
  • Christ & The Idols | Toby Sumpter (The Continuing Adventures of Jesus #35)
    Jul 28 2024

    The gospel collides with all idolatry, whether external shrines or internal obsessions. But idols can be sneaky and even warnings about idolatry can weaponized and misused to steer unthinking Christians. Is it idolatry to love your work, your family, your church, your nation, your ethnicity? The answer is “no,” so long as “love” is defined biblically, so long as your love is obedient to God. Idolatry is disobedient love. And obedient love is at war with every disobedient love.

    King's Cross Church is a member congregation of the CREC in Moscow, ID. Visit our website at https://kingscrossmoscow.com.

    Follow us on Facebook: https://facebook.com/kingscrossmoscow.

    Más Menos
    50 m
  • Joint Outdoor Worship Service 2024 | Toby Sumpter & Doug Wilson
    Jul 21 2024

    Two messages delivered at a joint outdoor worship service with all three campuses of Christ Church and King's Cross Church. "A Mind to Work" by Toby Sumpter and "Lessons for the Limelight" by Doug Wilson.

    King's Cross Church is a member congregation of the CREC in Moscow, ID. Visit our website at https://kingscrossmoscow.com.

    Follow us on Facebook: https://facebook.com/kingscrossmoscow.

    Más Menos
    23 m
  • The Good News of Jesus Christ | Shawn Paterson
    Jul 14 2024

    Sermon Text: 1 Corinthians 15:1–11

    King's Cross Church is a member congregation of the CREC in Moscow, ID. Visit our website at https://kingscrossmoscow.com.

    Follow us on Facebook: https://facebook.com/kingscrossmoscow.

    Más Menos
    41 m
  • The Conquering Word | Toby Sumpter (The Continuing Adventures of Jesus #34)
    Jul 7 2024

    Paul begins his third missionary journey in Ephesus, and the Lord confirms His presence with Paul through extraordinary signs, causing the Word of God to overcome all opposition. It was true then, and it is true today. The sword of the Spirit is the Word of God. Whatever you face, whatever you need, Scripture is your light, your power, your peace, your wisdom.

    King's Cross Church is a member congregation of the CREC in Moscow, ID. Visit our website at https://kingscrossmoscow.com.

    Follow us on Facebook: https://facebook.com/kingscrossmoscow.

    Más Menos
    43 m
  • The Mighty Word | Toby Sumpter (The Continuing Adventures of Jesus #33)
    Jun 30 2024

    While Paul takes a brief sabbatical to visit and encourage a number of the churches, the Word is going forth mightily in public through a man named Apollos and in private through a refugee missionary couple. This is how Christ rules the nations: through His living and active Word.

    King's Cross Church is a member congregation of the CREC in Moscow, ID. Visit our website at https://kingscrossmoscow.com.

    Follow us on Facebook: https://facebook.com/kingscrossmoscow.

    Más Menos
    45 m
  • Jesus in Corinth | Toby Sumpter (The Continuing Adventures of Jesus #32)
    Jun 23 2024

    Here is the record of the challenges Paul faced planting the Corinthian church to which Paul wrote at least two letters which now make up the New Testament. This also appears to be one of the longer stints Paul spent in his mission, and given what we read here and in First and Second Corinthians, it appears that it was particularly difficult. Yet, at the center of this text is the Lord Jesus assuring Paul that He is with him, protecting him, and taking dominion. That same Risen Jesus is still with us today.

    King's Cross Church is a member congregation of the CREC in Moscow, ID. Visit our website at https://kingscrossmoscow.com.

    Follow us on Facebook: https://facebook.com/kingscrossmoscow.

    Más Menos
    48 m
  • Knowing God | Toby Sumpter (The Continuing Adventures of Jesus #31)
    Jun 16 2024

    All religion tends to fall into one of two ditches: imagining an immanent god(s) embedded in the universe and nature or else an utterly transcendent god who is impersonal and ultimately unknowable. Greek philosophy and religion had lurched from the old immanent gods to transcendent principles. But the Bible declares the true God who is outside of creation, and who has freely revealed Himself in His Word and through Creation and in His Son. The true God is utterly distinct from all of creation, and yet He has made Himself known so that we might truly know Him and walk with Him. This is what Jesus is talking about when He says that He is the Good Shepherd (Jn. 10:11-16).

    King's Cross Church is a member congregation of the CREC in Moscow, ID. Visit our website at https://kingscrossmoscow.com.

    Follow us on Facebook: https://facebook.com/kingscrossmoscow.

    Más Menos
    44 m
  • Why We Worship The Way We Do | Doug Wilson
    Jun 9 2024

    The apostle Paul wanted to sing in the Spirit, but wanted to sing with the mind also (1 Cor. 14:15). In a similar way, we come here week after week to worship God in the Spirit of God. But it is important for us to understand what we are doing, and why we are doing it. Otherwise we will drift into a mindless routine—which is quite different from a Spirit-led routine. We are now worshiping, and we should understand what we do because it is the most important thing that any of us can do. Your assigned purpose in being created was to be a worshiper of God. Nothing is more important than this, and it is because of this that all the less important aspects of your life can be integrated and can come to have any significant importance at all. It is either homo adorans or homo demens. Christ or chaos.

    King's Cross Church is a member congregation of the CREC in Moscow, ID. Visit our website at https://kingscrossmoscow.com.

    Follow us on Facebook: https://facebook.com/kingscrossmoscow.

    Más Menos
    49 m