in the grace and stay in the place of your purpose.

    i. [1Pe 4:10-11 NASB95]

    ii. It might look like someone else (here, when Elisha does the same thing) or different as in Saul and David (armor).

    iii. Walk in what God has for you. Bevere: Accountant John vs Pastor John

    c. Release the anointing of God in prayer and other spiritual applications.

    i. [Isa 10:27 NASB95].

    ii. [Exo 30:25 NASB95]

    iii. [Lev 14:14-17 NASB95]

    d. Every mantle has the power of God. Gaius was not a preacher; he was a businessman. He used his anointing (business) to fund the kingdom. God blessed him in every way. [3Jo 1:2 NASB95]

    III. Expect the obstacles to be removed and you to go forward.

    a. Elijah and Elisha walked through the water on dry ground.

    b. Resist hopelessness. Your obstacle can not handle the purpose of God and the power of God in your life. God expects you to use your purpose and anointing as long as you have breath in your body.

    c. Release your faith in the impossible. As you walk in the purpose of God under the anointing of the Holy Spirit, nothing will be impossible.

    • God wants you to overcome every obstacle with the purpose of God and the anointing of God.

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    44 m
  • Days of Elijah pt8 - Divinely Delegated Authority
    Jul 5 2024

    Days of Elijah pt8—Divinely Delegated Authority

    [2Ki 1:1-18 NASB95]

    The miraculous is a divine confrontation against the forces of darkness and all that includes.

    We are in a war. God has delegated authority to us as believers. (I have preached messages defining this subject.)

    Elijah shows us how to use the divine delegated authority to overcome the forces of darkness.

    What can we learn about divinely delegated authority from Elijah?

    Here are five things we can learn about divinely delegated authority.

    Authority confronts the adversary.


    [Luk 10:19 NASB95]

    Authority is given to confront the adversaries of God’s divine destiny.

    Authority operates by total devotion to Jesus.


    [Jas 4:7 NASB95]

    Your dominion over the devil is in direct proportion to your submission to God.

    Authority operates by declaration of the Word of God.


    [Eph 6:11-13, 17 NASB95]

    The Word of God out of your mouth is the weapon that will defeat the enemy.

    Authority comes from knowing your identity in Christ.


    [Luk 4:3-4, 9-12 NASB95]

    Satan’s attack will be against your identity.

    Learning who you are in Christ allows you to exercise authority over the adversary.

    Authority is released with the right spirit.


    This man humbly recognized and honored Elijah as a man of God.

    [Luk 9:53-56 NASB95]

    [Rom 12:14 NASB95]

    Know what kind of spirit you are of.

    God wants us to confront the darkness with divinely delegated authority that is based on submission to Him as being declared from God’s Word, knowing who we are in Christ, and being of the right spirit.

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    55 m
  • Days of Elijah pt7 - From Breakdown To Breakthrough
    Jul 2 2024

    Days of Elijah pt7—From Breakdown To Breakthrough

    [Jas 5:17 NASB95] 17 Elijah was a man with a nature like ours…

    [1Ki 19:1-21 NASB95]

    Sometimes, powerful people of God are not ok.

    Elijah was fresh off the victories of calling fire from heaven, defeating the prophets of Baal, and praying for a drought-ending rain. Now, he is praying for God to end his life.

    God comforted Elijah and helped him overcome his breakdown to finish his purpose.

    What should we consider as we overcome the breakdowns to finish God’s purpose?

    Here are seven considerations for overcoming emotional breakdowns.

    Remember that powerful people deal with breakdowns.

    James tells us that Elijah had a nature like ours.

    [2Co 1:8-11 NASB95]

    Just because you are dealing with an emotional breakdown, it does not mean you are weak, just human.

    Do not underestimate the negative effect of being unwell emotionally.

    V. 3-4, 9, 13 - Fear caused Elijah to run away. He wanted to die. He was not where God wanted him to be.

    Being unwell emotionally is not something to ignore. The enemy wants to steal what God has for you. Ignoring the problem is the fastest way to being destroyed.

    Jesus went to the cross for your mental health. Isaiah 53:4-5. Why? It is important.

    Being unwell emotionally affects your relationships and your future.

    Be self-aware. Be active in getting well. Be willing to get help from someone if needed. (Dr. Michael Gannon says three days.)

    Taking care of your physical needs is important to overcoming breakdowns.

    V.5-8 – He slept, ate, and drank.

    Taking care of your body is very important to emotional health.

    Eating properly. Drinking water. Sleeping. Exercising. Supplementation.

    And yes, on rare occasions, taking medicine is acceptable.

    Learn to grow in your interaction with God.

    V.11-12 Elijah had to grow in his understanding of hearing God.

    Sometimes, God is in the fire, wind, and earthquakes. Elijah knew God in those ways. He did not know God in the gentle blowing.

    Allow your walk with God to grow beyond your current understanding of God.

    Keep your mind on His Word and call on your life.

    V.13 & 15-18 – He wrapped his head in his mantle. He gave himself over to what God called him to do.

    The mantel represents God’s call on his life and, to some extent, the Word of God.

    [Col 3:2 NASB95]

    You need to choose what you're thinking about to have peace.

    Focus on God’s Word and His call on you.

    Stand against the outside forces that affect your mind.

    V. 14 Elijah was surrounded by evil people and a demonically inspired leader (Jezebel.)

    Two outside forces:

    Who you hang out with will affect you. Relationships with people affect you. [2Co 6:14-15 NASB95]

    Demons affect us. [Rev 2:20 NASB95]

    Invest in relationships with Godly people and resist demons that negatively affect you.

    Take hold of God’s promise of peace.

    Not in this passage, but implied.

    [Phl 4:6-7 NASB95]

    God’s peace is available. It will not be forced upon you. You will have to take it by force.

    God comforts us when we have emotional breakdowns and will help us to overcome them to fulfill His purpose.

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    50 m
  • Days of Elijah pt6 - Everyday Pattern for Miracles Everyday
    Jun 25 2024

    Days of Elijah pt6—Everyday Pattern for Miracles Everyday

    [Jas 5:16-18 NASB95]

    [1Ki 18:41-46 NASB95]

    Miracles do not have to be rare.

    James holds Elijah’s example of getting a miracle as pattern faith-filled NT believers should follow.

    What pattern can NT believers follow from Elijah’s life?

    Here are three parts of the pattern NT believers can follow from Elijah’s life.

    A prophetic statement of faith.

    V. 41 – Was he hearing these in the natural or by faith? By faith of course.

    Everything God said in Genesis 1 occurred after He said it.

    Mark 11:22-23

    Positive or negative, your words produce for you. Other miracles will confirm this truth.

    Tips on prophetic statements of faith:

    Needs to follow closely with the Word of God as you can. Some situations might not be addressed directly in the Bible.

    Stay away from things that will negatively affect people.

    What are you believing God for today? Not to antagonize you, but to help you.

    Are your words being used on purpose? They (your words) should be used on purpose.

    An expectant prayer.

    V. 42-43

    He prayed and looked. Eight times total.

    The Word of Faith message is one of the most potent systematic theologies in Christianity. Applying the principles of the Word of Faith has helped and continues to help my family and me to experience great miracles.

    One principle that is taught is wrong. The erroneous Word of Faith principle is that if a person continues to pray about an issue after they have already prayed, they do not believe that God has heard them the first time. The subsequent prayers would be considered full of doubt and unbelief.

    Was Elijah in doubt? Is James wrong to use this as an example of Bible faith? No. No.

    The message we get from Elijah’s prayer life is simple. Pray and look. Pray and look. Keep praying and keep looking. Don’t stop praying. Don’t stop looking.

    An act of faith.

    V. 44-45 – a cloud the size of a man’s hand caused Elijah to know things were moving.

    Learn to act when God acts.

    Thank God when you see any movement.

    Many miracles are progressive.

    Don’t only praise God or move when you see the miracle completed.

    How God works in our life with the Word. [Mar 4:26-29 NASB95]

    [Jas 2:17-26 NASB95]

    Act in faith when you see God move. These acts can include praising God and testifying to the miracle.

    Bonus: A supernatural empowerment.

    V. 46 – Activating these principles with tap you into the power of the Holy Spirit. Walk (run) in the power of the Holy Spirit.

    God wants us to experience miracles as we make statements of faith combined with expectant prayer and acts of faith while experiencing supernatural empowerment.

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    49 m
  • Days of Elijah pt5 - Confront the Enemies of Your Faith
    Jun 20 2024

    Days of Elijah pt5—Confront the Enemies of Your Faith

    [1Ki 18:20-40 NASB95]

    God calls us to confront the enemies of our faith. Those enemies can be internal or external. They can be spiritual, emotional, biological, financial, or relational. These enemies might be global, national, or individualized.

    The enemies of your faith are trying to get you to stop serving Jesus and distract you from fulfilling your call.

    Elijah confronted Ahab and the priests of Baal. Ahab and the priests of Baal have all but destroyed the faith of the people of Israel. There was a small remnant of God-fearing people. The rest of the people were mixed in their devotion to God. God called Elijah to confront the enemies of the faith.

    How does God want us to confront the enemies of our faith?

    Elijah gives us a blueprint for confronting the enemies of our faith.

    God wants us to be totally devoted to Him.

    V. 21

    [Jos 24:15 NASB95]

    [Mat 6:24 NASB95]

    FB – to be separate means fearing God, hating sin, false teaching, injustice, improper relationships with hypocrites, and total devotion to God’s perspective.

    [Luk 9:62 NASB95]

    [Jhn 21:22 NASB95]

    No more trying to serve the world, the flesh, and the devil. No more looking around at other people or considering other options. Single focus.

    God wants us to be bold in confronting the enemy.

    V. 27

    Elijah was mocking the enemies of the faith. Maybe “a euphemism for bodily elimination.” (Patterson and Austel)

    [Mar 11:17 NASB95]

    Remember David when he confronted Goliath.

    It is time to be bold as a lion about confronting the enemies of our faith.

    God wants us to live with unlimited faith in Him.

    V. 30-35

    Elijah created an adverse situation for fire: water. This was done to demonstrate the power of God in any situation.

    [Eph 3:20-21 NASB95]

    Take limits off of God. [Psa 78:41 NASB95] (to set marks or limits. Gesenius' Hebrew-Chaldee Lexicon) (marked, outlined, sketched, designed – Klein Dictionary)

    God wants us to pray intense prayers.

    V. 36-38

    “It was no whim of his to chastise the nation with a drought. It was no scheme of his, concocted in his own brain that he should put the Godhead of Jehovah or of Baal to the test by a sacrifice to be consumed by miraculous fire.” (Spurgeon)

    This intense prayer had the following:

    Acknowledged God

    Declared his position before God.

    Based upon the Word of God.

    Was declarative, “Hear me… hear me…”

    Was not just about him but also focused upon the Lord and others.

    No more small prayers. [Psa 81:10 NASB95]

    When confronting the enemies of our faith, God wants us to be totally devoted to Him in boldness, unlimited faith, and intense prayers.

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    45 m