
  • 9. Top 7 Taiwanese Cities Where Young People Most Want to Live|台灣青年最想居住的台灣城市TOP 7|台湾の若者が最も住みたい都市TOP 7
    Oct 4 2023

    Top 7 Taiwanese Cities Where Young People Most Want to Live|台灣青年最想居住的台灣城市TOP 7|台湾の若者が最も住みたい都市TOP 7

    第一名 - 台中市 (Taichung City) - 23.36%
    第二名 - 台北市 (Taipei City) - 21.65%
    第三名 - 新北市 (New Taipei City) - 15.41%
    第四名 - 桃園市 (Taoyuan City) - 6.75%
    第五名 - 台南市 (Tainan City) - 6.85%
    第六名 - 高雄市 (Kaohsiung City) - 5.44%
    第七名 - 台東/花蓮 (Taitung/Hualien) - 2.72%
    調查結果: ⁠⁠https://city.gvm.com.tw/article/90417⁠⁠

    Más Menos
    16 m
  • 8. Top 5 Taiwan's Most Popular Beverage Shops and Drinks|台灣最受歡迎的手搖飲料店和飲料|台湾で最も人気のある飲み物店と飲み物
    Sep 25 2023

    Top 5 Taiwan's Most Popular Beverage Shops and Drinks|TOP5 台灣最受歡迎的手搖飲料店和飲料|TOP5 台湾で最も人気のある飲み物店と飲み物 

    NO.1 50嵐(Wǔshí Lǎn)

    四季春珍波椰 (Sìjì Chūn Zhēn Bōyē)(無糖去冰 Wú táng qù bīng)

    NO.2 清心福全(Qīngxīn Fúquán)

    優多綠茶 (Yōuduō Lǜchá)(半糖微冰 Bàn Táng Wéi Bīng)

    NO.3 可不可熟成紅茶(Kěbùkě Shúchéng Hóngchá)

    熟成紅茶 (Shúchéng Hóngchá)(微糖少冰 Wéi Táng Shǎo Bīng)

    NO.4 麻古茶坊(Mágǔ Cháfāng)

    高山金萱茶 (Gāoshān Jīnxuān Chá)(無糖微冰 Wútáng Wéi Bīng)

    NO.5 迷客夏(Míkèxià)

    焙香決明大麥 (Bèixiāng Juémíng Dàmài)(無糖+珍珠 Wútáng + Zhēnzhū)



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    8 m
  • 7. Why do Taiwanese people barbecue on Mid-Autumn Festival?|台灣人為什麼在中秋節烤肉?|台湾の人々はなぜ中秋節にバーベキューをしますか。
    Sep 24 2023

    Why do Taiwanese people barbecue on Mid-Autumn Festival?|台灣人為什麼在中秋節烤肉?|台湾の人々はなぜ中秋節にバーベキューをしますか。

    台灣中秋節做什麼? (Táiwān zhōngqiū jié zuò shénme?)

    1. 賞月 (shǎng yuè)
    2. 吃月餅和柚子(文旦) (chī yuè bǐng hé yòu zi [wén dàn])
    3. 在戶外烤肉 (zài hù wài kǎo ròu)

    台灣人中秋節開始烤肉的原因就是因為這家的烤肉醬廣告 ​Táiwān rén zhōngqiū jié kāishǐ kǎo ròu de yuányīn jiù shì yī jiā kǎoròu jiàng guǎnggào ⁠⁠https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nSknANwWrIs⁠⁠

    slogan 【一家烤肉萬家香】Yī jiā kǎoròu wàn jiā xiāng (A family barbecue a thousand fragrances)「一家烤肉万家香」(いっかこうにくばんかこう) 
    If you like my channel, please give me a thumbs up and share it with others. Thank you💛

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    9 m
  • 6.ShareBike in Taipei youbike|台北的共享單車|シェアサイクル
    Sep 23 2023


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    10 m
  • 5. Movie:SEE HEAR LOVE|日本電影|映画(見えなくて聞こえなくても愛してる)
    Sep 23 2023

    Today's podcast is about sharing with everyone the recent movie I watched. 

    The movie is called "SEE HEAR LOVE," which translates to "Can't See, Can't Hear, But Still Love You." 

    The story revolves around a blind boy and a deaf girl in a heartwarming tale of love.

    看不見聽不見也愛你 Kàn bù jiàn tīng bù jiàn yě ài nǐ (Love you even though I can't see or hear you) (見えなくて聞こえなくても愛してる)

    傑尼斯 Jié ní sī (Johnny's Entertainment, a Japanese talent agency) (ジャニーズ)

    男主角 Nán zhǔjué (Male lead/main actor) (男主役)

    女主角 Nǚ zhǔjué (Female lead/main actress) (女主役)

    山下智久 Shānxià Zhìjiǔ (Yamashita Tomohisa, a Japanese actor and singer) (山下智久)

    新木優子 Xīn Mù Yōuko (Arimura Kasumi, a Japanese actress) (新木優子)

    綜藝節目 Zōngyì jiémù (Variety show) (バラエティ番組)

    主持人 Zhǔchí rén (Host/Presenter) (司会者)

    模特兒 Mótè ér (Model) (モデル)

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    8 m
  • 4. Typhoon day-off|颱風假|台風休み
    Sep 23 2023

    Today's podcast, I'd like to share about the recent weather and last week's typhoon holiday.

    What do Taiwanese people usually do during a typhoon holiday? And how has the experience of typhoons changed from my childhood to the present day?

    📝颱風假 Táifēng jiǎ (Typhoon day-off)

    📝登陸 Dēnglù (Landfall)

    📝沖繩 Chōngshí (Okinawa)

    📝外圍環流 Wàiwéi huánliú (Outer peripheral circulation)
     📝天然災害 Tiānrán zāihài (Natural disaster)

    📝豪雨 Háoyǔ (Heavy rain)

    📝土石流 Tǔshí liú (Mudslide)

    📝落石坍方 Luòshí tān fāng (Rockfall)

    📝象棋棋盤 Xiàngqí qípán (Chinese chess board)

    📝地震 Dìzhèn (Earthquake)

    📝新加坡 Xīnjiāpō (Singapore)

    📝馬來西亞 Mǎláixīyà (Malaysia)

    📝移民 Yímín (Immigration)

    📝乾旱 Gānhàn (Drought) 📝缺水 Quēshuǐ (Water shortage)

     If you like my channel, please give me a thumbs up and share it with others. Thank you💛

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    9 m
  • 3. Go night market|逛夜市|夜市をブラブラ逛夜市
    Sep 23 2023

    Recently I went to the second largest night market in Taipei called 饒河夜市(Ráo hé yè shì) next to the 松山車站 (Sōngshān chēzhàn)

    I going to introduce some delicious night market foods and the Rainbow Bridge, which foreign tourists might not be familiar with. 

    It's a great place for an evening stroll, perfect for couples but not for me. only girl!

     📝饒河夜市 Ráo hé yèshì 📝胡椒餅 hújiāo bǐng

    📝藥燉排骨 yào dùn páigǔ 📝藥燉羊肉 yào dùn yángròu

    📝蜜餞 mìjiàn 📝彩虹橋 cǎihóng qiáo

    picture of cǎihóng qiáo ⁠https://www.travel.taipei/content/images/attractions/282358/1024x768_attractions-image-lbmjhp1poeepszrbuchh3a.jpg⁠

    If you like my channel, please give me a thumbs up and share it with others. Thank you💛 

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    11 m
  • 2. Rainy season in Taiwan|梅雨季|梅雨入り
    Sep 23 2023

    關於台灣的梅雨季 About Taiwan's rainy season Guānyú táiwān de méiyǔ jì
     🌜梅雨季 (Méiyǔ jì) Rainy season 
    🌜機車 (jīchē) Scooter 
    🌜雨鞋 (yǔxié) Rain boots 
    🌜缺水 (quēshuǐ) Water shortage 
    🌜水庫 (shuǐkù) Reservoir 
    🌜半導體 (bàndǎotǐ)Semiconductor
    🌜在家工作 (zài jiā gōngzuò)Work from home If you like my channel, please give me a thumbs up and share it with others. Thank you 💛 

    Más Menos
    7 m